>Playing Ravenloft adventure in 5e
>Party consists a Halfling Bard (me), a Human Rogue, an Elven Wizard, a Human Druid, and a Human Ranger.
>Bard is an old archeologist and is hesitant to get involved in anything within the land of Barovia (at first anyways).
>Wizard and Rogue are gung-ho to take back the plane and be heroes.
>Both shit on him for being cautious and trying to look at the whole situation before barreling in.
>Keep in mind, earlier in the campaign, the Rogue almost got killed for trying to kill a priest's vampire spawn son that was chained in a basement under the Wizard's instructions out of fear that the son could get out and cause an epidemic.
>mfw the Rogue got eaten alive by a swarm of vampire spawn for walking into a room with "the talking coffins.
>mfw the Wizard got stabbed and drained by Strahd when he tried walking past him, thinking "there's no way this isn't an illusion."
Satisfying PC deaths
A prior character of a player in my group died to nonlethal damage, i guess?
You're boring. Are you telling me that there has never been a time where a PC that you disliked bit the dust in a satisfying way?
>2 disruptive assholes in the group
>Constantly pull bullshit whenever the plot acts up
>Refuse to engage with npcs in any but the loosest sense
>Encounter with pirate king
>Making an example of the man who led us here
>Assholes get upset they haven't killed anything yet
>Decide to get on his rowboat with him
>DM doesnt stop them
>Entire party pretending to care
>DM doesn't pull gis punches
>They get obliterated by a full broadside
Felt good.
All of them, all the time.
There is one I want to off, but I can't bring myself to steer him towards death.
It's my character
>When you hate playing a character but you like their backstory enough to keep them alive.
I know that feel and it's fucking awful.
>when you hate a character's backstory and personality but can't bring yourself to kill them off because they're so fun to play
the opposite feel is bad, too.
It's more that I like how they've progressed through the game. Like only a bit milder.
Backstory-wise, he's lifted from a famous person almost word for word, which makes sense seeing how I made him to be an exaggerated (and poor) caricature of said famous person. He's got a mild obsession with gold, hates halflings with a passion, is weak to flattery, and wants to rule the world. He cares about the party members more because they are "his" party members rather than because they are his "party memebers".
Currently, he's realizing that maybe his blanket racism is a bit unfounded seeing as he's given a halfling a government position within the island they recently took over, that his life is a bit of a nightmare as leading people isn't as easy as swaying them, and the few friends he had are all dead (our party has gone through maybe five iterations by now).
wait the part has gone through five iterations? how many has he been there for? Why are you playing a meatgrinder?
also, who the fuck are you basing yourself off of?
wait... hating halflings...
is your character randy newman?
>thinking "there's no way this isn't an illusion
Lets be real, (out of game of course) if you just saw Strahd walking around would you believe its actually him or some fucker pretending so as to get goodies? In game you should still give every vampire you see with the proper amount of fear and respect to not get murdered.
>wait the party has gone through five iterations?
Well 6 if you count before I joined back in. And I based the character on our now dear leader Trump-sama during the presidential race. While I was making him I rolled to decide which small race he'd hate and I landed on halflings, so I knew it was destiny. He's a half-orc bard because I thought Tronald sounded vaguely orcish. anyway,
>how many has he been there for?
Tronald, Nyanta(x), Asriel(x), James(x)
Tronald, Blarr, Shinyai, Gwyllim(x)
Tronald, Blarr, Shinyai, Rose
Tronald, Blarr, Shinyai, Rose, Seakes(-)
Tronald, Blarr, Shinyai(-), Rose, Liliania
Tronald, Blarr, Anathor, Rose, Liliana
(-) means they were retired and exist on as npc's, (x) means they died. Sorry it took so long, I was writing summaries of how they died but it took up too many characters hah
desu aside from the gold thing most of that would fit better for Obama. Barrack "race relations have improved while I was in the whitehouse, nevermind the race riots" Obama really does fit most of those issues.
But yeah- never make a parody character. They always end up being insanely frustrating to play.
Oh believe me I know now. I always feel like I'm coming up short, so I've stopped trying to be a parody and just want to allow him to grow more naturally from here on in.
I've got a backup character for when he hopefully dies who is his unofficial apprentice, and I'm actually more excited to play them than I am him.
dying words? "I'm fired."
>Once had an atheist homosexual human rogue in our group
>Two of those details are unimportant, but it's something he brought up constantly
>Party really doesn't like how much time he wastes asking around if anyone has seen his lost lover and arguing with priests
>Fast forward a few sessions
>He's trying to shimmy across a rope without tying the emergency rope around his waist as we all agreed and already did before him.
>He screams out "Do something!"
>Chaotic Evil Goblin Alchemist picks up a rock and throws it at him
>Everyone stares at Goblin as rouge falls into a pit and gets knocked out
>"What?! ...He said 'do something'..."
>We lower Paladin into pit and pull him back up with rope
>Rogue is on brink of death
>Paladin rolls a natural 20 and prays the atheist back to life
>He's still unconscious
>We find a room full of corpses
>We throw him in a pile of corpses so nobody will notice him and he'll have time to recover
>We leave the room
>Corpses turned out to be zombies laying in wait
>Rogue dies
>Bard takes his cool cloak
>Goblin takes his head and his alchemist dagger
>Bard and Barbarian split gold
>Paladin takes nothing and scolds us for picking his corpse like a bunch of vultures
>DM later admits the corpses weren't zombies until we left him alone in the room
>be transgender pansexual otherkin black Mormon
>don't bring it up in-game because it's my own business and no one wants to hear me talking about it unless they ask first
okay not really but wouldn't that be nice
>implying there are black mormons
at least be somewhat realistic when making your character, come on
How can a character be atheist in a fantasy setting? Presumably where miracles are a known thing if the paladin healed him. Possibly a setting where gods have actually physically appeared and done shit? More importantly why would you make an atheist character in that setting?
remember the Yugioh TV show? remember how Kaiba always refused to accept/acknowledge the clearly magic shit going down around him, because of how bad the dub was? Basically that.
He only identifies as a nigger, user
This wasn't a pc but i think it's relevant.
So me and my brother both brought little 750point 40k armies (mine was skitari his was chaos marines) and there was a nid player with an 1850point competitive
army so he toot out the flyers and me and my bro allied against him. Needless to say it went bad this was the first time my little brother played 40k (against anyone other than me) so he had his rino filled with all his units besides his hq in it, And it was disabled on the other side of the table. Both my squads of vanguards were dead from gaunts. So both are hqs were pinned behind this one terrain piece and in a glorious final charge his terminatiors killed three gaurds in cc while my infiltrators killed both squads of gaunts then they were charged over by termigaunts. That is the single most satisfing end to a game of 40k ive ever had.
editing is your friend.
Fantasy setting atheists do not deny the existence of gods, they deny their divinity. They probably believe the gods are just very powerful spirits and worshipping them is as retarded as worshipping an archfey.
>Playing Trail of Cthulhu
>Be hard drinking, hard smoking PI
>I know my schooling is starting soon so I RUN THIS CHARACTER INTO THE GROUND as if I as a player knew nothing of the lore.
>character is scarred, and quickly going insane
> I have to leave for school just before the final session of the campaign.
>I shoot my dm a message saying "Look, we have both been DMs, I know how its shitty I gotta go...do whatever you want with my character."
>Final session
>party fails
>party fails hard
>Everyone dies
>except one player. He escapes on a plane.
>like a horror movie, my character pops up behind him and fights him, forcing the plane to crash.
>IRL I was listening to the audio recording of the game afterwards. The biggest smile on my face.
Yeah I was basically going to post this Pretty much the only way to get away with it. More of a pessimist than anything.
I remember I was in a WoD game and one of the PC's was loudly, vocally atheist.
Eventually I said, "Buddy. I shoot literal angels out of my gun. What the fuck are you talking about?"
>Running a Fantasy-Horror Pathfinder game
>Let players know at beginning of game that encounters will kill them if they aren't careful or don't plan ahead
>They assure me they understand
>Later in the game, an NPC in the Guild they work for offers them a reasonable discount on preparing Resurrection scrolls "just in case."
>They decide not to accept and use the money to buy an expensive wagon to carry loot instead
>Last session, the party and their dwarven guides are ambushed by cultists of Rovagug while traveling underground
>As the battle progresses, a barbarian cultist takes a full round attack on the party Inquisitor. The first hit crits (x3 dmg from Dwarven Waraxe) bringing him down to 8hp.
>The second attack also crits
>Party watches in horror as the Inquisitor's head is cleaved open and he collapses in a pool of his own blood
>The entire group of dwarves traveling with them were also among the massacred
>The session ends with party is left feeling alone, afraid, guilty over the death of their party member with no way to bring him back, and with the new threat of a vicious, destructive cult looming over them.
Felt kinda bad about it, but the Inquisitor's player was cool and was fine with rolling a new char.
That single death completely changed the tone of the game, there's less joking and the players plan ahead and take encounters MUCH more seriously. If that's not satisfying, I don't know what is.
>tfw you roll in the open as DM
>tfw you accidentally obliterate one of the PCs
>overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
>you reminded them
Good job, user.
You seem to be lacking in imagination for being a fan of this hobby.
>Playing Star Wars
>Our crew is on Ord Mantell, hired by Jabba the Hutt to bring in some deadbeat smuggler that pissed him off
>We discover its Solo, so we hatch a plan to fake being overpowered by him as not to compromise our Rebel ties
>Everything goes smoothly, and we successfully convince Jabba that we tried, but failed. He's angry but more at Solo than us
>Mission accomplished
>We head back to our hangar and fucking Darth Vader is there with a platoon of troopers waiting to question us
>We know he knows we helped Solo escape
>My Sullustan decides to do something incredibly stupid
>Vader's about to order us to be captured, I quick draw my electrostaff and swing at Vader
>I shout for my friends to get to the ship as Vader easily deflects my blow with his lightsaber
>I manage to roll well enough to hold Vader's attention while they fight off the troopers and get to the ship, at which point Vader tires of my shit and chokes me
>My crew doesn't want me left behind and powers up the ship's guns, firing at Vader
>They fuck up and start bringing the hangar down around us
>Vader stops choking me and uses the force to keep the rubble from crushing him
>I pick up my electrostaff and start going to town on Vader while he's distracted
>The building collapses around both of us and my friends successfully get away
Or so I thought, the Empire managed to salvage my Sullustan, brainwash him, and send him after my friends before they finally killed him
That's pretty good, user