Any tips for playing as an atheist character?
Any tips for playing as an atheist character?
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Make sure your'e not playing in a setting where gods throw bricks at atheist houses.
> atheist prayers
Ignoring the oxymoron of atheist prayers, what a colossal prick. Nobody says "Christian prayers" or "Muslim prayers," they just say prayers.
Actually the Athar gain divine style powers from sheer belief in ideals, so "prayers" would be basically blessing someone with their sheer belief in the powers not really being gods, just fairly powerful entitties, thus giving everyone in westminster +1 bonuses on rolls for the rest of the day.
> praying to powerful entities
You're deifying them. They're deities now. Deal with it.
They made you pissed off which automatically make them good in my book.
Only good christian is a dead christian. Preferably dead inside a burning church.
Most atheists from our world would be religious in a DnD setting. It isn't logical to deny the existence of gods when they play such a tangible, observable and active role in the universe.
Your atheist has to be one out of idealism, instead of out of logic.
You character could be like Tony Stark, and claim that the so-called "gods" are actually just powerful creatures. The difference between a god and moral is only one of strength, and anybody could be seen as a god if only they were strong enough.
Or perhaps your character hates the gods, and sees them as cosmic monsters rather than as divine beings worthy of worship. The gods are evil eldritch monstrosities that successfully took over the world eons ago.
Regardless, you've got to tackle atheism from a different angle in a setting where evidence of the gods is abundant.
instead of not believing in the gods at all the character could just heavily question why the gods were granted such power. what grants them the right to meddle with so many lives at once?
Depends on the setting.
Be a huge cunt about it.
Why do so many people, including me, an Atheist, hate Atheists? Is it because they're considered by some to be the vegans of religion? Is it because of the the neckbeard stereotype? Is it because of the claims of discrimination? Is it because Agnosticism is considered strictly better?
>atheist prayers
but who is she praying to?
>what a jerk, hoping people are OK
OP, just wanted to wish you good luck and I hope your thread gets all the replies you want it to and hits the bump limit in under three hours. The combination of timely terrorist event, atheism, and Twitter is sure to get the board a-typing!
Atheist are very smart, she'll realize of her mistake...eventually
Because atheism, in its essence, is also a faith in lack of god. If you really want to take off the fedora and show that you are a normal human being, you say you are agnostic, not an atheist.
It's because most of the vocal atheists are intellectual pricks who seem to be offended by the existence of religion or pseudo-intellectual pricks who want to seem smart and 'correct' other people all the time.
The way to be a good Atheist is the same as the way to be a good Theist: don't bring it up outside your communities.
What about an alatrist? An alatrist believes in the existence of god(s), but chooses not to worship them, either because they feel it's unnecessary or undeserved.
Instead of an atheist (in a setting where gods are a fact and magic is tangible) be an anti-theist or someone who is a bigot against Paladins and Clerics and maybe magic users. It's easier to pull off and doesn't require you to be a massive, ignorant bag of dicks like flat-earthers. Or be exactly that, whatever works for you.
Don't be that asshole who plays an atheist paladin.
Laurie Penny? Probably praying to Karl Marx and Judith Butler.
Amen. I'm an active worshipper of two particular deities, and I wouldn't talk about it because one of them attracts nazis and LARPers, and the other commies and LARPers.
Try to guess which two. Hint: they share most of their portfolio.
Atheism is used too broadly, try one of these and only one:
Atheist - against the belief of deities
Areligious - against the practice of worship
Agnostic - one who professes that one cannot know the the Truth
Ignorant - one who has not learned
Alatrist. I learned a new word today.
That's fine if you're not obnoxious about it.
Euphoric rationalists in premodern fantasy settings deserve to be eaten by the Wall.
Don't be purposefully dense. It's such a self important thing to add. No one gives a fuck what this person believes, there are people dying. Yet he still took the time to be witty and separate himself form the rest of the well wishers because his views are just that important.
>praying to Marx
Oh, /pol/ fags. You're all so retarded.
Do it in a setting where Cleric and Paladin aren't playable classes. Unless you intend to play a fool and a jackass, nothing good will come out of denying the existence of gods in a setting where their existence is verifiable.
its mostly just kids mad they had to go to church Sunday morning instead of sleep in.
then its a "look at me! I'm different!"
I'm sure there are atheists that aren't assholes, I just haven't seen one. like at all.
>the Wall
Is the Wall FR specific or is it in the manual of the planes or something?
Nergal and Quetzalcoatl?
>Most atheists from our world would be religious in a DnD setting. It isn't logical to deny the existence of gods when they play such a tangible, observable and active role in the universe.
That's why I never play an atheist in D&D despite not believing in any gods in real life; it's illogical to not believe in the gods in a setting where you can literally go and talk to them. You might be irreligious but you can't realistically be an atheist
Isn't she actually a socialist (or at the very least anti-capitalist) as well though? And feminism and socialism both come from the same place, the progressivist desire to tear down power structures, which they deem unfair.
In a low magic setting this would be any disillusioned peasant who has candles or other sources of light to repel the darkness of night and a firm, if cognitive dissonant belief in human endeavour.
Atheism is anyone who doesn't believe. You don't have to be against belief, or have any certainty in your nonbelief.
If they were rational they would believe in deities whose powers have been proven to exist. At best maybe they could doubt that a cleric's power comes from where the cleric says it's from.
Ares and the Morrigan
>Don't be purposefully dense
>says the guy who doesn't seem to understand he's posting in a bait thread
I didn't know we allowed LARPers on Veeky Forums
Pray to Necoho.
I don't get the Commie connection. Please elaborate.
Why hasn't the E.U. banned assault vehicles yet?
Wiccans. Wiccans love to ruin awesome goddesses like the Morrigan.
Like I was implying, atheism is misused. It actually means someone who believes that there are no deities. It is misused to mean what you said.
A theist believes that a deity or deities exist, whether or not they are certain about any specifics. Someone who isn't sure is either ignorant (and has not learned about the divine) or agnostic (and profess that the matter is beyond them).
Something you know is a made-up fairly tale, and something else you know is a made-up fairy tale.
I have anecdotal evidence that says orherwise.
I don't doubt that for a second.
It wouldn't matter thanks to Brexit.
The Wiccans I've met are young white snowflakes who think their religion is so fucking special because it's a neopagan religion.
I would still be ok with them trying to get tax exemption status despite my disdain for the few I've met.
Also at least one attacker failed to get a life and bin his knife, and the police weapon sweeps rounded up all the broom handles and screwdrivers but somehow missed that deadly assault knife.
>It wouldn't matter thanks to Brexit.
U.K. hasn't invoked Article 50 yet.
>Thoughts and Atheist Prayers
Atheists prayers are just people hoping for the best; literally no different than thoughts. Please stop, twitter idiot.
Working on it, by 2050 it will be harmless electromobiles for everyone.
No, you're using it wrong. a- just means without. You're thinking of antitheism.
Why are you talking to the person on Twitter
She can't hear you on Veeky Forums
I know for a fact the first one is probably Nordic, either Thor or Odin most likely.
The second, I hate to admit, I'm drawing a blank.
I hate "neopagans". They can't commit themselves and sacrifice a critter twice a year, FFS! If youcdon't stick to the original recipe, don't do it. Limp wristed faggots, all of them.
>I better say "athiest prayers" instead of just "prayers" or else people will think I'm an ignorant theist that I totally despise because I wear my atheism like its a badge of intelligence.
It just comes off as a masturbatory and condescending message to those who are suffering through a tragedy.
Odin and Hekate. Been an (armchair) occultist for decades, so it seemed fitting.
REMOVE OAK remove oak you are worst german 723 best year of my life
Maybe they did it just to upset you.
Pic related is the only appropriate response to LARPagans.
It really matters what setting it is , if its DnD the char has to do a but of mental gymnastics to be so, if its shadowrun, your probably in the majority these days.......
Huh, well. Seems I was wrong. I really feel that "militant atheists" should be described as antitheists, then. It's a bit confusing that someone who is firm in their belief of no deities and someone who abstains from taking another position on the topic of divinity are commonly called the same thing.
How does Hekate tie in with the commie sort?
All Powerful Atheismo, of course!
The wiccan connection. They are all pinko commies and/or LARPers.
Real talk, I think I've forgotten how to even express anger, happiness, arousal, or other basic emotions without stupid memes.
>vegans of religion
what's your beef with vegans? some of them are actually nice people who are trying to do good in the world where slaughtering billions of animals for easy access to comfort food is seen as A-OK.
Atheist doesn't mean you take no position though. If you're 99% sure there is no god, that pretty much just simplifies to "there is no God", but it's not the same as having an unshakable belief. Whereas a theist, most of the time anyway, will insist he knows God exists with 100% certainty.
>I really feel that "militant atheists" should be described as antitheists, then
I think Richard Dawkins describes himself that way.
Thor and Nikola Tesla?
I raise and kill my own animals to provide for my family. I don't overkill amd I do it as humanely as possible and there is almost no waste. Am I a bad guy?
>anecdotal evidence
isn't that an oxymoron?
Not really. And the whole faith discussion thing is entirely subjective and done to death countless times.
It becomes entirely subjective when you allow anecdotal evidence, yes.
Anecdotal means from personal experience. It's not more of an oxymoron than "eyewitness testimony" which isn't necessarily reliable either.
All reality is subjective. Prove me wrong.
you have no biological need to consume animals or animal products. even if you care for those animals, you still slaughter them for their meat, which is still wrong, since you wouldn't be okay with being killed, even if your murderer would provided you with a good life.
I'd say keeping chicken for their eggs could be considered okay, but consuming eggs are liked to way too many health problems that it's just not a rational thing to do.
I mean, if you'd eat your free range eggs and not have a family, that's your business and more power to you. It's the same category for me as taking drugs. Not healthy, but if you're not hurting anyone else, then whatever.
But don't give eggs to your partner/children. That's just irresponsible.
Some use veganism to make themselves feel ethically superior or be condescending.
>90% of cats have 4 legs
>"I know 10 cats, personally, and six of them only have 3 or fewer legs."
The evidence is valid as a counterpoint. If the world only has ten cats, then it disproves the rule. The world has more than ten cats. But you still need to account for all ten of those that the guy knows, to prove the 90% rule.
>creationists are actually this retarded
It never fails to amaze.
It's really wild when you consider that ancient history is pretty subjective because of how few historians there were and how they wrote different things. Suetonus said Caesar just got shanked in dead silence when he died, Plutarch said he said nothing but threw his toga over his head.
But Suetonus also said that some eyewitnesses report Caesar's last words being "Kai su, Teknon" (Even you, child? in Ancient Greek)
A pivotal event in world history, and we don't actually know for sure how it really went down.
I've never met a single person who is 100% sure their religion is true, up to and including pastors and priests
I'll bite.
I believe one day that we'll no longer have to slaughter animals for food and instead we can grow the meat, but there are still scientific and economic hurdles, not to mention that innovation disrupts other businesses who are very invested in keeping animal farming a thing.
Humans probably only need to eat some meat and not as much as we do now, anyways.
I guess that's not true, I've met a couple. I've met way more athiests who are 100% sure of themselves, however.
It's pretty easy to be 100% certain as an atheist. Do tiny, invisible, pink unicorns live within your computer and produce pictures on your monitor by moving the pixels around? You can never disprove my claim that they exist as long as I say "well they are completely undetectable." But you're 100% certain that they don't exist (at least to the degree that statements like "100% certain" are meaningful).
Atheists aren't just 100% certain that god doesn't exist. They're 100% right. Every piece of evidence demonstrating the existence of god ever put forward? Doesn't. Every system ever claimed to be within gods domain that was later investigated? Wasn't. Sure: you can continually redefine god to push the goal posts back, and back, and back, to the point where it is a wholly meaningless word because it is never defined concretely. But it is 100% accurate to say that "your word is meaningless and your god doesn't exist."
>I believe one day that we'll no longer have to slaughter animals for food and instead we can grow the meat,
Rumor has it we already can do that. Chinese can fuck with animal genetic code and make them regenerate indefinitely. Like that lizard that can drop its tail and grow a new one. So you never need to kill the animal, you just keep cutting pieces of it every once in a while until it dies of old age.
It's a good thing none of that is relelvant to what I said. I was just refuting a single claim in that other post. All you've done is agreed with me.
>Like that lizard that can drop its tail and grow a new one.
Not really. Those lizards usually starve to death shortly after that happens.
I mean they theoretically can grow it back. But it becomes cancerous and often starves them to death as their bodies try to.
But the thing about lab grown meat is true, yeah.
We should just biologically engineer retarded animals.
By retarded, I mean borderline brain-dead, capable of chewing and shitting but otherwise unthinking, unfeeling and unaware.
That way, we can factory farm them without creating suffering. We can treat them like plants made of meat and eat all the pork we want.
We could probably already do that if only it wasn't expensive and controversial. Unfortunately, the people who actually give a shit about animal welfare are also quite likely the sort of hippy that would oppose breeding retarded pigs on principle.
What is faith exactly, if not 100% certainty? If a Christian doesn't have absolute faith, he isn't doing what Jesus asked.
every group has stupid people. veganism is becoming pretty trendy right now. it's probably the only recent bandwagon people will hop on that will bring positive change in the world.
You don't believe in a god in settings where god is literally the most useful, or most apparent explanation.
This is probably born from either deep introspection, utter ignorance or bitter suffering.
This probably means you're familiar with why people believe and probably have no fucking useful explaination of your own besides "meh" or "ANGERY"
Your character isn't going to be an annoying faggot.
They're just not going to be religious.
>All you've done is agreed with me.
Yes, but you didn't mention that atheists were 100% right. The absence of such a statement is such a grievous offense in the eyes of a fedora that it requires a two paragraph, even if in agreement. One of his neck hairs probably turned grey at the audacity of your carelessness!
Sure. I was just pointing out that theists tend not to claim certainty because they are simpleminded, rather than following the implication that they're thoughtful. Whereas atheists can be certain because the question has been asked and answered, and you don't have to sit on your ass pondering the meaning of "two" every single time someone asks "what's one plus one?" You can just answer the question, because it's settled. And anyone who doesn't know that it's settled isn't smart enough to answer questions.
Hitler and Stalin?
>in the world where slaughtering billions of animals for easy access to comfort food is seen as A-OK.
because it is A-OK
The only reason I dislike atheists (and only a small vocal minority do it) is because they let you know at every opportunity and are often very dogmatic about their beliefs. They are totally convinced that religion is the greatest cancer of humanity and feel vindicated to shit on everyone associated with it while failing to recognise the many benefits of religion didn't?
Depends heavily on the roles and realness of gods in your setting, and their centrality to existing faiths and worldviews.
If gods hang out in invisible other worlds dispensing spells to a certain kind of caster but you have to take their word for it that the spells aren't just shit out of a book, then disbelief is fine.
If you shot out the Baba Yaga's eye a while back you might prefer a more henotheistic approach to atheism. Many gods exist, you just don't worship them. Maltheism is also very appropriate to this sort of fantasy take on divinity.
Simple irreligion or secularism can work in many settings. How at odds this puts you with the local community will depend heavily on context.
There's room for established faiths and lay religion in the same world to differ in how god-centric they are and what they categorize as divinity. Historical Taoists, Confucians, Stoics, and the like probably believed in the local gods but didn't mold their worldviews around them in the same fashion.
What I've read about pre-enlightenment atheists (lay-religious heretics interviewed by Catholic inquisitors) usually doesn't peg them as rational humanists for whatever that's worth. They'll often still believe in ghosts, an afterlife, or reincarnation. Or they'll start attributing mystical significance to blood. Depending on your setting you might be better off going full batshit heretic rather than 20th c. atheist.