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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Is the general dying or have people just been too lazy to make new threads before the last one 404's?
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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Is the general dying or have people just been too lazy to make new threads before the last one 404's?
count down to mage 3,2 ,
What do people do in Requiem? What kind of games do you play there? What drives your characters on?
I'm asking this seriously, I've just begun reading the stuff and it seems kind of... well, not bland, but definitely unfleshed out. Like there's a gaping emptiness where some semblance of fluff should be, and the writers decided to leave it all just vague for no particular reason.
Beast Supremacy
The "particular reason" is so that Storytellers can fill it in themselves. Which is okay...for a generic system that provides you with raw stats and little else. But World of Darkness isn't generic. It's loaded with fluff, it's just the fluff utterly lacks context. It takes you 90% of the way towards something interesting, and then blueballs you on the rest.
Best thing you can do with Requiem is take the system, ditch Blood Potency and replace it with Generation from CWoD, ditch Requiem's Clans and Covenants and replace them with Masquerade's Clans and Sects, and basically run a Masquerade game using Requiem rules.
Yeah, probably gonna end up doing that.
I just dislike how empty the world feels.
There's not even any mysteries to be uncovered, and the Fog of Eternity just seems like bullshit.
To be fair, Vampires in Requiem spend 99% of their time plotting and doing upkeep, so it makes sense that it feels like there's not much to do, unless you run a game where each session takes place decades apart to give you time to enact your schemes.
You can also just make up something on the weirder side, the game I'm in now features a pandemic that (in addition to the expected, lethal effects) makes human blood provide no vitae to Vampires, so we've been tasked to investigate.
Fog of Eternity was removed in 2e (for good reason).
because there's another thread
not a general, but i think it's split the discussion.
So, fangames.
Are they eligible for discussion or should they be ignored? In all honesty, I think most fangames, no matter how well done, tend to step on one splat or another's toes too much.
One that I really do like is Alien the Stranded. It's incomplete and really rough, but I think it's got potential. It does contain some retreads, which a lot of the later game lines do, but it's basically a Robinsonade in the Chronicles of Darkness, which is what sets it apart from other lines.
Allright I was gone, did conquering heroes re stir any of the beast shit when it dropped?
Why does Changing Breeds suck and what can I do to make it not suck
There was a dude who jerks off and ejaculates fish eggs. S'about it, Conquering Heroes doesn't change much about Beast, nor was it ever going to, so not much to talk about.
>pretending generation its better than blood potency
why not just keep playing masquerade?
First for The Plain Supremacy.
The only spat that can stop an archmage with nothing more than the camera in their phone.
Anyone know where I could pirate the Vampire Prelude interactive fiction game? Or at least through the whole of it?
Read through the whole of it*
The general has been dying since the mage shitposting started getting out of hand. This goes in cycles though so don't worry, the general will fully die, but after a while it'll be reborn with minimal cancer.
Anyway, what's up WoDG?
>since the mage shitposting
be more specific, wasn't there always mage shitposting?
>Are they eligible for discussion or should they be ignored?
Princess: the Hopeful actually comes up from time to time, so I'd say they're eligible. Fan games are just homebrew writ large, and everyone likes some homebrew.
There was, and it comes and goes in waves, but about a month and a half ago it really started ramping up to the degree where anything that wasn't trite mage shitposting kinda got lost in that soup. It drove most of the general away, myself included, I haven't been on for like a week.
Hopefully it's over, but I doubt it.
pls respond
I've been aiming to run a Princess game for a couple of months now with my group, but we're currently busy with Exalted and VTM. I really want to try out the system. Sadly I've never been able to find anyone on Veeky Forums that's actually tried it yet.
How does obfuscate work in oWoD? Can I make 5 dots of appearance disguise?
Well I've been absent for like...a few months. Was it about anything in particular?
Most of the thread was arguing with Aspel. Now that Aspel moved on to Internet Argument Valhalla (Twitter, probably), the threads are slower. Add in the slow WW and OPP schedule and here we are. The general isn't dying, what we're experience is a regression to the mean after a very long time.
Do you mean the WtA book or the CofD book? If it's the latter, it sucks because it was written by furries with no sense of game balance. Don't bother trying to fix it, use the shapeshifters from War Against the Pure instead.
The usual hubris of "who'd win in a fight: some mortal who can pull a rabbit from a hat, or GOD HIMSELF".
Guess which side I fall on.
Power-wanking, the usual.
Oh and the "Who is the most powerful entity in oWoD?" and of course it doesn't end the discussion when you bring up God, because that pisses some people off.
Aren't there like multiple people who are basically omnipotent because the ten dot powers are literally just 'plot device'
Yes, but again, it doesn't end shit.
It never has, it never will.
It just prolongs the "My splat can beat up your splat!"
Best shadow name for a Mage who specializes in Aibende like magic?
My problem was how they nerfed the bastet and werebears in comparison to werewolves and how poorly considered the changing breeds cultures are
So sell me on the system of Requiem here. What does it do better than Masquerade and/or Dark Ages?
Rabbit from the hat right?
CofD is generally considered to have more straightforward mechanics than OWoD did, with fewer, simpler rolls.
blood potency
I think their ok. I like it when people bring up their homebrews desu
please respond
I don't see why other Weretypes wouldn't just be odd-looking werewolves. Rather than having to make them unique, I figure them as "anomalies" in the way werewolfism manifests. Not common, but not unheard of either.
The Pure probably consider them a result of Luna-fuckery, pushing them towards the forsaken camp.
I was hoping to hear people's thoughts on the Splat I posted. Not mine, but I think it's the best take on "Aliens in the C/WoD" I've seen yet.
I'd prefer if Beasts didn't recognize them as "kin," but that's just my preference as a way to add to the alienation. Then again, I'm not a big fan of Beast in the first place. I think Centamani could handle that role better, possibly borrowing some of Beast's ideas of Lairs and Heros.
Hmmm, I don't remember the owod rolls being all that complex...
What about it?
>Hmmm, I don't remember the owod rolls being all that complex...
four rolls one attack
The thing is though the bastet for example were secret hunters and thieves that were individual but also looked after their own and went this WINK WINK semicanon addition to WoD, that are also furries that don't have access to spirit magic
Yes, if you are not a nozzie. Nozzie can only look like at best, ordinary looking people.
iirc demons/spirits cannot use a mage's powers. not sure about the others.
How would CofD lend itself to a campaign where supernatural elements were present but very ambiguous? Something like True Detective
You could certainly do it but it would be up to the GM to make it ambiguous
If you've got an Android phone, the apk is quite easy to find. You should also get the Mage one, it's way better (read : enjoyable albeit short instead of boring and shitty).
Doable, but it's on the GM's side. I suggest avoiding everything too precise about the supernatural, keep the things mysterious by describing what a random human would see and interpret, not a player/someone familiar with the WoD/CofD.
I ran a HtV game once with that feel, the players weren't sure until the end if they faced a crazy psychopath (or slasher), an evil corp's operative, or a supernatural creature. It was a ghoul.
Does anybody have any cool ideas for Banishers?
> Anonymous 03/15/17(Wed)12:01:54 No.52193606 ▶
>Does anybody have any cool ideas for Banishers?
A Timori using one of the Arcana shard things from the Aeons that can let you cast Imperial Magic if you know about Quinessence.
Then just have them use something more potent than the magic nuke from the Free Council book to attempt (Probably unsuccessfully unless the players are really bad) to end magic.
>asking how a discipline works in the game this general is about is bait
Why is this general so shit?
Because its literally in the fucking core book. Just open the book and look it up. There are at least 600 pages on line summarizing how obfuscate works as well. There is also an utter lack of detail to the question, given that Nos work slightly differently with it. Its a non starter, and therefore, bait.
Yeah this is the worst general in Veeky Forums. Bye
>and nothing of value was missed
Man just read the fucking book or detail your question. Did you go in a D&D general asking for how does enchantment works ?
Yeah, pretty much spot on. My only other complaint is the Latin.
Well you can avoid the entire Caine metaplot which is a gigantic plus for anyone who isn't a child of the 90's.
reminder that Phil Brucato was lead developer for the nwod Changing Breeds book and the main reason it was written was to bilk furries out of their disposable income
Hey now, I'm a shameless furry and that book did nothing for me.
Currently running a nWoD Mortals game, and I want my players to encounter a werewolf pack. How exactly can I actually do this? How can a werewolf pack be antagonistic, but not want to murder the PCs? Obviously it can't be a straight fight, the PCs would get slaughtered.
Thinking of one of the PCs suffering from lost time due to being exposed to Lunacy, and the players trying to piece together what exactly happened that can't be remembered. The books have a lot of fluff about viewing mortals from werewolf perspective, but very little about werewolves from a mortal perspective beyond 'big furry grrr'.
Changing Breeds makes me so mad for all the wrong reasons.
W:TF was my first WoD game, and I thought it'd be about playing werewolves, the whole 'animal-soul-vs-man-soul' thing, civilization vs the wild, savagery vs intelligence, basically being a monster but balancing your two halves. Instead if turned out to be furries with daddy issues being the spirit police.
Changing Breeds took a good step towards the whole torn in two aspect of being a werecreature, but the writing was pants on head retarded. In better hands it could have been one of the best sourcebooks in the WoD line, but it ended up a mess. Such a wasted opportunity.
Still, least it's good for animal stats.
I do have an Android phone, but I have literally never used it for anything but phonecalls.
How do I find it?
>giving money to Zak S and """Dracula"""
Not all werewolf packs slaughter humans at the first provocation.
If the humans are doing something that causing issues for the werewolves or their territory, such a a development project that's altering the spiritual resonance of the area, but that humans would have no idea that there's a problem, the pack might first warn the humans. This could be anything from a somewhat friendly piece of advice to a violent, lunacy-inducing attack short of murder.
First consider the background of the mortals and the nature of the werewolves and their territory. Find a reason why the actions of the mortals might upset the spiritual balance or cause physical problems in the territory.
Even ostensibly "good" or noble actions could have unbalancing spiritual consequences in an area.
Well, a .apk is an application for Android, it's like a .exe on a windows computer to simplify enormously.
Start by looking here
Tss user, we aren't speaking about money here. I'd argue the Mage one might be deserving some, but certainly not the Vampire one, and that's without taking in consideration who wrote it.
Ah blast, you got me there.
> boring and shitty
> certainly not the Vampire one, and that's without taking in consideration who wrote it
Hey, I enjoyed it.
That said, my only point of contact with VtM besides this game is VtM: Bloodlines, so I'm not really the best judge of its merit, but I liked the narration.
It was somewhat reminiscent of Hotline Miami and Fear and Loathing - heavy, drug-addled stream of consciousness narration and a story about crazy people doing crazy things. Personally, I enjoyed it.
>How can a werewolf pack be antagonistic, but not want to murder the PCs? Obviously it can't be a straight fight, the PCs would get slaughtered.
Have a voice of reason character in the pack that talks down the more violent members, but can't hold them at bay forever.
I think that was for ease of player reference, and having to come up with names for everything that were convincingly "alien" is a tall order.
Yeah, dealing with other supernaturals should make the Alien think "maybe i'm not as superior as I think" in a way nothing else will.
>Aren't there like multiple people who are basically omnipotent because the ten dot powers are literally just 'plot device'
For mages, I would say yes. For vampires, not so much.
10 dot Disciplines were already given thorough examples of just how far their plot device status can reach. They barely go beyond the planet in terms of scale.
10 dot Spheres were explicitly never listed, with 7 - 9 dots already outdoing 10 dot 'plot device' Disciplines on a galactic / universal scale.
Sorcerer, Werewolf and Mummy only go up to 6 dots, as did Mage originally (Horizon: Stronghold of Hope) before Masters of the Art was published.
An honorable mention goes out to the DA: Fae. They are full of oomph.
Airbender like magic*
Tornado Thompson
What was the point of Sorcerer if Magege already existed?
Mages need mooks. Sorcerers are mage's ghouls.
Sorcerer is for people who want to play character who actually have to work fucking hard to develop highly specialised powers.
You didn't just develop your magic in a drug-induced hallucination while fucking a goat, you had to put in the hard yards to grab every single iota of power you have.
Which to be honest, is something I can really get behind.
Sorcerer also allows for the possibility of crossovers without having to murder the mage player. Not character, because they're boring unbeatable invincible supermen, but the player, for being a cunt.
>fucking a goat
>something I can really get behind
CofD needs an update to Second Sight.
>who actually have to work fucking hard to develop highly specialised powers
You realize that mages arguably work even harder for what they do, right? Especially when it comes to mastery and archmagic. Centuries upon centuries of dedication.
What's the best clan if you don't want to be a special snowflake in VtM?
That's the end result, to get that started they just need to live an alternative enough lifestyle to fool themselves into thinking reality isn't all it's cracked up to be.
In all seriousness, probably Brujah, maybe Gangrel if you can dodge the obvious furry bullet.
I'd also argue Ventrue too.
>That's the end result, to get that started they just need to live an alternative enough lifestyle to fool themselves into thinking reality isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Yeah, and that takes decades of work for most mages. Mages aren't akin to the sorcerers of D&D, they're closer to wizards in how they gain their magick, they just require the spark of an Avatar.
The Hermetics train sorcerers all the time in the hopes that they will awaken, lest they stay as "children" for the rest of their unenlightened lives.
True magick is nowhere near the ease that is hedge magic / sorcery. It never was.
Malks are the lowest hanging fruit, but I'd say the greatest capacity for complete and utter bullshit lies with the Gangrel or Brujah.
>Yeah, and that takes decades of work for most mages.
Then why are there so many bloody 20 and 30 year old Mages, feeding all of the Traditions with their "never got over teenage rebellion" garbage.
Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ventrue with a non edgy feeding requirement, maybe Malkavian with a derangement like Depressive/Bipolar, Paranoid or Obsessive and not a fishmalk.
Of course, sorcerers are more powerful and less easy to replace.
>fool themselves into thinking reality isn't all it's cracked up to be.
They're not fooling themselves, they're realizing the fundamental state of our reality. Everything is correct, and everything is wrong. The Consensus merely represents the majority.
Mages aren't insane idiots that believe in nonsense, that's not how Paradigm works.
Because 90s pulp fiction is all about youth fighting the power?
Not that it means anything, Ascension NPCs are consistently more powerful than actual player characters.
My problem with this is they always are portrayed as revolutionaries
>I'd also argue Ventrue too.
Most of my group hates them, we had bad experiences with malk players before. And I dunno how I would roleplay a mental illness
>And I dunno how I would roleplay a mental illness
Just take autism as your mental illness.