Well Veeky Forums?
Well Veeky Forums?
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Is that what they say when they chemically castrate the Gue'vesa?
The rightful galactic dominance of Mankind is challenged by the very existence of the alien.
Maybe gue'la should getbtheir own book. Call it a cuckdex.
Maybe one day humanity will grow so great as to allow the existence of others, what with our position of rightful dominance being eternally secure and all.
>you will never be an Imperial refugee arriving in Tau space
>you will never complain that the free public housing isn't comfy enough
>you will never rape confused Tau girls and get away with it because it's "your culture"
I hate myself for laughing at this, and I don't even like Tumblr. Damnit, user.
genestealer detected
>you will never rape confused Tau girls and get away with it because
Because Bradfod told me to
I had some tau/human yuri but I lost it. Damn.
You will never pull a variation of this where you abuse the societal situation to start a long and loving relationship.
>you will never have a long and loving relationship
That is beside the point.
Because they aren't human. Should've been Tallarn instead of Cadian
Why are they XCOM and not Vanu???
The NC guy is actually youtuber called beaglerush. He played Planetside for a bit, and likes the NC so thats his Avatar. However hes mostly known for his Xcom series, of which he is an incredibly good player and incredibly good at removing ayys
This user gets it. Xenos are for cuddles, not for purging.
>Long relationship
Hooo boy.
Yeah I know about that issue, but the Tau being talked about are pseudo-European refugee crisis meme Tau.
Jihads of the emperor sounds legit as fuck
Send them into Tau controlled worlds and have fun
Assuming this isn't 40k, where hate and genocide rain supreme, which xenos race (banning humans for the sake of the question) would you be most likely to shack up with?
Eldar? Tau? Necron? Idk what you're into, anons.
Dark Eldar because I'm a freak like that.
Are there approved Xenos?
If I could hook up with a Dark Eldar babe but NOT have her be a cenobitic psychopath, that'd be great. Like an emo Corsair. Or an Ulthwe chick with some questionable parentage.
Just a little kinky, but I don't want my scrotum flayed.
But the cenobitic psychopathy is the best part!
After I stick my dick in your xeno crotch pussy Imma stick my melta gun in your xeno face pussy.
The problem with that is they are all cenobitic psychopaths.
>he believes what he hears on Alexis Jonicus
are there ork grils?
Orks reproduce a-sexually. There are no ork girls.
Nope, just hordes of strapping young boyz eager to break your squad.
My lust for black hair and goth fashion is railing against my lust for not being barb-whipped to death.
but you said it wasn't 40k.
So what you are saying is that humans are so tremendously insecure and weak that they only feel safe if there is literally no one else in the room.
Of course not, this is 30k. Stoopid.
More like the majority of aliens they met were extremely hostile to them and that shit tends to leave a lasting impression
> standing directly behind the enemy you are ordering your guy to shoot
> standing that close to an Eldar, whose whole gimmick is that they are inhumanly fast and generally stronger than unmodified humans too.
Even with the leg wound, at least one of those humans is already dead.
As much as I support human security, I feel only pity for those so fearful that they wouldn't even indulge in some smokin' starborn minge.
Now he's getting it! We are an entire galaxy spanning race with thousands of years worth of daddy issues!
>inb4 Ork
Personally I'm fine with a cute Eldar gf. Pretty vanilla in comparison to all other choices, I know.
Tau girls son. Literally all of them.
Most people, including those in this very thread would do it.
I'd actually legit love some fluff about that. Though, Tallarnians specialize in armored warfare/long range mechanized recon more than light infantry stuff, iirc.
>Catachans get deployed to Tau worlds and start up guerrilla resistance movements, hide in rough terrain for years launching raids against the Tau
>Preachers start the Imperial Cult as an underground religious resurgence, slowly radicalizing the population with tales of martyrdom and propagandized Tau atrocities
>Rogue Traders occasionally make daring blockade runs to drop arms to the Imperial insurgency
>Finally, small detachment of Deathwatch gets dropped in to lead a strike against Tau high command, setting alight the flames of rebellion. IMPERATOR VULT
Just how much of a badass do you have to be to lay a DEldar? I've heard some lore stating that some of the baddest of the bad human mercenaries have managed to survive, if not for long, in Commorragh.
How many Sly Marbos out of 10 do you have to rate to bang even a Kabalite warrior?
if he shoots her in the head he'll hit the other guys crotch. DOUBLE HEADSHOT
Not much of one at all. All of the hype and bad press has resulted in most DE being virgins. Everybody is to scared to approach them, and none of them is willing to admit they are still new lest they be flayed.
But that's not even true. The emperor got betamad that most of humanity's alien ALLIES during the DAoT didn't help them for shit against the machine uprising, and instead as humanity lost territory expanded their own borders.
Which 1 isn't even that dickish, considering the shit we do to our own human neighbors, and 2 is kind of an unrealistic expectation to have in the first place when you remember who fucking absurdly powerful DAoT tech was. All of the archeotech that humanity cant use anymore, in the hands of murderous robots that are currently ignoring you and instead just attacking humans. You really expect people to be lining up to join that fight? Human tech was unmatched, any world that DID try and help the humans we probably never heard about because it ISN'T FUCKING THERE ANYMORE.
So not only were these many alien cultures not inherently hostile to humans, but the Emperor was so autistically buttflustered about the aliens that betrayed humanity that during his crusade he even genocided the few alien cultures he found that 100% kept up their end of the deal and saved as many humans at they could. The case of the Interex singlehandedly disproved any validity that the anti-xeno rhetoric might have claimed.
Frankly, fuck what you do/don't like. I hate you because you represent a shit ideology that I would enjoy seeing fail.
also I don't know you personally but fuck you anyway
The ... ideology of cute girls? Are you a militant homosexual? I'm sure we can find you one with a feminine penis.
no the communism.
I mean nobody likes Communism user, but can't we teach the adorable blue girls about the wonders of Capitalism instead of just killing them?
I mean, it's like cancer, man. Eventually it's just gonna come back more aggressive than ever
I like the way you think
Okay but don't tell them they don't have to kneel before anyone higher rank than them yet.
I'm pretty sure that regardless of anything else in canon, the case of the interex is the biggest and clearest thing showing that the imperium, and the emperor, were wrong even in crusade times. And it's only degraded since then from even that.
>There will never be Ork Girl
Then there's no point. Purge all xenos.
>Implying orc girls aren't shit tier
not sure about insecurity
am sure about genocidal tendencies
Always be sure about genocidal tendencies.
praise the emperor
So tell me Veeky Forums which tau caste has the best women?
the first two
the hungry skeletons can go back to whatever world they spawned from.
> That get.
The Ethereals, because they'll make all the others want to do you as well.
If I HAD to rate them I'd say 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 in that order. But none of them are really attractive, they are alien enough to appear more like humanish creatures then odd look humans and do not trigger my 'female, fuck it fuck it fuck it!' lizard side.
Three looks the most human, two is too buff and I'm just not into that, one is fat on top of being weird looking, and four is not attractive at all but at least looks vaguely human compared to 5.
2, 1, 3, 4, 5
patrician taste
>likes noseless and earless coconut headed smurfs
You utterly disgust me, pleb
At least choose eldar, they are atleast cu...*blam*
>filthy space elves
>better than cute blueberries
You disappoint me user.
>Than the Tau drop in a Riptide wing and blow all the enemy forces away, before celebrating with a forced sterilization and cake party.
Tau are cute and exotic, not much of a contest.
I wont waste my time arguing with a plebean praising smoothfaced smurfs.
Have a nice day, sir!
Does a Magos still count as human?
They are unless you want a civil war between the imperium and mechanicus.
Damn those Ethereals are lucky fucks.
I use Veeky Forums way too much and need to study. I may as well commit suicide on a shitpost and not stain something of worth.
Sarabada, Veeky Forums
I do like Tau for a lot of reasons. They're more technology focused, and stand out among most of the fantastical 40k factions. They feel like a force that can fight the Imperial Guard in a way that feels more like traditional warfare between humans. They have the opportunity to make use of a bunch of xenos allies, an interesting way to give them flexibility.
My main problem with them is that they're so tiny, with absolutely no room outside of their little bubble of a couple of systems. Why can't they span the edge of the galaxy? Why do they keep having to have miraculous, near-impossible victories, because otherwise would doom them as a race?
Going for the double whammy here, first NSFW picture I found on /e/'s catalog
Good, someone sees the tau like the rest of the heretical filth
Post something from the mind control thread on /d/ ya stink.
Most the art was pretty bad so I chose a caption instead
If this post actually gets published mods = fags
The absolute madman.
I want tau to leave!
Please, don't hurt me.
Do you need a hug user?
Another problem with the Tau being so limited in space: you lose one of the better parts about them, in how they're one of the few factions that can convince Imperials to secede and fight alongside them. If they can only convince a narrow ring of worlds to join them with propaganda, what's the point? If you only need to engage in diplomacy whenever you want to fight another enemy, what's the point?