What is Veeky Forumss opinion on MTG standard?

What is Veeky Forumss opinion on MTG standard?

The same reason they are obsessed with 40k D&D and Commander?

Seems little different than any other post Innistrad standard.

Literally no removal
Gideon won't go away
The whole meta is based around jamming the best threats into your deck because theres no fucking removal.

No one plays it in my city. Couldn't tell you

Thats one hell of a blessing you have there, friend.

Where I come from, there's only standard. Its hard enough to get a Modern tournament to fire off every week here.

Despite the rotation of Khans to rid the meta of Seige Rhino + Blue, the rotation of Origin to rid ourselves of Hangarback and Flipwalkers entirely, and the bans of two cards that mucked up the meta a ton, Wizards still hasn't figured out the Standard attendance problem.

Anything that's uncommon or lower is almost always going to be shit, with the exception of "fill in the blank" cards that exist to give colors things like reach, counters, or even the most basic, restricted removal.

Anything that's rare or higher is almost always going to be good, with the exception of the unpushed rare or gimmick mythic.

And at the end of the day, if you want to go to FNM to win packs, you have to put down quite a bit for those specific chase rares and mythics just so you can have a deck that's actually able to win and beat out anything else. And sadly there's only two or three decks that are really able to do that.

Hell, Cardboard Reddit pointed this out pretty well, and people agreed with this sentiment. But Wizards hasn't really made any remarks on the subject and have instead opted to try and goad players into attending FNM through special prizes that can only really be obtained by bringing whatever the best decks are at the time.

I've actually been considering building Manaless Dredge considering the price and the fact that, at the end of the day, I'll have a fun deck that won't leave me as soon as the Aztec Atlantis set comes out.

Also the story circlejerk is stupid.

Don't build manaless dredge. It's not really as fun as it looks, since you make absolutely no decisions and are basically at the mercy of how your deck is stacked. And you might think thats fine for just a $100-$200 investment, but also any other legacy player is going to know that you just wanted the cheapest deck in the format that has the ability to cheese out some wins despite requiring no skill at all. They may not say anything to be polite, but everybody is thinking it at the back of their minds because dredge, manaless dredge in particular, is not interesting or fun to play against. They will sigh and start running more sideboard graveyard hate, and then you will not be able to win anymore.

Tier 2 decks are fairly interesting. Tier 1 decks are all 3 different flavors of midrange. I love midrange, but if its the only option it isn't fun anymore.

I don't even mean to meme but why is every standard related thread dead like this? Start talking about stuff everyone, I wanna read while I poop.

I have been trying to make Pauper a thing at FNM, but everyone plays Standard.

Question, if Pauper became huge like Commander, would it become a shit-hole like other formats? Commander was pretty fun when I casually played years ago, but people have been taking it more and more seriously and making it less and less fun.

Standard is at it's best right now. 3-4 Tier 1 decks and a few fringe decks- I think this is ideal. You can with some accuracy gauge the meta and make your main/sideboard plans accordingly. With too many different decks out there trying to figure out a sideboard plan for example is a crap shoot. You basically need to get lucky and therefore there is less skill involved (unless you're some kind of actual wizard who can figure out what every Johnny and his dog are going to be playing). Keeping the meta tight is exactly what keeps things competitive, where adjusting your deck from a stock deck ever so slightly (or somewhat dramatically) could mean you get a leg up on your opponent.

We've finally got back where we were when Khans was in rotation. Do you remember? Esper Control, Abzan Midrange, R/G aggro, Jeskai Black. Every match was an epic battle of wits. The mirror matches were even fun because that's where the sideboard surprises would come in and make the difference.

>3-4 Tier 1 decks and a few fringe decks- I think this is ideal.
>With too many different decks out there trying to figure out a sideboard plan for example is a crap shoot.
>Keeping the meta tight is exactly what keeps things competitive
This post gave me cancer.

pauper is a fantastic format. Its like standard feel with some legacy staples thrown into the mix to keep it interesting. Just make sure everyone agrees on a ban list for paper otherwise people will bring their high tides and sink holes and the format goes to shit.

Manaless dredge isn't a fun deck to pilot, it's like belcher but just worse in every way

Manaless dredge is like playing solitaire.

Well pauper started as a format online, where people normally play competitively. If you try to start a league or something people will bring tier 1 decks and play to win. It's not the same as commander since that was originally intended to be casual

Because nobody plays standard since it's shit right now. Maybe amonkhet will change something but there is absolutely no reason to play if you don't already own all the cards. It's a solved, 2 deck format where the decks aren't even that fun to play.

>posts no argument to the contrary
>gets dubs

>Mardu Vehicles
You need to learn what these terms mean.

Mardu Vehicles is probably the least midrange of the three, but the definition fits it quite well. All it does is drop creatures above the value curve, and kill things with good removal spells. Its fast, but it certainly isn't aggro. GB Snake does the same thing, but a bit slower. 4c Saheeli plays a midrange game as well, just with a game ending combo built in.

All three of these decks play a midrange game: Take control of the board early with value 2-4 drop creatures, keep control with removal, and beat face. Classic aggro is something like Burn or White weenies. If the game goes long you will lose, so you flood the early game with aggressively costed creatures/spells in order to win before your opponent can establish presence. Mardu Vehicles simply doesn't fit the definition of classic aggro.

Standard is in the worst state it's been in for years and years.

Unless Amonkhet seriously fixes shit up we're approaching a Caw-blade tier disaster, hell, we're practically there already.

>"3-4 tier one decks"
>1 deck with 40% meta presence
>1 deck with 25%
>a smattering of decks with 5% or lower

w e w

This is some top level delusion.

>bought up ten Grasp of Darkness because it was strong removal, $0.20/per, and getting a Standard reprint
>sold/traded at fucking $2.00 a pop because WotC actually forgot to print removal for a year

I only regret not buying more.
You're not supposed to make money this way. Not on reprints. I was buying a playset for myself, plus 6 as trade fodder because it should have gone for about 0.50 per and I could get some uncommons with it.
>Stasis Snare is $1.00
>a buddy is sitting on 12 of the things
>he's not interested in selling them himself and I'd be getting them from him at market price
Grinds my gears but goddamn WotC fucked up.

What he means in probably that the ideal would be 3-4 decks that share about 70-80% of the meta evenly between them and the remaining 20-30% being various fringe decks. And apparently Wizards agree, as every major decision concerning the balance of the game they've made the past decade have been attempts to achieve exactly this.

Of course, this isn't what the meta is at this point in time, and I'm not sure Wizards have ever been able pull it of.