Stat him.
Stat him
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Appeared in Veeky Forums-related material before you did, user.
Controversy 9/10
PR Sense: -2/10
He's a fucking bird.
Epic level Druid/Bard with levels in Fochlucan Lyrist.
Average strength. Abnormally high Charisma, Wisdom, and Constitution. Abysmal Dexterity and Intelligence.
His animal companion is now awakened and is smarter than him and better at transformations.
He prefers either enchantments or sonic magics when casting and uses improvised weapons out of boredom.
I suspect he is some sort of half dwarf, but I am still corroborating that claim.
lolwut? He didn't even do anything.
the media is trying to frame popular youtube personalities as neo nazis for some reason. they did it to jontron then they did it to pewdiepie.
High CHA, mediocre INT and WIS, 0 luck.
He is tho
disliking insane lefty politics doesn't make you a nazi.
can comfirm
our crack /pol/itical subversion units go to him
he now wants to gass all the jews for what they did to his aryan homecountry of Persia.
He is the reall heir to the Persian empire building his army of mindwiped slaves via youtube and is now revieling his power levels to get the loyalty of the SS legion hidding in antartica
or he just read the FBI crime states break down by race
WOKE: 6/10
Arguments: 2/10
MM (meme magic): 5/10
This is going to be the thing that breaks modern leftism. They have no support among older voters who remember the Soviets, and they have just declared war on the media the millennial electorate they should be courting consume.
It's self destruction that's a joy to watch - if they continue in this vein they are actively declaring war on their voter base.
The left is dead. The party of the people decided to attack the populist media.
That's why people are talking about him? that's dumb. saging for not Veeky Forums
nah they labled him the most evil nazi ever for bringing up crime stats by race and defending the concept of preserving a nations make up from to sudden shocks
Mind you, considering he's iranian he might not be the best person to ague about people of other nations coming over and having babies to ruin the culture.
Used to be pure Bard, recently started taking levels in Paladin.
>JUST status
No wonder pol looks up to him. He's them
Trips confirm
silly leftists, you don't start the denunciations and purges until AFTER you're in power!
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