Want to take a trip?
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>inb4 some sperg who doesn't know what this coin is bitches that it's sitting between ATH and ATL
Spergs, spazzes, faggots, and sjws are all welcome aboard this ship, there is plenty of room
We're all fueled up, just revving the engine now
How long does it take to fuel a rocketship? I've been hearing this for days now.
This is a long hold
nigga wut. it went to 1650sat like 12 hours ago
Follow your destiny, Lumens
>revving a rocket
Buy order set for 1540. Good confirmation of lift off at that value. Strapped in!
>A week ago, IBM announced cooperation with Stellar.org and a number of banking partners to make cross border payments possible on the blockchain. The solution using both private and public blockchain, bringing Hyperledger Fabric and the public Stellar network together to implement the solution.
>While still being in development, the payment network is already processing (live!) transactions among 12 different currencies, connecting Australia, the Pacific Islands, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
>dumping this
Ascending triangle on the 1h chart at binance. Get in now
>Implying I'm not in for several day now
this fuckers looks hydrated as fuck now.
Get ready.
What wallets are you guys using?
Account viewer
Ledger Nano S through the web viewer. It's the only HW wallet with XLM support AFAIK. Get yourself one if you are a true patrician of sizeable holdings.
Good Goy Zox doesn't lie. Hope you guys boarded
I'm a complete novice just playing around with baby amounts. Looking around for advice on wallets. What would you suggest?
Its like MEW and Stellar is the dev
Just use the account viewer on their website then like the other user suggested
are you ready? I hope you are, because I surely am
Do you see a big problem holding in Binance if you have >5k invested?
moon time?
I think several k is a lot to keep holding on an exchange. Why not just move it to your own wallet in the Account Viewer?
Huge amount of volume pouring in right now. What the hell are these swings?
Thanks for your input my friend. Off topic but after buying some glorious lumens I also picked up some IOTA. What wallet would you recommend for this? Thanks for your patience
Keep it in the exchange. The network is unreliable and the wallet is shit. IOTA's like the only crypto you _want_ to keep in the exchanges. I was pulling my hair out when I tried to sell at 4.8$ and it dropped to 4.1$ because it took a day to transfer to the exchange.
IOTA probably was a great short-term investment since it's gonna keep pumping after the Bosch news. But don't get too attached, I don't trust the technology
Can someone shill me this coin? Thinking about dropping some into it.
INSANELY fast, it handles 1k transactions/second. It's so fast you can easily use arbritrage on different sites to gain profit.
Also it has partnered with IBM.
banking coin, backed by IBM, the biggest manufacturer of ATMs.
Need more? This is one of the hottest coins of 2018. You'll regret not having them
money snek is thirsty for gains
>Implying I'm not in since the IBM news
Peep the 2017 re-cap on the r/stellar page, pretty concise and you should immediately see the value
(r/stellar is one of the only good subreddits coincidentally)
Wasnt there a thread like 3H ago asking why this stuff was cratering and how to sell out?
Get your shill shit out of here
Anyone saying that is a fucking moron.
suck my fat cock you ugly retard
>drops 5%
snek just watering up for a long day of climbing branches
2k sats by the end of the week fellow kids
Just put a chunk of money you can lose in some shit you like and wait one fucking year. Maybe two. Jesus Christ. By the time 2020 comes around, every male with a functioning brain will own a home outright. Who you voting for?
Im loving this slow moon
Me too user. So fucking healthy.
these ez gains
I got 99 problems but this snek ain't one.
This is a long hold but itll come good
>he thinks I don't know the hodl game
I've already made it user. Calling breakouts and making a quick buck is extremely fun. Especially when I'm right and all you faggots fall in line after the breakout already starts.