Can we have a thread on these guys? Post pictures, artwork. whatever.
Anyone on Veeky Forums collect them?
Can we have a thread on these guys? Post pictures, artwork. whatever.
Anyone on Veeky Forums collect them?
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Tg has too many corpse-worshipers.
Are cultists okay? And Daemon Princes?
I wish there was a cultist character or hero of some sort in the fluff. I'd like to see Chaos represented by more than Demons and CSM.
Have there been any good books with Chaos as the protags? I read "Storm of Iron" which was fun, but I would like to see a story legitimately from the perspective that the Imperium is horrid and it needs to be torn apart, even if that means damning your soul in the process.
A traitor can't be a hero so.. yeah.
Night Lords by Bowden, MC is a chaos marine who hates the empire and rejects demon corruption.
Hell, even society on a daemon planet, or at least one ruled with Chaos as part of their culture. Not overwhelming, but subtle. It would be neat seeing a "normal" Chaos society, and how they function and go on to new generations, because they DO exist, it's just no one's bothered describing them yet. Or rather, drawing them, to my knowledge.
What's your warband's warcry?
Who is best CSM Champion, and why is it Kharn?
he's p.based. Tied with ahriman in the big 4's champions.
EC's look really messed up though and I like that.
There is a link i w40k general with e-formats of most books. Find the Chaos Space Marines catalog. Voila.
And yes, there's a lot of them.
The old novel Daemon World has that. Its a good riff on old pulp adventures.
Sort of the Word Bearer series. Bits of the Nightlords stuff. But even then none of the chaos marines have a righteous cause. They're destroying shit because they hate it, not because they're going to do anything better or good afterwards.
One of my favorites. If a space marine could look not only like a pirate, but a chaos worshipping pirate, this art perfectly conveys that.
I can never pick a favorite Chaos God. I always end up in Undivided territory, no matter how I go about it.
I like Khorne because he's completely insane, and has that heavy metal album cover badassery about him, but his color scheme can get kind of dull and he lacks a lot of characters who AREN'T berserk %100 of the time.
I love Nurgle's themes, and his truly horrifying and convert-happy aesthetic, and I'd probably fall to him if I was in-setting because I'm a gloomy bastard, but I just wish there were more options than "fat bastard" for his warriors, and I can't bring myself to collect his minis because I don't want a bunch of gross fucks covering my shelves.
I love Tzeentch because he's colorful and reminds me of the Skeksis, and his playstyle's cool, but he as a god is dickish to the point of annoyance.
And I love Slaanesh because I fucking love hedonism, but in 40k her models are kinda meh. It's hard to give chunky Space Marines that grace and appeal that Slaanesh has in Fantasy/Sigmar, where her followers aren't always encased in armor and can afford to be more lithe.
Yeah, I think there's a lot of room for depth and interesting shit via any of the 4. I find the champions of khorne and tzeentch are more depthful as so far written. Might be due to the less tragic nature of Typhus and Lucius. They were always just dicks, so there's less to work with there. ymmv tho.
I think I end up preferring unintentional pawn more than undivided. A lot of 40k is hubris tales, so the idea of these powerful heroic space marines that think they're in control of themselves but end up being not so appeals to me.
My autism demands the correction.
"Would you like some making fuck?"
na, it's shit.
Has GW unfucked them? Can I play something else than Daemon princes and obliterators now?
>one of the coolest looking Chaos Lords ever imo