What the fuck Celestine?

Why does she have wings?

>Implying that she's not a filthy mutant whose physical form mocks humanity's perfection

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The wings extend from her jump pack you scrub. Actually look at the model.

A. They're wings that are mind-linked to her jump pack. She wasn't born with them nor did she grow them.

B. Sanguinius had wings, and even the Emperor said Sanguinius was perfect by all standards. Even Perturabo - fucking PERTURABO - could find no flaw in him. Why would a Living Saint having a blessed gift present in one of the Imperiums greatest heros be anything less than glorious?

Then why doesn't anyone else have this technology in the entire imperium? The wing jump pack seems like it would be a pretty big deal for the Blood Angels and Dark Angels.

Is it an ancient relic bestowed upon her? Is it some bespoke creation gifted to her by the Ad Mech? If it's the latter why has nobody else gotten this magnificent gift of wings?

So the wings are mechanical? Or is there some biological component here? If they got torn off do they grow back?

I'm seriously wondering about these wings now.

Blood A.....

Anyway, jump packs are very common. It's just that wings often make it difficult to maneuver. Celestine actually makes sense to have wings though, cause it's the equivalent of a banner. Something to inspire and lead.

By this point, St Celestine has essentially been confirmed as a Daemon Prince of the Emperor, although she's not yet relinquished her body and become a pure entity of the warp.

>Why does she have wings?

Just another day of humans copying Eldar out of envy.

I'm under the impression that Celestine's wings move though. Like they flap as you'd expect a bird's wings to flap.

The BA jetpacks that have wings tend to be this variety. They have static, clearly mechanical wings that might have some articulation but nobody would confuse them with bird's wings. Wouldn't someone like Dante want to be a big inspiring presence for his battle brothers with REAL FUCKING WINGS like daddy Sanguinius?


because she is sailor moon incarnate user

though geedubs retconed her blonde/white hair from before

Well Dante only fights with his brothers, and they already know enough to be inspired just like that. Plus it's implied his mask can affect them.

In the end though, there's no huge benefit. At best, it can be chalked up to be a banner. At worst, it's a style choice. I suspect Celestine has chosen the reason of style.

Oh, and I'm sure it's expensive so not just anyone with style choices can pick it up. And those who have enough money have different styles.

Because if you're a named character you get speshul shit. What part of this is complicated?


Ah thanks. This pretty clearly shows that the wings are very mechanical. Got caught up in the GW art which is not at all indicative of the model.

>What else is new?

I'm more concerned about that Grot in the Mechanicus robes.

Better view of wings

vat grown wings grafted to the pack i'd imagine

>vat grown wings

Nope. Purely mechanical.
GW can sculpt much more realistic looking feathers than what Celestine is packing.

I wish they'd been natural wings.

Wanted femSanguinius.

>Graft wings onto bobby g
>Paint red and gold


why is that mechanicus pregnant?

Wings on humans is perfection. See our ancient ancestor winged monkeys.

Is this Loss?

>she's not yet relinquished her body and become a pure entity of the warp.
Then she's not a daemon prince yet, just a champion



>what the
>is this?
>it is, isn't it.
>Fuck you

I hate those wings design

it would have been better if they were articulated servo arms aided by cherubims and covered in drapes, scrolls, colored glass and the stylised feathers, instead of the solid wide block of stylised feathers

Get back to me when you can make proper knees, testicles, and figure out what the fuck you were thinking with menses.

Shut up Greyfax, talk to Cawl about getting yourself a decent vibrator and loosen up a bit

>implying all of these can't be fixed with science
Also what the fuck is supposedly wrong with human knees? I'm literally asking not fucking with you.

Just google it? There's like dozens of immediate topics and discussions about it.

>and figure out what the fuck you were thinking with menses.
discouraging not being pregnant?

Well, my knees seem to work fine for their purpose of allowing me to walk around and run. Is it efficiency or some other stupid reason that they are somehow defective, is what I'm asking? because as we all know evolution does not select for efficiency primarily, it selects for what works, even if it's not the best thing.

This. Slime mold master race.

They are very easy to break and hard to mend.

I suppose that's true. Bionic knees become the standard when?

As soon as Brozoufs do

"I don't what that means."

Celestine a cute.
Post more of the glourious Celestine and despair as you will never get the chance to see her flying over you on the battlefield!

Fuck you. Angelic wings are aesthetic as fuck and totally fit in the Imperium. Also

It's common among demon princes.

Celestine is not a daemon. Daemons enter the galaxy through the warp, but are from another dimension. Celestine is roughly the sent thing as the emperor, a warp entity. In 40k, the warp is referred to as the place your spirit goes when you die, the warp is essentially heaven, and thus celestine is a warp angel

A distinction without a difference.

Cept there's a big difference. Mainly being that she doesn't kill innocent ppl and daemons do.

In a setting where daemons exist, did you really think angels wouldn't?

>Is it an ancient relic bestowed upon her?

Actually, yes. She's using St. Katherine's wargear, who was essentially one of the "pimarchs" of the sisters. Kath was second in command to Alicia Dominica, was one of the six to see personally enter the Throne Room during the Age of Apostasy, and is the patron saint of order of the Fiery Heart aka Martyed Lady, which is the poster order for sisters.

In short, the armor is very much special and is from ~M36.

the new celestine is shit

Take it back. But i love Yvraine more.

Angels don't exist, because the Emperor is actually Tzeetch, he's just deliberately delaying his own goals to prolong suffering.

Your legs are okay

>face looks familiar

>well fuck.jpg

Fulgrim pls go.

>If they got torn off do they grow back?
It'd be extremely painful

New celestine wears wing armor

Celestine herself has biological wings

She's a big girl

4 robootay

Plenty of people had fake wings, including the ninja stealth primarch

Will someone please just start posting pics of SOB already