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>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Copied over from WoS, Kharadron Overlord info:
>Ironclad has apprently so many rules that they had to reduce the font to fit all of it onto one page.
>Both it and the Frigate can carry models. If loaded to its maximum load capacitiy it can still take in models, but it'll reduce it's Move stat.
>Ballon troops never count against that maximum capacity since they just get towed along.
>Arkanaut Company is battleline.
>All battalions are entirely built around being completely airborne.
>Overlord Allegiance is selected by city instead of just a general Kharadron Overlord one.
>Ironclad uses the Imperial Knight base
Finally rebased my first batch of chaos marauders. Still 3 more to go and I hope that friday brings me lots of spare bits from slaves of darkness SC and Chaos Warshrine to kit these guys and gals out.
Aelves bringing new blood and money to the game is seen as "bad" in this venue.
seriously why?
I lurked the last couple threads and the hate is thick
the irrational negativity about Aelves in age of sigmar is confusing and I was hoping for an explanation.
Gladly. We don't need you, your failures or your edgy Mary-Sue leader ruining our conquest.
Becasue Elf-fags are incessant whiners and nobody wants them to keep shitting up threads with their "Wah, wah, the sky is falling! GW does not care about us! Gryphon Riders should have been elves! Skyships should have been elves!"
Wasn't this what we were saying about lizard players last summer?
The only thing I'll agree with them on is how Stormcast literally have every role on the battlefield now and it's annoying
>>All battalions are entirely built around being completely airborne.
Hope no-one was hoping to be able to use melee attacks against an Overlord army.
Elf players keep going on about how GW hates them and how they are soo done with the game. People get tired of this.
welcome to every part of the internet where humans can talk to one another.
I didn't see that in the last couple threads so much as people posting about how they are excited about elf releases and then them being showered with hate.
Anything other factions get, Elf players always think it should be theirs.
Anything other factions can do, Elf players think Elves should do it better.
Elf players are usually power gamers and WAACfags. They're all waiting and hoping for OP bullshit, tepid Mountain Dew in hand, Cheeto dust all over their neckbeards.
May I remind you wretched beast tha your glorious Overlord Archeon was the only thing standing between your wretched lives and Grimgor Ironhide.
Aelv-fags and Death-fags are just the worst whiners and utterly relentless in that.
>so much as people posting about how they are excited about elf releases
You mean 1 DE fanboy?
How'd you manage these models?
Elffags arent WAACfags, WAACfags are WAACfags, you make it sound like you think only elves had tryhards, certainly certain armies have/had less tryhard faggots than others, but this has never been a solely elven problem.
Now as a lapsed dark elf player, MAYBE you could make an argument for an entire faction player base made up of edgelords, but even then there would be edgefaggots playing the then vampire counts, now death.
>your failures or your edgy Mary-Sue leader
>saved your ass from a meme character
>tfw you play Moulder
>only method of attacking is hoping the Hellpit will have the range to melee their ships and Rat Ogor guns
Kill me.
Can't we all just agree that faggots are faggots? Why we gotta bring our preference of fake-race into this?
Any new pics?
>playing moulder
Stormfiends have moulder keyword. Ratatatatatat rattling guns RATATATATATAT
Why can't Chaos and Skaven be friends already?
Just KISS!
Throt could save us
>>Ballon troops never count against that maximum capacity since they just get towed along.
You realize that that was the point of him. To be a MEME character. Like that one warboss in 40k who runs around khornate planets beating the shit out of bloodthirsters.
>female stormcast
>looks ultra distinct from normal stormcast
>likely the only figure we're getting for a while
the fuck is the point , now we've got 1 liberator that's female and with the way it's sculpted it's gonna be though as all hell to convert your own
True, they should be happy we are on AoS's 50th Stormcast and Khorne release.
>True, they should be happy we are on AoS's 50th Stormcast and Khorne release.
Aelves got their own starter
>old sprues in a warehouse are a release
Shouldn't you be painting shit looking chaos dwarfs?
Any news/leaks from adepticon yet?
>that feel when a new moulder battletome comes out
>and it's got motherfucking throt as its named character, who survived the end times
>only he now mutated so much that he's bigger than the abomination or anything else in the game
I should specify, any news other than shadespire
No cthulhu elves
That'd be sick. I want either a nurgle tome or skaven tome by July
What's the consensus on the Skryre battalion?
Is it worth the 200 points? I was planning on taking it for the burrowing coven and the warp-lighting cannon coven.
Spirit Host 1 is fucking cancer to build.
The instructions are so vague, I can't identify the join point for part 02. Does anyone have experience with the model?
Im super pumped about the pending elves releases! I hope they are good enough to compete with the best armies.
I really hope GW rolls all of the Skaven back into one big book again but keeping the option to make one clan only armies.
Can you imagine how unbelievably shit having a Verminus or Masterclan battletome would be?
THey need to do the same for high elves and dark elves, assuming they give them future support at all. Their sub factions largely have pathetic unit choice and very limited synergy, even within their own subfactions.
Masterclan shouldnt count against clan allegiance rather then be its own thing
Two questions about Stormfiends:
>Does their box come with three sets of each weapon so I can give them all the same weapons?
>What are the best weapons to give them?
Might it be a good idea to give Verminus units (aside from the Warbringer) the option to take the mark of a clan X?
Each box has 1 of each weapon, and each model is set up to be built with one of two weapons.
One is ratling gun / warp grinder
One is warpfire throwers / wind mortar
One is Doomflayers / shockfists
You're looking at buying 3 boxes to get one unit of 3 of the same weapon, or some converting.
Oh, and the general consensus for best weapon is the Warpfire throwers.
>Does their box come with three sets of each weapon so I can give them all the same weapons?
No, 1 set of each, and the bodies have specific weapons that can be equiped on them. 1 melee fiend, 1 drill/gatling fiend, 1 projector/launcher fiend.
>What are the best weapons to give them?
Projectors are very popular, but if you can you could magnetize them. It's not that difficult.
>Tfw Forgeworld will never make another Warhammer Rule book that isn't Horus heresy garbage
I'd pay top dollar for a Battletome of Chaos Dwarfs with new lore and stuff, that'd be fucking awesome
Fuck. At least WYSIWYG isn't a thing in AoS.
It should be to be honest, considering that unit options are free, the least you could do is modelling the,. And running 3 projectors will just get you labeled as a dick.
You think you have it tough, I play beastmen, my only ranged units is cygor and ungors
Well, at least I managed to catch the third game. What armies were used in first two?
Is it worth getting a soul grinder?
Outside of City of Secrets, what novels should I look into? I'm nearly done with The Witcher and getting into AoS I kinda want more books. I do plan to pick up CoS because I love Freeguild but wanna know what else there is.
It is though.
>Eshin, Pestilens, Moulder, and Skryre all get their own Allegiance profiles
>Masterclan counts as every clan keyword
>no Verminus Allegiance, but a plain 'Skaven' one based around the typical WHFB style of Warlords + Clanrats using other clans' units as support
That's how I'd do it personally.
desu it looks metal as fuck
Oh, and make Verminlord count as Skaven for Allegiance purposes. Forgot they don't have the Skaven keyword.
Hi Sigmar people, dropping in from 40k to ask a question.
How does the battleshock thing (that's the losses from morale right?) work with large model count units that also generally suffer lots of casualties. I've got Orks and am scared the new system might leave a lot of my boyz running for the hills unless we get a special rule or something.
So this is proof that Ironjawz will be receiving airships, right
Is 40k actually going to use those rules? I thought it was just the whole free/narrative/matched bollocks, not AoS crunch as well.
That's pretty dumb if true.
Say you fail your test by 2, two boys will run away.
The casualties from battleshock will rarely be the end all be all for a horde list, as you normally have the numbers to eat those losses.
It's more a risk for elite armies who can't deal with suddenly losing that many models from their units easily.
Honestly, individual units will probably have abilities to negate the effects.
I wouldn't worry about it right now, user. Just play your gitz and have fun for now. Worry about it when it actually drops and we know for sure. Good luck.
>all these reddit rats
I kinda do it if its cheese
They released some "ideas" they have about what they're gonna do for 8th.
They're very similar to Sigmar's rules and given that the edition drops in June(?) they've probably already finalized it by now and are just testing the waters.
Once apon a time, Elves had an entire army with the Always Strikes First rule.
They still thought it wasn't enough.
>tfw you were one of the few the proud the brave who actually played skaven before reddit took over
How did you manage to play 40k if you can not read 4 pages of rules? Let's say you have a unit of 30 clanrats. 5 of them get killed so you roll a d6 and add a 5. You rolled a 3 so it's a 4 above clanrat's bravery. You still have more than 20 units so add 2 to bravery. Wew, you just lost only 2 models. Orks will probably have a lot of saves and "bravery" bonuses
>implying anyone with a modicum of pride would play skaven
Maybe the Ghorgon will be tall enough to punch it? Unless I'm forgetting a rule that flying units cannot be attacked in melee?
I seem to recal that you just need to be in range with your weapons/abilities in order to attack enemy units
>before reddit took over
You mean before Veeky Forums made a cancer leddit lats maymay?
>If I just act like a 15 year old it'll disguise that I'm a manlet
I've heard 2018, but I'm not sure.
>At least WYSIWYG isn't a thing in AoS.
Yes it is.
In fact it's even more important since weapon options are free.
It's strictly better than sweeping advance in 40k
Sweeping advance: you fail and lose everything
Battleshock: you fail and lose a few more models.
Thanks for explaining it!
Not the same user who you reloaded to, but have any of you guys encountered players that model multiple weapons onto their models and claim that they can hit with all weapons since their model is equipped with it.
That does sound a lot better now that you lay it out like that.
40kfag here
Nerds in 40kg are panicking that the new ruleset looks like AoS. I'm of the opinion that the 40k rules are pretty much totally shit, but I'm really unfamiliar with how AoS works, so I'm not sure where GW is going with it.
Can anyone give me a run down of what the rules in AoS facilitate? Like, are they designed to make games more fast-paced? Etc.
They're 4 pages long and pretty simplified.
I've only played one game so far but it was a total blast and not at all like I remember 40k from high school (i.e. total dogshite). Much faster paced. If you're autistic about crunch you're gonna hate it, but if you're just looking to have fun/make tactical decisions as opposed to obsessing over 120 pages of rules, you'll love it.
Oh awesome, that sounds good.
I'm sure 40k will be longer than 4 pages because of all the different model types and stuff but it won't be 100+ pages so that's great.
No. Most people can read well enough to see that the warscroll says they're equipped with option A or option B
>tactical decisions
>roll for who goes first each turn
>my opponent has the chance of surprising my guys by receiving a double turn
>how should I position my units in order to prevent being taken off guard?
>if I overextend, I'll be punished, but if I tie up his units or put them in a position of weakness, I can mitigate the effects of his double turn
>I have the chance of receiving the first turn
>I can position my units in such a way as to take advantage of a second turn
>But what if he gets it? Jeez, I guess there's a real tactical decision to be made here
Took you longer to write these two posts than It would have taken to read the rules you lazy spoon fed nigger.
Probably not by much since AoS rule style has all the rules for a unit on the unit's "card", even if they're reused rules, only exception is flight
no. the unit description lays out what are the possible weapon options/combinations that the unit can have.
It's desgined to be nwebie-friendly but still appealing for experienced players. I really like the fact that I don't have to fuck with terrible rulebook and codices for dozen of stupid rules. Also getting rid of all these useless 40k statistics makes AoS dynamic and easy but absorbing game. You can pick two start collecting boxes, spend 15 minutes on reading and understanding the rules and play your first game