Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Angel Edition

When's the last time your party encountered an angel or other good outsider? How did it go?

Unified /pfg/ link repository: (embed)

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
PS: Outdated, playtest should be out next week but that's not a promise.

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread: hare


Someone in last thread mentioned Escaflowne, so I have a question.

How can I pilot a semi-giant robot in Pathfinder and not have it be shit? I want to be Large or Huge size max, although I won't say no to being Colossal.


>Born in Galt
>See some shit because Galt
>Paranoia is the order of the day
>Leaves in order to gain the power to "win" once and for all.

A revolutionary bathed in blood, and determined to be the last one standing.

Galt has been sorely underused in /pfg/ apps, so I['m glad we've got a PC completely embracing the flavor.

The character has an inbuilt way to grow and change, which is something I so rarely see.

I see nothing to justify her having levels in Zen Archer. Why does she have them? Not answering this question is a *massively* missed opportunity, especially because she had to be Lawful for 3 levels, before becoming Chaotic.

Yet another "I have no morals and standards, except when I do" type of PCs that gets so, so, over used. If your PC is an amoral thug, make them an amoral thug. Don't take the most cliche cop out imaginable.

As with Lokhar, what virtue does she embody? What has she done to set herself apart?

What are her motivations beyond UNLIMITED POWAH?

>Appeal 4/10, the seed of a good idea is here, but it needs to be developed. Tell us why.
>Backstory 4/10, Galtan flavor is good; lack of anything else is bad.
>Compatibility 7/10 I'm unfamiliar with how Spheres Inquisitor differs from normal, but the skill list, combined with casting, damage, and tanking means she'll fit in just fine. Potential personality conflicts are acknowledged by the player, who wants to work through them.
>Godliness 6/10, this character could be a damn interesting god. The key word there is "could."

Next: TBD!

Where did your character learn to read?

Being a recovering fedora motherfucker, my last GM had some...different ideas about outsiders. Demons and devils were just monsters that lived either deep underground or way off in the arctic, everything was monotheistic, agathions were mortals, angels were basically soul-based versions of the geth from Mass Effect, and archons were just kind of not in evidence.

The good side of this is that we managed to secure a magitek that allowed us to create our own angels. From then on, we never needed to pay for any mortal armies (we were playing a modified Kingmaker)...except for the one stupid bastard who was just like "but muh Red Army!" the whole game.

In the ether, because literally the only way to be illiterate is to be an actual caveman. Handing out literacy for free was a fucking mistake.

In a tavern in Brevoy. He learned magic there, too.

Last time I saw an angel it was being mind controlled and was determined to attack the party. It didn't end well for anyone involved.

There's plenty of time for that unless you are human.

To be fair, things rarely end well for people who use nothing but manufactured slave races in their armies.

How do I Dust Adept, /pfg/? Kineticist? Spheres? Avowed? Some kind of Druid?

Ash, sand, dust, doesn't matter what kind of particulate matter I'm shooting at people/trapping them in, I can refluff it.

Lets talk about char art pfg. How important is it for the purposes of applications. Can bad art ruin an otherwise well written application, or vice versa?

I always figured, what with organized religion and magical training being so prevelant in Golarion, that you could always learn basic reading and writing from the local community cleric

Do Araderion next, and then Barat!

Character art is vital for both determining the mood of the character and how they look. It can make or break an application.

lmao u suck
#wow #woah #rekt

Personally, I cannot write a backstory at all without some kind of art to base it off of. Needless to say, you need to be able to write good anyway.

Does anyone have that one anime gif with the telekinetic maid vs a mecha? I think it was captioned like "psychic armory vs PoW" or something?

His grandparents sent him to Turandarok to get him an education and some socialization. The latter didn't actually happen so much until a couple years in.

Learned his first words out of necessity to be able to work efficiently and not get whipped. Later taught further by a noblewoman who wanted her "tame barbarian" to be able to read to her and her daughter.

>Not "I literally can't EVEN right now."

>want to like swashbuckler paladin
>It gives up mercies for a shitty Dodge bonus, no way to get them back
>Has shit for skills, didn't even get Cha-based canny defense
>Can't stack with chosen one

It could have been perfect, it's so close to perfect

She grew up in a bookstore!

"Good" gods claim they want to help people but don't have the resolve to do the necessary sacrifices.

School, like a normal merchant noble's son. Except about 10 years later than usually.

I'm building one for for Legacy since people were talking about it the other night, it's not worth comparing it to regular Paladin because it's obviously meant to play differently, but I'm kind of considering just playing a straight Swashbuckler instead.

Man, the saves though.

Well, some peasants could organising themselves and pay church education in law for solving disputes with other peasants. Marking the boundaries of each's farmer's land is a serious business.

>having a creepy skeletor hand
Sure thing, Anakin.

You underestimate his power.

Don't try it, I have the high ground!

>le "gud" gods are le bad meme
>le sacrifices are le good meme


To be fair, evil rarely sees itself as such.

LAW ABOVE REASON! Hellknights aren't exactly the best choice for a reference to necessary sacrifices, especially The Order of the Nail whose motto might as well be the above.

>What is the Weighted Swing

What about spinning? Its a good trick!

[lightsaber noises]

Not good enough, apparently.

Yeah, just look at Donald Drumpf.

I know it probably isn't supposed to actually be what I want, but it still hurts. Every time I think I found something amazing, it turns out to be just barely off. Not getting mercies is what kills it for me. I can deal with skills, I can handle no Cha-based AC, but not having mercies ever? What the fuck paizo.

What is evil?

Kytons plz go


The game's closed, but I kind of want you to review Sir Nefarious

Doesn't spinning always give you the high ground from a certain point of view!

Please do, that game had some good apps that didnt get touched IMO.

A certain point of view?!
Don't you give me that bullshit again.

Sir Nefarious was a joke app. There's no point in reviewing a joke app.

You gonna review all the apps?

>Be Korvosan Asmodean Cleric
>Just wanna do a virgin sacrifice to honour my deity and summon more devils
>Mfw the Queen insists I waste 10k GP to bring the victims back to life after the ritual

>"b-b-but might doesn't make right"
Gorum theory suggests otherwise

First answer is gonna be Synthesist Summoner. Second is gonna be Aegis.

What about joke reviewing a joke app?

While he is no doubt a paragon of righteousness, he is a great deal better than his opposition who, let us not forget are thieves, warmongers and murderers.
People vilify him for wanting to enforce the laws of his land but honestly, immigration laws deserve to be respected.

Nigga, you reviewed Ephraim, I don't want to hear "it's a joke app" as an excuse.

Are sheep the mortal enemies of peasant farmers?

The Rebels Crew, pleeeeeaaaase!

Do you wear a distinct helmet so everyone recognises you by the helmet alone?

Memec@ rip in piss

Depends on the type of farmer, and the local ecotype

If it displays something about the character's personality or background, yes. Otherwise I just have a banner or cape while I go helmet-less.

Guns are not the great equalizer in Golarion.

So I'm going to be playing a fighter with no additional skill ranks per level. To make this a little less terrible I've decided to get a sage familiar via Eldritch Guardian.

I'm planning on an initiative familiar.

Honestly I'm torn between a Hare and a Greensting Scorpion. Are dessert hares a thing? Which would make sense in a dessert environment?

Not yet.

That is no mere gun
That is The Gun

Fennec Fox! hare




The ostracizing taboos of your given culture.

> hare
fair point

Doesn't give an initiative bonus.


A slew of different spheres can be refluffed as dust, and the Magical Signs drawback makes it a mechanical side effect of casting.

This is actually kind of a hard question, because 90% of the time when I write something, it's what I want. PDG and LG basically let me do whatever. So I guess if I could pick my next project, say if Paizo gave me a blank check, it'd probably be something like what I'm doing with SoM, but on a smaller scale. Things that give martials more fun, since I'm all about that. I'm most comfortable with 3/4th or full BAB martial classes, they're really fun design space.



I don't think it really matters unless you're going Mauler archetype, which you aren't.

You want the Skill addition AWT/AAT ASAP.

I finished Taris' backstory. If someone would like to read and critique, I won't object to it.

If not, feel free to ignore this post.

Where can I find SoM stuff, I can't seem to find it on the SRD.

The Great Equalizer was not the gun. It was the humble bayonet.

Try the OP.

SoM stuff is in the OP. The bigger playtesting version is coming out SoonTM

Napoleon please

God made big men. And God made small men.

But Colt, makes all men equals.

Is it true that, given the chance, you would gladly do an alchemist book?

Can an orc walk inside a city without getting Lynch and killed?

Yes. Being dressed well also increases his survival chances.

>tfw I made a half-Orc Bard named Hugo Baus who was dedicated to design the latest in fashion
>tfw can't use him in any recruiting games

Depends on the city. You'll have better luck with cities that aren't right near orcish territory, but if this orc isn't swinging an axe and screaming for blood, and just strolls on in like a normal dude, then chances are he'll get let in.

Depends on the city, how common either Orcs and their progeny are, and how tolerant the people of that region are.

Take for example:
Ustalav? Lynched and burned at the stake
Molthune? Recruiters will try to flock to them
Andoran? Hello fellow free citizen!
Lastwall? Careful and strict monitoring.
Cheliax? Depending on how well dressed, people will ask who his owner is.
Tian Xia? Sweet Shizuru what the hell is that thing!?

Wouldn't Tian Xia see Orcs are hideously muscular Hobs?

Wasn't Irabeth's dad a Lawful Good Orc?

Belkzen? They'll actually leave town just to kill you and make sure you can't bring information back to the other orcs.

Much more easily than a goblinoid can in Avistan.

>using the snowflake as an example
But seriously, an LG orc doesn't really happen outside of exceptions like PCs or one of the writer's mary sues.

And Tian Xia would probably see orcs as weird foreigners before they see them as orcs.

What if I wanted to go full sniper, how can I make this work? Can I get the Assassin's Death Strike at extreme range?

In Mendev, a Chaotic Evil Orc could still be considered a worthwhile ally.

Reposting from old thead.

If you're still here Jolly, why in the world in Intrigue Archetypes does Deductive Intellect not let the Inquisitive Detective Vigilante archetype take it?

Also the Machine element in Magitech Archetypes is super cool. Any tips for getting best usage out of Technograft and its improved version?

Isn't excessive curves on a female character really an appearance crutch?

Exaggerated features get away without getting down to details, but classical thin beauty can only be done by actually digging into what makes them beautiful.

Maybe the take away here is that sexy is easy, beautiful is difficult.

You've got a point, and while I want to expand on this post the limitations of Phoneposting are becoming very apparent!

The standard for beauty in Avistan would probably place a rounder, thicker woman as more attractive, since the setting doesn't have fast food or easily-accessible calories.

Since nobles can afford to get fat, they make a moderate amount of it the ideal female form, and once commoners can afford to get fat, then the rich will switch things around and make thinness attractive.

Friendly reminder that Shelyn is considered the ideal feminine form.

And she's kind of plump!

Yeah, it's a crutch, but it's not a bad one unless you're getting beat over the head with how HOT and SEXY the character is. Beauty is too subjective to be talked about in fine details, and it's not really worth it to belabor the point of a character's attractiveness compared to anything else that can be said about them.