Demon/monster art
Demon/monster art
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Hey man das a pretty good monster
Why is there not more art of balrog-chan
Why the fuck are you just posting monster manual pics?
Because he doesn't understand the purpose of a monsterthread.
I can keep going. Haven't even gotten into the really interesting stuff. There's at least 31 just in my Enemies Beyond folder.
Please do, im liking the demons
Will do, user!
Thanks mate, I have been creating my own homebrew card game that is a mix of Final Fantasy Tactics, and MTG.
Pic related, its one of the dudes.
Chaos Spawn always need to be more relevant. I brought these together for a compilation in which I ran a campaign of SotDL that focused on a red star appearing in the sky and outshining the sun, casting angry red light on Rul that entranced people to get closer and closer to it if they could, eventually inducing mutations in its thralls and all the while causing the air to grow hotter and hotter as time went by. They mostly sit in my 40k folder in wait for my DH2e campaign to get to a high enough level where I can justify pitting my players against Spawn and Possessed Marines.
Glad someone's getting use out of these.
Some of these are minis, because I've seen people throw together some pretty sweet minis who couldn't draw worth a damn.
What causes the Red Start to appear?
Ah, now I see what they mean by "Looking at it for too long may cause insanity". Good thing I'm a wizard, and seeing this kind of shit doesn't really phase me.
Generic Answer? Demon Lord.
Specific answer? My players never found out, and I'm a GM who never reveals the secrets of unfinished campaigns.
Except Psykers are the most susceptible to Semen Demen mindfuckery out of anybody, really. How does that Chem Gelding and ostracization feel?
Do you guys want me to include Daemonhosts as well?
This is one of my favorites.
I've got more of different things like specifically dedicated daemons and reference art for my Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign, but it's probably time to let some other user take over. Thanks for putting up with me, you lot.
Im down for Demonhosts, but i don't rightly know what differentiates them from regular demons.
I find this fig oddly terrifying
I love this slime monster, and will be using in my next campaign as some forest destroying beast.
Chaos Spawn are people who traded their souls for warpstuff but couldn't control it, unlike Daemon Princes. Daemonhosts are just people who are possessed and have a Daemon's warpstuff essence and a soul at the same time, while the Daemon uses them as a meat puppet in exchange for its power.
This one is actually a cosplay
Daemonhosts are incredibly powerful, but considering their usually fleeting nature in the Materium, they tend to be pretty murderhobo-y and shortsighted. A destructive asset for any cult that has one, but they make piss-poor leadership.
Anyone got Lovecraftian stuff that's more impossible geometry and cosmic power than it is oozing ichor and tentacles?
It triggers me that symmetry is non existent in these demons.
How does this thing walk
Seriously what is going on here.
I want more of this
they're chaos spawn resulting from uncontrolled mutation, what did you expect?
this and the next one are a bit more tentacle-y than not, but I think veer more into the cosmic power feel than the ichor feel
I actually have no idea.
oh shit nigga that's some good chaos spawn.
And shows how boring art of GW is atm
Since the OP said it was a generic monster thread, and since most of the original batch of posters are gone, anyone have any monster requests they'd like me to try and fill?