Dinosaur art?

Dinosaur art?
pic semi-related

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Into the meteor crater you go, OP.

>when man children screech autistically about feathered dinosaurs because B-B-BUT IT'S NOT AS C-COOOOLL


m8 that drawing is clearly sauropoda inspired, and sauropoda dinos didn't had feathers


That is a looks like something closer to a therizinosaurus, with a shorter tail and a different gait, using it's forlimbs like an anteater would.

>not as cool
What could be cooler than the fact that living, breathing dinosaurs have been among us all this time and we didn't even know it?
Everyday you hear birds singing you're listening to a language that's been developed and refined for literally hundreds of millions of years.
Any true world builder or lore-fag would orgasm violently just thinking about that.

Where the big herbivore dinos therapoda or ornthischia?

iirc only the therapoda have evidence for evolving feathers



More like normies assuming that they all had feathers having not looked into it at all.

Because most of the herbivores did not have feathers. The Jurassic Stegosaurus is one example of, which takes five seconds to look up.

It might actually be a hypothetical "terrestrial Azhdarchid" going by the shape of the forlimbs in which case everyone is wrong.

then it's not even a fucking dinosaur, why would it have feathers




Its not a dinosaur but it isnt also a possible terrestial azhdarchid. Its literally just some weird ass land bird thing.


Due to a new study that came out today, that tree might be getting changed in a big way. Theropoda might be getting moved to a branch with ornithischia with sauropods being alone. They looked at a bunch of fossils and their anatomies with newer better tech and fossils; what they found was that the ornithischians fit better with theropods, who in some species have weird quill feathers and things like that. It's still very new and needs some review but there could be a giant shakeup in dinosaur science in the near future.

Posting most accurate trex picture as far as scientists say its like.





Because Pterosaurs had some sort of insulation, just like every other flying vertebrate.


and said insulation looked like hair, not feathers like in the op picture





As far as I can tell the original image is titled "Giraffe Bird", so all you aspies need to take a deep breath because it's some Future Is Wild hypothetical evolution shit.


>pic semi-related
OP may be a faggot, but he did not lie

That's a lot of feathers on its head for a carrion eater.



I fucking can't stand it when artists put random bright ass bird feathers on dinosaurs.

Yeah, we get it that you got it from an owl. Guess what, it's fucking nothing like an owl.



How do you guys fit dinosaurs into your settings?
Are they just vanilla dinosaurs or are just based on dinosaurs?

all you fucking homos arguing about if Dinosaurs had feathers and I'm still trying to find out how this is Veeky Forums related

If it means being closer to the truth and if that truth is rage, I will rage.

Falsehood is evil.

Lurk moar faggot

Just for you faggot.

There are a ton of systems that have dino stats and having art to go with it when playing is a time honored Veeky Forums thread type. aLso arguing about feathers is also super old and part of what makes these threads great though actually it doesn't and feathers are objectively best.



Sorry I'm not a gay nerd that sits around playing board games all day

Took a while for someone to notice it

Then what the fuck are you doing on the board for gay board games? Go back to whatever little shithole you call home newfag.

Im looking at this and all I can think is that the barbarian woman just threw that ankylosaur at the Trex.

...this image is a blatant mischaracterization of Paizo's attitude towards martial characters.

It was not the response I expected, but a very good response it was.

If that's Veeky Forums related then I guess discussing Jack Nicholson's career on /sp/ is /sp/ related since he's a Lakers season ticket holder


>implying we know for certain which species had them

Sure, you could guess stegosaurus being a ornitischian (and older) it would have been featherless more than a t-rex, but...



>GRRM endorsing it

Please don't tell me it features dinosaur rape

Of children.

It's GRRM. Don't forget the children.


Look, I get it, you're a troll starving for (you)s, and the economy has been pretty bad. But there is a difference between arguing about the way an animal looks when being presented before players in a TTRPG, aka what this thread is mostly about along with arguing about taxonomy and the weird little bits of evolution that may pop up in a scifi setting, and talking about something utterly different to the board it's actually on, aka talking about the movie career of a movie star who happens to hold sports tickets on the sports board.

Ours is worldbuilding for traditional games, while yours is a random topic with only the barest attachment to the sports board.


god the art has gotten atrocious

>GRRM using and calling his own work by the wrong name

I smell bullshit

Neck yourself faggot

It's Veeky Forums related as heck

I can deal with that.

I wouldn't deal with dinosaur rape tough. My fucking childhood, man.

>I still like GRRM as much as it is cool to diss him now, but he's literally obsessed at times, I still can't believe he could think anyone would give a shit about Rhaenrya's hymen for a page and half of the World book, both IRL and in fiction

l think people tend to go a little overboard with the whole "Dinosaurs had feathers" thing like either they had no feathers at all or were entirely covered in them

pic related is a tiny dinosaur thats still kicking around today

the things that look like spikes on their backs are feathers they also have a third eye on the top of their heads that close over when they get older

>dinosaurs are Veeky Forums related

That's a creepy looking TurkeyRex

>smear shit all over yourself before battle

let's see a dino take a bite of you then


For when you want to give the halflings a really bad time.

On this topic, fantasy and dinosaurs. Did any of you tried it? I mean, not in the King Kong's island sense, but something like a more precise worldbuilding of, I dunno, dwarves using brachiosauruses to do heavy engeneering work?

>and yes, I know aramabourgiana it's not a dinosaur, thank you

Hey guys I was looking for Veeky Forums and accidentally discovered a bunch of man children discussing children's shit... Can someone direct me back to Veeky Forums please?

>Hey guys I was looking for a bunch of man children discussing childrens shit and accidentally discovered a bunch of man children discussing children's shit... Can someone direct me back to man children discussing childrens shit please?

What did he mean by this?

he, on a board where we play games with little toys, thinks dinosaurs are kiddie shit

Don't reply to trolls, dummy.



I'm not against some dinosaurs having feathers at either a scientific or aesthetic level but I am annoyed to some extent at every amateur artist these days covering their dinosaurs in a full plumage of bird feathers like a peacock. It's cool if it's being done as deliberate fantasy but a lot of people actually seem to think they're being 'so realistic' when they really aren't.

The problem is that people hear that some dinosaurs were feathered and they jump to the conclusion not only that they all were but also that those feathers were just like those on modern birds. The fact is a large portion if dinosaurs had just good old fashioned scales - including pretty much anything on four legs and/or herbivorous - and even most of the ones that did had more of a sort of proto-feather fuzz than what you would see on a modern bird. The only dinosaurs that may have actually looked like this would be raptors and those proto-birds whose names I can never fully remember/pronounce (arche-something)

*even most of the ones that did have feathers


He's clearly referencing the TV show.
I'm sick of correcting people about the name of the book series.
I haven't even read, just my autism for accuracy.

I was jonesing for a dinosaur thread and of course I find one on Veeky Forums. You jerks are great. Have this.



Komodo dragons don't give a shit, I'm sure T Rexes can handle that stuff as well.

The way I did it in my setting is that both feathered and featherless versions of dinosaurs exist. With the featherless ones being slightly more docile and easier to try and domesticate and the feathered variations just being fucking batshit mad at all times and they just hate everything around them.

Op literally stated semi-related though

You're're dumb.

"Lemme smash"

I'm laughing far harder than I should have at this

Not a dinosaur, not even close

l think the point is that they've been around relatively unchanged for more than 200 million years, meaning it has traits similar to that of what prehistoric lizards developed

Best post in thread.

I always wanted to rip off this game and translate it into a RPG setting.

>Different Dinosaurs have different niches.
>All set on an island thats a mix of Skull island and the Bermuda triangle.
>Cultures from different time periods meet up and clash. Nazi's fighting Greeks fighting "modern" survivors.
>Strange alien structures to explore, but never really explained.
>Each player gets a pet dino to ride and fight with.

Sadly you'd probably have to build a new system to run it in, because mounted combat usually is an afterthought in most systems.

What's the source for the reclassification?

Matthew G. Baron, David B. Norman, Paul M. Barrett. A new hypothesis of dinosaur relationships and early dinosaur evolution. Nature, 2017

Literally came out today.

They're probably playing Exalted.



>Dinosaur rubs quills on its prey's carcass in order to dissuade larger, more ferocious, animals from scavenging it. Similar to how Hyenas will defecate on their kills in order to keep larger animals from stealing it.

I could buy it.

Cool setting
Reminds me of that dumb idea for a fighting game the SBFP came up with based on Primal Rage, Dinos vs Saurs

Using small raptors instead of wolfs as minor wild enemies, since it is a fantasy setting they are called drakes.

Threads like this make me depressed. All my life I wanted to be a Paeleontologuist, but I was teased about it relentlessly. So I gave up and decided to become a Historian. Now, 8 years in and with a masters under my belt, I wish I had never done it. Postmodernism killed my love of History leaving it a hollow and empty thing that brings no joy, while every new Dinosaur or other extinct animal discovery only fires up the old imagination and brings the longing and regret back to the fore.

Count your blessings user. You still can love paleontology.
If you got into the field you would've found out it's mostly digging out teeth, looking through a microscope at teeth, and describing teeth in excrucating detail.

have you guys ever decided to make prehistoic versions of the creatures in your world

would a prehistoric Tarresque be stronger or weaker than a regular one?

>anyone giving a fuck about herbivores

How does it feel to be a giant faggot?

Carnivore theropods or go the FUCK home.