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>How to Jumpchain
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See As for the secret question, we're not working on it quite yet. We're both still working on individual projects at the moment, but were enthusiastic about doing another collaboration and now felt like the right time to announce it.
I thought this was a no lewd board?
I love the books, they are very good. Wizards are cheat powerful if done right because of flexibility of their casting but animages brute force their magic and get similar results. Demons are flat out awesome.
How do you handle Plot Holes?
This isn't just a "how does your jump deal with blank" (though you can talk about that if you want to). I mean how do you, when thinking about your Jumper's adventure, envision a story's plot hole?
Is there some reality warping event that's causing it?
Or is it something that is just an error found only in our media, and not the actual world itself?
Characters are idiots is usually the best explanation.
>Or is it something that is just an error found only in our media, and not the actual world itself?
In fact, most worlds are different than how they're portrayed in earthly media. Sometimes the difference is minor or cosmetic. The color of someone's hair, their name, or such. Other times, it's a fairly big difference. Like, glaringly obvious differences that make you wonder how our writers fucked up so badly.
Sometimes I can reconcile it with a fan theory, in which case everything works fine. Other times it's just the media that's wrong, and as a real universe it's something different. This can make for some very different worlds for stories where the plot holes were essential to their progression.
Alright, I am starting on Sacred Gears today. How does the following sound?
1. A generic pre-made/canon Sacred Gear selection. You can choose any canon Gear or Holy Sword for a price (with the exception of the completed Excalibur), and the Longinus will cost 1k. Some of the ones with less outrageous effects may be cheaper, but I plan to put them under an umbrella.
2. Customization table for your own Sacred Gear/Holy Sword. Powerful effects cost the majority of the budget, the rest is aesthetics, utility, or straight boosts.
I'm brainstorming right now, so any suggestions are welcome.
Can anyone post the last MCU Part 2 WIP?
Also import item to be a gear and an option to import an item you already own into your gear to take its powers.
Like instead of importing a scabbard that heals as a scabbard you could instead import the Scabbard as a ring if you already bought a gear that is a ring.
Who cares about it?
sometimes, people just do stupid, irrational shit, and things happen devoid of any greater meaning
much like in real life
that being said, I assume jump world have more internal consistency than the media depicting them
you are operating under the pre-assumption thatall universes are consistent and orderly This is not Necessarily so
I'd like to see some pre-made Gears, yes. You're a creative person, I think you'd come up with some neat ideas for them.
Our world is actually home to latent seers whos powets only work on other universes, granting them sight into great events. Sometimrs the visions are blurry and we dont really train people in the use of their powers so things get lost in translation. Still more detail then most seers give you.
Could we get some OC versions of Telos Karma and Innovate Clear? Those haven't appeared in the story yet, so that could be a fun way to have Longinus in the pre-made "original" section.
Well, clearly the guy asking for it, shit-kun.
Whats a good setting to import into generic parenting?
We probably aren't talking about zelda anymore, but whoever makes OoT needs to add some drawbacks based on Take This and Hero of Rhyme.
A sacred gear with the power to make people into animal girls (ears and tail type). It is sapient and completely in love with you.
Call it the deregear.
Demons of Astlan question;
Demon or Wizard?
You joke, but I am entirely certain that Azazel has made that. His things are mad science and being super horny, there is zero chance he hasn't made a kemomimi gun.
The guy's probably still around, I think he was making changes based on how bland the jump was anyways.
Wizards are awesome no doubt about that but demons get innate buffs that are also awesome. Most of them are natural animages too and you could learn wizardry in jump since you already have magic as a demon. The only thing is they dont naturally get the wizard perks.
One of the BBEGs in the books is a demon who has been acting like a family of wizards for thousands of years.
May...be? DxD is still ongoing and on the off chance I'm dead or unavailable when/if those are revealed proper, I kind of want to leave it blank.
The scale of Sacred Gears is a little...inconsistent, putting it nicely. I can totally make some up to list alongside some canon Gear options.
Not sure on the prices, yet. A Longinus has a set cost, but I'm not sure if I want to charge 300 for a go at the table or just grant a free canon/custom gear and needing to buy more. This jump costs a soul and a half already. Suggestions?
Importing items and weapons will be a thing, yes. Not sure about that second thing
While not exactly what you're after, there will be an option for a Gear to be sentient and/or a sealed Dragon/powerful entity of your choosing.
Nah, oot and mm are gonna be separate, remember?
I read this incorrectly because the coffee hasn't kicked in and I am dumb.
The answer is: I am not against it.
This. Innate magic is always the better option, and wizardry boils down to rituals and knowledge that anyone can learn anyway.
Oh, I thought that was just Blade shitposting and stopped paying attention.
Couldn't you just buy one Animagic discipline and learn the others if you are a wizard?
I think it would be bought in every build.
Satan I am unsure if I can trust you but I guess you would know azazel best.
I forgot a couple!
1. Various elemental rings for Capt. planet are very handy.
2. One of my favorite combos is Unity from enter the gungeon enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com
combined with Captchalogue Cards so I can hold as many guns as I want each of which gives a power boost to the gun I'm actually using.
Didn’t he make a Genderbend gun in canon?
Maybe Heavens could put that in the items list, come to think of it.
He wanted them together, but we convinced him otherwise.
Those ideas sound okay. I don't know much about the series, so I can't tell you if that fits the setting or not, but that sounds like it'll work.
Random suggestions:
A "punch things really hard" gear. That's literally the only thing it can do, but it punches REALLY hard. Maybe it even only gives you one punch with both a high cost and long cooldown?
A gear that deals extreme damage to anyone who's "impure" or whose mind contains "impure" thoughts, but is harmless to those who are "pure." Mostly to let you punish the extreme amount of horniness in the setting.
Effect that lets you burn away parts of yourself for powerups. Stuff like losing use of limbs or senses, but also intangible stuff like mana, ki, memories, beauty, emotions, etc. They come back over time.
An effect that grants you control over the immediate area and/or the people within if they're too weak or fulfill some kind of condition.
if You are interested in that kind of thing you can pick one up in kids next door
Well see animagic is weird. It is innate to the animage but they also have schools of the master diciple sort. They can pursue liberal studies and some do but most go all in for one kind of magic and train the fuck out of it because its hard to find animage teachers for some schools.
>Genderbend gun
I might take that jump for this item alone.
especially if there was a futa setting
>This jump costs a soul and a half already. Suggestions?
I'd say make us pay. I've joked about how everyone that matters has one, but there are other paths to power that characters follow, some of them quite substantial. So long as having a Sacred Gear is just one viable option instead of the only viable option, and from what I've seen so far of the jump that is the case, it should be fine for them not to be free. Makes people have to choose what path they're going to pursue, or if they're willing to pay the price to pursue multiple paths.
He did, yes. That's why I would not be surprised about a kemomimi gun, it could be based off of his prior work.
If we're doing shit like that, we might as well toss in OC stuff like a sexy beam or a flat-chest beam.
Actually, consolidating it all down into a "shapeshift other people" power might just be the way to go. You could even just use it as a "disfigure people to the point it inhibits them physically" ability for combat use if you personally dislike the fetish potential.
Transfiguration beam gear sounds rather liw power for this setting too.
Can't we just have NuBee and Val make it instead? Might be better off and we'd get it faster than a snail's pace.
There is nothing wrong with taking turn with your wife about who is the man or woman on thursday night.
So if I, as a Wizard, bought an Animage discipline that would make me an Animage with experience with that one dicipline. Could I or could I not learn the others through effort?
It is, however, hilarious to watch them panic when they think you left without changing them back.
I am not the jump maker but yeah probably. Some people have talents in certain areas but you could probably pearn the others if you had a teacher, a lot of it is just rough mana control forcing it into shape via willpower.
People dont trust a lot of animages since the time warriors or the mind reavers though so watch that.
How are the Demons of Astlan books?
That it is. Especially if they dont have fitting clothes.
I really really like them. The storys are on mainly 2 planes, abyss and astlan but they branch sometimes. Its a universe where a lot of pop culture and myths are real. Like doctor who exists somewhere, cenobytes exists somewhere, 40k may be real, lots of stuff in fluff but the stories are mainly about the demons. Its a fun series.
The ability to reskin your copied canon Gear could be fun. A lot of them don't have functions directly tied to their forms, and it could help make them more distinct by changing Boosted Gear into a crown instead of a gauntlet, or Forbidden Balor View into a tattoo on your hand instead of your eyes, or stuff like that.
Is anyone working on a Xam'd: Lost Memories jump?
I'm thinking about it.
>Xam'd: Lost Memories
I don't know why, but I could never get pass the second episode. And I tried to watch it three times.
But more jumps are always appreciated.
Do you think we could get these threads deleted if someone pulled a bancho and roleplay in the Parliament?
Don't worry, it'll never end up making sense. At all.
However, to answer user's question, I am making one. I'd say... about 60%done?
Not that I know of. Go for it, user.
Aw. Okay, good luck user. Any idea when it'll be finished?
You know Red, shouldn't you be taking the hint and realize that trying to push yourself to take attention from your betters never works?
Hey You is the strongest fighter in history drawback is it possible to hide form the reporters if I have clones of myself running around or will they just ignore them
...Actually pretty soon, I think? I've been working for about a week now, so I'd say another week to finish up?
I'll swing the question by Val when she wakes up.
Seeing that you've actually read the series, how fucked would I be if both sides were out to kill me by taking the 400 CP drawback? I'm a demon with both capstones and every non-elemental animastery.
I guess it really depends on how common sacred gears are. If basically everyone in the main cast has them for most of the story, making them free or giving a surplus of points might be for the best.
Iirc everyone without a sacred gear or some other form of hax is basically useless. But it's like that in every shonen/LN.
So since Jumpchain has escalated past Asia's Wrath at this point anyway, is it okay to say stuff works like it does in canon instead of the arbitrary limits made to make it "kosher" with /jc/ back in the day?
Haha, yes, your jokes about that are going to be oh so hilarious.
You can't just ignore drawbacks like that. It might help a tiny bit, but they'll still find you eventually.
So here's what I'm going with. A 'normal' Sacred Gear, canon or table-made, is 300. Longinus is 1k.
Humans, both to represent the fact they're born with Sacred Gears and to compensate for their lack of innate strengths, get an item budget of +300 CP to spend on normal Items or Gear. How's this sounding to yall?
Why do you even ask when you already know the answer? /jc/ is like some obnoxious 90 year old man, eternally stuck in the past, and extremly resistant to change. Just look at the answers the user got in the past thread for trying to improve/build upon the old JoJo jump. Once a ruling has been made, it sticks forever.
What would you name a video game that has a villain play the role of a hero? And I don't mean the role of a protagonist, but a game where the villain is forced to be a hero.
Saying you'll use it how it is in canon would just be screwing yourself over. How it works in canon is that all Mantra relies on Chakravartin, so if you do that, you'd have none at all as soon as you left or he died.
Seems fair.
I either ignore it, or don't have to worry about it since by the time it would've come up I've already changed the plot.
Damn, why can't other origins buy the Fighting and . . . Fornicating perks in Demons of Astlan? Is there some reason they are exclusive?
>How's this sounding to yall?
I think that, if this is how humans are compensated for being weaklings, then other races shouldn't cost anything unless their innate advantages are better than 300 CP worth of Sacred Gear.
Overlord? Technically speaking, that's what you do, at least in the first game. You save the townspeople and oppressed from the heroes who have been corrupted by their own vices, so you can take revenge and eventually rule what's left.
Well lility is basically in charge of hell and a lot of gods ate demons for reasons. Stick with the mc and you could be fine since that is basically his situation already.
Wats dat image from?
>You can't just ignore drawbacks like that. It might help a tiny bit, but they'll still find you eventually.
That isn't ignoring the drawback that's playing around it, like if a jump says you lose your left arm but doesn't say that you can't grow it back or make a robot one
The limitations were actually fairly reasonable extrapolations of the infrastructure and power requirements involved.
If you reaaaally need to get your Destructor on, with SupCom and Doormaker, you can launch a Von Neumann swarm of Mantra Transmitters through near-infinite Alternate Earths and collect as much Mantra as you desire.
Sounds like a wasted opportunity, desu. You get martial artists with dozens of unique styles who deliver themselves right into your lap.
Seconded. I rule out that the media themselves are merely echoes of the actual worlds. For example, the layout of video game worlds might be bigger and more realistic.
On the other hand, I try to avoid outright contradictions to the source material and prefer to assume there's some clever or esoteric explanation behind most plot holes.
Not sure, post tge doc plz?
But generally demons are adverse to having kids but D'Orcs are not, they actively encourage it. They are basically warrior saints of the orcs who acended (descended?) To be demons.
>For some strange reason the 100/Free perks for D'Orcs are Free/Exclusive instead.
>The limitations were actually fairly reasonable extrapolations of the infrastructure and power requirements involved.
>Need dozens of planetary populations to reach casual Demigod levels
>only one planet
>the energy from souls fucking evaporate
No, they're not. Not at all.
Jumpers, have you ever been confused with someone else?
>casual demigod
Reminder that the Seven Deities had been using the most energy efficient mantra harvesting method for thousands of years. Even back when they were the Eight Guardian Generals the war had gone on for a long, long time.
Reminder that yes, the souls do float off when the collecting demigods or Chakravartin isn't around to push them in the right direction.
Hmm yeah not sure why they locked them. The d'orc line is really good too.
Also wand of orcus and mount doom are fucking amazing items, it is a fortress that supplies near limitless mana.
>not setting up your microverse battery to output energy in truly staggering amounts and converting that energy to mantra
It's what I do!
Sounds good to me, Heavens. I'm assuming the table will be balanced so that the extra 300CP is roughly equivalent to what the other races get for the investment of purchasing them.
Reminder that at the very least, that mantra was split eight ways. Probably much more considering how there are entire fleets and ships which rely entirely on Mantra. Reminder that Asura contended with Wyzen after being petrified for hundreds of years. Etc., etc.
>not finding eight or so uninhabited planets
>not placing a single worshipper on each one
>not immediately turning into the Destructor from the almighty power of your 8 planetary populations
Even I have never tried to twist wording that far
The customization table will be a subsection allaroundmearefamiliarfaces, so the 300 is just to 'unlock' it or buy a canon in its own place, yeah. So Humans get a point waiver on it, and 'only' have to actually spend 700 of their starting/drawback budget if they want a Longinus.
This is to compensate for the fact the Races get a host of innate abilities and free magic systems, while humans are...well, human.
Better than SJW Tumblrina Teenager.
Reminder that doesn't say much when there's still an asston of mantra to go round. Reminder Asura is explicitly singled out by Chakravartin as an abnormally strong soul. Reminder etc, etc isn't actually an argument.
Really guy? You are getting worse than bancho.
Will Reincarnated Devils or Angels who chose human as their initial race get the 300?