What would you add to this?

What would you add to this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Carolina needs to be bigger.

>gulf republic
>not Kingdom of Florida

>Mojave Union
>In the Sonora Desert

Florida is 100% an empire. Hell, they probably have a wall & moat filled with Gators at their northern border.

why would the USA collapse if DC is far outside of reach of the super volcano? Wouldn't it make sense for the federal government to keep direct control of the east coast and attempt to organize relief missions while a new refugee crisis spawns as millions flee from the deadlands and a new ice age begins?

>Empire State
>Delmar (which includes Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia & Maryland

And where is Florida Man in this regime?

not that user but i imagine florida man is like big brother for the gulf republic, but the fucked up version, and also kind of gas station mythological in addition to being state sponsored.

>big brother is watching
>florida man is holding your beer for you
but somehow it kind of works out

How should Canada be divided up?

literally who cares

Yeah, I don't get why federal government seems to be down in this scenario. Catastrophe like this would ironically probably strengthen it as there would be smaller area to rule.

the exact same way it is right now

Canada is already a wasteland with maybe 3 inhabitable places, one of which is only habitable to the french

Why would someone nuke Wyoming?

that's no nuke. It's just as bad if not worse en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowstone_Caldera

I would ask what happened to West Virginia, and are we still nigh-impossible to wage conventional warfare against?

>gulf republic stops fifty miles short of the Mississippi


Why is Alaska colonizing the pacific northwest? It should be controlled by British Columbia, California, Washington or hell even Oregon before fucking Alaska.

Anyway, it needs Mormon diaspora, preferably on the warpath towards Jackson County, Missouri.

>What would you add to this?

Actual thinking instead relying on stale tropes?

1st, as others have pointed out, why has the Federal gov't disappeared?

2nd, apart from laziness, ignorance, and idiocy, why do you successor states follow existing state borders?

There are cultural and economic regions within the US that all but ignore state borders. Northern New England, for example, is basically united in it's HATRED for Massachusetts and the Massholes who live there. Western CT is linked more to NY/NYC than any part of New England.

The current Piedmont regions of the states in your future "Carolina Confederacy" have little to do with coastal regions in the same and have much more in common with the Appalachian regions of KY & TN.

Having the Alaskan panhandle united with the rest of Alaska instead of some BC successor state is complete douchebaggery, just as having a united Alaska is.

MI's UP has more in common with MN than Detroit and having a single TX polity controlling TX's pre-eruption borders is asinine.

TL;DR - Pull your head out of your ass, read books like "The Nine Nations of North America", do some actual thinking, and try again.

>North Eastern coalition
>implying us Rhode Islanders would ever willingly work with Massholes

not sure if you're being hyperbolic but over all this is a good post.

>>implying us Rhode Islanders would ever willingly work with Massholes
>>Northern New England, for example, is basically united in it's HATRED for Massachusetts and the Massholes who live there.

Read those two statements, OP, and remember that is just one small region of your map.

Ditch this shit and start over.

>not sure if you're being hyperbolic but over all this is a good post.

Thanks. Sadly, sometimes being hyperbolic is the only way to get people to listen.

First, the rest of the world.

No wait, first listen to the other major complaints of the thread then add the rest of the world cause a major superpower blowing up would not go down in a vacuum.

Then I'd think long and hard about what happens when you displace so many millions of people and kill of so much farmland and pastures combined with a volcanic winter that would cause food shortages world wide.

So basically first off there aint a single unclaimed region outside the inner ashlands because any place that has a remote chance of providing any food is now totally overcrowded.

Alright, so let's clarify some things about this map and the project in general for those who don't know.

It was called the Ashlands, and was basically a very silly, very off the cuff post Apoc setting that /k/ came up with. I came in around the second thread, and somehow ended up being the curator and facilitator.

Here's the pastebin if anyone is interested in reading them .pastebin.com/c8exhsjy

There's some good stuff in there, including these crazy ass versions of Skinwalkers that live in the Ash, Colorodians fighting Neo Aztecs, Special Reconnaissance Units founded using old AF planes that make HALO drops into the Ash, and so on.

Yes, we knew the borders were silly. Yes we knew the government probably wouldn't fail in this scenario, so we handwaved it. The reason it fell apart is because A) /k/ommandos aren't much into the role play and creativity, and B) interstate squabbling.

I stopped pushing it because we were ded, but I really liked it, so if you elegan/tg/entlemen want to give it a whirl, I'll be around.

To reiterate the silliness, Texas and the Carolinas had a Cold war over barbeque, and Florida became a giant anarchists paradise after a Super Storm flooded nearly the entire state. NYC became a bandit kings HQ, which was basically just Escape from NY, and there was a huge border chokepoint in WV (or maybe VA, I don't actually remember) where marauders and bandits constantly attacked, trying to push into the fertile, soft South.

maybe try keeping the govt together but ramp up the threat possed by these beings of fire and other spiritual shit

First, a better map of a potential Yellowstone Supervolcano's impact. I would get you one but I'm on my phone and frankly they're all over the internet with varying levels of accuracy. Hint, prevailing winds and mountain chains mean that the ash is blowing a bit less west and a lot more east than you think.

Second, might want to rethink your map some. Why is New England suddenly on its own? Past Pennsylvania it's all maple syrup, potatoes, and trees. The moose outnumber the people in rural Maine. Why for that matter, is half the eastern seaboard divvied up between New England and the South while leaving several major ports and metropolitan areas blank. DC is right near Norfolk and Maryland, and New York City might be a craven overcrowded mess but it's still a major port. Expect the Federal government and National Guard to step in. They do have contingencies for this so there would be some presence at least on the East coast.

Assuming this is a few years after the fact, there is the USN to consider. They'll be the least initially damaged and likely the most logistically prioritized branch of the US military. The great plains are a write off, as is most of California due to water shortages, Florida loses a lot of vulnerable agricultural production, cash crops in the south such as soy and cotton are probably traded for food crops of any sort. Thousands will die in the eruption. Millions will starve in America. Hundreds of millions worldwide. Expect a lot of wars as global warming suddenly reverses for a decade. Russia will probably make a lot of pushes along its borders. Expect China to do the same. The US may try to move the border south some to make up for half the nation being under half a foot of ash slurry.

>why do you successor states follow existing state borders?
This is my biggest problem with the map.

A lot of the gaps exist simply because no one ever wrote anything for them. This was a collaborative effort, where someone presented something, we discussed it, and it got implemented. Things that are blank aren't just empty space, they're just blank. Besides, that's one of the older maps.
I forgot all about the Fire beings. I might actually do some writing tonight.

if possible to do you the eruption map that has the state borders but not the other poltical stuff

Is this post nuclear? If so, why was the bomb dropped on fucking nothing?

its not that's the yellow stone super volcano
if it erupts it would cause a huge amount of destruction

There might be one in the old threads, I don't have it, phoneposting.

I actually remember part of the reason was that the guy who made the made didn't have PS and couldn't make layers, so he had to hand draw all the colors and shit in Paint, and basically didn't want to download a different map. No one else wanted to do it so we just rolled with it.

>Any confederacy in the south not controlled by Georgia.
>If not Georgia one of the Carolina's

Please stop. Georgia always has been the economic and cultural center of the south

Are the ashlands meant to be a nuclear fallout zone? Who would nuke montana?

First you need to set a year it goes off, then the campaign year.
FEMA would claim all of it to begin with, and most places would not oppose them at first.

Lake Ontario demands representation in the Great Lakes Coalition

Yellowstone Volcano eruption.

Dead Zone is self explanatory.
Deep Zone in pretty much uninhabitable.
Ashlands and Outer Ashlands are covered in volcanic ash.

>Ashlands and Outer Ashlands are covered in volcanic ash.
Everything would be covered in volcanic ash, Saint Helens circled the world, Yellowstone would smother it.

State governments have armed forces. State borders would probably be retained if the state government still had men and bullets. There is a good chance that years of 'nuclear type' winter will make southern Gulf States esp. Georgia and Florida the prime ag land.
The SW states will annex part of Mexico if their situation is bad enough, and they have the firepower. Millions will sneak south into Mexico anyway.

Old map, GA is a huge player in the Confederacy, it was just started by the Carolinas in their Cold War against TX. Which was over BBQ
There's some serious mystical/spooky shit going on in the Ash. No one has ever returned from The Dead Zone.
It was agreed that the setting for the stories/campaign was around 30-40 years post eruption if I recall correctly. Magic and weird shit man. Long enough for people to have adapted to living in the Outer Ash. And yes they're called ashlanders.
Write something. That's the original spirit after all.

The Texas Expeditionary force is what started the whole thing, amusingly enough.

this is a quick redraw for the map if you wanted to do it with the USA still together
I haven't added the guide yet but its going to show how fucked the states were depending on where they are in the ashlands

>Mojave Union

So we've got little to eat and even less to drink. We're gonna be a powerhouse!

>expeditionary forces
Not exactly a term that makes a lot of sense when you're within the borders of your own territory, as these often seem to be.

And since we have fully coloured, and thus I assume relatively civilised bits as deep as the ashland,s what's up with the large white parts even outside of the outer ashlands?

And keep in mind that volcanic ash quickly turns into very fertile soil.

The ashlands should follow prevailing winds, not sure how they flow from that region but my guess would be south and east.

I used OPs map so it might not show devastation as it should.

Handwave answer: OP said there was some magical shit going so that might be why its not following weather patterns.

I think people would be too busy trying not to starve and freeze to death.

It's hypothesized that the cause of the last Ice Age is because of the Yellowstone Eruption.

The global average temperature will drop by over 20 celsius. That's GLOBAL, not local.

It wouldn't be the ashlands, it would be the FROZEN ashlands, and there would be little to no reason to explore there as your number one priority would be desperately getting enough food to survive, which is pretty much guaranteed not to be located beneath billions of tons of ash.

There would be plenty of food under the ash depending on how many people die from their lungs clogging up, or flee to better areas, ect. Canned goods and some dried goods will last practically forever.
Also predisaster manufactured goods would probably be super valuable to barter with.

>ITT: "I didn't read the thread, is OP's pic supposed to be a nuclear explosion"

With the magical things happening maybe some mystics were trying to bring forth fiery spirits that would bring usher in a volcanic apocalypse but they botched the ritual.
Which only caused some minor eruptions that didn't lead to a global ice age.

And that's where the adventure begins.

People sent by the government or of their own initiative go in after things have calmed down enough and the situation with refugee and resources crisis is brought somewhat under control.

Fun Fact.
Several Canadian provinces have plans in place to be annexed by the US should the Canadian Government collapse.

>Mojave union
They're not a powerhouse per se, they're just a group of people with enough arms and bodies to form a somewhat coherent group of isolated villages/towns that cooperate and trade with one another, and share a protective body.
>Expeditionary Forces
They don't stay in their own territory, the Explore into the Ash for, well, whatever I guess.
>white bits
Just empty space nobody filled. Again, this was a collaborative project on /k/. Anyone could contribute, and anyone could set things up. I just became the curator of the threads and "lore".
Correct answer? A bunch of /k/ommandos writing stories about mustachioed and heavily armed Texans riding slapped together choppers into the Ashlands in search of Old World remnants couldnt be assed to actually look into weather patterns and shit.
We're just trying to have fun man, not write the Road.
This, holy fuck.
That's...thats actually pretty good user.

Delmarva Trade Federation

Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland if you aren't from here.

That food would probably be consumed within a few years though, wouldn't it?

There's also a lack of sunlight.

Not only is it fucking freezing, you haven't seen the sun in your lifetime.

And everything is covered by a small layer of ash, making this the grayest and bleakest setting imaginable.

>Millions will starve in America. Hundreds of millions worldwide.

This is gonna be a great time for farming countries.

Why they don't sacrifice the park to drill a series of small holes into the caldera to vent pressure before it explodes is beyond me.

Because trucking around with plate tectonics when we barely understand how they work is asking for the gods to step down and smack you personally.

Because that's how we accidentally summons Cthulhu

Friday 13th, 2018. Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts gloriously. In addition to what geologists predicted, bizarre minerals (later dubbed 'Chaos Diamonds') are ejected as far as hundreds of miles away. They have different paranormal effects.

2018- 2028 The Years Without Much Summer.
FEMA takes over the US Gvt entirely for 5 years. Gulf States and Eastern Seaboard States create coalitions to protect common interests. US Gvt reclaims power from FEMA.

~2030 World climate mostly returns to normal.

2051AD Weird mutant Yellowstoners from the Badlands continue to cause problems.


Because historically, most eruptions in the yellowstone are minor lava spills that do exactly that, vent pressure, not explosive in any way.

There's only been 3 mega-eruptions of the mass extinction kind.

Here's a start
Its 2 years after the initial eruption and the US government has managed to finally get control of the situation after the mass migrations towards the east. Many of the Texans have tried to ride out the storm and some have actually managed to thrive in this situation(The Players.).

The government has notice certain ash cloud movements blanketing regions in the outer Ashlands that were once considered somewhat safe. Leaving almost no survivors those who have are mad some speak as if the ash is alive.

With growing public concern teams are getting sent to push further in and find out just what has happened. The players are pulled into this initiative either being hired volunteering or having been part of the US military to help guard scientist.

As they push into north Texas from the which is part of the Ashland they'll encounter a tribe of Native Americans who will give them the first insight into what's really happening in what they call The Lands of Fire.....

There really should be a US Government Holdout either in the DC region or in the Cheyenne Mountains

>Why they don't sacrifice the park to drill a series of small holes into the caldera to vent pressure before it explodes is beyond me.
Yes, we can tell, despite your cartoonish grasp of geology.

I bet Alberta is one of them. Bunch of fucking traitors, American-wannabes, with their oil and country music.

I nuked Yellowstone in my GammaWorld setting, worked out pretty well.
Nice topic OP, here is the cover for our new book.

Alberta is one of them. So is Ottawa

/k/ created the setting, and had a boner for the Federal government collapsing so Texas can go alone because its the best. They called it The Fortress State


Keep it, them Texans probably would.
Texas is not likely to suffer that much directly from the event in comparison to further North.
I really don't see the Federal gvt collapsing under this scenario. If something else happened like a foreign invasion, or a plague storm that sweeps across the the entire country. 12 nukes dropped off the Eastern Seaboard 6 months after the Yellowstone Event would probably break the Federal gvt. and probably the gvt of the states affected.

>The Deep Zone
What's in the Deep Zone? Is Salt Lake like Pompeii now, except less graffiti about defecation?
Will the Mormons suddenly become Aiel, but with Browning firearms?

And of course my pic goes missing

my gyess its where some powerful fire beings were summoned forth and have built there own nation within that's full of magically mutated wildlife and a small nation of flame worshipers

I think you misunderstand a supervolcano eruption. Billions will starve because there will be NO farming countries for a few decades. No power either except for maybe centralized plants like coal or nuclear if they can still get fuel in. Solar, hydro, and wind are fucked. No power also means no manufacturing, and for the first few months even radio will be shit with the ash in the atmosphere.
There's a good chance the human race will survive, we're everywhere and have survived before, but this will kill civilization.

Plant sawgrass, no wall necessary

Fun Fact
The Canadian Province of Newfoundland was its own country up until around just after WWII. It had a large US military presence during and for a while after the war. It almost became a state because of how much the US had helped the island, giving it a huge economic boost, and helping to modernize the island. However for some reason they joined Canada, despite having very few reasons to join Canada. Canada only cared because they didn't want a second Alaska. In the end the US lost a huge strategic point, being the most eastenrly point of the Americas. In the end Canada gains a shitty source of oil, destroyed the most plentiful fishing ground in human history with trawling within 30 years, and generally gave zero shits about the 500k people living there.

Yeah they occur what, every 600-650 thousand years? And iirc the last was 650 thousand some years ago.
Plus ground level and heat in the park is rising, and old faithful isn't anymore.

>This was a collaborative effort

And a shitty one at that.

Blaming everything on a Confederacy of Dunces is an excuse and not a reason. Using such an excuse means you already knew the setting was shit and was produced by fools.

Thanks for sharing.


You misunderstand, though from your tone I take it you don't actually want to be helpful to OP or participate. And no, I'm not OP, no it's not MY setting, no I'm not defending the low quality of the overall theme.

I just happened upon this thread this morning on my way into work, and decided to give all of the necessary information since I was the curator for the old threads.

But here's your (you), enjoy it.

Why the fuck would the Canadian Government collapse? Also, the American white trash tinfoilers would think that annexxing parts of Canada would be the first signs of American Union nightmare scenerio that leads to a One World Government and go ballistic and counts a lot of senators their jobs.

Not to mention how hard it would be to shift government standards, cultural transistions, and the whole shitfest it would be to convert millions of people's money into American dollars.


Not as hard as you think.

If the perceived justification for a hostile takeover hits a critical saturation point in the common mindset then nobody cares. Or at least not enough people care enough for it to matter. A bit of white trash chimping out in their tailors at the T.V. is not worth noting given that most of them can't work up the enthusiasm to vote.

Money conversion isn't a problem. It's just doing what happened to the Spanish Pesos and all the other currencies but into an already existing and stable currency.

A bunch of politicians loosing their job is just backgoound noise as far as the average peasant is concerned. It doesn't mean anything to their day to day lives.

The only bump in the road to achieving this end would be the comparisons in the minds of the herd to the 1812 war. But how saturated is that in the mind of the masses? Genuine question, I'm not American so I don't know for sure. I imagine it's like Britain inventing the first concentration camps in the African colonies or the Opium Wars in regards to thing not drawn attention to.

I know that /k/ and most innawoods Clapburgers think that they're at constant war with FEMA/the US Government, but most state governments would be more concerned about the fact that a giant volcanic eruption that has most certainly destroyed their country than whether or not FEMA is going to take away your guns. Only an idiot would be standing in the scorched remains of their land screaming about the 2nd Amendment while their government is scrambling to find a way to keep the unexploded parts of America from collapsing.

>Not to mention how hard it would be to shift government standards, cultural transistions, and the whole shitfest it would be to convert millions of people's money into American dollars.
Hence why plans are already in place for such a transition.

>Why the fuck would the Canadian Government collapse?
It's literally just there as a precaution. No one expects the Canadian govt to collapse.

Needs the kingdom of Gary, Indiana

>Why the fuck would the Canadian Government collapse?

Who the fuck knows? I do know that when I was working as a tech rep in Estevan, Saskatchewan during the Meech Lake Accords fiasco otherwise sober and educated Canucks seriously asked me what the requirements for US statehood are.

I'm not talking about Joe Six Pack sucking down a Labatt's at the bar while watching Hockey Night or standing in line at Tim Horton's either. These were directors and VPs at power plants, shale oil facilities, and the like.

They're not expeditionary forces if they're stationned in their own country.

Ops given me ideas which I used to make this map because I was bored. Its based on a lot of the information I read and some stuff I made up on my own.

I'm assuming that the person who talked about the Canadian government collapsing has nothing to do with someone invading their country, but it becoming too unstable to work. The absolute main thing about how this wouldn't work is the vitriolic anger Americans have for the government doing things without asking them first. The entirety of American politics as of late seems to be the America has an insanely tight budget and can't afford to do something as crazy as having at least two giant provinces from another country on standby for state-hood that Americans don't get to yay or nay.

The Mojave is not at all where you put it. It's well to the north.

>The absolute main thing about how this wouldn't work is the vitriolic anger Americans have for the government doing things without asking them first.

Not that asking would help, the answer would be no. Because the government doing anything is tyranny, and anything they fail to get done is simply proof that government can never do anything for you.

What stopped the river flowing from Minnesota?


What happens to canada?

stuff in the ashlands gets wrecked with mass die offs and possibly Americas migrating there
US and Canada will probably start a joint effort to find out whats going on?