Time to kill some grognards edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Time to kill some grognards edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
>Current Rumors
Old thread:
Ok these skyship dorfs are pretty cool.
this blurs the lines so hard, my mind is abuzz with mechanicus conversions
>steampunk dworf sky pirates.
Where did everything go so right?
Are they going to release every race with heavy armor plated elite units?
First humans, then orcs, now this.
I would like to see it done for elves, but im getting a little tired of it
The Fyreslayers were so naked they had to compensate for that.
Probably wraith contruction clones
Also, it's not elite forces, regular duardins
Calm down, regular Dorfs still live in Sigmar's basement.
I really doubt these guys will be on the field in the same numbers as dispossessed
So far we have seen a regular infantry unit of 10 models (might be min5?) an elite unit of 5 models, a fast unit of 3 models, multiple heroes, and war zeppelins. It doesn't seem like an infantry heavy army to me. It is almost identical in structure to the ironjawz release:
Brutes (5)
'Ardboyz (10)
Gore-Gruntas (3)
2 Behemoth (Megaboss on Mawkrusha, Gordakk)
Various heroes
We have been hearing rumours about these dwarves since last march so it would make sense if they were designed around the same time but delayed the launch. This would explain why the release seems to have the same structure as the Ironjawz release.
A mini faction release seems like a step backwards from the great format of the Tzeentch and Stormcast releases earlier this year.
What if GW was planning to bring back WFB as Warhammer:historical
Why would they bring it back?
You can still play WHFB. Nobody is stopping you.
So when GW squat all old armies, since they didn't match AoS models scale?
If they were going to do that, they would have done it when they got rid of Brettonia and Tomb Kings.
I tried asking this in wip but nobody answered. How big are crypt horrors compared to the boars orcs ride? Was thinking of making some boarmen beastmen.
yeah, but look at size of new dwarves, they are at SM size. It's pretty obvious that AoS infantry much larger
Holy fucking squats.
didn't mean to quote sorry
How can you tell the scale from these pictures?
Well shit.
I was all set to start my scientist/astronomer stormcasts. But now there's dwarf sky pirates.
I don't know what to do /aosg/
Base size
32mm is the default for AoS. Every new release comes with 32mm round bases unless they need bigger.
Real general is here:
how do you know what size of base it is?
>I really doubt these guys will be on the field in the same numbers as dispossessed
Of course no, the point was they are not elite forces it's usual duardins, while dispossessed are just npc/militia
>age of smegma
Kill yourself
Fuck off, user.
Thickness - height proportion, it's tactical marine base
Do not stay.
Exit the thread.
Mosey on out of here.
Get out.
Which are 32mm.
>NPC in denial
Beastmen player.
I know NPC status.
>32mm is the default for AoS.
That was the point.
christ m8 that's impressive you can tell a round base apart from other round bases with nothing around to compare them to.
Meaning that they aren't SM size.
They repackage units with 32mm no matter what size they are.
These kind of make me want to look into AoS.
Though the 1800s mustaches sculpted into the armor strike me as being a bit too much on the silly side.
> So much Dakka
> Much beard
I would like to believe this is the return of squats we have finally been waiting for. O_O
not him, but it's not difficult
Wait till you see the sculpted mustache guns.
Pretty hyped for the dwarfs, though I dislike too many ranged units.
>this guy again
For fucks sake man, in universe fielding entirely super soldiers is a waste of resources.You need regular troops
Jesus Christ, that whole post.
Lmao, I love it.
I'm genuinely happy for you AoS guys.
You fuckin' earned it.
Sky Dorfs are fucking awesome.
Lurk moar newfag
The shield cannon is the only thing I don't like. It's so weird looking and not big enough to be a shield, but not small enough to make the carrying the thing seem reasonable.
Dead factions never truly die, they just sleep until the stars are right again. The stars were not right for Squats in 40k, but now in AoS the stars are now right and favorable, and so the Squats return.
Assuming same 32mm base they're definitely much shorter than marines.
I guess it should fit. There is a 3rd party that does pigheads (basically as alternative heads for orcs) though so that might be easier. I think it was max mini or kromlech.
>.You need regular troops
Not in Warhammer
don't really care for the look of those. Im just trying to figure out what would be a good body for these guys. Thank you though.
Daily reminder memeimage =/= argument
Duardins, freeguilds, highborn armies etc aren't real armies, just local police force who irrelevant in setting and will never have updates, since they doesn't fit the setting
The shit you spout doesn't deserve an argument.
High Elves = Metal Duardin
Dark Elves = Fyreslayers
Wood Elves = Dispossessed
Now I truly see...
> I have no arguments: the post
>High Elves = Metal Duardin
>Dark Elves = Fyreslayers
>Wood Elves = Dispossessed
Your posts don't need arguing against. They're that stupid.
>Your posts don't need arguing against.
Because somehow PDFfactions somehow became relevant in setting about super-soldiers
Are you retarded? The stormcast eternals are, to the best of my knowledge, limited in number. You still need regular infantry
Seriously, don't bother. The guy thinks the Imperial Guard is irrelevent to 40k because Space Marines.
>, limited in number.
Like pre-HH Space Marines legions.
>You still need regular infantry
Yes, to guard cities, like PDF.
>The guy thinks the Imperial Guard is irrelevent to 40k because Space Marines.
Dude it was confirmed in Gathering Storm
The rocking 'stash is the only reedeming part of this relly shitty miniature. Love the new range apart from those flying baloon dudes.
Replce them with mechanical wings or something and they're real winners.
>a small part of Cadians tried to defend Cadia
>90% of the other cadian armies are still in space
user, please. Stop making fun of the underdogs.
% of the other cadian armies are still in space
>and cannot stop anyone
Nigger, the entire point is that using super soldiers for lesser objectives is retarded. Space marines are used as elite shock troops to support the near infinite numbers of the IG. Say you have a group of grots sitting in a building. Do you send a group of expendable guardsmen or commit your expensive as fuck elite super soldiers to something far below them. Also,
>Like pre-HH space marines legions
They were hundreds of times the size of "modern" space marine chapters
>The imperial navy cannot stop anyone
He means that they are deployed in other warzones dipshit.
You said this shit to him last thread.
Or am I having a fucking stroke here?
No, I basically copy-pasted it
>Say you have a group of grots sitting in a building.
Yeah and that's only where mortals in AoS are good. Perfectly fit
>Duardins, freeguilds, highborn armies etc aren't real armies, just local police force
>He means that they are deployed in other warzones.
Where they are losing against anyone (CSM, Nids, Orks etc)
So how high chances that will make another Slambo-like release?
And you missed my point again. The entire point of the guard is that they use their extreme numbers to overcome superior foes. In 40k fiction, you are usually only shown when shit absolutely has hit the fan. That is when space marines are called in, most of the time the guard or pdf manage to do their jobs just fine.
>The entire point of the guard is that they use their extreme numbers to overcome superior foes.
But they cannot do it
Stop arguing with it, it'll go away.
Read the second part of the post you fucking mong
I have an 8th edition high elf army that I'm thinking of using in AoS, what do I need to be able to play a game?
>A board
Depends. Do you want to use points?
Probably, I don't know if they use points at my local store, so I might as well do both.
Okay, you're going to want to pick up a copy of the General's Handbook somewhere. That has your point values.
The rules for the game and all the unit stats and shit are free on GW's site or on a handy mobile app, if you're so inclined.
Organize a game at your store and bring some units you wanna use
they should be able to set you up
>second part of the post
>most of the time the guard or pdf manage to do their jobs just fine.
You mean..?
Literally there is no a single important for fluff conflict which was solved by IG
new army
Why is there in every aos thread some 40k fag arguing about pdf
Bec ause it obvious analogy, since settings are kind of simmilar now
He pulls the same shit in the 40k threads, he just wandered in here when the new dorfs showed up.
>since settings are kind of simmilar now
Because there's suddenly "Elite" and "Core "units?
What a completely new development.
Why not just say Stormcast are mi'lords and mortals are serfs.
>Because there's suddenly "Elite" and "Core "units?
You mean what?
But I've talked about sizes and power-levels between factions.
Ashkully these are Kharadron Overlords.
Not an argument.
>universe gets squatted
>actual Squats materialize back
Ellyrian Reavers, High Elf Spearmen and Silver Helms are Battleline (your standard troops)
Dragon Host and Glittering Host are Warscroll Battalions that give you additional rules for your Elves if you have certain units in your HE army
Also your must expensive unit costs 440 and is called Prince Imrik, Dragonlord
>Also your must expensive unit costs 440 and is called Prince Imrik, Dragonlord
You mean prince
Hopefully they aren't total shit like the Fyreslayers
Point to where in the rules in says its not.
not in the general handbook, he still got his name
He is still a prince (if we are talking about IoB)