>Each stat is assigned a die value
>Tests appear to be made against each stat, and talents may add additional dice
>Three stats, Body, Mind, and Charm
Tails of Equestria
>Another Pony RPG
We really are an active fandom. There's like 15 of them.
Honestly, I'm hoping they throw in some DnD monsters so we can make jokes about 5e and this
Why are there African-American ponies in Equestria
This game is just SJW pandering bullshit
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
It's fine
Hiro recently relaxed the rangeban for phone networks.
This one, however, is officially licensed and published. Which puts it in a weird place where Veeky Forums is concerned...
1) Veeky Forums is arguably the most pony-friendly board (after /mlp/ and /trash/, of course)
2) But, posting pony stuff outside of those two boards is a rule violation
3) But, it is a traditional game
Wonder how this will play out...personally, I'm in favor of ditching the global rule against pony, 'cause it's outdated and stupid. We'll see.
Die you fucking Barneyfag
Literally fucking kill these pieces of shit
Tell me again about how Warhammer 40k is the height of maturity.
>when the thread hits the point where the post count keeps going up but the poster count doesn't
d6, I suppose?
user, that's a bay horse.
Black people are zebras.
It's not Barneyshit, that's for sure.
Same here, the global ban was a mistake, doing so only allowed /mlp/ to fester a into the horrorshow it is now.
I looked at this game's rulebook and it's hilariously simple(as expected) but it seems to at least function.
Barneyfag I unironically love you and how devoted you are
t. horsefucker
>Wonder how this will play out
This isn't the first, or even the third, MLP RPG rulebook.
That said, I would really like to see the rulebook and check out what kind of mechanics it has.
Can these fucking faggots die in pain please
But it's Barneyshit so it's not like it even matters
It's the first officially licensed one that I know about. Ponyfinder, for example, carefully avoided any references to MLP itself in order to get around the fact that it wasn't licensed.
Looks similar to the Sanguine Productions games, which means it should at least be a passable system. Doesn't seem very complex, but considering the target audience, that's not very surprising. I'll probably grab the PDF whenever it surfaces to steal bits from.
kys Barneyfag
>I looked at this game's rulebook and it's hilariously simple(as expected) but it seems to at least function.
Post a scan, faggot
Does it have PC races beyond the normal Earth pony, Pegasus and unicorns? Changelings? Gryphons?
[Spoiler]The pre-gayification Changelings were unironicly cool as hell[ /spoiler]
Something tells me core book is going to have rules for ponies only, possibly including Crystal ponies since they exist again. Though what they've got going for them over Earth ponies is beyond me.
Doesn't look like it, but considering that this will probably sell enough to pay off the investment, I see expansions in the future involving such things.
Also, your failed spoiler is true.
Just ponies, as far as I know, at least going by the character sheet:
>Frienship stat
Calling it now, it's Fate Points that you can spend on another's behalf.
Now that is Barneyshit that needs to be destroyed
I decided to read a review because I have nothing better to do with my life, and that's basically it. One gives you a reroll, two let you reroll on a d20 when the average starting die is a d6, three is an autosuccess. It recommends having them as a common resource to spend from, and you get them back at the end of an adventure based on how many people are in the group. As far as Fate points go, it's a pretty good use, and it's the sort of system where you'd expect them to show up.
Uhm, might be interesting playing it with Impact chibi ponies If they werent so expensive to make a collection.
I just have a collection of blind bag ponies I'll use.
Barneyfag, please stop posting this thread so you can have an excuse to wave your rage boner around.
Use Lego horse and paint them in whatever color you need.
Kys Barneyfag
But I didn't
I'm sure a bucket of play-dough would be enough to replicate them.
So "Barneyfag" is both the user who Spidermans screencaps whenever someone posts a horse, AND the name he uses to refer to everyone who calls him a fag?
>I didn't post in this thread
Do you have Alzheimer's as well?
>like a children's cartoon show with children's sensibilities.
There was a 4th season (I think?) episode centered on a pegasus pony coming to terms with the fact that she's probably disabled and won't ever be able to fly.
The show deals with adult themes just fine, it just does so in a way that kids can understand.
Blind bag ponies are quite cheap, yes, but they tend to be a bit larger if you already have rpg maps and doodas for 30mm miniatures.
At that size, I think blind bag ponies are better really.
Seems like the best cheap option, at least in my case.
Pretty much, but only outside mlp, anything to do with colored horses, and sometimes things that have nothing to do too, as long as they have a certain resenblance.
Yes. Since he refuses to take the hint that no one wants him here, everyone just calls him Barneyfag.
Hey dude, I'm sorry it's not done yet but I'm still writing that story where you have sex with all he horses. It'll be done eventually, but don't worry I don't forget.
Actually I'm using Bitta Luck (my first blind bag pony!) and put her down on a Pathfinder map. She's only a little too big, and still pretty clearly in just one square and could still easily enough fit other miniatures around her.
neigh, i say
Hang yourself degenerate
Shit...that's actually a good idea
Barney's still a shit show, faggot
Not saying that's not true but times have moved on, cartoons handling adult themes is not a special atribute anymore, mlp was certainly one of the first to really delve into it, but all good cartoons(mlp included) do it.
Y'know, with how many people are arranged against you, Barneyfag, have you considered the possibility that perhaps you're the abnormal one?
>replying to Barneyfag
For what purpose?
That shows how many degenerates there are in this world.
Sure, but my point is that Barneyfag is complaining that the show is purely "kiddie" even though it's had stuff in it for adults since Season 1.
From the Creator herself (pic).
The officially licensed and actually quite good card game was banned here. why wouldnt this be?
Dum spiro spero? Times change.
Sage goes in every field
You're doing the lord's work user.
Depends on if the discussion can be civil? From the Looks of how this thread is going that's not going to be the case though.
Anyone care to try making racial stats for changelings to try salvaging this downward spiral?
Read some of the core book a while back, very interested in getting a game going, but my group seems to have lost interest in show-style canon stories a while back and is only satisfied with medieval Conan ponies or space Warhammer/Mass Effect ponies. Might be a hard sell.
Maybe it's a new age and the mods are tired of being fags?
Though if this thread devolves into flogging Barneyfag instead of posting about the game, it will probably be deleted on those grounds alone
>Though if this thread devolves into flogging Barneyfag instead of posting about the game, it will probably be deleted on those grounds alone
That would be fair. I'll stop now.
holy shit, OP here. I found out about this from a news article. For some reason, google things I subscribe to geeks and sundry.
I posted this to see what you nerds thought about it... but this is a war. I know those of you who are furiously refreshing in order to try to wait out your post suspension timer will see this. The rest of you won't.
I'm tearing this thread down because it's clearly reached critical autismal mass at this point. You guys are psychotic.
So do you just get to make up what your cutie mark is and represents or do you have to choose from a list? Are there rules for playing a blank flank?
you can shout till you're horse but it won't help
Stopped watching a while ago, what did they do?
well shit. can't pull the plug on the thread.
real shame that. never had a thread that needed to die before, i guess.
Eh, it's not that bad. Barneyfag is just doing his thing.
I'm also interested. I fell off partway through season 4, and even that was awhile ago so I don't recall much about them.
>Are there rules for playing a blank flank?
Probably not, for the same reason that D&D doesn't have rules for playing kids. A blank flank is a foal, after all, and earning your cutie mark seems to be roughly analogous to going through puberty, or at least starting it.
itt post ur cutie mark
this is mine
my horsona is BRAZEN HOOVES she is a master of the path of the blood god khorne and rages war upon the false emperor