Tell me about the libertarians and a anarcho-capitalists in your settings Veeky Forums
there are no, survivol of the fittest was implemented and they all diead out because of a lock of skills they could offer to anyone in return for money
Well, it's a dystopian hellhoke, so they're in charge basically.
There are degrees of individualism in all cultures and economic and political systems, but 'sovereign individuals' and anarcho-syndicalist communes only hold land no one else wants or needs.
The what?
There aren't any. Those are ideas that can only exist as a minority opinion within a functional, structured society. Like anti-vaxxers, they're only able to say they don't need society because it's been so effective for so long that they've forgotten what it was actually like without it.
It's just /pol/tard spam. Just ignore it.
They exist but they're essentially considered pirates by the few organized groups in the world. Then there are the ones that ran with this and dress up as age of sail pirates.
Sorry, but we don't usually play post apoc -settings.
Libertarian =\= Anarcho-Capitlaist
I'm a memebertarian but I don't think for a moment that the government shouldn't exist or that it shouldn't break up monopolies or stop collecting taxes. In fact I believe that there should also be a NHS for the US funded by decreasing military spending and deregulating some of the economy and using the tax revenues from that
I actually did run a sci fi game set a decade after an interstellar civil war. The rebels lost, and the UN-run Earth government resumed control. The players worked for the UN as paramilitary law enforcement, and people living in the former rebel systems were less than generous towards them.
Everyone is one, I guess?
There's not really any government in the outer rim, besides the occasional star destroyer rolling up and vaporizing pirates and rebels.
>I don't understand local governments
OP here, I don't browse /pol/, isn't it mostly authoritarian neo-Nazis?
Most of them are lovecraftian ghouls and lunatics trying to 'CHIM' their way into fantastic cosmic powers.
They persist as a 'society' because the weaker ones keep trying to weasel out the secrets of the more enlightened and advanced ones by proximity and imitation, generally only accepting subservience until a good opportunity to seize power through cannibalism presents itself (the most advanced individuals have learned ways to counteract these betrayals through a force of will so strong or concealing memes so viral and toxic that they subvert and eventually possess their consumer.)
While some planets do, other planets like tatooine pretty much don't have anything
Yes, /pol/ is anti-libertarian, for a long time now.
Jabba basically runs the planet, right? A prolific crime enterprise running a world sounds pretty an-cap.
Oh the irony. They don't even realise they started out as a bunch of Ron Paul fanboys. Now they've gone full 1488 and have denounced their libertarian roots
What went so, so wrong
Of course, had it existed during the 1950's, I've no doubt /pol/ would've been Liberal as hell, albeit the kind of Liberal who's sick of the SJW retardation themselves.
The only logical outcome of an-cap revolution would be violent criminals forming their own governments in which they are the autocrat.
There was always some kind of natsoc presence, it's just that the hype about Ron Paul died down which doesn't mean that the libertarian movement on a whole did and at the same time political correctness grew and 4chans contrarian nature kicked in.
>whole planet is run by a gangster cartel
>individual success is determined largely by what you can steal/scavenge, or what you can defend from thieves and scavengers
>travelling merchants regularly try selling goods from a variety of legit and illicit sources
>no official military or police force
>many people own firearms; Luke himself also owns a military training craft with mounted weaponry
>frontier is full of lawless raiders
>the people all fawn over an extreme racing sport where the driving appeal is its high casualty rate
>standard galactic currency is completely useless there
Tattooine is an an-cap paradise.
/pol/fag here, it's a pretty even 40/40 split between national socialists and libertarian/anarcho-capitalists, the leftover 20 is mostly made up of fundamentaliasts, unironic kek worshipers, loltard meme-ists, fringe political parties, proxy posters, and leftist shills/trolls.
It's a much more diverse board than people give it credit for, the only thing that really holds it together is a hatred of communists, liberals, modern feminists, pedophiles, globalists, globalist Jews, and the deep-state.
Well we just travelled back to the future from feudal England, it wasn't too bad I guess
Once I did a Pan-loving Cleric that was all about muh property on D&D. I am Libertarian/borderline ancap but Usually there isn't really space for it on the settings I played, maybe if I GM some CoC in speehs I will put some freedom loving bastards.
The setting takes place after a super-strain of rabies causes the apocalypse, and apart from the rapidly growing communist empire, feudal city-states and petty kingdoms, Islamic caliphate, the militant Christian compounds, bits and pieces of the leftover government, and hordes of rabid cannibals, it's pretty damned AnCap.
Pic related.
>doesn't like pedos
What was all that Hilloli stuff about
My setting has roaming bandits and oppressive guilds squeezing the life out of small villages
Kek worshipers, depraved neckbeards, and loltard meme-ists were behind it. They were criticized by the majority of the board when it first started. You should check out the pizzagate threads that pop up every now and then, they can get pretty heated.
Pedophiles should be burned alive. At least they're right about one thing
Shit started by that disgusting degenerate Shadman's artwork and spread around by few sick fucks.
>implying that kek worship isn't frigging hilarious