>we want the kingdom death audience
We want the kingdom death audience
Then why did they not shoehorn in as many not!soritas in scantily clad armor and leather thongs?
>we want the Kingdom Death audience
>so rather than bringing back Mordheim with revamped mechanics that offer more tactical depth, character growth and world building we're giving you
>all of this shit
>We want the Kingdom death audience
>So hurr da durr, have a deck based miniature game on hexes
>Also, have some snap fit mini's, and a bunch of tokens/Special dice
Try this thread again, but with:
>we want the X-Wing audience.
>rather than bringing back Mordheim
We get the Necromunda reboot this year. It makes little sense for them to try to redo Mordhiem at the exact same time.
>We get the Necromunda reboot this year.
You mean "KillTeam with less units variety"?
No I mean Necromuda reboot. It's essentially using 2nd ed. rules.
They have to make box of thick stormcast girls.
>Stormcast are supposed to be animated golden statues with righteous souls insterted on them.
>Cover shows a Stormcast as a generic dude in full plate.
What the fuck. GW doesn't even follow it's own lore.
>implying it's good
SJW, please.
>It's essentially using 2nd ed. rules.
It's hybrid with current KillTeam rules at best (well because we didn't see the whole system yet)
>It's hybrid with current KillTeam rules at best
No? Every leak we've seen matches the 2nd ed. rules and Neromunda campaign rules. the Only thing it has from Kill Team is that "Gangs" are now called "Kill Teams".
>the Only thing it has from Kill Team is that "Gangs" are now called "Kill Teams".
So the armies will be from kill team, but with less units variety.
kys shill
>Stormcast are supposed to be animated golden statues
This is wrong.
>from kill team
You mean from 40k? Well sure. I'm not sure what you're arguing here. Models have a movement stat. Guns have range modifiers, There are "Basic, Special, and Heavy Weapons", etc. etc. It's straight out of 2nd ed. / Necromunda. It's nothing like kill team aside from using all the 40k armies.
They are going to have to up their pinup production by 100%
>It's straight out of 2nd ed. / Necromunda.
But it's not Necromunda exclusive.
It would be cooler if they were but nah they're just space marines
Literally has never been the case in the lore, they were always just enhanced humans underneath, like good guy chaos warriors
>we want the audience of a small niche game hardly known outside of its core fanbase
Bit grasping at straws there user, considering we know hardly anything of the game aside the title and the tagline.
Are you retarded?
>implying it's bad
I want MRA to leave.
Damn sexy.
Give her a nice female head and she's a perfect paladin.
Thiccmarine unit when? Going off this the fellas could use some gratuitous flesh too.
female stormcasts have been in the fluff from the start
And I want tumblr to leave
Stop being a cunt user. Female stormcasts are cool and sexy. No reason not to do them.
How tasteless do you have to be to look at a woman in heavy plate armor swinging a warhammer around and not just grimace at it. It's so absurd and it's not even intended as a joke.
It is real.
>Female stormcasts are cool and sexy
>Demons, ratmen, moving trees, elves, dwarves, undeads are fine
>But I'll be damned if a woman steps out of the kitchen!
Sports bra of boobplate
Here .
Same armor design as the men, just with a weirdly small chestplate. Kinda wish they made it larger and more angular to fit in better with the rest of the line.
Why did they remove the cleavage did they really buy into the boobplate is a weakness meme.
I was always an advocate for skinnier and better proportioned Stormcast so to me the thinner look is perfect.
It's what the male Stormcast should have had as well.
>conflating the fantastic with the absurd
nice argument there
I stil didn't see anything cool.
It's the same borring and dull armor-design from WoW/LoL.
not to mention that multigender armies are always sign of american-tier setting
In a vacuum I don't mind it, but it's strange next to the other guys in the box.
Makes her look weirdly bottom heavy, since the legs and tabard are almost identical to the other units.
>What I like is the fantastic
>What I don't like is the absurd
Just say you don't want women in your games. It's a shit argument but that's all you have.
Are you the kind of dude that believes men should only play men in TTRPG and women characters can't be warriors?
Rule of cool ya dingus.
Don't buy it then. No one's forcing you.
Guess I was just seeing what I wanted to see. Looks like a bit of muscle on the thighs
Buff warrior women are a really old fantasy trope though, like dating back to the ancient Greeks old.
>weirdly bottom heavy
And where I said anything about "buying them"?
>SJW; the post
Not sure if you're being intentionally obtuse or if you're actually this braindead.
>monsters, alternate realities
>ridiculous, inappropriately juxtaposed against context
>Just say you don't want women in your games. It's a shit argument but that's all you have.
I mean I dislike female warrior characters, and I dont' want them, if that's what you want me to say. Not sure why I would say I don't want women in games though. Are you even human?
Proportionally the sculpt's fine, but what I mean is most stormcast have huge barrel chests that take up a lot of visual real estate. Going to a slender tanktop breastplate without changing anything else makes her look a little janky next to the rest of the faction.
That's why so much of the abdomen is showing. Which might be a good thing, because hey girlabs. It's just breaking uniform.
The context makes it entirely sensible (bodies remade by a god to fight astral wars against mighty foes) and it being ridiculous is entirely you're subjective opinion. So yes it is only absurd to you because you don't like it, which is exactly what he said.
Probably onto something. I like the sculpt as is, but I wonder how it would look if they made her just a tiny bit shorter on the legs.
Pleas no, I like them thicc.
Weren't we talking about women warriors? So in these fantasy universes, the women are female human beings, right?
>The context makes it entirely sensible (bodies remade by a god to fight astral wars against mighty foes)
>therefore women warriors aren't ridiculous
Complete non-sequitur
Thick doesn't entail having long ass legs my dude. I wouldn't change anything apart from shorter legs, keeping them as muscled.
And even then, I'm not sure it would look better, just a thought.
>im only pretending to be retarded
You don't need to be a warrior to be turned into a Stormcast though, only bravery and heroism.
Once you are turned into a stormcast sexual dimorphism in regards to strength isn't relevant anymore.
Rather they go the other direction, and just chunk up the breastplate a bit. No need for manletcast.
but no big either way
If anyone was going to be stormcast it would be sisters of sigmar.
Fair point, I'm just saying it's not a requirement.
>only bravery and heroism.
So you must be a warrior to show it.
I think its this way because GWs research team settled on tall woman that squats 200kg but has a small chest bodytype.
>ahahaha we gonna rape you for khorne! Jump on her
>fools i can squat 500 kg with explosive forc by Sugmar!
>*flying Khorne bloodbound everywhere"
>You don't need to be a warrior to be turned into a Stormcast though,
Os if some landwhale in Mortal Realms will acting as tumblrina it could be turned into sigmarine?
TOP FUCKING KEK, and you guys defending it?
Gotta say, the marauder sculpts have way more personality. The benefit of being naked barbarians rather than fully armored dudes, I guess.
What Landwhale? All I see is muscle.
>What Landwhale?
I mean mortal landwhale, before sigmarification.
So how much is this tiny set going to cost?
landwhales aren't particularly brave or heroic, though
>sigmar turns fat cows into righteous aesthetically pleasing warrior women
??? Whats the issue
>>sigmar turns fat cows into righteous aesthetically pleasing warrior women just because she wuz strong independent womyn
>it's okay
>directs all weapon strikes right into the middle of your chest
nice meme
>aesthetically pleasing warrior women
Let's play a game "spot the burger"
I don't know maybe if she sacrificed her life to save others in the face of an insurmountable foe it might happen.
Plus sometimes since he's racing Nagash for their souls he goes a bit broad. Like the time he scooped up an entire noble dynasty, men, women children and all.
Weakest damage control in history
>I don't know maybe if she sacrificed her life to save others in the face of an insurmountable foe it might happen.
Doesn't ound like something unusual in "muh unending war", so why would he took women instead of men? Because of gender? Smells like SJW.
>those hips
>those abs
I didn't know I needed THICCmarines until now.
>implying it does anything.
>what is studded armour.
Jesus fucking Christ man you need to stop seeing SJW everywhere. I swear you're like them. He chose the damn woman because she was a damn fine smith and I presume virtueous. That's all there is to it.
Sigmar grabs all the souls he can mang, just because he grabbed one persons soul doesn't mean he was missing out on another.
So what happens when a sword hits a stormcasts pec plate in the middle?
It breaks on fine oiled abs.
She's got big feet. You know what they say about big feet, fellas.
What a shitty shoop
>What is impact force.
Don't make it that obvious you didn't go to college
The funniest thing is when you realise they added the femcast as an experiment to tentatively test the reaction.
>impact force.
>implying it would be more in the middle of boobplate
>he doesn't know
True, but hits would never glance off like they often do with other parts of the armour, allowing all the kinetic energy to be delivered into the target.
I mean consider delivering a blow with a warhammer to pic related as supposed to boobplate.
>I don't like SJW, but... .jpg
I guess nothing since they use unbreakable armor
Your arguments, where are they?
If you hit a breastplate by that logic the strikes would glance off into limbs with explosive force!
Lets not pretend this isnt a dumb theory cooked up by a prude neckbeard.
I mean one of the parts of the theory assumes the armour is forged thinner in the centre of boobplate.
>I mean consider delivering a blow with a warhammer to pic related as supposed to boobplate.
It would glance off and strike one of the limbs if it glanced at all.
Yeah not buying it. If anything striking two giant steel tits would break the blow.
What arguments do you need tumblr? We both knew they are all will be worthless against your "it's fanatsy so equality is normal thing".
sometimes style trumps functionality.
Not seeing the issue. Do people realise stud armour is a thing.
>he hasn't read the fluff
Sigmar took people who resisted valiantly during the Age of Chaos. That doesn't necessarily mean they HAD to be a warrior, but that did help. All that matters is they were heroic asf. He could've taken an artist who stabbed out a Chaos Lord's eye with his brush, or a fatass diner who raged out over marauders barging into HIS HALL and killed some with his knife and fork.
Doesn't matter, went down swingin'.
>not hating weakness in all its forms.
This is why I need a stong woman.
So you don't have a argument other than waaah there is women in the game and zero facts?
>He could've taken an artist who stabbed out a Chaos Lord's eye with his brush, or a fatass diner who raged out over marauders barging into HIS HALL and killed some with his knife and fork.
So SCE are literally "army of diversity"?
No, they're an army of heroes.
Sigmar doesn't take someone because they fill diversity quotas, he takes them because they smash Chaos face.
Looks like.