Pew Pew Edition
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
Old thread:
Pew Pew Edition
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
Old thread:
Listening to the audiobooks on the bus every day and watching these new releases has made me absolutely love the AoS setting.
Would GW sue me if I put my AoS Savage Worlds supplement on TGA?
Reminder not to reply to butthurt shitposters
Nah, but the mods will just remove them and shadowban you.
Do people collect armies of grand alliances?
Because there are models I want from all of Destruction.
I'm really curious how they'll stat those airships. I mean, the Grundstok Gunhauler seems fairly straightforward; cannon, rifle, some 'move over unit, cause mortal wounds' ability and fly.
But the Arkanaut Ironclad looks like a hefty bastard with an enormous amount of cannons and shit.
Death > Order > Destruction > Chaos
it's becoming increasingly less viable as more and more factions are getting a full release
i run dispossesed/freeguild/ironweld but only because i can use longbeards to use my dwarf command traits regardless of who the general is
as soon as any of them get's a faction bonus it'll become pointless though
Skuvin>your shit
This is accurate
Why do they wear heavy armours? I think for sky pirates, light armor would be more beneficial.
Dwarves when?
The GW reveal mentions that they need it living and flying in the skies of the Mortal Realms, with all the magic blowing around that high.
>Do people collect armies of grand alliances?
Only retards who keep using old armies
>Dwarves when?
Right after brets
That's fair, It's not unhealthy to dedicate a community to a certain area.
Is it weird that all I see are abhuman helots that survived the dark age armed with st 5 energy weapons with some rotor cannons sprinkled around?
>yfw these fuckers probably don't need realmgates because they can sail from realm to realm through the ethereal winds of magic
Aren't they traveling through space?
Was it ever stated that Realmgates and Warprifts aren't only possible ways to travel between the realms?]
Also, did they really include Slambo in AoS, or just give him rules?
No, the Realms have their own atmospheres but sometimes there are areas that are hostile to life due to elemental fury or excess Chaos corruption.
No, the Seraphon travel via their own means. The Skaven use Gnawholes. There is a Nurglite character that uses his space Kraken to travel between the realms.
So gates, rifts and space, shit, still doesn't fit.
Yeah, it's space.
I can see just two kinds of guns, the big gatling and the hulls cannons.
In AoS you can divide shots as you wish so you could do a single profile for all the hulls cannon and give them a lot of shots.
Otherwise I can see a rule like "It can shoot its hull cannon once at each target within range".
Okay, I'll bite. How much are they going to cost?
In Australian Dollars.
Just wait for their Battletome, I'm sure they'll explain shit there.
400 dollary doos
>still no new death faction
I can swap for a harpoon gun, presumably, and the crew can throw javelins and fire handguns.
Leave leave after man-thing go kill-die self
Actually, it's curious to note that until now we've had only a token Death-fag whining about not getting new shit and no elf player claiming how this release would have worked so much better if it was elves instead.
Then again, the last thread was a shitshow as is, so maybe that would have been too much.
Okay so what happened to Vandus? I can't find his fate in the books
The Frigate and especially the Ironclad are probably not cheap, considering their fairly substantial size. I'd expect around the usual monster prices. The Gunhauler is probably a good bit cheaper.
When GW releases the Nulahmia campaign.
Winner determines which Battletome they will release first. Soulblight (Vampires) or Slaanesh.
He hit Skarbrand with a nuke on a stick in All-gates. Read that.
Hey guys, just starting to get into the hobby
Was thinking of getting some gobos, but it seems like people get kind of hostile when you use the old armies. Should I just wait for the new dwarves to release instead?
He defeated Skarbrand using an super hammer in the Allgate book. He still around doing Stormcast stuff.
Haven't looked that far into it, but are all the airships distinct models? Or are they a multi-set?
Aside from that possibility, I am in love with these models.
Nah, old armies are fine. Goblins are okay overall, but you must be aware that you might be waiting a *long* time for any new shit to come out for you.
Hope you like painting lots of green. Lots and lots of green.
I want to get balloon dorf and convert him to be sitting in the flying orb. Headswap for a bare head, make him ginger and I'm all ready to HATE THAT HEDGEHOG across the mortal realms
Those three are separate as far as i can tell.
Hull shape is too different to be a single multi.
Distinct models. Look at the hulls alone, there is no way this is a multi-form kit.
I'm already laying down my headcanon to have the indian karaks developing away from the conservatism of the world's edge mountains and becoming the karardron overlords.
Those are just retards who say the old armies dont fit the setting EVEN THOUGH THE NEW SETTING IS LITERALLY A MULTIVERSE
Have him chase around a gor.
Wait what was that bit about Archaon killing some major character and stopping them reforming then?
It's incredibly cringey and fake how GW cynically force old armies into the setting
So what?
Look at the dwarfs inside. The hull are a lot different in size from one ship to another. They seem to be Land speeder, Stormtalon and Stormraven sized.
so everyone should play the same 5 armies?
>defeated skarbrand
This is why our fluff sucks. There's no REAL danger of shitcasts dying or facing a REAL challenge. The world just works in their favor.
Kk, wait a sec as I field my Nuln-Themed empire on square bases. I hand painted the banner on my greatswords, it shows a landsknecht taking a dump into a severed stormcast head
Useless drawfag here. Trying to do a little fanart for the best army ever. Working title is "Erik Everthirst", as the barrel on his back will be filled with beer and the tube leading to his mouth supplies him... Will color now and show sometime later...
Daemons get killed and reform all the time
Stormcast are their equivalent on the lawful side
cant have little billy reading about his favorite space marines losing, then he might not kick and scream for that 3rd stardrake
Tell it to the guys whose souls were eaten by Archaon's steed.
We aren't going to see those guys reforged.
They literally could repackage Necrosphinx and tomb kings maybe update Settra by reworking em into the lore and make scads of money
>pipe integrated into the faceplate
Yep, because come on who wants to play local police in setting about super-soldiers.
I would buy an arbites army in a fucking second
>riot shields
>armoured vans
>handcuff wargear that has a chance to reduce a characters attacks to 0
>if theyre handcuffed you can put them in the van and they have to break out by wrecking it from the inside as you drive them off
But there is. They can capture their souls.
Archaon and Nagash are planning to create their own Sigmarines.
Don't you have anything better to do than repeat the same shit for hours on end?
Yeah, but most of those are meatshields and go down in a hit.for
Boohoo, gw cleared the bottom of the insignificant character bin
>I would buy an arbites army in a fucking second
Arbiteres are not cops, they FBI mostly (because I am pretty sure one of Cain book mentioned how police named in 40k).
Yeah, but most of those are meatshields and go down in a hit.for
Boohoo, gw cleared out the bottom of the insignificant character bin
Of course not, that would imply actually modelling, playing or having friends.
Prove me wrong
>local police
I dunno. You keep saying that, but why don't you ask the assload of people playing any imperial force besides space marines?
>Boohoo, gw cleared the bottom of the insignificant character bin
So they can't lose or face challenges except for when they do, which doesn't count?
Looks awesome user.
Not an argument.
no, arbites are cops, the inquisition are the fbi
Do not attempt logic here. That's not going to work.
What I'm saying is even though they lose guys, they win 80% of the battles
Aren't there also factions within the Inquisition that work with the Arbites?
>Archaon and Nagash are planning to create their own Sigmarines.
Nagash is thinking about it, but Archaon doesn't need or want them. His Varanguard generally wreck Stormcast face every time they face them.
People complaining that the armies in AoS are too heroic.
They probably wanted to be moisture farmers in Star Wars too.
I can't quite recall a moment they directly worked together.
Because when chaos wins every time the end result is the setting gets squatted
Not that I necessarily with people who give AOS that criticism. But it could be that way due to their approach.
No, they wanted to play smuggler or noble or mercenary without having a lightsaber, forcepowers and a epic destiny shoved down their throat as soon as they left the tutorial.
It's the edgelords who play chaos so they can literally wank about killing and raping people
Archaon cut him in half and destroyed his soul.
And this happened after the Khorne incident.
>Aren't there also factions within the Inquisition that work with the Arbites
Yes, all of them. They have different powers, but work together frequently.
God dammit I am tempted to start a small army of these fuckers, just for the sheer hilarity of steampunk sky pirate dworfs.
Too bad that I got way too much 40k stuff under works already.
Except that in All Gates Order won three gates out of five. So it's more of a 60% with the help of the unified order faction.
Even then the setting just came from a "chaos won for hundreds of years, order just started to win something now".
Not him, you are thinking about another Stormcast Character
Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying.
Dunno, looks like there is a lot of betacucks who want to play perma-losers
And it wasn't argument, you just cannot prove me wrong that old armies are just npc in setting, like PDF in 40k.
>25% of the landscape winning 60% of the fights
>See the the flavor text of these new pirate dwarfs
>"The dominion of Chaos is over"
I was like what? Archaon is still out there man.
Archaon allowed Vandus to return to Azyr.
Archaon perma-killed Thostos Bladestorm by feeding him to his mount
Add a monocle m8
I think the implication is that relative balance is in effect now that the SE can actually fight chaos. Although i'm still a bit confused by that as well.
Not an argument