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Badass Bad Guy Edition:

What enemy would be cooler than a vilderavn riding a linnorm?

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>What enemy would be cooler than a vilderavn riding a linnorm?

I don't know, the combination of those things feels kind of lame to me.

Vilderavn manipulating Linnorm into reaping chaos and strife on the Thanelands, though? Aye, I can see it.

Isn't that just the Nameless king but on a shitty dragon?

>It gives me a good chance to ask though, do you guys feel the kingdom building rules are the worst part of Kingmaker?

They are, but they're also one of the most charming aspects of the system. Nothing's quite as fun as building up districts you can walk around in when they're all filled out.

Did anyone take Nights Kiss for PLD? The corruption taking feat?

Reminder: ReviewAnon is still missing and presumed murdered by Sandpoint's favorite vigilante

Isn't reviewanon2 Corwin's player
don't quote me on that

>A giant samurai armor riding a giant horse armor
>A set of claymores riding a pile-bunker
>A spherical peacekeeping installation riding the space between the worlds
>A fandango-tinted Theropod riding an emerald Ceratopsian

>Isn't reviewanon2 Corwin's player
He was asking for copies of in-game chat logs after the last SotJR game, so I doubt it.

I agree.

A harbinger Vilderavn and a Kineticist Linnorm, tag-teaming and fucking shit up?




>Nothing's quite as fun as building up districts you can walk around in when they're all filled out

I agree. Kingmaker, despite being a sandbox full of random encounters and a barely-there plot, has got to be one of the worst campaigns to run as a murderhobo combat simulator. The game really shines when you have a DM that can flesh the world out and players who want to immerse themselves. I feel like Kingmaker lends itself to an RP-heavy, maybe even almost slice-of-life style game (although I hesitate to use "slice-of-life" for this because I think it implies a bit too much sitting around and passivity on behalf of the PCs).

I agree wholeheartedly. Never played kingmaker before, and the concept of kingdom building gets me pretty hyped honestly. The whole frontier conquest thing takes priority over straight combat for me, honestly. Combat is fun, but being a powerful force behind progress is also fucking cool as shit.

Friendly reminder that a city can have as many as 16 districts within it before you need to "spill into" another hex.

This means you can have an entire district of tanners, blacksmiths and forges as your "Street of Steel" while another could be full of boutiques, taverns, brothels and stores for a "Gold Quarter."

Kingmaker's charm has and always will be getting the chance to throw down a tavern and *actually visit it*, with everyone giving you the proper courtesies before continuing on with their day.

God damn if that doesn't sound cool. Come on, stop getting me excited for this, it's gonna be a bamboozle
pic unrelated

This is one of the big failings of Kingmaker - how hard the system punishes you for trying to make a big empire just because it fucked its math up.

Players want to be KINGS, and while that's not an easy job, they shouldn't be fighting uphill against the rules every step of the way to get the normal successful king fantasy.

The other part is that it can sorta catch newer GMs unaware. If they try to, say, follow the plot from point to point, you end up basically losing out on everything kingmaker's meant to be.

>they shouldn't be fighting uphill against the rules every step of the way to get the normal successful king fantasy.

I think my old DM that ran Kingmaker had an interesting workaround for this issue.

The biggest problem with Kingmaker usually is the lack of BP in the early and mid-game forcing you to pick the gamey options, and by the time Kingmaker enters Book 5 you're typically too sick of the system to get all fluffy.

My DM worked a system where, every kingdom turn, a positive-happiness citizenry would start work on a structure on their own, effectively doubling your structure production. The process wasn't entirely random; the King can pass edicts (Kingdom rolls) that designate city blocks or entire districts as "manufacturing" or "economic" which would make the DM pick from buildings that fit the bill.

He even divided the building list into "tiers" based on kingdom size; you can't get an Arena if you're a collection of 8 hexes, but an empire spanning the length of the Stolen Lands might (unless you roll a 100, which says, "roll for the next highest tier.")

>friend from Pathfinder game messages me at noon.
>asks if I want to go to a movie with him and his brother.
>say no, have a different group's Pathfinder.
>four hours later, friend messages me on steam, asks why I'm not with the group.
>"the game is at six."
>friend yells at me, says I could have seen a movie with him at two.
>he never said two.
>blocks me before I can respond.
>next day, texts me.
>I'm being removed from the first Pathfinder group.
>lays into me over how I go out of my way to avoid him, that I don't want friends, and hopes I "enjoy being alone."
>hasn't talked to me since.
>removed me from Steam.
>it's been a week now.

I genuinely don't know how I should feel about this.

How do you count encounter CR again?
How much CR is 20 1/3 CR goblins?

Like maybe you shouldn't be autistic and when someone asks "Do you want to go see a movie?" you should ask "When?"

>mfw we bought a Waterfront (a very expensive building, but a very good one) for our kingdom in the early game
>mfw the DM used it as a plot point since smugglers were bringing in contraband through the warehouses

This is some high school level drama dude.

Are you underage, or are your friends literally retarded, or is there something else that made things strained?

If he over reacts that badly over something minor, he didn't deserve your friendship to begin with.

I find it odd that it never occurred to you to ask "what time?".

Are you and your friend twelwe?


Speaking of Kingmaker: anyone who's played before, what did your party name your kingdom, and why?

How much discussion was there with the group?

(I ask because we're how many weeks into book 1 and still have no ideas)

2 goblins would be 1/3+2 which makes it CR 1 (2 'steps' in this case).

20 goblins would definitely be CR+9, but the table does not explicitly show the growth rate so what I DON'T know is if CR+10 would be 23 goblins or if it would take 25 goblins.

Either way those kinds of situations are meant for the AoE guy, else you risk having an overly long combat just for the sake of it taking very long.

He didn't tell me the time when he asked. Though since he likes to do this like ten minutes before the movie starts, I should have put two and two together.

I'm guessing scarlet einhander doesn't work if you have a shield or buckler in your offhand?

But I want to play a Kingmaker game!

Actually my problem is converting lots of small enemies into troops
I want to make a Goblin troop, but I don't know what CR it should be
CR would be determined by what is the CR of 20 or so goblins

It does, einhander only stops working when you use that shield as a weapon.

Shield, no, because no Scarlet Throne maneuvers work with a shield in your off hand. Buckler, yes.

So do I user, but I don't want to get excited and then be disappointed if kingmaker user hits one roadblock too many and gives up

>All Scarlet Throne maneuvers and stances require that the initiator not be using any kind of shield in their off-hand (including animated shields) while initiating a maneuver or while using a martial stance of this discipline.

YOU didn't ask for it.
>Hey wanna go see a movie?
Scheduling is not yet set. Before scheduling "when movie" it's "is this of interest".

Generally speaking - and my head hurts just breaking this down into as autistic as I can - one first obtains a true/false on the other party's interest in the particular form of entertainment. If True, suggestions or a discussion as to which particular movie is then to be decided.


What you did was
>no I don't wanna hang out with you uh, I have stuff
>dude? I thought you said you had stuff?
>yeah but the stuff is later

So, yes, you actively blew the person off.

We named our capital "Stagfall," after our fighter killed the Stag Lord by throwing him off the battlements.

But user, I didn't even mention the mining town we built in a strategic mountain pass that mined huge quantities of Adamantine!

Oh they could easily be in their early 20s. I've seen one guy get bitched out in one group because -well outside of game hours, when everyone else in the chat is discussing not-game things- he'd discuss not-game things. Then fast-forward a few weeks where he's only been joining on the conversations when they're explicitly about the game, and he gets berated for having "no personality or interests beyond the game's mechanics".

So the magic enhancement bonuses for weapons go to damage and to hit. Where do enhancement bonuses for shields and armor go? AC?


What is with nerds and having issues with social skills and causing awkward drama

Well, that and once someone in the group has it in for you, there's little you can do if they're dating the GM. But that's a different story (and not my friend's but mine).

Yeah, my PC personally funded the construction of a district dedicated to fine arts and higher education in our campaign, and had a school down there he would personally go teach at whenever he wasn't swamped with paperwork from his government job. Good times. His uncle got a job there too, when I brought him in as a cohort after taking Leadership.

Speaking of, if ever there was a campaign that encouraged the entire party to take Leadership...

We started the campaign in the same way, saving up for a Waterfront. It came up as a plot point a few times but not as anything major. Probably wasted potential, now that I think about it.

I played the game before. Our kingdom was named Ravencrown, but I don't actually know why because I joined the campaign after it had already been going for a while. I have to imagine everybody was brainstorming ideas between sessions to put forward and that was just the coolest name, knowing my friends.

It's almost like expelling anyone slightly different from social groups during formative years causes them to grow up without know how to properly interact socially. Who knew?

>dating the GM
oh no user
not that
i know that
i have seen how passive aggressive people can get

Cosmoshot would never do such a thing!

An incredibly useful point if one wishes to divide and conquer.

You'll note that only 'standing up for yourself' causes zero-tolerance to hit you like a truck in bullying cases; all of the violence preceding any such act is acceptable and encouraged.

No matter what the bullying victim does, they'll either end up dysfunctional, or in jail after a very special episode of columbine.

it was anything but passive, although I was the giant jackass when tried to point it out thanks to some fake crying.

it was fucking surreal in retrospect.

What is that, some cheapo porn name?

>Alright it's just you and Jupiterror in this scene, so I'm gonna need a lotta hot action, before we bring in your stunt cock! Alright? ACTION!
>wait, uh, why do they call her....

user, please apply for this Kingmaker campaign when it becomes available, the more builders we can get in this campaign, the better.

This actually was the gag when I made her. She shoots for the stars!

She's a Warlock vigilante in a 1pp game

We're late twenties, yeah. And he's a drama queen whenever he gets upset or pissed, and it's gotten worse after he hurt his back in a work accident.

I mean, for all I know that could have been his back making him do that.

I know that now, and it sucks. I've known him since high school, and almost half the reason I even go outside anymore. And now I'm worried he'll try to stab me if I try to apologize. It really sucks.

And since I'm here, I may as well ask. I want to make a sonics based sorcerer. Do you have any advice how to do that?

>or in jail after a very special episode of columbine.
Have any school shooters actually made it to jail before? I'm pretty sure most of them finish things off by killing themselves.

>Similarly, commentary that is just you making statements without asking for questions or proposing solutions isn't productive, and will be removed to ensure that more productive commentary has the space and commentary to be discussed without needlessly slowing down the playtest documents.

Yes, Ssalarn, because people looking through these playtest documents clearly should have all the answers for your questionable design decisions. Simply pointing something out is clearly not enough and means you can hide it out of sight so others can't build on it.

Ssalarn is an author of greater part of SoM than Jolly.

.... I recognize those lines... just the one name was changed...

>'Aight fellas I'm ready ta fuck
>Ya want me on top?
>NOO!! UH! I'll be on top?
>Yer gonna make me cum, or I'm gonna kick yer butt

Letting them drag you to jail would be pointless
Suicide lets you escape the punishment, the ultimate crime

That's not possible. Spheres of Might isn't unfinished and left abandoned halfway through a table entry.


Ssalarn's an author of more classes than Jolly, overall content they're pretty close.

Also reading Ssalarn's comments in the DDS forum is more than enough to know who really cares about this project.

nobody cares

I don't think I'm a builder but I'll apply anyways.

SoM is really nice
Just format it in a proper splat book way and I'll pay 20 bucks for it

Correction; you don't care. Others do because this is a big project with a lot of potential. It's better than circle jerking about which character you want to put your dick in.

>DHB is interested in WWW

Guys I'm worried

I feel like this is DHB's time.

He's going to make a gritty old man and its going to fit perfectly

What do we do when DHB actually gets into a game?

No, nobody cares about two fanboys of particular devs having a dick measuring contest.

Its literally worse than kitsuneposting.

At what level should a sorcerer get the quicken spell feat?

like level 15

Literally As Soon As Sorcererly Possible.

Think about the spells you want to quicken.

compare what level you'd need to be to cast those spells.

"around there" is your answer.

Just wait until 15

I'm pretty sure it's less to escape punishment and more because they're already suicidally depressed, which is how they got to "I'll kill everyone who pissed me off before I go." in the first place.

>Underground Chemist gives you alchemist's Throw Anything and the ability to add Sneak Attack dice to splash weapons, returning the old flask rogue gimmick to the table
>There's a rogue talent, Bomber, that gives you Int Mod of alchemist bombs that deal damage = SA Dice, but no +Int Mod because no Throw Anything
>theoretically a double SA-dice nuke, but it'd at most be only 3-4 tosses per day, with no way to get "full" bombs like there is with Ki Pool
>probably requires a billion feats to get off the ground and is highly situational
>still very tempted to do it because it sounds cool

rogue gimmicks are my greatest weakness

>casting fire
>in a room full of books
I see this ending in no other way besides flames and tears. And gratuitous rape.

We do nothing. DHB is actually a decent player.

can't we panic a little?

Well it is all about revenge and taking power back
Killing someone is the absolute power over someone.

DHB isn't cancer like 2hu, just a little autistic.

Could pfg collectively rewrite a kingmaker game? with vilderavn bbeg(s), waterfronts and issia/rostland tensions?

What if the mass combat was replaced with musou?
What if we throw in more Sengoku Jidai/RotTK?

Chaika-user, you need to stop yourself. This always ends in suffering for you.

He's already been in a game, fuckwit.

i thought the curse had not yet been broken and he was 0/12 on apps or something

Nope, he was in the weird grimdark china game.

Stop. That's too cool. You're not allowed to be that cool.

Imagine- LotR tier musou combat, with political tension, proper kingdom management systems, and /pfg/-tier storyline involving evil fey and impressive BBEGs like Vilderavn commanding Linnorms for maximum hype

this just sounds like a clusterfuck now

Kingmaker Sengoku would literally just be picking a destabilized kingdom in Tian Xia and using it.

Exactly. That's why I said it's TOO cool. TOO COOL to happen or even make sense.

no it sounds like a fanfic.

Right, because WWW seems gritty and DHB is an expert in making characters that fit the setting.

We forgot to greentext Curse of the Lazy Throne Session 2 Monday night, so here we go!

In case you forgot, our heroes are:
>Ophelia: Shoanti/Varisian protector of the innocent (Draconic Bloodrager)
>Beatrice: Fortune-teller and unfortunate orphan (Empath Medium)
>Sofia: Socialite, soulknife, and recovered drug addict (Psychic Armory Soulknife)
>Ein: Former guardsman, now an Inquisitor in Pharasma's service (Monster Tactician/Urban Infiltrator Inquisitor)

>When we last left our heroes, they were about to kick Gaedren Lamm's shit in
>After searching the bodies of his henchmen, we found the key to his lair
>Ophelia takes the lead and unlocks the door...
>And there's Lamm, holding an orphan girl hostage
>Said orphan girl is also Ophelia's close friend
>Lamm taunts each of us as we walk in, keeping a close eye on the girl, ready to push her into a pool with an alligator if we make a move for him
>Lamm doesn't know we have a collective, however
>And while Sofia and Beatrice were keeping Lamm occupied, Ein came up with a plan
>A risky plan, but it was better than nothing
>And so he makes the call, initiative is rolled
>Ein moves, says an incantation, and summons... nothing
>In reality, he summons a Small Aether Elemental, who proceeds to become the hero of the day
>Ein orders it to move the orphan girl out of the way, which it does with a telekinetic bull rush
>Beatrice moves to protect the girl
>Ophelia and Sofia murder the gator in 1 round
>And Lamm... goes invisible.
>But Lamm doesn't know that Aether Elementals have Blindsense
>Ein and Sofia move to block the doors to the room, and the Elemental is ordered to find Lamm and make sure he doesn't get away
>The elemental manages to break through the 50% concealment and goes for a telekinetic grapple.
>Nat. 20.
>Lamm rolls low on his escape attempt and the sounds of his struggle pinpoint his square
>Ophelia rushes over next to him
>The Aether Elemental That Could manages to pin Lamm

I mean

I feel like this one is right up his alley though.

It's hard though, why do cool things have to be such shit?

Oh and Mithral Current and Scarlet Throne are native Brevoy.

>dat jif
Oh my hot dongers! Does that actually happen in the new Doom game?

>The single most ineffecient, but entertaining method of watering the grass

Well, the idea of a warring states period following the establishment of the PC nation, and the rising tensions between issia and rostland isn't completely insane, especially if orchestrated by a couple of vilderavn and their fey lords. The musuo aspect is more to replace a pre-existing mechanic and matches well with PoW. The Linnorm thing is a little too much imo though.


DOOM (2016) is actually a fucking awesome game, literally a 10/10

Yyyep. There's a bunch of collectible Doomguy action figures hidden in the different levels. Doomguy himself seems to like them.

I combined it with an Alchemist VMC, the Scout archetype, and the Unchained Rogue, and it was awesome. Got Bleeding Attack and spent some resources (a Talent and a feat, as I recall) for Explosive Bomb as well, so I'd dash 10 feet, throw a bomb as a touch attack, explode it for 5d6 damage, +5d6 sneak attack damage, 5 bleed damage, and set the target on fire, plus applying my Debilitating Injury.

It was pretty gimmicky, yeah, but it was fun as hell, and actually very effective as a mobile debuffer/lockdown character. I'd pick one enemy, tell the party to leave them to me and handle the rest, then spend the fight kiting them around and making them pretty much useless while I burned away their HP. The only thing I had trouble with was fire immunity, since I didn't have enough stuff to spend on getting a different damage type for my bombs.

What are the popular archetypes, flavorwise? Not the best or most powerful, the ones that make you say 'I want to play that.'