I'm looking for more mangas like dungeon meshi where it's basically a dnd campaign where everything is the same except X becomes realistic.
Mangas that feel like Veeky Forums
Goblin Slayer
I've read that, one sec let me post a list of what I've read.
Magi, at least in the beginning.
These are what I have so far:
Dungeon Meshi
Dungeon Seeker
Goblin Slayer
Hiraheishi wa Kako o Yumemiru
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu
Knights & Magic
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai - Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?
Maou-jou de Oyasumi
Miracle! Hero-nim
Musuko go Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya
Ni Xi Ba Mo Wang!
Only Sense Online
Ore to Kawazu-san no Isekai Hourouki
Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei
Sokuhi Shigan!
Spirit Migration
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Tensei Shitara Ken deshita
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tenseishichatta yo (Iya, Gomen)
The New Gate
Tongari Booshi no Atorie
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Ubau Mono Ubawareru
Wizardly Tower
Yuusha ga Shinda!
Yuusha Gojo Kumiai Kouryuugata Keijiban
Yuusha-sama ni Ikinari Kyuukonsareta no Desu ga
Log Horizon (Not sure if it has a manga, mostly LN and anime)
This isn't /d/.
If we're talking anime, I've seen those and I've also seen:
Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Sword Art Online
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen (no clue what this was about but apparently it was the second season of something)
DEFINITELY watch Log Horizon. Imagine SAO, but less shitty, and with a focus on politics and intrigue over empty power fantasy.
I said I watched it. I watched both seasons as they aired. "I've seen those"
Berserk, at least once the party gathers and has a quest
>no Konosuba
OP pls
It's there in my alphabetically ordered manga list. I've watched the anime though.
Pls. This is the main anime/manga genre I enjoy and I feel like I've scraped the bottom of it.
mayu maou yuusha is a good one with some decent art
You are all terrible people.
Also, Lodoss War is literally someone's D&D game turned into an anime.
Fun Fact: Deedlit's player was a dude, and that's why Parn always brushed off her (male) advances; Parn's player wasn't comfortable having a game romance with another male player.
Dungeon Meshi is actually crimping Wizardry 1.
It just *feels* like it's crimping B/X because Wizardry crimped B/X.
This world has many things. But it has no cure for shit taste.
Explicitly a game in universe. The LN has chapter where the Gods are messing around.
g8 b8 m8.
That gets mentioned, but does not actually come up, beyond the start of the story.
Didn't Parn die early on and they pawned his shit?
Goblin Slayer is explicitly what happens when you have ThatDM have a bunch of goblins rape and murder everybody because he decides that the stylish bikini armor in the sourcebooks should give penalties to being killed, and all but one player promptly quit. The remaining player is motivated entirely by nothing but rage at his shitty DM's setting, and proceeds to play the most mind-numbingly psychotic edgelord "muh realism" autist warrior who's obsessed with goblin genocide- because he really wanted to lewd with the female characters and has the world's biggest case of blue balls.
So you have edgelord ThatGM and a troll player butting heads for a long while, having tons of shitty moments that would easily fill out a whole Veeky Forums copypasta until they passive-aggressively make up and try to recruit new players.
At which point we've come full circle back to normal DnD or Pathfinder-esque shenanigans, except with the subtext that things could easily go back to ThatGM's goblin rape academy and /pol/ goblin genocide shenanigans any moment now.
This, Magi starts out as a fantasy story about exploring the world and conquering literal dungeons in a cool setting.
Unfortunately later on it becomes a bunch of psuedo-philosophical debate-club garbage between characters who are basically gods. Still worth reading/watching the first half of the series though.
SAO made me so fucking angry.
So much wasted potential. Particularly the occasional moment when it actually did something interesting or had a good idea, only to completely fucking discard it for shit.
Yeah it was good for the first half season but the rest of it was meh.
Also are they making another season of it or has it been given up on?
konosuba perfectly describes the feel of having a bunch of gaming group trying to do something while rolling the shittiest of dice
Wow, you sure are mad.
Shit taste detected.
Are you faggots retarded? SAO was shit from episode 1.
Konosuba perfectly describes a group of all That Guy.
>has been reading bezerk since it came out
>was 7
The early stuff is pretty boss too.
Fist of the North Star
>SAO was shit from episode 1.
SAO was one of those things that became really popular, then some e-celebs started picking on it and suddenly it's the cool thing to hate it with the force of a thousand suns and pretend it's literally the worst anime ever made. It's bad, it's really bad, but it doesn't deserve the treatment it gets, where everyone bashes it into the dirt because it's the cool thing to hate.
It has flaws that were present from episode 1, but no anime is flawless. But what drew a lot of people into it in the first place is that, despite its flaws, much of the early first arc had some sort of promise. A lot of the actions of the characters don't make sense and some plotpoints are just stupid, but a lot of people like it because it appeared to be exploring an interesting (and at the time somewhat fresh) concept. It's just that towards the end of the first arc it entirely failed to deliver.
I liked SAO.
flaws and all, it did it's job and was decently entertaining, and had many tits. tit's in medieval costumes no less.
No, there was potential there.
In the first arc socializing and learning game systems are huge. Whatsisface's ostracization could have been interesting but just gets used to appeal to edgelords; the process of learning the game really matters because not everything is disclosed and lives are at stake; the murder mystery episode is probably the best episode even though it falls pretty flat in the end.
In the second arc flight and magic get added, but whatsisface ports his character stats so he learns to fly and then never actually does anything tactically interesting with it. He doesn't use magic even though he gets illusions, which are exactly the best kind if you can use them creatively. Everyone helps him because he is the Hero and in too much of a hurry for any secondary characters to get screen time if they're not learning to love him. Haremslot1 is literally a trophy instead of a character and haremsister is half hentai and half whining. Also the villain is EVIL and we know this because he is EVIL but also he's SUPER RAPEY in case EVIL wasn't EVIL enough for you.
In the third arc he continues to not bother learning new systems, because plot armor is better than guns. Also they wedge in backplot with all the subtlety of a rhinoceros on bath salts, when actually fucking spending an episode to do this shit back in arc 1 would have been way more interesting than any of the fucking marital bliss episodes they wasted time on. And oh I heard you liked rape, here it is again, because literally fucking murdering people isn't evil enough.
In the fourth arc whatsisface and his harem just explore the second MMO world, which they didn't bother to make interesting but is still a fucking vacation after arcs 2 & 3.
dot Hack and Log Horizon both did the same ideas better, but with less edge, tits, and production dosh.
>Also the villain is EVIL and we know this because he is EVIL but also he's SUPER RAPEY in case EVIL wasn't EVIL enough for you.
And we know what disugsts me a about this? What has the villain of the second arc ACTUALLY done other than fondle a girls in-game avatar? Nothing really. Yet somehow, SOMEHOW, Kirito tells him that he's worse than THE GUY WHO KILLED FOUR THOUSAND TEENAGERS.
You heard that right, touching his waifu is worse than MASS MURDER. It's disgusting.
>Log Horizon
I don't know, I've been told all the time that it's SAO if SAO were good but I can't get into it.
There's definitely a touch of harem to it, but since it's comedic instead of an edgefest (death isn't final but it's potentially a huge setback because travel is a bitch) and exploring the way the world works (including 'oh wait the NPCs are actually people now, shit how do I diplomacy') is actually a major thread of the plot I found it much more engaging.
If it's not your bag don't worry about it, I'm not about to pretend the game-is-life genre is overflowing with quality.
>Aqua is an accidental min-maxer that uses her low Intelligence as an excuse to do stupid shit.
>Darkness keeps trying to push her magical realm into everything.
>Megumin saw the biggest, highest damage, spell in the book and decided she wanted that and only that, everything else be damned.
>Kazuma is the Rules Lawyer and Meta Gamer, except that he's the kind that enables everyone else instead of purposely breaking the game (accidentally or not).
>The GM is pretty much farming the game for Veeky Forums story times at this point because it's hilarious.
Alright then, how does your "KonoSuba is a TTRPG campaign" theory explain s1e9?
fuck i need to watch this.
>>The GM is pretty much farming the game for Veeky Forums story times at this point because it's hilarious.
He already said, user.
Are you saying that your High Fantasy settings don't have Succubi brothels?
>Nobody has said any of the following:
>Quick Start!!
>Tonari no Seki-kun
>Wizard soul
>Sengoku Youko (I think, unsure on this one)
>//.hack (it's been a while, I think it's like it?)
Come the fuck on, guys.
Honorable mention:
>Yuusha Gojo Kumiai Kouryuugata Keijiban
(It's great)
>Unironically recommending Re:monster, New Gate, and Dungeon seeker
there's a couple on that list that are pretty bad as well most of them I've purged from my mind they're so shit, but those three are just unacceptable.
Kumo desu ga starts out good, gets shity, Tate no yuusha... Yeesh, I can't even get into without huge spoilers but it got real bad.
Slime is bad in the same way kumo desu ga gets, and I can't remember most of the others. This is some Fucking Awful taste, though.
Would have mentioned slayers if you hadn't, it's pretty solidly a tabletop game in progress.
Well second arc fucker is actively brainwashing a bunch of nonames still trapped from the first arc.
I think the death thing is what really made me like LH over SAO. LH going with MMO-style cheap death makes it feel like it's set in an MMO, while SAO using final death just makes it feel like every other generic fantasy anime.
This sounds awesome.
>/pol/ goblin genocide
Goblin Slayer is redpilled as fuck.
Where is this quote originally from?
Oh, fuck, I hadn't opened the thumbnail.
I meant, where is the "my heart and actions are utterly unclouded" quote originally from?
There are some good things there (mainly Veeky Forums meme manga) but
DAMN son that's some overshit taste.
>my heart and actions are utterly unclouded
Why not try googling it?
Because I have you, user, and our love is stronger than any search engine.
It's Dungeon meshi
Yeah i just was listing all of the shit I read in this genre, though the Gate anime is probably the worst one here because it's military propaganda that sucks so hard.
We clearly haven't read the same manga.
Because I'm not from the USA, the Japan army dick sucking wasn't specially bad. But when I stoped giving a shit about the mangas was when one of the girls bested the emperor sons bodyguards and friends being a womanlet with not more than a few years at max of training (and probably very little of that in CQC and much less in bayonet). At least the demon loli has a god power or something.
more exactly part 7
I like this interpretation.
Sadly, Goblin Slayer is just a very bad fantasy manga, written for rape fetishists.
Dungeon Meshi is quintessential Veeky Forums mango.
Not a mango but a single 50-minute OVA: The Weathering Continent
Underrated and lucid opinions.
Contrary to who jumps on the bandwagon of SAO hate without trying to see its failures as well as its merits.
SAO had the enviable position of being one of the first "trapped in a game isekai edgelord chuuni" anime for its generation, with wide coverage. It was at the right place at the right time with the right elements that made it a pretty major hit in its time.
Personally, I only skimmed the first episode when it came out. It seemed okay but I never got around to following it for some reason. I followed some other shows that season instead.
Then I saw that it got pretty damn popular. Eventually, I caved and decided to give it another chance. And I tell you, as someone who came into it with an opened mind, who didn't really know anything about it but wanted to be entertained/impressed... it was a total shitfest of a show.
I could see how it might have captured the imagination of edgelord chuunis. Had I been younger when I first watched it, I would probably have loved it.
But I wasn't. So to me, it was just an embarrassingly cringe inducing show. But hey, there's no shame if you happened to like it. I for one, still watch tokusatsu shows and that's hardly an example of high culture. But I'm honest with myself in that tokusatsu's pretty silly and maybe even boring for most people.
Thank you, user!
Watch the SAO Abridged YT series. 100x better.
Drifters is what happens when the DM lets players apply real world knowledge. Also, the players are weeaboos.
oda playing is essentially a weeaboo playing a gunaboo.
>Sadly, Goblin Slayer is just a very bad fantasy manga, written for rape fetishists.
Made me reply. 4/10 bait.
Or just a weeaboo who took the "Muh Sengunku Jidai Oda Nobunagun" too far.
There's a difference?
Too much GM favoritism. His retard moves don't harm him so much.
Consider Berserk. It's far superior.
The former likes guns too much. The latter is contrarian.
Damn. I like Hirano and most of his work on hellsing, and I like were Drifters seems to be going, but seeing rasputin as a bishounen and anastasia as blonde always irks me for some reason.
Bumping once for more manga recommendations other than slayer and beserk. ( will check out)
I find the entire "virtual fantasy adventure" genre shit and boring. There is no extra appeal or story potential compared to Isekai, and it invariably has stupid ideas like giving the protagonist OP hidden unique skills that make absolutely no sense from a game design perspective, breaking immersion. And the goal is always "let's get back to the boring real world as soon as possible". It makes any adventure feel hollow.
>Even reading isekaishit and gobbo slabbo
Why do you hate yourself, user.
So, only dungeon meshi?
>nobody mentioned Bastard!!
>manga was based on D&D
It's from the same era as classic JJBA with musician / songs being names for characters and spells. It's got a pretty great post-apoc-to-medieval-fantasy setting and pretty cool characters. Give it a read, but be warned, it's been on a long-ass hiatus for a few years after volume 27 came out.
>SAO was one of those things that became really popular, then some e-celebs started picking on it
I think you mean
>people actually watched it
It's mediocre if you're being generous. Shit-tier Mary Sue adventures if you're being honest.
But Rasputin was Russia's greatest love machine.
>no Dragon Pink
I dunno i feel like the kingdom of magic was really great I loved Magnostadt. Fucking goys
Irrefutable proof that Veeky Forums has *at least* 3 separate posters.
You aren't me but your taste is too good to be .
I felt the same way about GATE
>and it invariably has stupid ideas like giving the protagonist OP hidden unique skills
So every Isekai ever?
I do get what you mean, though. Overlord's RPG is so much P2W bullshit that Zynga would be embarrassed to put it out. The question isn't why it shut its servers down, but why it didn't a whole lot sooner.
Man, blast from the past. Good shit.
Though, franky, I have given up trying to understand the plot of Bastard.
Konosuba does it right, as did Log Horizon. Sorta. Kumo desu ga, nani ka? is also neat, though the novel turns weird eventually.
Counting Overlord as isenkai is doing it a disservice, though. I mean, it is, but the LN is more about how the world reacts to an immortal matchless monster suddenly cropped up in it and then proceeded to do fuck all.
Overlord is still fine, because P2W is gay, but at least it's open to everyone. But stuff like SAO or Moonlight Sculptor gives out hypersuperawesome unique skills to their protagonists for absolutely no reason other than to let them absolutely crush their enemies into dust. As a player, I could live with the fact that you can buy success. I absolutely wouldn't accept the dev's randomly handing out gamebreaking skills to a select few players, however.
>Excellent taste detected
You are my nigga.
IIRC Ainz's P2W stuff is largely consumable (because gachapon culture) so whenever he uses them he's using up resources he's never getting back, which matters in the overall story with Ainz paranoid and stuff.
desu, Kirito never really dicked on anyone of his own level of strength. The boss he 'unvieled' his dual-wield on had already been beaten on by a small raid-sized party of guys, himself, asuna, klein and kleins guildies. Both times he fought first seasons BBEG he got dicked on (first time because admin privilages, second time because said BBEG had memorized dual-wields skills and could perfectly block them) and the only reason kirito killed him was because he was caught by suprise by the fact that asuna managed to break out of the paralysis effect he put her in. The only reason he didn't get killed by The Reaper in the dungeon underneath the 1st floor was because Yui sacrificed herself via using her admin priviliges. The only reason kirito beat second seasons BBEG is that the previous season's one gave him admin privilages. His fight against the Salamander General was onesided against him until he was able to get ahold of a second blade and even then it was still a pretty even fight until the end.
The only time we actual see him being "OP" is when he's fighting mobs or dealing with lower-leveled assholes.
In the same setting as Lodoss, there's Rune Soldier which was a pretty decent comedy and felt so strongly of playing a late 80s-90s DnD campaign with friends it induced second hand nostalgia in me.
Wait, Bastard!! had a plot? At least after the angels?
Speaking about old school, Rayearth is worth a check.
The problem with SAO is that some seasons are actually watchable and possibly even enjoyable. The first, the Yuuki one. Not great, mind you, but still, I think it would be very dishonest to say it was all shit.
I have the distinct feeling that the author wouldn't mind dissing the most bullshit and power fantasy elements, but he loves his money.
Ok, he would still have his two years worth moments, but I think he could try. Not that I really give a fuck. I find kinda bizarre hack tried, failed and no one really retried before SAO, anyway.
>and no one tried doing a Tenra Basho Zero animu
Vinland Saga was, in my opinion, a really good manga, it basically revolves around the Viking Age, and the battles over Britain at the time. There's not as much Fantasy involved, but the characters are like the pcs of an RPG
Almost like a low-Fantasy setting.
Sounds great.
What did Goblin Slayer mean by this?
This perspective on Goblin Slayer actually makes me more interested in reading it.
>Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?
It means that children can hold down grown people & fuck them. Soon, To Catch a Predator will focus on how how underaged adult-predators prey unsuspecting adults.
New chapters when!?
The funny part is that no one is actually doing realism correctly & there are dozens of unrealistic parts which no one even seems to mention.
>goblins are always chaotic evil
>not enough healing items will fuck you over
>women are fucking useless
>an axe in a tight enclosed space is a poor choice