so whaddya think of the new THICCast eternal chick?
Do you think she's cute under that mask?
so whaddya think of the new THICCast eternal chick?
Do you think she's cute under that mask?
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People thst say "thicc"deserve death
she is literally thicc though
thicc af
I'm happy about it. If I ever get one of those, I might probably put a different helmet or an actual female head, I don't care much for the SC facemask.
I could definitely see a few of those in an army, to break the monotony.
Looks more like tumblr
Also, we already few threads abut it
yeah she lacks hair and her feet are a bit big but otherwise she looks good.
Also, monoboobplate >>>>>>>> separate boobplate
>looks more like Tumblr
I'm sorry, since when does tumblr have ripped abs and a cool heavy armor?
Mélenchon pls go
>long feet
Damn hadn't noticed. What the fuck are those lmao. She's got diving flippers already.
Easily fixable fortunately.
>I'm sorry, since when does tumblr have ripped abs
Since Overwatch
>MMO armor
>cool heavy armor
pick one
I'm rooting for Macronf actually. I just had to get the gif.
>he still thinks Zarya is tumblr
she's a racist Russian musclegirl who likes violence, she's like the opposite of Tumblr.
Ivan, Blanche sketched the SC long before any of that.
too bad le pen is deporting you back to turkey, roach
>she's like the opposite of Tumblr.
That's why she looks like tumblr,
>she's a racist
So was a dwarf
>Blanche sketched the SC long before any of that.
1) They looks kind of different from models.
2) So what?
>Implying I'm not 100% in the 1% richest
If anything I'm leaving soon for Switzerland or Singapore as soon as I find a job there. Anywhere where I can make money and keep it.
That means GW didn't take inspiration from Overwatch, WoW or anything else you idiot.
no, it just means that JOHN BLANCHE didn't.
The other designers and sculptors certainly did
She's a big girl
It's an exceptionally shit model in an already shit faction of a shit game. It's kinda impressive, actually.
For youuuu.
>That means GW didn't take inspiration from Overwatch, WoW or anything else you idiot.
How exactly?
WoW, LoL was created decades ago.
can't wait for female marines in 40k
>when you know the artist is a porn artist
Also what size is that? the same a stormcast even though is a different game? is a single piece? is mono pose?
>le sexy miniatures XD
>le sexy drawings of Tau and Daemonettes XD
>le magical realm XD
What is actually wrong with Veeky Forums? I don't see any of this down the club.
Wow, I never noticed until now that the pectoral plate is over the abdominal plate for Stormcasts.
>Fantasy faggots
>Still buttmad
Wha happan? Your shitty ranked combat game died because GW stopped supporting such a toxic little community? Aww, sweetbaby that's no good at all! But I'm sure if you stay mad GW will stop making all this money and give you 9th edition!
I'm sicc of thicc. Where are the cute slender girls? Not everyone has your degenerate British fetish, GW.
She literally wears armor, so either she is not fat or stormcast armor is paperthin.
Good, get the fuck out, but before you do, vote Le Pen unless you enjoy fucking over your ancestors
sorry mate, shes thicc
>No mane falling behind the helmet
I don't think she has heels user, she's just leaning forward.
Her economic program is beyond shit so hell no. If I had to choose between, God forbid, her and Melenchon, I'd choose Melenchon, even if it's a leap into the unknown. But enough about /pol/! Let's yalk about our little plastic woman!
>flithy macron voter
>moving to switzerland
Don't even think about it. I will shoot you on your arrival here and claim self-defence.
It's molded to the physique, that's why bumps and stuff show, it's literally a magical version of the idea of Space Marine power armor without the connection/plug in interface, acting like a second skin.
Already have a house there boyo.
Is GW at least pretending? I mean they are turning 40k into marine vs marine action, how long it is going to be before stormcast vs stormcast?
Doesn't mean a shit. If you don't have Swiss citizenship, you're less valuable than a dog.
>le pen
filthy commies need not apply
Money is power friendo. Swiss of all people know that well.
Those THIGHS could crush Archaon's head!
Nice joke btw
sauce, boss?
Unless you own a multinational, you won't be considered upper class here.
>disliking shitty design of sigmarines and AoS rules
>must be a fantasyfag
Top kek
Yes you guys totally not cancerous as old WHFB community.
>GW will stop making all this money
Since when GW makes a lot of money from AoS, not from 40k?
> gorgeous
> but strong jaw because stormcast
I imagine she looks like stephania ferrarrio
More than they did from WHFB...
Well France is asking to get dick over. There was a public statement saying races in the human species didn't exist. There was no evidence for in any way shape or form.
Better tell archeologist and forensic medicine about that new truth!
>insert Archaon's head
Them titties 'aint right
It's wrong, as long as there were WHFB releases it made them the large majority of the sales.
False, fantasy kept the company alive for years, it was around 6th edition of fantasy they decided to shoot the golden egg hen, trying to milk the consumers till they simply stop buying the bad product.
Fantasy was killed by GW own greed
I mean, it is a porn drawing.
What canton, Eidgenosse? Basel-Stadt here. Also I think ROmandy should fuck off to france, with the exception of the Alemannish parts of Fribourg and Valais, problem instantly solved. It has more toxic liberal frogs than real swiss people at this point anyway.
Markydaysaid on hentaifoundry
To understand how resilient WHFB was, it was still GWs top seller in 2013, 7 years after the end of 6th edition and the beginning of the awful new ranges and rulesets.
>toxic liberal frogs
You do reamise that the French people moving to Switzerland are the very rich, racist people right?
Don't go around blaming us when it's litteraly the best kind of people from our country that gets there.
Zürich. Holy shit, how many of us are here? That's the first time I've seen another one.
>More than they did from WHFB...
Well no wonder after how shit were 7 and 8 editions
Romandy is notorious in Switzerland for always voting for closer ties to the EU, which causes a massive knee jerk reaction in the German speaking cantons. A massive influx of immigrants from France is often blamed.
>A massive influx of immigrants from France is often blamed.
It's probably your own retards, not ours. It's not like your shit doesn't stink.
I dare say that we're talking about "those" immigrants. Not French people. Litteraly everyone I know that wants to do like me and settle in Switzerland wants to do if because it's more racist, has fewer taxes, better life, that kind of things. And obviously none is poor, even by Swiss standards.
But I did hear that Canton de Vaud, where I have a house, is quite socialist.
>more racist
That's pretty cool.
in mainstream fashion
a bad design further ruined by a thin waist for the sole purpose of having a representation of grill power
it's shit
Switzerland is the most racist country in Europe. This is a fact.
Perhaps not explicitly socialist, but very socially liberal. Every canton in Romandy is like that, except for Valais, but Valais is a very odd one and everyone there is inbred.
>Do you think she's cute under that mask?
If she was QT, she wouldn't wear a mask.
>GW finally learn they can't sculpt female faces.
The Sigmar Heresy?
To be fair, Celestine and one of the Gemini weren't bad at all imo. Same with Alarielle but I guess theres a bit of chearing since her hair is hidden.
The other Gemini and Greyfax however...lawdy lawd, that was a mess.
>You think lightning is your ally? You merely adopted the lightning. I was born in it, molded by it !
Also one of the wealthiest and safest despite having no resources or credible military might.
It's almost like cultural homogeneity is a good idea or something.
>former smith
I bet she's thick and muscular as fuck, literally perfect waifu. And fully-armored girls are my fetish. If GW made more models like this, I'd start playing AoS.
>I am beta cuck who needs feminism
>I'd start playing AoS.
Do it
She's most definitely like this.
want to know how I know you're a hypocrite?
sisters of silence already got released
Sisters of silence look like shit compared to the sigmarite qt. And I'd better start playing AoS rather than returning to 40k.
To his defence though, SoS are slender, bot muscle girls.
Here's your (You) I guess, my insecure little friend.
Female Blightkings when?!
SoS and SoB aren't supersoldiers unlike spess mareens or sigmareen so they shouldn't expeted to be fit.
Give one a pink helmet and glasses, and it's pretty much done.
Never said they should. I'm fine with the SoS except their shaven heads, but it's their distinction, they should keep it.
>shouldn't expeted to be fit
That's what I'm talking about. I need thicc musclegirls. And sigmaqts are perfect.
They are soldiers thickness is needed.
If it's molded to the skin then Stormcast have some pretty fucked up looking arms and legs.
There's IRL armour that incorporates sexy abs as decoration. This is the same.
You're still need a bulk to carry all that mass of steel m8. They just, not as 'roided.
And i still like SoS more than this. This is just.... generic sigmatron's mook with breastplate.
>Muh our ancestors the gallics
Sisters of Silence wear powered armor, they don't need bulk and hence don't look like they have it. They're very specialized anti-psyker units, not shock troopers like sigmarines or space marines who are supposed to attack the enemy's command (which often consists of their toughest warriors because this is Warhammer) or some other heavily defended position.
>Sisters of Silence wear powered armor, they don't need bulk and hence don't look like they have it.
They'll need it like every soldier that expect to be fit 25/7 for marching, slashing daemons left and right, running and maneuvering trought battlefield on long terms, and holding a bolter that has an insane kick even if its mansized. While also comes with the fact that they don't have a direct skin interface aka. Black Charapace to actually utilize their power armor properly, so they must made up 1/2 of the strength that they loss with half working suits.
They seems to not have it because their armor designed like 19th century corset not Romans era pecsuit.
They aren't expected to do that either.
Sisters of Silence are for specific anti-psyker deployments and then supposed to bugger off. What you're describing is what Grey Knights (the first of Imperial forces actually designed for fighting against daemons) - and Sigmarines for that matter - are designed to do, and they're bigger and stronger.
Every seriosu biologist has known that for ages. "Race" is a construct that has not had a real scientific meaning since the time when phrenology was considered to be cutting edge science.
Now, you can group people by phenotypes and genetic markers, but these don't really fit the traditional concept of races very well. For example, "Arabs" are pften considered a race, but they're actually part of the same group of people as "Whites". While somebody from the middle-east will look different from somebody from England, the difference between them isn't really any bigger than between a man from Italy, Germany, and Norway, for example, all of who are considered "white" (now, anyway: go back to 1920s, and the definition of "the white race" consisted of specifically of Anglo-Saxons and maybe Scandinavians; Southern Europeans were not white, and the Irish were thought to be some kind of albino niggers). Meanwhile "Black" isn't a single race, but a large amount of distinct phenotypes, some of who are more closely related to white people than other black people.
So on the other hand you've got some groups of people split rather arbitarily into different races (usually so the white people can feel superior to other, technically white, people that don't meet their standards for "whiteness"), and on the other hand you've got several groups mashed together into one race because they share the same skin colour. It should be obvious this is not a taxonomically sensible way to categorize anything, even before you get to the fact that humans are genetically ridiculously homogenous (there's less genetic difference between Europeans and Australian aborginals than there is between the population of mice living in neighbouring towns; the only human group that migth actually qualify as a separate "race" by genetic divergence is the Inuits, who have actually been isolated in an unusual environment long enough that they have notable genetic differences from anybody else).
>part of the same group of people as "Whites"
Surely you mean "Asian."
Actually, modern genetic studies without exception agree that an Englishman is closer to an Italian or a Russian or a Bulgarian than to an Arab, and an Arab is closer to an Iranian or a Middle Eastern Jew than to an European.