Since people wanted it, i bestow upon you THE CONAN/ELRIC CROSSOVER.
Let's see how it is.
Since people wanted it, i bestow upon you THE CONAN/ELRIC CROSSOVER
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, the last two threads(well three) of Elric comic dumps.
Need to break.
Need to get home so I can read this, op. Good on you and hang in there m8.
And that's it. Hope ya enjoyed it.
Bumping for awareness.
I will bump this thread.
Swords of Chaos were just a bunch of nerds until Archaon came around
Got a poll here.
Which one would you want to see tomorrow?
Elric of Melnibone or The Dreaming City?
Elric's a gnome?
Complete with Link hat.
That was cool. Thanks.
I recently learnt druillet did a semi-unauthorized graphic novel of Elric. Can't find any scans of it, not even in french. But his art is amazing.
Been trying to find it for myself. Been scrubbed cleaned it looks like.
Wouldn't mind buying a physical copy of the stuff but can't find a shop.
They're going for like 200+ euros on ebay. I don't have that laying around at the moment.
I should ask /co/, sometimes they know what's up.
Good on you, OP.
Go ahead but i wouldn't bother. This particular one looks to be rarer than unicorn horn shavings.
Ok, you know what?
Fuck it . I feel like also doing The Dreaming City TONIGHT. New thread for it though.
Yay or nay?
Did they just kick in a stone wall?
Into it.
Thanks again for the comics, OP. You're awesome.
Just doing one more bump to be sure. I ain't gonna do it tonight but tomorrow.
>that entire thing