/swg/ Star Wars Games General

"Jojo, You've turned off your targetting computer, what's wrong?" Edition

Previous thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games
>pastebin.com/Wca6HvBB (embed)

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)
>pastebin.com/wCRBdus6 (embed)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD
>mediafire.com/file/y9w713etmckbs98/Shipfag.JPG (embed)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)
>pastebin.com/ZE4gn0yN (embed)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)
>pastebin.com/wXP0LdyJ (embed)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources
>pastebin.com/AGFFkSin (embed)

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
>img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1442/36/1442364889994.png (embed)

>pastebin.com/cJY5FK9T (embed)

Shipfag's hangar


How about those new X-Wing/Armada waves, huh?

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I'm pretty hyped for the Hammerhead, I'm a pretty bad pilot so being rewarded for ramming into my opponents pleases me. Hopefully there will be a slot for Engine Techs so I can double ram with Dodonna and Garel's Honor, although I doubt it.

Yeah probably no support crew slot to accommodate a low cost.
I'm pretty psyched about two ships in one expansion pack.
And even if you want more upgrades than supplied in one pack you get a pretty solid ship number for a possible ramming "swarm".
Never wanted to buy enough corellian corvettes for it.

Thinking of running a game set in space Vietnam where the rebels are the space NVA vs space imperials. Any tips or things y'all think I should do?

Yeah, Im definitely looking forward to running a corvette heavy group and just seeing what fun can be had.

Plus, Garel's Ramming alongside boarding actions is looking like a really nice way to fuck up big ships with a swarm of smaller ships.
Im genuinely going to enjoy playing Star Wars : Homeworld

>tfw you aren't looking for five seconds and your bomber wing gets rekt by corvettes and your destroyers are being stolen by the enemy but it's ok cuz u kamikaze the survivors into their targets
Homeworld has the best space battles.

How the hell does weapon modification work in Saga Edition? It looks like there's two totally different systems presented, between Starships of the Galaxy and Scum and Villainy. Is it an either/or sort of thing, or am I just missing something?

Fuck Homeworld. and fuck the Gardens of Kadesh

After today's announcement's from FFG I have to say I feel a whole lot better about Star Wars: Destiny. I thought they might have been low-key abandoning the game, but it turns out they were just unprepared for how popular it was, and they're taking a whole bunch of steps to rectify that shit. Every concern I've seen from the community has been addressed, and will likely be fixed in upcoming sets. Spirit of Rebellion will be larger than the original run of Awakenings AND its reprint. It got off to a rocky start, but we're on to great things now.

Yea, I bought a starter and now I may actually have the chance of playing it with literally anyone.

Read Shatterpoint by Stover. It is Apocalypse Now starring Mace Windu.

Takeover at Whisper Base and Operation Shadowpoint are both set in the jungles of Onderon.

So, with the announcement of Wave 11 looking more and more legit here are my comeaways from it.

>The Havoc having Rebel and Scum dials

Opens up gates for more multi-faction stuff. The T-Wing seems like an obvious example but FFG have been pretty gunshy on stuff from the flight sims lately, still no YT-2000, TIE-Bizarro, Gunboat or Missile Gunboat for instance, and I'm not sure the T-Wing was ever in SW Galaxies in any meaningful context.
That said, Rebels could do with more ships to slap Ray Shields on, and the T-Wing would be a shoe-in for that.


Given that they changed the name of the Interdictor to prevent confusion, I'm kind of suprised they havent changed the name of this to prevent confusion with Iggy's pimpmobile. That said, they basically CAN'T give a Generic an EPT slot here because otherwise you could abuse Ruthlessness - TLT's and that kills the Biggs, the last X-Wing left in the meta.

>Wookie Gunship

There's literally nothing here I like. I don't like the look, I don't like the low cost double-crew card that seems to do fuck all, I don't like the fact that it's bringing Epic ship actions into the tournement scene, those things are not fucking balanced for 100pt games.
It literally feels like they included because of some behind the scenes contractual bullshit to include at least 1 nu-canon ship per wave.

Haruun Kal is Space Vietnam in the book Shatterpoint. See

Release article is up.


>Synced Turret
>Twin Laser Turret

These both look fun to use.

>Synced turret's crunch indicates that it fires in sync with the fighter's primary weapons
>Aggressor's ball cockpit clearly prevents the synced turret from firing at the same target as its primary lasers
Is this more of Raith Sienar's spice-fueled witchcraft?

Auzituck Gunship

>Seems really good lined up next to a B-Wing, with more hits, a bigger firing arc and the Reinforce action.
>Two Crew as the only upgrades, but there are some nifty Crew available.
>Wookiee Commandos seem like useful passive modification if you've got no better ideas for your Crew slots. Useful to let you still get mods while Reinforcing every turn.


>Reinforce for small ships is based on your firing arc, so you can have shields to the front or back.
>Seems fair to me, and rewards good flying which is what the game is all about.

Scurrg H-6 Bomber

>Elaborate salad of upgrade icons. Title lets you take even more convoluted options.
>Some interesting cards in the fan not completely revealed.
>Cad Bane is going to be another OP undercosted crew card for Scum, inevitably.
>Unique Bomblet Generator upgrade (Bomb?) - only one copy of the card, but two bomb tokens in the pack, so it will be somehow reusable. Probably resticted to the Scurrg. Drop multiple bombs and detonate them all at once?
>System upgrade "Mine- Ma-" (Minefield Mapping?) The revealed text seems to imply you can place tokens for the bomb upgrades you have equipped on the table while placing obstacles. Fun!
>Cruise Missile - Seems to have inbuilt dice modifications based on how fast either you or your target moved. The faster you move the better the dice mods.
>Scum and Rebel versions of the PS8 pilot, Nym (Who has managed to beat out the other video game protagonist characters who are stuck at PS7 - Keyan Farlander and Maarek Stele)
>New unique Scum astromech
>Access to unique Scum astromechs for the Rebel faction. I think this ship will be a good place to try out "Genius", but probably with an Engine Upgrade.

>Low[something] is a unique pilot for the Auzituck gunship.

Could that be Lowbacca from the YJK novels? If so that brigns me hope we'll see Jacen, Jaina and Tenel Ka crew and maybe a Zekk Imp/Scum pilot or crew

>Twin Laser Turret

It's not. It fucking nearly killed all fun in the game when it was introduced.

>Synced Turret

Okay, now THIS is something I can get behind.

>Y-Wings with Sync Turrets and BTL titles as heavy dogfighters that can reroll the first two dice of their attacks.
>Even if stressed
>Hello Stresshog, that's nice new turret you have there.

...is that fucking Lowbacca as the PS5 unique?

TIE Aggressor

>17 points base with a turret is crazy. Depending on the dial this might be the new quad TLT list. 4x Sienar Specialist, TLT, Lightweight Frame.
>"Intensity" EPT, dual card. We only get to see the bad side, that says spend a Focus or Evade at EoT to flip it back up.
>Best guess of the PS7 ace says he strips a focus token from the defender when he attacks - anti Mindlink tech?
>Seems like a great box for new Imperial players - you get all the kit to run a really good support ship with either turret and Lightweight Frame straight out of the box.

So, am I reading it right that we're getting an unlimited use ordnance now?

Synced Turret

>I love the recent push for turrets that still care about arcs. Dengar and Rey have both been great competitively and now we've got this turret.
>Seems fun on BTL-A4 Y-Wings for a burly ship with consistent firepower.

I can see Tactician, Intimidation and Hull Upgrade, that only leaves the Br - Spec[ialist] and Selflessness unrevealed from the bottom fan.

This thing comes perilously close to killing the B-Wing, except of course in looks and Has Keyan Farlander As a Pilotability.

Fuck yeah it is son, look at the name on the second Ship-Base card. Even when they've got to do bottom of the barrel NuCannon trash they still found a way to sneak that equally janky if we're honest EU goodness in.

This isn't a very serious suggestion just an idea for a house rule.

I find sometimes X wings combat can be quite frustrating. Since it's all luck.

Has any ever tried play with a houserule like staying on your opponents tale increases your Attack dice by one or maybe decreases their defense dice. Too speed up the game and reward better flying?

Any thoughts?

Note the lack of "discard this card" wording.

>Unguided Rockets doesn't say that you discard them when used
Whos' ready for Tomax Bren Rocket Pod? Only 27 points with LWF or 26 with Twin Ion Mk.II

Tomax Bren w/ Crack Shot, Unguided Rockets and Lightweight Frame or Twin Ion Mk.II

Unguided Rockets

>Limitless ordnance.
>Crappy, low dice, hard to modify ordnance.
>But it's almost like upgrading the primary weapon of Bombers, Punishers and Aggressors to 3 but taking away the offensive power of their target locks.
>Makes sense to limit this to Imperial ordnance ships (Via the double upgrade slot rather than a hard faction lock - presumably offering flexibility for future releases). This would be way better with Mindlink than it is otherwise, as it becomes far easier to get that double focus token.

The Specialist does something with Reinforce tokens triggered by taking damage cards. I have a feeling that he lets you flip them back and forth between fore and aft but I'm not confident.

Selflessness is Small Ship Only and can only really have Rebel Only as the other limitation. Some sort of Draw Their Fire type effect letting you protect your allies.

It's a 3 Dice attack which you can only modify by using Focus tokens for normal effects. It's pretty crappy to be honest. t's basically the same as the Wookie Commandos, takes two slots and costs next to nothing and it's for if you have nothing better to use those slots for.

I mean, you can use it so that a TIE Bomber or Punisher can make a 3 dice attack at all ranges now. Woooo.
It's useful, certainly less situational than that fucking Arc Caster from last week, but it's not the Munitions revolution that people were hoping for when they saw a double missile slot secondary.

Oh thank fuck I don't need to get more Phantoms.
As long as it paves the way for Heavy Rockets in the Xg-1 Star Wing Expansion.

Imperial Light Carrier is something that I definitely want. Hammerheads, not so much.

I wouldn't mind some kind of houserule that replaced damage cards with something like the hidden damage tally from Wings of Glory.

I could see Scimitar Squadrons with Unguided Rockets and LWF being decent filler for only 20 points.

It's a shame that we can't have Cpt Jonus riding herd on a bunch of Scimatars with Unguided Rockets.

Doesn't the K-Wing have double missiles? At the very least I think the Scurge does.

Crack Shot still works with Unguided Rockets since it doesn't modifies the attack itself

The K-Wing has Turret, Torpedo, Torpedo, Missile, Crew, Bomb, Bomb

Scurrg exactly the same except that it loses one of the Torpedoes so that the higher PS guys can have EPTs.

Juke, too. But I'm relatively sure that isn't practical in the slightest considering none of the ships that can equip it can evade.

Yeah, and as a cheap Tomax build I can't think of much better.
I'm wondering if there's anything better you might put those 28-29 points towards though.
Honestly at this point I can't think of one, short of the Agressor itself as a generic TLT boat.

>Rambling about Mindlink and double focus


Don't have to spend the Focus to fire these.

>Jacen, Jaina

Unlikely now that new canon is Han and Leia had one son, Ben.
Lowbacca doesnt directly conflict with any new canon so he's easy.

I'm kind of concerned that there's an EPT with this to be honest, as it implies there's now a way of running something with a TLT and Ruthlessness, which nerfs the Biggs.

At this point the game seriously needs a Rebel Veterans box.

I'm actually most intrigued about the Cruise Missiles on the Scurrg.

Also, quick reminder, the Havoc title on Nym means that we can now mix Rebel stuff with Salvaged Astromechs. I'm SURE there was some bullshit combo you could pull with this.

both of those only have 1 missile.

>Hello Stresshog, that's nice new turret you have there.
nah m8
TLT is the Stresshog turret because of its range.

>Title means you can now take Salvaged Astromechs
>No non-uniques tho


On the other hand, they've DELIBERATELY made it small base so he can still take Deadeye, which means you can toss on R4-B11 and boom, you now have janky faux-zuckuss on a rebel ship.

>all those scum cards creeping into the Rebellion

guys I don't have monies for that shit, I barely keep up with just one fraction

Yeah I'm really happy about that too, the game is a lot of fun and I was afraid they'd end it.
I'll finally have a complete Awakenings set soon. And the cards in SoR look bonkers, especially Guard. Maybe Luke/Ackbar will finally be amazing

I appreciate that the Astromech is on the unique title so that you can't just

Well, it has to be inter-ship synergy at that point, because the only option you have for Rebel-only upgrades is the new Selflessness EPT which probably isn't the new greatest combo.

R4-B11 seems good with Fire Control System if you have another source of dice mods. With a turret and Predator you get rerolls on your attacks, can force your opponent to reroll their defence and then get your Target Lock right back. There's some Rebel synergy thats usable here but not good. Bodhi Rook and Shara Bey aren't become the new hotness for this jank.

"Genius" seems like a plausibly useful upgrade in a Sabine bomber list. Point cost dependent, it might be practical to sub out a K-Wing for Nym.

>so that you can't just

I'm great at this.

So that you can't just build U-Boats 2.0 the moment this thing releases.

All FFG has to do is release a Rebel Legends box.

>OldLuke & OldWedge in Stealth-Xs/XJs
>Jacen, Jaina & Anakin Solo in rebel TIE Advances

Come play Force and Destiny in the TFA era without being an autist /SWG/


Multifaction Skipray box with Tenel Ka, Mara for Scum, and Imperial Customs pilots WHERE

You lose the Crew Slot with the Title, so no Sabine bullshit this time.

Nah it's fine, Sabine rides shotgun in the K-Wing and buffs up all your bombs from across the board.

Good thing Sabine can be on another ship, let's say a loaded up Miranda, eh?

I'm willing to bet actual fucking money that the Bomblet Generator here is a double Bomb Slot upgrade.

Yeah, I knew before I saw the cards, but as it stands the only one of these I'm getting is the H-6.

I'd be down for a double bomb. My gut instinct was ship restriction, but it could easily be done that way too. It would check out for each blister to have a double upgrade card in it, if that's a thing they're going for in the wave.

That would restrict it to what, the Scurrg, K-Wing and Punisher? All the heavy bombers is thematic AF.

At the moment I'm a pure Scum player, but I think the Scurrg might be an excuse to pick up a K-Wing and a Ghost and start dicking about with some Rebel stuff too.

I say double bomb because there's only one obvious bomb upgrade in the fan but two counters for it.
Hell, it might be an infinite bomb upgrade like the Unguided Missiles. Although I could equally see it needing to be reloaded like the Arc Cannon.

Lorewise, the Havoc is fitted with a Bomblet Generator that let it use power from the reactor to create energy bombs.

Maybe some sort of a "Spend a shield to drop a bomb" economy.

>Bacta War box with twelve custom-painted T-65s, the original Stackpole Rogue cast, and Games Workshop price tag
>Wraith Squadron box with Wraith Squadron gray T-65, custom-painted Interceptor, the original Allston Wraiths, Lt. Kettch, and Dinner/Silly Squadron titles
I want to believe.

>Wraith squadron box
I dont even play X-Wing and I'd immediately buy that in a heartbeat and never ever run anything else

Scum & Rebels dials both included in a ship that can be used in both factions? It's about fucking time, FFG.

You can almost run that list already. You only need 3/4 X-wings for a list, and you already have Wes and Wedge.

I know.
My friend asked if I wanted to play x-wing a while back, and I set about building exactly that.
It never actually got to playing, sadly, but if we ever do, Dinner Squadron shall fly again

Its a scum only title

I'm still salty that FFG's 100-point limit doesn't let you run the Fab Four together.

No it isn't.

Some cool things on the aggressor: the missiles don't require you to spend the focus to fire, and they never deplete either. Basically changes the aggressor, bomber, and punisher into a 3-red die ship.

If the ps5 generic has an EPT (or any of the aces, for that matter), he can finally couple tlt with ruthlessness and ruin Bigg's day.

If the ps5 grunt is 20-21 points you can have tlt and ruthlessness for 29-30, and lwf for 31-32. That's an easy 3 ships with ruthlessness and tlt, which is the ultimate swarm killer.

Tomax bren is a good candidate for the unguided rockets. Crackshot, lwf, and rockets is 29 points. 28 with tie mk.ii instead, and still has room for a bomb or something.

Imperials can now do a 4 tlt list (albeit just like 4 hwks, but it looks like they can move better and can barrel roll), or 5 barrel rolling Autoblaster turrets.

If you are in central PA, I'll play you/help you repaint your ships.

Okay, so... I like what they did with Reinforce in standard - seems like the 180 is only so it works better. Wish they'd done An Alliance Assault Craft but probably LFL was against that, LAATs aren't spaceships normally. Kind of sad they didn't put in a "door gunner" upgrade but w/e. Not sure it kills the B-Wing the PS1 is 24 points naked, it might not be rebel swarm filler. But double crew, probably pretty good.

Havoc looks great - it has the heavy bomber type upgrade bar with what looks like Turret, Torp, Missile, Crew, Bomb, Bomb AND is has a leg up on the other two with an EPT, and can take salvaged astromech and system with the title. But even with a PS3 generic and small base it can't be triple Us - because while it can EM it then can't also pack plasma torps - and you can't Astro more than one... good design choices by FFG. Willing to bet money Bomblet Generator is two slots, probably reusable bombs - but maybe you can only have so many tokens on the field at a time? It also can't oust the K because Rebels can only get one, but expect Nym+Sabine to maybe creep into some lists.

The Aggressor looks good. Synced turret is an interesting mechanic, good way to represent the Aggressor (and also comes with the Havoc, BTW, so if you're a dirty reb you can buy that pack). Unguided rockets is interesting, not a "fix", but especially given how imps can stack some focus around (Hux) it's an alternative way of attacking for AGs, sas and ITs.

Won't ruthlessness only trigger once on a TLT, as it is 'After Attacking'?

Thanks user, I appreciate the offer, but im in London. Bit of a trek.

You tell me; I'm terrible at rules debates.

>After you perform an attack that hits, you must choose 1 other ship at Range 1 of the defender (other than yourself). That ship suffers 1 damage.

I just ordered the starters and started reading more about the game. Does anyone even play Destiny?

I believe the precedent with TLT and other "double-taps" like cluster missiles is that "after attacking" only procs after both attacks complete. You "perform" the attack twice in a single phase of attacking.

He's right, now that the timing chart has been introduced.

"Perform this attack twice" weapons only get one "After attack" trigger.

If that's the case, it still puts damage on your real target AND biggs, and isn't one use only like assault missiles

So it's consistent Ruthlessness, as opposed to Double Ruthlessness.

It would be funny if we could shoot Biggs with three of these and kill a ship adjacent to him, but it's not that powerful.

Considering how it got sold out like day one I am gonna assume there are people out there playing it

I mean, I think FFG has been angling for a way to make biggs less good so they can fix the fucking T-65. Last FAQ they completely reversed precedent so TL ordnance could go around biggs.

That was like 3 FAQ's ago, but yeah. Biggs is a serious design issue to work around, as he does not need to be buffed, but the flaw with most of the other T-70's is their inconsistent defense/lack of re-positioning.

Hell, some of the missions in the packs explicitly say 'No Biggs'.

I'm wondering what the T-65 fix will be from the inevitable Scarif Veterans box.

It's got to be a Torp slot or a Title,

Torp Contenders are-

- Free Torp

- Refit for -2 points.

- Some sort of internal sensor deal

The title will either give Repositioning or more EPT slots.

>dial shows a white 3 bank
B-wing confirmed dead

I'd like to see an upgrade similar to Citakro Vizago that let you pick your Torpedo at the start of the game.

Swapping out for Ion Torps against a swarm, Plasma Torps against B-Wings or Proton Torps against no shield idiots would be great.

The Wooden ship has terribad offense though.

The B-wing can FCS snd focus for really consistent damage output.

This fucker will reinforce and then take unmodified potshots to try to get lucky after a prolonged slugfest.

Or you burn both crew slots to get free rerolls on focus.

if you focus, then you can't take advantage of reinforce, meaning you are now a B-wing with no FCS and a marginally better defense.

It's bizarre ship that will likely make games go on forever, due to the nature of outnumbering making offensive/defensive upgrades more or less valuable.

Terrible wave. I'm quitting X wing for good

What's bad about it? I like the Aggressor, and the Scurrg looks fun. We haven't even seen the whole wave.

Booty blasted triple jump fag

What? I only play Empire.

I was already disappointed with them adding an atmospheric fighter to a SPACE battle games, now they add a wooden ship? I'm also not a fan of bringing the unbalanced actions from epic play into regular play

>space Hind intensifies

Yeah, the wooden ship is silly, but it's not like they are giving every ship reinforce, it's just another tool in the toolbox to add to stuff.

The other 2 work fine though, and I doubt we will see much of the wook Hind D.

There is only one true space hind

Maybe the wood is just external decoration, overlaid on top of durasteel.
In an era where shields exist, not like you need to build your ship's exterior out of heat resistant materials for re-entry.

I know but the wookie Hind is much more similar to the actual Hind than the LAAT


It looks more like a Superhind though

BTW, Wookie commandos is a stealthy upgrade for Epic - epic ships don't normally get dice mods - now your Tantive IV can get focus rerolls for CHEAP.