/btg/ Battletech General!

At least it’s not… hell, edition

The /btg/ is dead - long live the /btg/!

Old thread: =================================

BattleTech video-game pre-alpha gameplay


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO:
builtforwar.blog(not spam)spot.com/

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing? (old)

2017-03-03 – UPDATED (Against the Bot)

Current 3.21 rule set is included in the mekhq package

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders

/btg/'s own image board: - (2017-02-13 - Still getting worked on & now has 11079 pics!)

More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord server, etc.) Last updated 2017-03-17!

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/okkxh5t5yj83r5r/Sprite Release 3-23.7z?dl=0


haha brenda bakke

haha butte hold

That's the spirit. Let the solahmas sacrifice themselves for glory and the Clan!

Fuck off Medron

Someone might enjoy this, even if just for the name alone.

I love it just because it uses one of my three favourite words.

Speaking of armored personnel carriers, I had this built for ferrying Anti-mech jump-BA teams, they were pretty effective in cities, would just hope in circles around large mechs and unload RRs into the back of them.

y'know come to think of it I should've made the armor Ferro-Aluminum just to fit thematically

Is that an M-113 reference? METAL BAWKSES?! Kinda surprised it doesn't have Inferno ammo. I do like light APCs though. But yeah, Jump Infantry is crazy annoying.

Wait vees can mount Ferro-Aluminum? I thought that was Aero only?

You can fit Prototype Ferro-Aluminum to CVs under Experimental rules and there's a canon hovercraft that does it. AFAIK it doesn't make much of a difference to FF.

And yes the name is a rip on the M113, there's some major autismo on the net somewhere who is convinced that people other than him call the M113 the Gavin, and a whole host of people who have to deal with him stealth-editing wikipedia articles and such. If I ever actually use this in a fight or test a new mechanised BA with it i'll switch it to Infernos.

Huh, I looked at SAW and it doesn't have it, but I haven't checked MML yet (it probably has it because it's more up-to-date). I still use SAW out of habit I guess. I like its TRO layouts a little better anyway.

Wat? I have never ever heard them called this. The quip about it on Wikipedia is hilarious though. I thought maybe it was a bong nickname for it but even that was debunked. Poor autismo.

combatreform.org/m113combat.htm I think I found the guy. He literally can't say M113 without following it up with 'Gavin.' He also thinks that a box with half-inch aluminum plate is adequate infantry protection while slandering modern wheeled IFVs which can actually stand up to HMG rounds.


No joke, when Dawn of War 2 was coming out as a promotion they bought a surplus M113 and painted it in a Blood Ravens livery and ran over cars with it.

You can just imagine what the YT comments are like youtube.com/watch?v=6PEU_201IfI

Honestly, the US has always been kinda retarded about IFVs, so he's just fighting to preserve the great american tradition of sending out soldiers in self-propelled caskets.

We are, indeed, not just mere humans, freebirth monkey, we are MORE than human.


Atleast is a trueborn bondsman user.

Die, clanner

tl;dr: light lance in town vs princess bot. bot loses, news at 11.

Before getting to the part where it's CLF, the FedCom infantry bit reminded me how the novelisation of MW3 turned the ELH protagonists into FedCom troops too.

Has science gone too far?

Needs more dakka you git.

>Not using a 200 engine instead of that 400 for more firepower (especially since you really need more ammunition.)

Here's a company I've been working on putting together. They're mercs that came from the FWL, worked with the FedCom during the Clan invasion, then picked up a contract with ComStar's Explorer Corps and the Dracs.

For some I'd like recommendations on which of the variants to go with. And maybe if I should reorganize it.

Command Lance
>Marauder -5S (CO's ride)
>Gunslinger -1ERD
>Archer -5S
>Rifleman -4D or -5D
Battle Lance
>Crusader -5S, -5M or -4BR
>Firestarter FS9-K
>Shadowhawk -5M
>Quickdraw -5K or -5M
Flanker Lance
>Grasshopper -5H, 5J, or -5N
>Spider -5V
>Wraith TR1
>Phoenix Hawk -3K

WHAMS got redid

Still need to sprite the reseen Shimmhammer to mix in

it's the best I could do

Is there a set time frame/year for the Field Manuals? Specifically the Crusader Clan book? I'm guessing late 50s given the introduction of some of the equipment within. And the Update comes in at 67 correct?

Clan manuals are 60 or 61

The Jade Falcon portion of the Updates book mentions that the last survey of their touman was 8 years ago. And since Updates is set in 67 one can assume FM:CC was set in 59

apart from Fedcom I have no idea what any of those acronyms mean.

to be honest, it's a while since i wrote and I don't play battletech-related stuff much anymore (and have never actually read any of the novels), so reading it back it took me a moment to work out what the hell I was talking about in places.

The info was gathered in 3059 (for example the unit locations chart is as of Dec 25, 3059) but the FM was "published" in 3060 as it post-dates the Jaguar annihilation.

Not even Mechwarrior 3?

I mean CJF for Clan Jade Falcon. MW3 is MechWarrior 3 and ELH is Eridani Light Horse. In MW3 you play as Eridani Light Horsemen, but many years later when Loren Coleman turned the game's story into a "novel" he inexplicably made the protagonists all FedCom troops. Not even Star League Defense Force in general with troops from everywhere, just FedCom. Yuck.

shit, yeah... probably could have got that one. Not that i ever played it.

The game of my childhood was mechcommander 2 (as the extremely observant among you will have noticed)

>I mean CJF for Clan Jade Falcon.
yeah, also should have got that one.

>he inexplicably made the protagonists all FedCom troops
why would anyone do that? Mercs are always more interesting

I can only assume it's part of the ELH Lawsuit legacy.

To be honest I don't have anything against FedCom per se (I play Syrtis Fusiliers) but the FedCom got more than its time to shine in Operations Bulldog and Serpent. Either sticking to ELH or making the characters pan-Inner Spheroids with the SLDF would have been cooler.

It went too far years ago. Unless you mean in diluting the RAC purity with those LMGs.

I suppose I should make a new sheet in MML for BV calcs and shit though.

>Specifically the Crusader Clan book?

Emperor's Teeth! I just happen to have that book right here. Bought it at Half Price Books last weekend during their spring break sale! The introduction section on page five is in the form of a letter from Kael Pershaw dated 19 November 3059. Other entries for years prior to that sound like anything earlier is history by this point.

The lance organization seems pretty solid. I like the inclusion of a Gunslinger since it feels like you never see them.

> Bought it at Half Price Books last weekend

Mah nigga. Almost snagged the first edition periphery book during that sale.

There ya go! Now you can last the average sexual encounter of a Drac upon seeing a superior Fed woman.


>Not filling a light mech up with M-pods and a booby trap
Are you even trying?

Looking for some test drivers. At over 400 sprites now again and I would really appreciate if people could use them in some games, or just fire up MM and flip through units.
Specifically looking for errors: incorrect transparent pixels (shouldn't be any), Sprite doesn't load or freezes MM (typo in sprite name or in localclient_mechset pastefile.)
Otherwise, just enjoy the sprites:
dropbox.com/s/okkxh5t5yj83r5r/Sprite Release 3-23.7z?dl=0

Appreciated sir. Thanks for the clarity.

Thanks. I've tried to group them by speed and role as best as /btg/ has showed me.

Any input on variants?

I'd swap the Grasshopper and the Quickdraw from their respective lances honestly; I think 4/6 is a little slow for flanking and the Quickdraw trades a lot of armour/armament for speed and jets. The Grasshopper on the other hand has enough armour and the large laser to stand on the front line.

That being said a lot changes if you're not deploying as a company but individual lances instead.

If your company splits into individual lances regularly you may want to reconfigure them to be a bit more independent by mixing everybody; each lance gets a fire support mech, scout, line-holder, etc.

That's a good observation. I might be breaking them into lances to use.

How might you organize them into three equal lances?

Usually I try to build a lance out of some sort of "anchor", usually a heavy or assault 'mech with long-range firepower and decent armour. That's easy enough here - the Marauder, Gunslinger, Crusader, or Archer would be a good lance anchor for each. (Of your other heavies, the Rifleman is too thin-skinned, and the Quickdraw and Grasshopper are too short-ranged).

After that it's a matter of just picking 'mechs that you think complement well, and trying to ensure that your strength is not too concentrated in one lance. Tonnage and BV are good rough estimates here.

Okay so how would I go about doing this? I would be happy to help you test these when I am through with work.

One more thing - if you're using them, pilot skills and advantages can make a big difference too. A 2/3 Elite in a light can do very different things and run very differently than a 5/6 Green pilot. Likewise, certain advantages might dictate different tactics - things like an indirect fire bonus or the like, or a pilot with Melee Specialization.

In terms of complementing your anchor, you want to think about 'mechs that give the lance overall versatility. Chances are you can't fit everything, but you might want to think how the lance could handle the following scenario situations:

-Reaching and protecting an objective before the enemy
-Defending a particular point
-escaping off a map edge (with an objective or otherwise)
-navigating difficult terrain (water, swamp, woods, city)
-advancing against a defended enemy strongpoint
-ultra close combat due to terrain (dense woods, city, etc.)
-ultra long range combat due to terrain (plains, hills, mountains)
-fighting against mechs, vehicles, aircraft, infantry

Ideally you want at least one 'mech in the lance that can handle one of these situations decisively while the rest of the lance can slowly overcome the disadvantage.

Mercfags pls go

>I like the inclusion of a Gunslinger since it feels like you never see them.

That's cause they're badly designed pieces of crap.

This doesn't have anything to do with Linkara's lightbringer comic book, does it? Probably not. Forget me.

Anyone really have TtS: Iron Land and SO: Stone's Trackers?

They're like the cost of a cup of coffee. Just buy 'em.

>Command Lance
>>Marauder -5S (CO's ride)
>>Gunslinger -1ERD
Good, solid rides. The MAD-5M is also a fun toy, but when you're fucking with Clanners it's not the best choice out there.

>>Rifleman -4D or -5D
The -4D is a classic shitbox, but it's also cheap as fuck. If you can afford the upgrade to DHS it's also a great candidate as a custom machine - it can either mount five Freezers and bump up to a solid little Whammy-alternate, or go whole hog and get mean.

>Battle Lance
>>Crusader -5S, -5M or -4BR
The -5S has the best armament, but the -5M both adds a "Marik" flavor (which you're sorely lacking ATM) and doesn't have a goddamned CASE in the CT. Just say no to the -4BR.

>>Shadowhawk -5M
Aww, it's one of my favorite 'Mechs.

>>Quickdraw -5K or -5M
The -5M is a better skirmisher, and flipping those retarded rear-mounted MLs is literally something most 'techs can pull off in a dropship while the unit's in-transit.

>Flanker Lance
>>Grasshopper -5H, 5J, or -5N
Honestly? The -5H is still the best. It's a fast, cheap zombie with no heat issues - and a disposable launcher you can put Smoke or Thunder rounds into.

>>Phoenix Hawk -3K
..you sure you want to add Ferro to your supply chain? I notice a lot of your other choices are economy-based (like the ARC-5S). The -3M chews through ammo pretty bad, but it also gives you more options. Like replacing that AMS with a cluster of MGs or some sinks and playing "Funkytown" with the local milita. Alternately, the -2 is really damned cheap and comes with gECM, which the rest of your flanking lance could use for cover.

Also, I'd personally swap around the Wraith and the Firestarter to get more unified roles and speed profiles in your units, but either way that 'Hopper is slowing down your flankers significantly.


You make some good points, particularly about the Phoenix Hawk. I'll have to look at it again. Maybe go with the -3M.

Neo btg

since "The Broken" is canon, would anyone here like seeing an AI return to the game?

Maybe an AI faction that uses drone mechs?

only if you pay us


AI, no; drones, yes. I love the idea of drone mechs tramping around, being controlled through airborne drone relays.

So rather new to this, where do i find the rules to modify mechs?

TechManual pdf has all the most up to date basics. TacOps adds all the advanced tech construction and equipment options.

Read the read me. I spent enough time on it that it should be pretty clear. I hope

IDK, I just draw all the variants in SSW and then check Sarna to see if there is any notable fluff visuals. It's a Solaris Mech.

and forgot that Assassins came out for MWO, so time for some EDGE

The mech that was truly made for edgemaster bug hunting.

Why is that b8?

If drones why not an AI or something? Add some new dimension to BT lore.

Thank you

Explain why you want AI beyond "adds dimension to BT lore."

No prob. I should probably not use short forms for a new guy: "TacOps" is "Tactical Operations".

You want the third printing of the TechManual (2013 date on p. 7; PDF only) and the second printing of TacOps (2012 date on p. 7; PDF or hard copy). New prints = much less errata. But start with TechManual only, to keep the complexity manageable. It's a big book, but most of it is for weird unit types you won't need to start with.

Not that user, but just realized a sufficiently advanced BAP given the ability to act on the data it collects is horrifying.

That's an ECM suite.

What new dimension would it bring, exactly?

>Companies make huge profits selling phones and computers to citizens near battlemech conflicts
That aside, I was kinda referring to the fact that BAPs have memory chips that allow them to "re-fight" battles and observe the outcomes. Given how fast computers work in universe, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that given enough time they could calculate every conceivable outcome that could occur.
>BAP collects information on battle, processes it for 10 minutes in real time.
>However, given its computing speed its computed the equivalent of 1000 of years of battle outcomes.
>Mostly works as intended, but sometimes results in a nonsensical answer that makes complete logical sense to it.

so, the ZERO system from Gundam Wing, then.

Ah okay, will do. I just asked offhand and hadn't even downloaded the pack yet, sorry.

There are AI in setting as part of the CASPAR SDS system. Major con to it: Jumping drives the AI absolutely fucking nuts, and the Star League couldn't figure out why even throwing a few trillion SL Dollars at it. Another con, the CASPAR system is incredibly and absurdly expensive. IIRC, they mentioned that each M-5 drone was at least 1.5 billion dollars.

Jesus fuck faggot, quit begging for them. I have them both and I ain't giving you or anyone else shit because you are being such a fucking grabby entitled shit about it. Fuck you.

>"Battle outcome calculated: Weight loss of at least 150.3 pound required to avoid next shot. Armor deemed necessary for engagement. Weapons deemed necessary for engagement. Internals unable to be unloaded. Looking for excess weight to jettison. Searching. Found. Jettisoning Meat Servo. Error. Malfunction in jettison. Life-Support set offline. Beginning manual Extraction. Processing...Completed. Returning to Combat. Error. Unable to proceed."

Don't the drones have to be manually restarted after a jump?

Well for one it's a new faction besides "noble houses battling again"

We do need more factions, but an entire faction of AIs? Meh. Now a faction that USES Drone Controllers with rudimentary AIs and lots of drones to shore up numbers? That I can dig maybe. I could see some (more) batshit WoB splinter faction doing it.

That works too. I was just trying to think outside the box and found the article about the Necromo Nightmare.

If you want an AI faction, go play X, and see the Xenon.

I've seen the Xenon, I was not impressed.

Buuuuut, that may have to do with the fact that Osakas and Skinirs are both OP as hell.

No, they have to be shut down during the jump. If the CASPAR jumps with the AI active, that AI is fucked.

Like said, a faction that uses Drones or something similar (though this is basically what the Republic is doing right now with their Celerity teams) would be interesting. Of course, Drone OS gear is heavy and drones are pretty shit at combat, so...

>Not SotS Morrigii
Do you even drone spam?

Fuck off mecron

Does Mecron even play SotS?

Missile frigates are very powerful, especially if you have a factory that can pump out missiles. If you use a mod like Cycrow's Missile Deployment, you can get VERY OP.

Oooh, how about a faction that prizes active probes for that exact reasons? All Mechwarriors receiving their own G0-T0!

No true sapient AI is as old a conceit as no technological aliens in Battletech.

Dumb AI and space cavemen are as far as it goes.

Which X is good to start with?