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CYOA General Thread
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Any of you got the witch curse CYOA where you're cursed to be the little girl? None of the repos seem to have it.
monstergirl survival 1/9
monstergirl survival 2/9
monstergirl survival 3/9
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monstergirl survival 9/9
I'm not your friend, buddy.
Drum Machine
>figured this cyoa wouldn't change my life much
>accidentally become succubus
Well, this could be fun. Having to fuck guys could be difficult, but on second thought I think I can get behind prowling around schools and deflowing young boys.
it doesn't say straight sex, my dude ;)
Well, I guess I can still do both.
Guess who actually did something today.
It was me.
Oh, and if you wanted this for choosing the Aurora thing, here it is.
>truth in the ruins
Do it, become god. Make more dogs.
I'll take An Emerald Shard and it's arcane libraries so I can turn the post-apocalypse into pic related.
Lot of cat ass in this catastrophe, I see.
I feel like the universe owes me a catgirl paradise after the shit it's put me through. And that's not even counting the whole "end of the world' thing.
The Black Sun is tempting, but in the end I'd go with An Emerald Shard, though there would be a lot of energy spent on figuring out what it is and where it came from, why it picked me and so on.
The answer is probably "because".
Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your lives are measured in years and decades. You wither and die. We are eternal, the pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything.
Your civilization is based on the technology of the mass relays. Our technology. By using it, your civilization develops along the paths we desire. We impose order on the chaos of organic life. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.
But seriously though I'm just gonna play God and have fun with the taddlepoles that will eventually become catgirls. Then I'll give them the technology that will eventually develop to the level where they can travel in space (but not before the next phase is done).
Phase two: Create Earth 2.0. Then, have the catgirls travel to Earth 2.0 and form a beautiful symbiotic relationship between humans and catgirls.
Hard to read. Text needs to be bigger.
Buy glasses.
He's right though, even if your eyesight is perfect (or you zoom in) you can see that the font quality is complete shit.
Picking same one I did last time
Given that we're not psychics, nor can we identify an anonymous poster, would you care to be a liiiittle more specific than that?
Incidentally, I'd pick either the dullahan or the yuki-onna. I like my girls with a sweet side.
Probably the salamander I don't remember
>Cat-eared cuttlefish robot
It's kind of hard to see on phone, I realize. But I don't care enough to do the work to fix it. Would be more work than went into making it in the first place.
I was thinking of using Clone to grow dhampir bodies to jump into. If even possible, how complicated would you say the process would be?
It's the best option
>implying the average /t/rans/g/ender here could make it past floor 1 of an actual dungeon even with plot powers
Page 2 ETA?
The creator refuses to finish it.
Probably enjoys the suffering of fujoshis everywhere.
>Time Kidnapped
Makes the most sense to me.
Treasure hunting sounds both profitable and enjoyable.
>Comfy Chair
Because if I'm stuck here, I might as well be comfy.
>Ship's Choice
I'm feeling lucky.
Gotta go fast.
>Game Focus
Toss up between this and Builder, but this one seems like it'd cause less headaches.
>Ship Grown
I like to cook. Cooking with my DereDere? Should be fun.
>Xeno (Alien) Focus
Because we're going to explore the universe, it makes sense to brush up on these things.
Again, what could possibly go wrong?
Whatever user said this one was disturbing needs to, like, watch more horror movies or something. I don't see what's bothersome about this, and I don't even like the whole -dere thing.
>Lighted by the Aurora
>Become an Angel
Catching up with those I've lost has its appeals; and the promise of adventure is a fine one.
Time to kick ass and take names.
What's the appeal of the Black Sun. Sounds to me like you're basically Superman lite except you have no real way to reach another inhabitated planet.
Something something gravity wells? Maybe add in a quest to reignite the sun and rule as a sun god?
Body text in options is way too tiny. Have to blow it up to read it and it's not very clear blown up. Otherwise looks nice.
Even if that were possible, would you really want to be the sun god of a dead planet?
Seems to me it's just an inferior option. It's basically the explore the universe option except the universe is empty and cold and boring. + I'm pretty sure Ruins turns you into an incomphrehensible Starchild anyway so that should be your go-to option if you want to do interstellar shenanigans.
So, what motivates you to be an asshole? I'm rather curious.
Emerald tower magic is vague. Is it just remaking life or can you do other "magical" things like shaping terrain, teleportation, making golems etc..
Strandberg 8
Drum Machine
Becoming an Incubus is one of my biggest wish fulfillment fantasies. Becoming a Vampire even more so but it seems I dodged a bullet considering how frail they are in this cyoa.
>Lich Overlord F
>Lich Overlord F
>Become Lich Overlord F
Teach me your ways, lichy women.
If we can come to trust each other, we can arrange our souls evenly among ourselves to turn ourselves into a very frustrating boss battle.
That first few [TIME UNIT]s is going to be awkward as hell though, what with the pile of Kuuderes.
Yeti is adorable.
This got me thinking.
Are there cyoas with really classic depictions of Vampires, dracula-style. You know, with the whole shapeshifting, hypnosis, resurrecting, running water spiel. Beautiful and elegant without being Twilight fuckboys.
Not just anthro leeches or pale hemomancers either.
(Futa) Vampire Lady
Kroveri Hæma µ30
\Tier 4
|Sanguine Senses
|Pulse of Calm
|Create Thrall
|Bloody Purge
|Blood Boil
\Lift Bloodstain
\Tier 3
|Blood Tracking
|Blood Spilt Anew
|Bloodthirsty Weapon
|Ritual Enhancement
|Bloody Memories
\Create Nosferatu
\Tier 2
|Night Falls
|Blood Burst
|Empower Bloodline
|Blood Pact
\Blood Runs Dark
\Tier 1
\Duchess Victoria
\(2) Vampiric Brides µ3
|Dhampir µ7
|Vamprie Knight x2 µ14
\Vampire Guardian µ12
\Cunning Linguist
|Bloodcrafter (free)
\Fabled Hero µ+5
\Murderhobo µ+30
\Single-Minded µ+3
Mind control cyoa when?
Not for sexy times! It's the ultimate NEET power. I could make some unsuspecting sod let me live in his basement. For FREE!
Interesting CYOA. Good job.
Lighted By The Aurora is the obvious choice. Kind of boring though, I don't have to work for my heaven.
Do you mean the one with the dark grey background and shitty self-drawn "art"?
>The creator refuses to finish it.
>Probably enjoys the suffering of fujoshis everywhere.
What other reason could there be?!
How would cyoag react to a cuckqueen cyoa?
It literally says you can in the description.
It's already shit.
Mystery box CYOAs are really only good once. That said, Minimoog, Drum Machine, Hardcase, Mic.
I'm game. Cucquean is every man's fetish.
I would love it!
The final episodes were a rollercoaster!
Just remember, she can dress like any Disney Princess that she wants to.
This is too l-lewd, user. I just want to mind control people into being nicer to me or look the other way when I have a bad hair day. This cyoa is pure evil!
Hey, you wanted mind control.
Is that pic real?
I can't tell whether the autism or the stormfront is stronger in this.
There's a difference?
Go see for yourself:
Handicaps of any kind merit sympathy.
Being an asshole is a choice, meriting contempt. This includes using a handicap to be an asshole.
I'd play it
Post jojo cyoa
I need to see it first, but why not?
It's like Truth in the Ruins, but you get to skip to the endgame.
So...the three calamities from worm
NTR is bad.
Apparently cuckqueans are great but cuckholds are bad. Because it's okay if guys cheat but not girls.
>An Emerald Shard
Rebuild the world into something comfy (e.g. similar to what "Lighted by the Aurora" offers, at least the first life/world). And if I'm going to rebuild the world, of course I'll start with myself.
It's small on a normal computer screen.
Immortality: Potion of Khizaz*
>Promrean Caro(primary):
Tier 4: Create Abomination, Reinforcement, Inflict Paralysis
Tier 3: Cure Disease, Warp Flesh, Limit Bane, Natural Weapon
Tier 2: Mass Growth, Create Life
>Kroveri Daema:
Ritual Enhancement
Empower Bloodline
Blood Burst
>Liber animas
Create Soulwell, Create Soulstone
20 Slaves
1 Scholar
1 Alchemist
50 ghouls
1 Abomination
1 Slyther
2 Kobold Veterans
1 Master Smith
Enemies: Wild Elf Tribe
Lair: Laboratory
The idea is to retire to a secluded and somewhat peaceful(other than the damned elves!) laboratory and spend a couple of decades mastering my craft and then create an army of fleshcrafted and blood enhanced supersoldiers.
Ritual Enhancement >Create Abomination/Create Life > RE > Reinforcement > RE > Mass Growth > RE > Empower Bloodline > RE > Limit Bane > RE > Blood Guard > RE > Natural Weapon
advanced process involves using a fully charged soulstone at every part of the process too but I would only start playing around with the spirit magic once I have mastered the flesh and blood ones
*I assume this can also be shared with others
Emerald Shard.
Basically, you're an immortal lich with a giant flying phylactery, and you don't even need to forsake food, alcohol, and sex for it. I'm also pretty sure the creator intended the Shard to be a spaceship of sorts, and if it's not, you can always research a way to make it so and get the hell out of the empty planet to explore the galaxy.
But how are you gonna put souls into the soul well and soulstones without basic spirit spells like command spirit/create ghost?
Not really. Rebirth turns you into some eternal Creating God who designs worlds, moving to the next one when finished.
Ruins seems to potentially turn you into some incomprehensible eldritch entity which might end up being capable of creating worlds too.
Either way Ruins > Rebirth because Rebirth is incapable of properly enjoying his creations. He's just stuck in eternal design mode.
I assumed, from the wording, that the Soul Well naturally attracts souls from bodies killed near it and thus no soul movement spell is necessary to know.
With Soul Stone it says that it's made of crystallized souls and so like again there would be no need to move the souls in and out since the stone essentially is the soul just in a different form.
The fact that you need to kill people right near the well or a stone sounds a little inconvenient.
Not at all.
The Soul Well would be in position near a hole to which newly grown Create Life fetuses would be dropped from the room above.
All nice, efficient and automated.
I knew I shouldn't have voted Hillary.
Hillary is Reunu Pertemru. Trump is Promræn Caro.
Reminder that the wife of one of our greatest presidents was one.
Jackie Kennedy. All those women JFK had over in the whitehouse (like fucking Marylin Monroe!) and she just got to smile and say "You might be riding it, but it belongs to me."
And if you don't think Jackie Kennedy is top-tier waifu material, you obviously hate Freedom and America.
Yes, I'm going to copy/paste this to continue the joke for as long as it amuses me.
Emerald Shard for sure. No travel time. You get to play on a blank slate and if you screw up, just exterminatus and try again.
For Lit by the Aurora, since it gets better every time you die, is there any reason not to form a suicide pact with the people you like and ascend to the end?
It's a joke? You copy/pasted it?