What's the best Harry Potter RPG? And why does Veeky Forums's Harry Potter RPG have no monster manual?
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What's the best Harry Potter RPG? And why does Veeky Forums's Harry Potter RPG have no monster manual?
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Witch Girls Adventures.
Just ignore the magical realm parts.
>Just ignore the magical realm parts.
Why contain it?
>left to right
all comics are read left to right
I guess you could try GURPS or Fate, but why would you want to roleplay in one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises? Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Hack Gumshoe I say it every time HP is mostly about the mystery with not much fighting till the later books.
Oh hay it's the pasta.
I think the funnest part of a Harry Potter RPG, along with the mystery, would be creation of custom spells. As the GM it would be fun to see what players could come up with to solve any obstacles you throw at them.
That seems more like a job for LOS MAGOS DEL TIEMPOOOOOOOOO
I could tell by the length and placement of the text that this post was going to end with "Stephen King".
>I think the funnest part of a Harry Potter RPG, along with the mystery, would be creation of custom spells.
No joke, I actually do like the Witch Girls system and the custom spell creation stuff is fairly balanced (when you remember that all the PCs can probably cast spells).
Kanye's book is good? I'm guessin it's a biography
I want to impregnate Bellatrix while Narcissa watches and cries.
What's my alignment?
>no hufflepuffs
fuck this whole thing desu
>Best Harry Potter RPG?
Ghosts of Albion.
I originally ran my magical school game under Gurps. When I moved to game over to GoA my players and I had much more fun with the game.
My players consisted of a muscle wizard, charisma monster, necromancer, narcolepsymancer, and alchemist.
i just enter this threads to read this pasta, makes me feel good
It's has an amateur charm to it.
There's actual rules to play it in the world of "Larry Trotter" in the book, you should include the pure blood traint it's cool.
Delta Green. It's what I'm using.
Why is Hermione white?
Why are you, cracka?
I hate Ron so I want him to be BLACKED
Man, dem Weasley boys is honorary niggas. Not like that Longbottom busta.
>no prestige except his tortured-to-insanity parents
>supposedly rich but couldn't even get his own wand at first
>almost zero talent
>still sticks it to evil when he gets his shot
You can't un-busta the busta. Once a busta, he a busta for life, no matter how many snakes he done killed.
>no boring girls
Live a little, user. You're young, don't settle for "alright cook, not terrible to look at, doesn't push you to change" just yet.
>implying you wouldn't
>implying Hermione wouldn't
>implying your mom wouldn't
I recommend people listen to the System Mastery episode on it. They show how the system is fun but with serious problems from no playtesting, and that best girl is a muscleloli who at chargen can either magic not!Cthulhu to death, or straight kick his ass.
>Punch Witch
It's so broken it's beautiful.
But yeah it does show off how massive the games needs a editor, a 12 year old girl shouldn't be able to get enough gains she can punch spells.
>includes pansy, who is called pug faced and ugly
>not Cho or the Patil sisters who show up more in the story and are described as beautiful
I'd probably use some kind of nonsense with Academagia. More important to get that magical school feel than to straight up match canon mechanics.
Go back to Veeky Forums if you want to shit on peoples taste
>includes pansy, who is called pug faced and ugly
I never read the books, but since all the unattractive characters are evil, I assume she is too?
Lurk moar, newfag.
>since all the unattractive characters are evil
Neville is ugly, and he's good. Hermione was at least unlovely with her buck teeth, before she shrunk them.
But yeah, Pansy is a Slytherin bitch.
>a 12 year old girl shouldn't be able to get enough gains she can punch spells.
Why the hell not?
Because there's enough fetishes in WGA without adding more.
She is described from Harry's perspective, and Harry is anything but unbiased. Rita Skeeter, for instance, described her as pretty.
Because Harry Potter isn't a thing where you fight monsters and clear out dungeons and shit. It's a thing where you have whacky misadventures in a big-ass castle where you're learning magic, and then bad things and plot MIGHT also happen.
It's more an issue of tone. The monsters don't really need stats beyond what you make up on the spot because that part of the experience isn't codified, and doesn't need to be codified, because doing so would remove a lot of the whimsy from things, and the whimsy is like 50% of Harry Potter.
>complaining about bias
>Rita Skeeter
What does she gain from lying about Pansy Parkinson?
By making Pansy seem attractive (I think she uses the term 'pretty and vivacious') it lends credit to her account in the eyes of the readers. People like beautiful people.
It also flatters Pansy, as she flattered Malfoy, making them more likely to keep feeding her info.
Onyxdime's Hogwarts game is probably one of the best ones out there, funnily enough.
lmfao that list
either Veeky Forums are philistines entire, or that's meant to trigger
You should lurk moar before posting on Veeky Forums.
>a 12 year old girl shouldn't be able to get enough gains she can punch spells.
Anyone magically talented can "punch spells" in that system. The defensive magic rules don't specify what the character does to deflect, hold, dispel, or volley hostile spells. If the character in question is a mystical adept type what's wrong with punching the bad guy's fireball, or grabbing and chucking his charm person so it hits his goons.
Been here for...uhh...shit almost 10 years now.
Never been to Veeky Forums because, well, shit taste.
If you take self taught talent it lets you cast spells with the other ability stats
You know how it Dnd wizards (with the spells selection) could be better fighters then fighter? The exact Opposite apply to witch girls.
You can max out max body and be a combat monster while still casting spells with the Flexing of your abs.
> when the Macaulay Culkin syndrome hits hard
>Les Miserables
>above shit tier.
Your taste is bad and you should feel bad.
Rita Skeeter is a hilarious character in retrospect. Now it's Rowling's turn to be fake news!
Where would you rate Ender's Game?
That's just a bad picture
Yeah she got hit hard with the british slag curse
Sorry newfag, it's pasta beyond Veeky Forums, and if you'd really neen here that long you would have seen it all over the place when the movies were coming out.
Harry Potter = Worst Witch + Troll (1986) + Lich's Phylactery x7
> Les Miserables
> Shit tier
Mother fucker I will fight you in real life.
> ib4 musical
Shut the fuck up. The book is what matters user. Not Russell Crowe's inability to sing
Is there a level BELOW shit tier?
I guess whatever tier
Resides at.
Her nose is crooked and her eyes are asymmetric both horizontally and vertically. It's possible she has more serious asymmetries (possibly of the jaw) but it's hard to tell just from a couple photos.
That's always a hard hit against facial appearance when you're trying to consider genetic viability and sexual quality instead of just whether someone is "cute".
You know who else has very asymmetric eyes and the same serious droopy eyes that Brits seem cursed with?
Ryan gosling, and somehow plenty of people think he looks great. I guess money and success trumps genetic viability.
>Crooked nose
>Asymmetric eyes
Perfectly symmetric faces are creepy user
Nah, that's just really good marketing and people parroting. Once enough people say that something is desirable, many more of the simpleminded want it too.
>spotted the person with the crooked eyes
Just get an asymmetric haircut to try to hide it like
I guess that's true. It seems to work for the diamond industry.
Ender's Game is pretty good, Speaker for the Dead is great, Xenocide is okay, and Children of the Mind is shit.
The Bean/Shadow arc is okay.
Her whole face is crooked. It's like her skull had a stroke and half decided to fuck off down to her neck. It's uncanny.
>no Beyond Elder God tier for Blindsight
I think you're cute, Evanna
Yeah, it's posted on Veeky Forums about once a week
Tiny island, tiny gene pool. It's like Arkansas even in the bigger cities, and Innsmouth tier in places like West Country.
For a true literature connoisseur, read The Lower Depths. It's like Les Miserables, but much better.
I still make fun of my wife from coming from the wrong side of the hills in the same county
but then it is my Grandparents who has the same surname before they were married...
Does this have some other title? Because I can find 20 books by Maxim Gorky and none of them are called The Lower Depths.
I know that list is pasta but it is still awful to witness. Kinda like the whole of Veeky Forums to be honest.
>No Molly
Shit Desu.
Clearly you've never been with a Hufflepuff, user. They're freaky when it counts.
It is nice to be reminded that while Veeky Forums is not by any means "good", being a Veeky Forums board after all, even with the current invasion of /pol/ memesters going on, it still manages to be one of the least awful boards to dwell in.
It's fun to bitch about some of the idiots here on tg, but you're absolutely right as it relates to the rest of 4chins.
It's kind of like complaining about being around the median income somewhere in the US when there are people in bangladesh who hope their sweatshop doesn't burn down around them today.
They didn't mean to do it. Veeky Forums went full Lenny
I think it's because we're one of the few boards based around activities that require sitting down with other human beings and interacting with them.
>this fucking guy
I have no idea where you looked, simply googling The Lower Depths immediately leads to the book in question. But it's not a novel, it's a play.
I don't care for her at all. She overreacted.
Ravenclaw or bust, mate. It's the Veeky Forums house, after all.
We have a fair bunch of cunts who've never held dice in their hands, read a mind-boggling amount of popsci literature and now come here to screech at the people who want to have fun.
>Not being CG Slytherin Master Race
>Veeky Forums
All being a Slytherin is prepared to go the distance for what you want.
Set your goals, mate.
Then fuck over literally everyone else to achieve them and spend the rest of your days prepping for the inevitable backstabs and revenge plots.
Sure, it comes with the territory of being a subgroup in a szechuan cyber society. Still, there's nothing inherently social about reading books or folding paper airplanes or masturbating to cartoons. Traditional gaming is centered around the idea of finding some other socially maladjusted geek and using a rulebook to substitute for actual social skills.
>not LE
Chaotic is for Americans who can't work the British class system to ensure your vast wealth and political influence are respected as leading members of society
>fuck over literally everyone else
It's like you have no respect for the empire your fathers built and your children ought to inherit. You are lord and shepherd of your family, not some thug who goes to jail for two Knuts.
> Notes from Underground bad
> 1984 good
Slytherin is the designated support house of the magical amalgamation of Hitler and Bin Laden. They aren't some noble society of partriarchs, they're a bunch of amoral douchcanoes. Crabbe and Goyle were in the house, and even Draco isn't exactly shown to be a principled braniac throughout the series.
Slytherin is, in principle, the house for the most ambitious students. That's it. The Death Eater kids only got there because they wanted to, and they only wanted to because Voldemort went to Slytherin. You know who else really belonged in Slytherin, but was placed in Gryffindor because he asked for it?
Dude, I like Slytherin as much as the next guy, but Harry was only gonna go to Slytherin because of the Voldemort in him.
The message and the ideas behind the book are sound but the execution is so clumsy and awkward it's hard to take it as anything else other than prolefeed.
Then how come Hermione or Percy Weasley weren't sorted to Slytherin?