Very true, but the Heracles will rarely get a chance to bring its broadsides to bare. If you play the Minos aggressively and get it stuck in by turn two or three (especially with the newly updated Calypso support), it'll outshine even the luckiest Herc.
Depends on what they do with the particle rule and its wording, but possible.
Personally, I wouldn't support that as a universal thing. Crippling very much feels like a high-tech rule that should stay with the PHR and Shaltari.
Agreed, definitely. I don't know why they don't already.
Agreed, but only if it gives variety to existing torps among factions.
Agreed, they probably have frigate level armor anyways. Having them take the saves that ships would take, rather than fighters and bombers, would be best.
I posted this last thread, but here's how I'd fix the Torps.
12" thrust; 2+ lock; 1 attack; 9 damage
Simple, powerful, and a long enough range to actually matter. The New York suddenly gains access to the single most powerful weapon in the game, able to more reliably out damage any laser, and if lucky will cripple any ship save a PHR battleship.
12" thrust; 2+ lock; 1 attack; 4 damage; corruptor
Same as it is now, but corruptor updated to be not useless.
In particular, corruptor would add fires on a 5+ for each current hull point. When the corrupted ship gets crippled, that would become a 4+ on each current hull point.
Keep in mind that it still requires the torp to get a critical hit.
9" thrust; 2+ lock; 1 attack; 6 damage; crippling
Goes with the Minos being a brawling rape machine.
I'd also say that Hawk should make the critical lock bonus that heavy PHR guns get into a special rule of its own and give it to all torps.
Critical hits require a roll of one less than they otherwise would.
Also, while we're at it, reword particle to be the following.
Saves cannot be made against any damage inflicted by this weapons.