>invested in ripple when it was .03 > sold ripple when it was .04 trying to play the system and missed moon mission to .35 > invested in DGB when it was .005 > mooned until it was .06 and was too greedy to sell > missed all the other good stuff in between e.g. ANTS/NEO
sitting on around 25k right now, but it could have been have been 800k, hell I could have had a shitload if I just invested in bitcoin and fuckin HODL
fucking spill out your story so we can booze ourselves into depression together!
Invested 50 euro's in DGB, made 1.1 BTC. Cashed it out around may... I could've cashed out now.
Tyler Hughes
In October did my research and found BitBay. It was 0.02 cents. Knew there was going to be a lot of updates and new features. Even shilled on Veeky Forums. In the end there wasn't much of a pump. Got my 20% gains and thought this was it. Pulled out. Now it is 0.25-0.30 cents. 15x gains. Fuck me.
Connor Brooks
fuck man, been there, done that! I truly believe that quite a lot of ppl on this board shill coins because they have researched and want us to be part of it. but then there are the fucking shitheads that shill shitcoins because they are fuckin bagholders. so good shills just land in limbo
Josiah Gomez
> Lost 23 bitcoins on MtGox
The worst part is that magicaltux still have like 1 billion in his bank account and Japan is a fucking corrupt shithole
Nathan Williams
Had 4 BTC on Mt Gox You know the rest
Connor Bell
Y'know if we pool together, we could just kill the sonofabitch, right? A .50BMG is like $2,000 and will literally blown a person to bloody bits.
Brody Mitchell
>hear about bitcoin in 2013 >register to a btc website >think about buying >get distracted and forget about it >later see on news btc is $400 >"Damn, imagine if I had bought back in 2013." >forget about cryptocurrencies again >mfw in December 2017
Fuck I'm so stupidly late to this shit, considering.
Blake Morales
my sad story too
Angel Taylor
I never redeemed my NEMStake that I payed for. It would now be worth close to 2 million dollars.
The regret will never go away.
Juan Cox
Thought it was a good idea to long eth/btc with x's 3 on Kraken in May. Lost 40 ETH in 1 minute.
Daniel Long
Could be worse. I actually used DNMs for 2 years. Seing my transactions in the wallet now and comparing the worth to the current price of btc makes me want to off myself. Fucking drugs.
Nathan Cox
>Bought 5 BTC in July >Traded myself down to 1.7 BTC
Millionaire by 2020 or I'll kms.
Nathan Ross
Kind of similar. I worked at a seafood market during the BP oil spill. 2 months later I received a $30,000 settlement. Has a friend who begged me to put some cash in and I was a cunt hair away from buying $1,500 worth. Ended up being talked out of it and bought a Nissan Maxima that as soon as I bought it started to fuck up.
Same friend in 2013 said hey man we should have bought back then but it's not too late. Let's spend a couple of thousand bucks and set up a mining gig.
Fucking twice it came knocking at my door and I wouldn't open.
Tyler Lee
Wanted to invest $1000 into XVG back in May, but my wife said no. Silently sneaked in $100. Could have paid off my house by now and be a millionaire come 2019, but no, we cant afford it.
Jaxon Lopez
Imagine all the dopedealers that hodled their btc, they must be laughing their ass off right now
Nolan Perez
Kek, how much useless shit has she bought since then? My wife said the same thing about XRP in February. We were buying our house and closing in a month and she said we couldn't afford to cut it so close.
Isaiah Gutierrez
>invested in ripple when it was $0.12 >sold at $0.84 It's never too late to change your strategy, user.
Jaxson Cox
This is why you diversify your porfolio. Don't toss 100% into something, if it ends up dipping and you have to hold, you end up missing out on sweet opportunities. Break your portfolio up into 4 segments of 25 each.
This issue is avoidable.
Jose Barnes
I've got 1200 dollars I wanna put in REQ or XRP? Split it or pick one....also interested in FUN or TRX
started 2 weeks ago with 3000....
Already lost 500 or so buying high and selling low on XRP...got it back from XLM. I dont think day trading is for me cause I'm too impulsive....but if i set my mind to it i can hold.
Kayden White
Which is why you should do your own research. If you research a coin and recognize that it isn't shit and it's cheap, then invest in it. Eventually the rest of the market will come to realize its value and the price will skyrocket
Angel Murphy
Lost almost 100 euros today. I want to kill myself
Hunter Phillips
Nolan Roberts
Bought 100 BTC at $5, sold at $50.
Still hodling 100 LTC though which I bought at $3 and completely forgot about until this year.
Nolan Lopez
To think i could be one of them >tfw selling acid on the internets could have made me tens of thousands compared to selling it to hippies i know
Dylan Rivera
guys, all of you who are posting stories about mt. gox, thats deep shit and i feel for you! that was way before my time and it feels like reading an old japanese manga referncing the edo period. where japan was nippon. I feel for you!
Julian Cook
the feels user, the feels...
Zachary Watson
wow man, seriousl I could have been in the same situation, well not with XVG but with other coins... I did tell my wife, but after investing though and luckily she was cool about it
John Sanchez
man crypto is relentless. feels shit to know that I've been at it since march and ppl who got in like 1 - 2 months ago are fucking mooning just because they invested in a coin they "hear from a friend"
Isaiah Gutierrez
i have invested quite an amout in REQ after reading thoroughly about it and I have investments in TNT and Bankera (pre-ico) aswell. hoping on a good return!
Jonathan Ross
you are right bro! although I always do my own thorough research I sometimes get swept up with mooning coin which also have good tech and reasonable white papers. fucking hard to keep my ands off investing!
Caleb Evans
You do know you can reply to more people in one post, don't you?
Luis Price
yeah I know :D but this felt more personal since I'm drunk
Leo Brooks
Alright user, cheers! ^^
Dylan Baker
cheers to you aswell user. I know you didn't ask but I'm pretty deep in a Spring Valley California 2016 red wine right now and enjoying the company of anons!
Nathaniel Butler
God, i'd love to join you. I could use some wine about now. Quit drinking a month ago as i had a problem with drinking by myself and pissing people off when i drink in social situations, so i just quit altogether
Joshua Robinson
>Buy some Einsteinium last year, cheap as fuck shitcoin so it's tens of thousands of them >Find it in my wallet last december >Sell at that time because it was still worth basically nothing >Now it would be worth around $500k
Aaron Wilson
Good news user, it is worth nothing again!
Evan Evans
some of you guys are ok. i have missed alot too. go look up NUCLEUS VISION and buy and feell better
Jackson Walker
invested in VEN at $2
Mason Brooks
ugh man that suxx, but atleast you can be free from it now since its crashing pretty hard
Benjamin Bennett
put 1700 into cryptos from late November thru first week of December. Put it all into LTC when it hits 120. I pretty much 3x my total investment. Happy boy
then I gambled most of it away on shitcoins. Now my portfolio is barely 2x from initial investment
Parker Perry
>Got around 10 million DOGE mined in late 2013 >Decided i would HODL forever >It crashes HARD somewhere in early 2014, still can't bring myself to sell >Come back in november 2017 after hearing about a massive pump in BTC. >See that DOGE is pretty much the only coin that hasn't mooned much since then, sitting at 16 satoshis after months of dropping > Figure that by this time probably literally everyone has forgotten about this coin, also the crypto scene has changed a lot since then >Decide to sell it all for 1.6BTC >It's 3.3 BTC now
Had i holded just one month longer i'd be sitting at around 60k USD right now.
Christian Ross
Oh, it's still worth 10k satoshi now and I bought at like 70 satoshi or something, even now I would be rich if I didn't sell. I think it will hold out this dump by the way, even if the devs are sneaky bastards
Eli Miller
>sat unemployed wishing i had money to put in eth every single day from literally dec 2015 till it started mooning about april this year.
>begged my parents to put money into it when it was 4-10 dollars for like a year and a half now its worth almost 1000 just kill me
Logan Hill
good for you user! I myself like to have a dring here and there, whether socially or alone. might be a borderline alcoholic but online surveys say I'm not yet. I'll keep trying until I am
Nolan Williams
>I'll keep trying until I am That's the spirit!
Andrew Lee
if you are in profit there really is no reason to be sad!
Christian Wilson
>made 1.6btc >sad
Sebastian Sullivan
You play too much CoD
Camden Scott
seriously user, no freakin idea who you are, but I fucking lift my wine glass to you. It's good to see that other ppl go thorugh the same shit I am going through and which I really can't talk about with the ppl I am closest with...!
Josiah Lee
Why the fuck do you take crypto advice from you wives? I'm managing my sister's money investing in crypto for 50% and I NEVER tell her anything not even how much profit/loss I made.
Aaron Clark
keep it coming guys, I believe that most of us have something to share. lets use the knowlede!
Isaac Richardson
nah man not taking advice, but because of transparency, keeping her updated :D otherwise I'd end up in hell (at home)
Evan James
> known about BTC since 2011 > never considered it an investment, just a cool internet money to buy drugs and vpns > started obsessing over crypto trading but never made any real profit, just a lot of frustration > had 1 btc earlier this year, sold half to support myself while attending coding boot camp to start career > watch price go up and all my friends making money > get hired at decent job, but I hate the people so I quit > now I don’t have enough money in my bank account to pay the bills but have 4K in crypto > ready to sudoku if my lumens don’t moon
Chase Lee
almost in the same year as you (2013)... I had available like $7500USD and i was thinking in investing $1900 in BTC... I start reading about the wallets and such then read something about people losing their coins becuase problems updating wallets or something like that... get scaredof losing my hard earned money and ended investing in a typical fund... at this year that money only has given me like a gain of around 19%
....>>>>>more salt on the wound... i live in a third world country
Brayden Peterson
I bought pizzas with BTC and 1 pizza was like 0.5 BTC
Parker Brooks
fuck man did we just find the guy who spend 10k BTC on pizza?
William Reyes
its not too late brah! invest wisely, there's still time to earn a decent amounT!
Julian Diaz
no he spent 10k bitcoins on each pizza
Owen Wright
>bought xrp at .015 >btc at 700 >eth at 7 >neo, omg, lisk, strat at 3
I feel less bad about buying all that acid last year
Adrian Thompson
I'm building a crypto portofolio. as you may guess i'm not too fond to risks. so i have bought btc, bch, eth, xrp and ANT, all in small amounts. Still i keep buying every week and i plan to hold.
Andrew Harris
>Started with $1k in the beginning of the year >Slowly started buying Ethereum until I was all in 100% >Watched it moon to 400, held and saw it bleed back to 130, back to 380, back to 200, then stagnated at 300 >Traded all my Ether for 1.02 BTC >It tanked because of the flippening floppening >Meanwhile Ether stayed stable and then moon boomed >Traded my Bitcoin for BCash all in >Bcash crashed >Bitcoin rebounded hard and never saw 7k again >Sold Bcash at a loss >It rebounds >FOMO >Tanks >Sell >Rebounds >This time I don't fomo >It keeps going up >Wait for the dip >It never happens >Meanwhile Ether is at its ATH >Meanwhile LTC is at its ATH >Meanwhile Ripple is at its ATH >Meanwhile Stellar is at its ATH >Meanwhile every other shitcoin at least doubles if not triples >mfw
James Flores
>be me >use mt gox >get scammed for 800+ coins >w/e didn't lose too much $ >2 years later >decide it's time to get back into crypto >figure mt gox has got it's shit together >bitcoin in @ $100 something >send mt gox $1000 >it never arrives >the day after I send it, the "goxed" hack happens >don't get back into crypto until aug 2017