Tomb kings aren't cannon edition
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Tomb kings aren't cannon edition
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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First for Battletome: Skaven.
Second for Stormfiends get cheaper in GHB2, yes-yes!
Never played Death, but my friend wants to run a cavalry army with them. How's this:
Wight King on Skeletal Steed
10 x Black Knights
10 x Black Knights
5 x Black Knights
5 x Black Knights
5 x Black Knights
for a 1000 point game
pretty fuckin dull
2 units an interesting game does not make
Oh, if cavalry-only is a retarded way of running them, let me know. I'll convince him.
Of course they aren't cannon, those are warmachines, not armies!
How would they be made more interesting? I know nothing about Death and there's not a fuckload of models.
I'll ask what his power fantasy is besides cavalry.
with the stormfiends do the rattling cannons fit on all the models or do you have to change them?
>death players in mid
>GW on the right
Tomb Kings are mentioned in the fluff, they are canon
I thought this was gonna be the webm of the pereguine falcon decapitating the other bird
Black knights are really quite shit for 120 pts and a drop won't save them
They have no rend, shitty armour and minimal damage even when charging.
Just tell him to play Empire, it's general enough to branch into whatever he likes
You get one of each weapon, but only 2 of them fit per Stormfiend. So no.
Only if they limit warpfire projectors to 1 in 3 models, like Starsoul Maces
i wish nurgle tome includes rats,
if he really want to play undead cavalry, he should either go soulblight with blood dragon, or the easier way going malignant with the mortis engine
they are fast as fuck, fly, and are very durable (as long as mortal wounds aren't involved)
He says he's not as committed to exclusive cavalry, but he is interested in death. What are the coolest death armies (since TK were squatted?)
>not even posting the full picture
You know the new aelf model has already been leaked right?
>fuckload of model
just no
it's literally the old vampire count army
meanwhile order and chaos already get 4-5 new battletome already
why would anyone play death and not be fine with SKELETONS EVERYWHERE
right now, there's only one real army for death, the flesheaters (ghoul and friends). the others are leftover from warhammer fantasy. If your friends isn't against cannibals, flesheaters are very fine, no cavalry but you can make a full flying circus list
as for who is the coolest beside that is up to his taste
>good old badass vampire(soulblight)
>zombies and co(deadwalkers)
>spooky ghosts (nighthaunt)
>supreme overlord Nagash and co(deathlord)
the point is, there isn't nearly enough skeletons
deathrattle release when ?
>the point is, there isn't nearly enough skeletons
SKELETON is the best keyword in the game and deathrattle is dominating the meta all across the world
Any changes they make will be strict nerfs
I actually hope it's the latter of my ideas, and that there will be different bonuses for my pestes depending on allegiance.
Was expecting a shoped dragondildo but this works too
Its only strong because tomb kings are still a thing. When they get phases out theyll drop in power.
And btw, theyre getting phased out by the end of the year. All legacy scrolls not on the GA books are.
haha but what if Stormcast stole bird-flocks from Tzeentch
haha wait what if Stormcast stole jezzails from the skaven
No wait haha what if haha what if Stormcast stole Gryphon riders from the empire haha what would THAT look like haha
They were included in the GHB and they are getting an update in GHB 2. TK arent going anywhere.
Whats the best way to start a death army with a focus on skellingtons?
Sc box looks pretty meh. Feel like id he better with 3 skelly boxes
Nah, SC! Skeleton Horde is pretty good to start.
it doesn't say anything about tomb kings in there
Just amass Skeletons. The SC box is shit. Skeleton "hoard" my arse and i don't like any of the Mortarchs
I just traded a bunch of shit and ebayed some cheap skellies. Got 30 of them, 5 horsemen 10 Grave guard and some Wight Kings painted up just waiting in the wings for a Death-rattle tome
Converted a skull catapult for fun but i'm not going to go further down the TK meme path
Possible shitposts/bullshit rumours aside we do not know for sure what will happen to TKs i'm assuming they get phased out one day and playing it safe by not getting invested.
This is the correct route to playing skellies atm
Also make sure to use round bases
Sorry I didn't mean to upset you
>stole Gryphon riders from the empire
who stole it from the...
Are you seriously this stupid
obsidian and crimson monarchies, undying kings, skeletal legions, chariots....
you sure this isn't teasing a new SC release of some kind?
They ARE canon. They were in the BR battletome.
>Just amass Skeletons.
What's the best number for a unit? 20 at least 30 seem better or go full bonezone with 40?
40 with spears, that way you can suffer 10 casualties and keep your bonuses
I thought so. Still 2 units of 40 could get clunky to handle on the table. Especially on round bases.
Personally I don't really need any new Deathrattle units.
Non-human skeletons would be rad but besides that what does a Skeleton army need more besides maybe archers?
Some kind of Wight King Sorcerer/Lich Lord might be nice as to not rely on puny mortal Necromancers.
Did they reveal something on Autismicon?
How to fix your favorite army:
>Skaven Pestilens get a new warmachine
>A catapult that throws Skaven and Nurgle units towards the enemy line
>and you can throw any unit type except other warmachines
Adepticon starts tomorrow.
Really? I thought they were all gone and it was just death. What'd it say?
>Higher bravery across the board
>more variety in heroes
>buff Wardokks
>some cool war machines or behemoths, i guess
Well, I'm an idiot - everyone was talking about some new informations today
Yeah, it actually threw me off, too. But I looked it up, doesn't start until tomorrow.
Maybe everyone was confused by the Tomb Kings fantome, or something.
>Better rules for Bestigors
>Tiny price drop for Gors
>Armor increase for Ghorgon/More wounds for Ghorgon
>Stormcast Eternals
>something to make all-cavalry possible.
>That's it, the rest is fine.
Doesnt the cavalery hero make the chargers Battleline?
Saint Duncan is in Chicago at Adepticon
Today is the press only day, real con starts tomorrow. Surprised nobody leaked anything yet though.
Godsworn Champions of Ruin
>Kurnoth Hunters get battleline and a points reduction
Do you listen to music during your games?
Thats not soon enough
>Spiderfang Grots
>Different point costs for the three Arachnarok load-outs
>A rider-less spider unit, basically just Spider Riders without the grot for 60 points
>Ghoul Patrol-styled battalion for outflanking
>Gigantic Spider with Flinger as a War Machine
>Critical to points 1 and 4, make the flinger not terrible. Maybe just turning it into a weak lobber, 1 attack at 4+, 3+, -2, 1d3
As is, it's pretty fucking lame that all three Arachnarok loud-outs cost the same. There's no reason to ever run the howdah-less version, and the flinger is basically worthless. The Weak Lobber Arachanrok would be a nice alternate to just taking multiple Shaman for redundency's sake, while a Weak Lobber on Gigantic Spider would give the faction a nice mobile war-machine. The only thing is that the Weak Lobber's basically got to be weaker than a real Lobber because of the mobility of the rest of the army. Or at least, I suspect it would end up that way regardless.
If General's Handbook 2 doesn't tweak at least the cost of the three Arachnaroks, I doubt we'll ever get anything though.
when questioned on the streets in Chicago about next Death Battletome, employees "confused"
"There are only three grand alliances"
If you live in the americas, yes, you'll hear it today, apparently. Adepticon begins thursday but on wednesday evening they do a few preliminaries and the studio preview will be during those.
Nah, I'm a Silesianfag so I will wait until tomorrow. Just hope we will see some new cheap shit like new Start Collecting or Armoured Assault-like boxes for AoS
Maybe instead of rend make the flinger do something like -1 to hit on the unit it deals a wound to? Because it's flinging a giant tangle of web right?
I'd take anything, really. Because a single 18 inch 4+, 3+, -, 1d3 is just trash. And especially if you're coding the bonus effect to the Flinger actually inflicting wounds.
Is there any precedent in AoS for "freeze" mechanics that instead of impeding the Hit of the enemy result in impeding movement? Like remove the damage entirely and just have anything hit suffer a 2d6 penalty to it's Move. The Spiderfangs are already hyper-mobile, but the ability to stick a unit in place would be a nice little bit of fluffy crunch.
Pics as soon as this thing's on.
>280 points for 4 attacks on a fuckheug spider
>280 points for 4 attacks on a fuckheug spider along with the 9 attacks from the crew and the ability to harass from range before chowing down in melee
>280 points for 4 attacks on a fuckheug spider along with a Cast-2, Unbind-2 Wizard with a spell that doubles the Mortal Wounds on the faction's unique mechanic that can be triggered on 4+ with a Big Boss nearby.
wew lad
>studio preview
>location: utopia
This foretells things...
What book is it in
That would require buying the book and reading user.
I also play death cavalry. But mine is soulblight.
1x vampire lord on abyssal terror
3x5 bloodknights.
1000 pts
Grand Alliance: Chaos would be my guess
>mfw FB fags see Aelf previews tomorrow
Hopefuly you can read it
Not like I care or anything
Thank you!
No, the lord-aquilor makes hunters battleline when he is general.
Which is kind of a shame, since his command ability is not that hot when compared to the others.
Reminder that Settra does not serve
Go home Slavshitter.
Didn't stormcast already have a chariot?
>Not like I care or anything
You forgot the 'baka', tsundere-sempai.
How's his performance anyways? Does he deliver? I'm debating between the new dorfs and the vanguard chamber but I don't want to buy a model and it to suck ass and balls. Just please tell me it's middle of the road, nothing more nothing less.
Hello fellow AoS players!
I have just recently gotten into AoS and am currently in the process of painting my first minis.
Obviously, I am not very good at any sort of detail painting or list building but I thought I would post my favorite so far. C+C is absolutely encouraged.
Also, I would like to ask for some advice for my 1000 point army that I'm making. I have been searching around some of the handbooks and this is what I have so far.
Allegiance: Order
Caradyran On Frostheart Phoenix (260)
10 x Phoenix Guard (200)
10 x Swordmasters (200)
5 x Reavers (160)
5 x Reavers (160)
Total: 980/1000
I don't post a lot because I feel like I cant really contribute to any meaningful discussion but I would like to say that seeing the mini's painted here has really inspired me to try and get better at painting!
Sorry for the crappy photo, my camera is not great.
That isn't really a leak.
If I play then at my house then yeah, but if I'm at a store then no.
Wake me when actual leaks happen.
Why do they all look the same?
8pm Chicago time for the first session. Community site will update after the second session. It'll be late.
This just in: Wargaming appeals primarily to fat, balding, white males.
GW has done an official partnership with warscroll builder, releasing to app and new digital hub in may
>Khorne Bloodbound
>Holy shit I hope Blades of Khorne gives us better movement and conditional sources of rend.
>New Dirigibles units
>Brutes with bigass crossbows
why does AdamHarry look like he's about to take a shit in his chair
Are Gulliman and Magnus about to kiss?