>missed BTC
>missed BCH
>missed ETH
>missed LTC
>missed IOTA
>missed ADA
>missed XMR
>missed QTUM
>missed NEO
>missed TRX
i want to die
Missed BTC
Buy Link faggot
Get on fun
>missed XVG and buying BTC to get in on XVG is cumbersome because of the heavy network traffic
Your last chance to buy XRB before new exchange
Not too late for xrp you mongoloid.
Damn, I did not miss most of them. Feelsgoodman
get in xvg senpai
Have you heard of a cool new thing called ethereum?
Do you know why you missed them? Lack of balls.
is ether faster?
>missed ADA
No you missed the first little push and quick returns if you invested a large amount. I made over 60k in less than a week.
user I got you bro
jump on these sub dollars:
I missed all them too...and I’ll miss all the others too cuz I’m not buying in to this snowflake hipster ponzi mania that will end in rivers of tears that will make Nagasaki look like a Cub Scout campfire
>everyone else is stupid
dont miss nucleus vision op.
all in ICX be happy
your not too late for cloak...dyor but it should continue to rise this week
hope these disgusting old kikes will rot soon
I bought shit req and funfair both went down yesterday.
Thought about buy more IOTA but fucking shill worked on me i'm now with both -15 % with IOTA i would be at +45% ...
buy PTC, only coin without moon in this moon market
Invest in some beans
Someone just put up 65BTC limit buy on TRX, here comes the BTC money because of selloff today.
my secret moon nigger
XBY will be the bright shining star of shitcoins in 2018!!!
fucker ok im gonna help you
xby. 70 million marketcap. will be 5x lower when static nodes go live. lets say 15.
this will go to 3-4 billion in a month or so.
do the fucking math.
Don't miss XLM you massive cuck
dont miss sia then.
don't miss BAT faggot
and now you're missing ucoin cash. By the time you hear Veeky Forums talk about it, it'll be too late.
>not on Bittrex
Fucking dropped, boys.
Fucking scammers.
Still time for the Gulden train, bro.
Don't miss xlm
You didn't miss QTUM......
This is going to hit $100 soon.
fug, I want in but ED jewed me over with failed transactions and took my trading fee ETH...
hope that doesn't moon before Friday...
>Tfw HODL'd a little bit of everything
Diversification is not a meme
fuck off you cunt.
go check the results of their testnet.
OP, if you really think you missed something, you dont yet understand crypto and dont believe in its longterm value.
Dont buy anything, seriously. You will sell at the first dip and loose your hard-earned money.
Get on Waves
wtc is going to overtake eth by February, get in now.
sharing is caring mah niggaz
>we all going to make it
TRX hasn’t even fucking started op
mine arrived there after 4 hours with 4 gwei thought it wouldn't arrive, i wanted to invest yesterday but didnt because the big sellwall of 1000 ether
ok I am grateful and give you a once in a lifetime hint: LEV
thank me next year. But you'll probably miss this ride too.
This desu. Korea/China wakes up soon.
>implying its over
just kys faggot
it's the $100 of the future.
mate just buy whatever is red when everything else is green, it's literally a meme
ODN is just beginning
This. Bought 5k today
Don't trust them. These are bag holders that got in late this morning.
I bought at 0.001664 BTC, fuck off.
>ucoin cash
The whitepaper contains a metric shit ton of errors, not sure if I can buy into the hype.
try not to miss your brain faggot :DDD
PRL my nigger
get in VEN
its super undervalued at the moment and will start to rise soon
This probably my comfiest hold along side DRGN and COB
currently holding 3.71 qtum, thanks based ghost,
Is this good?
You'll make some good dough, I can see QTUM making it to a few hundred bucks by March.
Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.
Buy Raiblocks. This is your last chance and final warning.
Whats so good about ark?
Don't miss tron then
Get into ethlend
Do your own research and you'll convince yourself
>working product
>high volume
> new floor around 400 sat
> great developers and marketing managers
> don't miss this 10x moon mission
>got in on IOTA moon but only had 2k to invest
I like free money but I want fuck you money.
From BitGrail?
Do you mean to say youve been hopping around coins and sell low every time?
>Missed TRX
what? what did you miss?
Don't miss out on zilliqa
dont miss ZRX
Don't miss Ark.
If you don't buy coss you deserve to be poor
got on xmr at £30 and spent it all on drugs
Buy REQ, LINK and IOTA and hodl, faggot!
>almost on the brink of missing LINK
>cant buy XRP yet because of transaction holds
Buy mana and be patient
not too late to buy HST
Thinks Soros isn't into crypto, kek.
Just buy CND 1$ eow
Not too late for:
how the fuck have you missed NEO or ADA