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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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>It still boggles my mind some lady lighting a fire is enough to keep those things out, when the Aedra are supposed to be far diminished from creating everything.
Nah I dunno. If I had to guess I'd say it's a Morgoth type thing. They're "diminished", but the power is still there, just tied up in the world instead of being something they can exercise freely.
>Just how potent ARE they even outside of them? I'm pretty sure Sheogorath teleports you into the sky at one point.
He does that in the Shivering Isles.
I mean, they're still pretty potent I guess, just not in biggatons type stuff. Both the Dunmer and the Orsimer are the results of curses laid on what were previously different types of elves.
>Okay, I remember the lore stuff about it. So something like this could fuck up a Daedric Prince on its' home turf?
No, I was talking about why they're a problem for the mortals. But remember, Alduin isn't just going to walk up and try to eat the Aedra and Daedra in their own realms straight away. He'll chow down in Sovngarde first, the eat Mundus, etc. He grows larger ans more powerful the more he eats, so it adds up.
>See, here's the part that gives me conniptions. I thought the Aedra were supposed to be WEAKER from creating the world. WHY is Akatosh going through periodic cycles of being an utter badass by Daedric standards while simultaneously maintaining a power that keeps all the Princes outside of the world-while allegedly being dead and broken? I thought one of the other Aedra was literally eaten and shat out into a new Daedra, but this guy seems like he could wipe out most of the pantheon if he really wanted to.
Once again going to stick with the Morgoth thing.
Also you have to remember that reality is literally God's fever dream caught in a perpetual time loop.
Jumpers! What's the last time you had a job? And I mean an honest, 9-5 style job. Outside the Generic 9-5 Jump, of course.
oh I remember that. and now Shalltear is convinced that Seiyuu are actually creating life
Daily reminder that this is what you see in the Death Note jump
So is Overlord magic basically just D&D magic? Arcane casters have all the Wizard/Sorcerer spells, Divine has all of the Cleric and Druid spells?
Outside of nine-to-five? In a jump, never. Why would you?
Oh no, no, not in the childhood.
What were the casting people even thinking?
Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.
It really is fun to see all of this "real world" stuff view through the lens of the NPCs
No, many of the spells are similar but the system is very different.
What the fuck.
He wasn't exactly a lolicon. He just had every fetish ever. And he stuffed all of them in Shalltear.
He was pretty powerful. He could snipe you using a bow from 2km away.
Divine is cleric.
Druid is druid.
They being a single purchase is just a jumpmaker thing and has nothing to do with the original material. But yes, Overlord is basically D&D if not for the warriors being actually pretty powerful.
Overlord is set at least a century into the future. That he liked TRPGs doesn't means that he played D&D. On the other hand, Overlord is basically a D&D epic campaign. Most spells and races are D&D's or are using another name for the same thing.
true, having Demiurge try to figure out what Otoko no ko was very amusing
Early jumps where you don't have money? Something to do before you get any fun powers?
Guys. Guys.
I am writing stuff. It's bad, it's not (yet) AnS, but I'm doing it. Progress is there. Despair not.
Just click the numbers of the posts you're trying to reply too dude.
I think the blasty spells have way more raw biggatons and the buffs are more Hulk to D&D's Captain America.
He had every fetish ever yes, but he was pretty explicitly a lolicon. He couldn't play Eroge anymore because "his favorite character type was played by his sister", and his sister primarily played Lolis.
Locked threads don't let that happen, unfortunately.
Other than mages using mana instead of having a limited number of spells per day, it's basically the same. And that's just because it was supposed to be a 'game'.
I wonder what the NPCs thought about Birdman's fetishes.
Probably when I was working as a game developer or Youtuber doing my own online series.
>Divine is cleric.
>Druid is druid.
Really? Huh. Why the hell would he do that?
It's very similar, admittedly. It's even divided into different spell levels, though there aren't any free Cantrips, and instead of Epic Spells taking up spell slots, Over-Rank Magic is more akin to a skill usable a certain number of times per day.
Okay, thanks.
Do you have to prepare spells?
Not that many characters that use those classes, nor they having enough screentime, I guess.
Building an Overlord character using the Jump makes you pretty powerful considering that just by spending 100 CP you can have four schools of magic.
Literally the first jump already puts you far beyond that. The only reason you should be working a standard nine-to-five job as a jumper is to remain inconspicuous.
>Do you have to prepare spells?
You don't prepare spells. Though there are levels, that really seems to determine just how much mana each spell costs.
Hey CCDT, what's the extent of Setup Wizard?
Superior American Localization as usual. Between this and Ghost in the Shell I eagerly await the folks that will say Japan ripped off USA
Only if you're a Talismonger. The rest is casual casting by spending mana. More powerful spells require more mana. I think Ainz (the guy with +100 mana stat) could only cast a few tenth rank spells without restoring his mana bar using potions. Ulbert's most powerful spell (the best DPS caster in his guild) would take half of his mana bar.
Over-rank magic requires you standing still for some time until the spell is cast unless you have other ways to speed up the process. Those don't require mana, though.
It's pretty much entirely defined by how good with technology and magic you are as it largely just gets them to play nice.
But you can at least use it to make tech that's powered by magic?
Basically it makes you like Mr. Weasley?
Terminator. If I don't have anything to do, I might as well get a job. No one suspects the guy at the gas station counter to be the one destroying the giant corporation.
Ah yes, with my perfect memory and aura techniques I have I shall pay my rent. Somehow. Amateur street magician, I guess? Mugger?
So, how drastically would things change if I ganked hao, his fuck buddies, and X-Secution the moment I saw them? Cause I have made my self stronger than pretty much any other shaman around, all for the purpose of killing hao.
I get that different Jumpmakers might hold different opinions on it, but in your opinion, does the Shehai count as a Weapon for the purposes of Weapon Imports in other Jumps?
Wow, way to be a jerk. You want a prize?
Well, they're the driving force for nearly the entire plot. So it would change things entirely. Also, I believe you meant X-Laws, not X-Secution. Those are the Fullbringers in Bleach.
Well from what I remember of Hao's capabilities, unless you destroy his soul as well all it does is put off his plans a few extra years until he fights his way back out of Hell / reincarnates.
The other guys though, yeah you fucked it all up.
NOW, piggy-backing off your question: What other kinds of beings would everybody say count as 'Guardian Ghosts' for the purpose of Oversoul partnerships?
Well give us a few names or types to work with. Like, I'd say GoHS Charyeoks would count, but beyond that I have no idea.
Right...I know I have Night In The Woods, Princess The Hopeful, and Fire Emblem Archanea claimed, but I actually am like 60-70% finished with making a jump for this because I was also working on this while the Tellius jump was finished.
Yes, with your perfect memory, genius intellect, and knowledge of technology that can revolutionize many fields of science you shall pay your rent.
If you destroy his body enough that he needs a whole new birth to reincarnate in, he'll be stopped for at least five hundred years. Because he won't get back until after this Shaman Fight ends, and the next one isn't for a few centuries.
As for what sort of things count as Guardian Ghosts? Probably any spiritual entity. I mean, some of the shamans have Buddhas or ancient Mesopotamian gods as their Guardian Ghosts. One even has the ghost of an alien. Oversouls are versatile.
Reminder that according to blade, jumper gets rekt by hao, no exceptions.
Well, first jump jumper. OOC stuff rekts him back.
Well Mr. Weasley's technological accomplishments amount to a flying car with a faulty invisibility switch that runs out of power crashing into a tree and then goes feral as well as some tweaks to Sirius' motorbike that cause the sidecar to fall off.
It's more like what Mr. Weasley would be like if he actually knew what he was doing and could circumvent the whole magic and technology not mixing thing.
I'd say probably not in the same way I'd assume you couldn't import a weapon you could summon through a Bound Weapon spell.
It's a difficult area though. I wouldn't make a hard ruling because, as you mentioned, it's largely subjective how broad a use of the word weapon you're allowed to use. Personally I'd generally assume that it would at least need to be an object to import it as another item which the Shehai often isn't (as it does not always exist).
Wrong quote.
That's still an actual job and you know it.
i'm torn between going martian or human kryptonian hybrid in YJ, what do you think /jc/?
Not everyone goes for tech or science builds. I suppose you could just pawn leftover items off on some tech company for a few million if you knew what you were doing, though.
>have Technician and Mechanic but not Savant
What can I do here?
Please tell me.I can get the Heathers as a companion option!
>Because he won't get back until after this Shaman Fight ends, and the next one isn't for a few centuries.
Touché. It's been a few years since I read Shaman King so I definitely have forgotten a few details.
As for spiritual entities, so would you say a Third-Circle Demon counts for the purpose of this? What about a Hunger Demon?
Sure, but hardly the type associated with the typical "nine-to-five" job.
You'd also have incredible dexterity and strength (does Aura enhance physical stats?), which would likely be great in performance arts or sports.
Yeah that's fair. I was thinking it was kind of hazy myself, and I've haven't thought about Importing it until very recently and wasn't really leaning in either direction myself. Thanks.
Yup! You'd have to buy them individually, but Canon Character Companion options are 100 CP apiece. Meaning if you want the entire group it'll be 300 CP
Gonna jump into GoH soon, and I had a few ideas about where I want to take the girls and myself. However, big question, must I take the Charyeok on offer in the section?
I've had an idea for what the girls could summon:
> Rin
Paracelsus von Hohenheim
> Saeko
The spirit of Bushido itself (Based on the Virtues of Bushido)
> Io
Queen Himiko
> Mami
Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
> Me
Fate Gilgamesh (just kidding, I fucking wish I could though)
Go to a different jump for kryptonian, get Martian, and some sort of perk that let's You combine your forms
A Third Circle Demon probably would work. Fusing themselves to objects to make powerful magic weapons is a native ability of Exalted demons, at least ones with the right catalyst. I'm sure your Furyoku can stand in for vitriol, for a temporary fusion like an Oversoul. An Appetite Demon from Toriko, though...I'm not sure. Those things are weird. I gave up on trying to understand how they work.
If you're taking the discount, Kryptonian. Get that Doomsday action going. Otherwise, Martian.
If you have fire immunity, go Martian.
The bar for entry in those is really strange, though people do make livelihoods out of it all the time in the real world. Combine it with body mod straight out of the gate and which job you get is just a matter of connections rather than qualifications.
You can contract with a Chareyok all on your own. The ones available for purchase just give you a Charyeok already contracted, and that you've spent some time training in its use. But if you can hunt one down to negotiate with (and the jump offers perks to make the process easier), you can get any spirit as a Charyeok.
Excellent. Time to go and git gud then I guess.
Thanks user.
Was the Tron systems jump approved or not? It looks Interesting.
Martian fire weakness is all psychosomatic,burning Martians are a match for the entire Justice league and some people are evil enough to be good with the side effects
What Rivals did everyone fight/recruit in the Disgaea DLC?
Burning Martians have not been shown to exist, in Young Justice. It's quite possible the Martians are just inherently weak to high temperatures, nothing psychosomatic about it.
With the amount of non-canon stuff in it I hope it doesn't get approved. It's a shame that the jumpmaker decided to fill the jump with fanfic-tier content just so they could add in 2 extra backgrounds.
Then something to help deal with your psychosomas and burnsomas equally. I recommend that perk from Tsukihime that vampires get and that perk from Bartimaeus sequence that spirits get.
So with that, Jumper can have, as beings linked to his soul and body :
-Guardian Ghost
-Demon Weapon
-Spider-Man Symbiote
What else is there along these lines?
Symbiotes, from Symbiote.
Parasytes, from Parasyte.
Appetite Demons, from Toriko.
Spirit of Vengeance or Justice from Ghost Rider, a tailed demon from Naruto, keyblade, living weapon from Danmachi, Zanpakuto from Bleach, Omnitrix and a lot more I'm unable to remember atm.
Unwoven Coadjutator (and Past Life), from Infernals.
Zanpakuto, from Bleach.
Jinchuuriki, from Naruto.
Djinn and their Metal Vessels, from Magi: Labyrinth of Magic and once I'm done with it Adventures of Sinbad.
Wraith, from Shadow of Mordor.
Tailed Beasts in Naruto.
Sacred Gears (those that contain creatures, anyway), from High School DxD.
infestation Strain from Warframe,Memories reborn from ship girls, there is a Perk that bonds things to your spirit in kingdom hearts,A couple of the kamen rider jumps have belts that fuse to you,world of cultivation has permanent constructs which are weapons or armor that Are created by your spiritual energy. JoJo and /Co/Co/ have stands,Angels from supernatural have hosts.
Is everybody forgetting about the Stand?
Is Digger here? I have a Double Cross question for him.
Also, has there been any word on the Star Wars: The Old Republic, or Genius: The Transgression jumps? My power was out for a week, so I'm a bit behind on what's going on.
Haven't heard anything about those unfortunately.
>Unwoven Coadjutator (and Past Life), from Infernals.
Adding on to this, the Devil-Tiger you're descended from if you went Past Life + Orphan Cub.
Making one of my companions an Aes Sedai, is it worth it /jc/?
103. Anno 2070
Origin: Independent, Age: 25
Arc: Kerykeion, Technology: Eco, E.T.O.
Perks: O Captain My Captain, Simulation Training, A Moving Reef, Community Support, Cavernous Holds, Reusable Resources, A Loving Earth, United Front
Items: E.V.E.
Drawbacks: Who Gave You This Number, Fallout
The Kerykeion Organization is an independent group dedicated to the restoration and repair of the ocean floor to keep the world sustainable and stop the risk of horrifying mutant jellyfish murdering us all. Though we have to fund this by recycling whatever we find on the ocean floor, from abandoned nuclear plants, to gold depositories, to the sunken ships of our allies/enemies. Oil wells are the worst. Artificial reefs are approved whenever possible, but sometimes you just need the cash so you sell off seascrap. We generally set up bases on top of these repositories of radioactive goo mostly out of convenience. Also, I can sleep in the uranium deposits at the bottom of the ocean and I just wake up with laser eyes for like an hour.
Every ship I find requires I call the original owner to see if they want to dig it up themselves. I'm on the phone 24/7 dealing with whatever files I need to pick out of wrecks and arranging the drop-off of research projects that I am absolutely forbidden from looking at. I have to field every call because we're so small a group and need to reassure everyone constantly that we aren't stealing shit. Of course, we are stealing their secrets, but the phone calls still keep them off my back. I hate being a bureaucrat, but I need the tech to help fill out my Archipelago and prevent over-population issues. Birth control and education only goes so far.
Tron done and jumpable
Feedback feeds the soul
They might be counting it more as an extension of yourself rather than a separate entity, or figure everyone knows about it by now so there's no point in mentioning it.
Definitely not.
Hey, don't meme on me. I say they are because Weaving's an extremely powerful and versatile style of magic that apart from the famous balefire is great for dream manipulation, creating powerful artifacts and exotic forms of blasting people like bars of pure disintegration, or chomping portals.
Why say you not?
For fuck's sake, is this what passes as humor around here?
In British English (the one that uses "programme") it's "program", not "programme", when referring to computer usage.
As I said you didn't need to add half the perks because they're non-canon.
Your fluff on some of the perks is incorrect.
ISOs didn't come from the sea of simulation.
Seriously, remove the non-canon perks, the ISO background and the MCP background, add a general (non-discounted) perk tree and put the perks that won't fit after the reshuffle in there.
Programmable Baton's last sentence is referring to the previous version of it for when it had multiple forms.
Basic Baton has "(CHOOSE ONE)" in the middle of it. That intentional?
Definitely I don't know. Can you repeat the question?
Yes, for one reason alone:
I just noticed the time extention drawbacks grant hundreds of thousands of CP. This does not seem like a good idea.
Also, to add on this-I can't even tell what is and isn't supposed to be canon; I assume the power copy one's one of them? And there's actually so little fluff they read like legal briefs, or copies of perks from other jumps.
maybe it would helpif you pointed out the unnecessary ones by name and listed them?
Qualifier was things linked to your body/soul. Stand is the soul itself. Saying body and soul would be kind of cheeky and redundant to the question.
Jumpers, if you're fine with it please share any neat or interesting combos you've made or make frequent use of.
I think the main issue with this jump is that it refuses to commit, and has a bit of an identity crisis as a result. The fluff is weak in parts as a result of this, and because this is very sparse on fluff overall, you can't say that the fluff is the strong suit of the jump. But at the same time, the mechanics aren't the strong suit in the jump either, because the jumpmaker doesn't really go for anything outside the norm.
It's definitely serviceable as a jump, but it's not anything outstanding or special. Some of the issues you brought up can be overlooked if we're just considering what's necessary as a bare minimum.
This is getting ridiculous, who told all the village idiots tonight was stand up comedy night and answering questions you don't actually know the answer to is trending?
Yes, I know I am butthurt. No, I don't care when this is exactly like watching toddlers go nyer-nyer-nyer.
Fucking finally, an actual answer.
Though personally I would've listed Callendor, Sakarnan, the Choedan Kai, Fire Blosom, Deathgates, that one magical terminator golem and Mashadar too.
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?