The apocalypse started when a superstrain of rabies escaped a government laboratory in the Rocky mountains.
Veeky Forums makes an alt-earth apocalyptic setting
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Thanks to micro manufacturing, solar power and computers, technology survives, but only what can be made on a desktop.
Post-apocalypse is the worst kind of escapism, especially zombie apocalypse.
>Dude, we get to kill a shitload of people, but it's okay!
>worst kind of escapism
define "worst".
Sword and sorcery is the worst kind of escapism, especially high fantasy.
>Verily, we get to kill a shitload of green people, but it's okay!
But it's not zombies, it's people infected with a superstrain of rabies.
The rabies plague resulted in a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.
The lack of tech-support and customer hotlines ushers in a new era of self-reliance and reading the fucking manual.
Humanity prospers.
Good end.
Do to technology still being around, the entirety of north america has devolved into warring states foghting over who the true successor of america is
Does post nuclear poo go in the loo?
So a disease spread by biting that fucked your brain up, makes you angry and likely to bite other people.
Not seeing a difference between this and rage zombies.
It kills it's victims fast enough for things not to end up like zombie apocalypse though.
So everyone's using makeshift and juryrigged equipment and whatever pre-apocalypse tech they can scavenge? Interesting.
There's not a significant difference, but "technically," they aren't zombies.
>they coulddn't even steal a real STOP sign for the shield
Real Stop Signs are turned into large fuck-off axes.
The Hell's Angels biker gang has assimilated dozens of smaller gangs and thousands of escaped convicts, and they've begun looting and pillaging what's left.
Which makes it kind of a terrible apocalypse scenario.
Even assuming all infected become furious rather than catatonic, there is 1-3 months between infection and symptoms for rabies. That conversion time means that once the disease is recognized, containment and disposal is easy even if treatment is totally impossible.
And once they start showing symptoms, you have a couple weeks tops before they go into paralysis and die.
Youll never get a good swarm going. Any infectee will be long dead before anyone they infect starts showing signs. And most infected people will just be irrational, confused, and scared of water.
Man, you just reminded me of how much I hate the World War Z movie. They throw in a line that "The disease spread perfectly through air travel" or something like that, but it makes no fucking sense when you turn after 11 seconds or so. How the fuck is it going to spread when it will burn out the area of anybody capable of flying a plane?
It's actually Hells Angels. No apostrophe, even though there should be one.
>Even assuming all infected become furious rather than catatonic, there is 1-3 months between infection and symptoms for rabies.
I re-read OP's post, but I didn't see anything about a long onset time, just
>a superstrain of rabies escaped a government laboratory in the Rocky mountains
Let's assume that by a superstrain from a government laboratory, OP meant a genetically-engineered, hyperlethal, bioweaponized version of rabies that got out of control.
>OP meant a stereotyped version of rabies that turns people into zombies
So far we have
>super rabies escapes and causes the federal government to collapse
>in asia the escaped rabbies somehow causes india and pakistan to go into nuclear war
>years later, the survivors of the rabbies in north america are fighting over who the successor of america is
>most of modern day technology is still around, but extremly rare
>biker bandits are a thing, the biggest is the hells angels
Seems legitimate. I'll add to it.
> A guild of leftover autists and kek worshipers maintains a primitive wireless network between some of the wealthier settlements.
A question Veeky Forums. We've established that bikers are around, but what other organizations would persist? What would remain and become twisted? OP said the Rockies, but what part of the Rockies? Colorado? Utah? Idaho? Wyoming? Montana? New Mexico? That matters.
Was the pandemic global? I could see some infected morons taking a flight to China or Europe once the plague started up.
I think there should be Mormon derivatives controlling Utah and Idaho personally. The reason being that preparing for the apocalypse is literally a religious tenant for them, and they do it. I know a few. Fuckers have a few years of food and water in their basement. I'm not even exaggerating. Big fucking blue drums of water, water treatment kits, shelves and shelves of preserved food. Lotsa guns. Them niggers be crazy and organized. Shit hit the fan I bet even money they'd pull together. Unless the virus originated in Utah, in which case i suppose they would be fucked. But if it came out of like Montana or new Mexico or something I can guarantee there would be a Mormon stronghold where their major population centers are.
It only works if it is global, or the rest of the world has quarantined the U.S. and stays the fuck away. Either one works honestly. But global is more traditional.
I like this, the IT guild is called the Adeptus Mechkekanus.
Also random question. They have some limited modern technology, do they still have guns?
>However, they are the typical visage of a neckbeard meaning they rely on mercenaries too do most of their dirty work
>they often set up wars between civilizations to gain more money
>one time they were found out and the guild was disbanded
>however, they passed down their knowledge to their more fit children who now live like arabic princes
Feral humans would probably be a major problem
Civilized humans have already worked up a resistence to the super rabbies but that doesn't mean that those naked men covered in blood killing and fucking everything in sight won't be a problem
>the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
>hoi guyz, let's escape our current boring reality for one that involves me getting my guts ripped out
>that pic
They might have nice shields and machetes, but they ain't got nothing on the Alt-knight.
Niiice, but don't derail the thread with it.
Don't the Mormons have a vault bunker capable of withstanding a direct nuclear strike?
>And most infected people will just be irrational, confused, and scared of water.
Dear God! That already sounds like most of Veeky Forums. Good Lord Man! You could be onto something.
It bugs me that the movie was literally just some retarded zombie movie, that didn't do the book justice at all.
Hell, even if it followed just one of the LaMOEs I think that's what they're called it would have been pretty neat.
Or maybe the City of Heroes.
As a (ex)mormon, this is accurate.
We aren't crazy/believe in some sort of ebin apocalypse
We're just taught to be prepared, which is reasonable given we were near genocided when we started.
And we even have a plan of action 9Albeit not many know it) that we're supposed to go to the nearest church, then nearest stake, and then go to Utah together.
It's slower, but safer.
Anu Particular part of utah? Can utah actually support that kind of population? Would mormons get all expansionest for farmland and shit?
Salt lake, it's our equivalent of the vatican.
Our church isn't that huge, not to mention foreign mormons and many unlucky/unfaithful ones probably wouldn't go, so the numbers would actually be much smaller.
We have more of a "Help your neighbor ideal", and a lot of Utah is mormon anyway, and I'm sure most non-mormons in the area would join us, if not our religion.
I don't know if it's that good, but it's used for protecting church records anyway.
I could see some of our more woodsy types knowing/learning to make ammunition, it's just a matter of having the materials to do so.
Large cities are graveyards.
A handful of sub 100k cities are the new city states. Small enough to avoid turning into malthusian traps when the chit hit the fan, large enough to prosper post shtf with some minor local manufacturing intact.
Gangs, militias, and surviving military units have evolved into proto-tribes. After a time skip, surviving one's descendants will be full fledged tribes with distinct culture and mythologies & pantheons.
Wait, doesn't Utah have one of the largest state militias in the USA? If the zombie apocalypse, or really any kind of apocalypse for that matter, happened, an organized horde of Mormon crusaders would overwhelm everything left with tanks, military-grade firearms, and religious zealotry once they'd gotten their shit together.
The apocolyptic fall was not a swift one. There was no single massive event that fucked it all up 'the most' and tipped the scales towards the new dark ages. The plauge was the first hit, but more came. The death throws of this world were long, with attempt after attempt to hold things together failing.
>an organized horde of Mormon crusaders would overwhelm everything left with tanks, military-grade firearms, and religious zealotry once they'd gotten their shit together.
We aren't really religiously zealous though, and a lot of our members are military/veterans as well.
We're more likely to try and rebuild than replace.
Not to mention our religious leader isn't supposed to gain from his job/hold any real authority over us.
So you might get quite a bit of christian references/imagery in law, and some LGBT things might not exist anymore, but other than that, we wouldn't try to change too much.
The quarantine might've worked, if it wasn't for the ensuing famine as the plague swept through the breadbasket.
I like the idea that painting the word STOP on your shield has become a cultural thing, and people don't remember that the sign used to have a meaning besides being something written on shields.
They would be hard pressed to get through the rockies eastwards and project their power as soon as the interstates start to break down. Doubly so thanks to colorado's eastern slope military bases. I could see colorado springs being one of the US gov't sucessors leaning preaty far right. Many of the resoart towns also used to be mining townd, with many records of still-to-be-tapped resources. Finally, one of the only molybdenum mints in the world is in mid colorado, a mettal that's very important in modern millitary grade alloys.
I could see them pushing north and south first, using the flatter terrain. Maybe working with the Colorado spring peeps as uneasy allies
I understand that, but Mormonism has a history of crusading right? During the American Civil War, both sides sent troops to attack Utah, but were defeated, and native americans attempted to exterminate the Mormons several times. That tradition, and their religious faith, I think, would lead to an extremely dedicated fighting force.
Actually no.
We've been attacked many times before.
We have more of a habit of retreating (running off to Utah) or trying to defend an advantageous position (defending Utah).
When it's less dangerous, we might try going out, but we aren't the DEUS VULT Christians, we're the "draw a fish in the dirt to contact other Christians so you don't get thrown in a pit with a lion" christains.
Pics sorta related. They are of two ghost towns in the elk and sawatch ranges of central colorado. That vally complex, the roaringfork; produced 1/6th of the nation's silver at the hight of the silver rush for several years. There is a bunch of lead and silver (and some gold) still in these hills, making it a possible contender for strategic locations.
Then again... the virus did come from the rockies. Sit might be considered haunted or somthing
Er, that's what I meant by crusading. By crusade I meant fighting for their religion, and for the sake of Deseret, not necessarily conquering other lands for their religion, if that makes any sense. I understand the distinction.
If you want to be autistic sword and sorcery is low fantasy, not high. It's settings where a violent martial character is the norm and magic exists but is extremely rare. At least compared to a D&D setting where every little hamlet has three types of casters and a potion shop and the dwarven blacksmith can enchant for you.
Oh, yeah
It's just, you know, crusading implies sending out crusades.
Right, right, I could've phrased it better. It's just by crusade, I meant a religiously motivated war, for defense, or rebuilding, in this case, I guess.
Speaking of crusades, there's a lot of interesting stuff that can be done with religion for post-apocalyptic worldbuilding, and not just major religions, either. Maybe the SubGeniuses, Pastafertarians, and Scientologists are widespread and somewhat mainstream mystery cults in this world.
There are no survivors. No one talks about how india was hit with three times as many bombs as Pakistan had in it's arsenal.
Certain cities would probably be taken over by gangs. Imagine rolling into the ruins of Los Angeles and finding out Long Beach is now an armed camp called Crip City. A well armed and hostile camp.
This makes me think, cops in big cities child also feasibly pull together as an armed, orginized and mobile force. If they forcefully relocate their families into a central location to stop of all the cops going awol to protect them, one or two cities may get a new cop built/backed government
>They took away our loos. They sent us to the designated streets. But we're going down even further, and taking back every toilet they stole from us.
>Kaz... I'm already shitting.
Interesting, the leftover mafia and mexican cartels would establish themselves as well.
You can't really nuke that big country and so many people without anyone surviving unless we're talking about using like whole cold war USA and/or Soviet arsenals.
So basically what I'm getting out of this is
>Super rabies escapes and causes the federal government to collapse
>In asia the escaped rabies causes India and Pakistan to nuke each other somehow.
>years later the survivors of north america have broken down into tribalism
>Modert technology exists albiet sparsely
>Biker bandits roam like the fucking mongol hoards, and the Hells Angels got the mother fucking khan.
>The Mormon Theocracy is hunkered down in Utah and maybe Idaho and is trying to rebuild and be a beacon of sanity while kicking the shit out of anyone who comes near them in the name of their god
>most large cities are now ruled by the surviving descendants of gangs
>what was once the cartels probably controls most of the south-west.
>there may be some cities run by what used to be megacorporations (if it happened, it happened in the northeast where all the money is. Silicon valley belongs to the Mexicans.)
>especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
it's right fucking there in your own description
are you so fucking obtuse that you're refusing to acknowledge the 40 million post-apoc settings and zombie apocalypses that have cropped up in various media as escapism
maybe stop and ask yourself why we're drawn to them as a fantasy in our current cultural climate
What about the bioweaponized rabies plague? Even before all of their important medical, military, and governmental infrastructure was destroyed, India had a serious crime problem to begin with, I doubt they'd survive a rabid-berserker plague numbering in the hundreds of millions, potentially billions. Some would manage to survive because humanity is batshit insane but there certainly wouldn't be many.
India would survive. Certain rural areas would make it even if the cities went to shit. It's pretty unfeasible to kill absolutely everyone in a country, especially one as big as that.
Not quite what you had in mind, but
>In this post-apocalyptic future Scientology is to Mormons as the worship of Baal was to Judaism in the old testament
Fund it.
Indians would survive, but India as a modern civilization would die. I'd say after the nuclear fallout, the sudden lack of defecatory infastructure, gangs of starving, desperate, urbanites, and hordes of rabid freaks, maybe 1/100 would survive. Not enough to repopulate all of India within only 2-3 generations, but definitely enough that they'd be able to rebuild eventually.
Well yeah, but isn't the whole point of post-apocalyptic settings that all modern civilizations die, and the survivors are left to pick up the scraps. I mean the Us as a modern civilization is dead in this scenario. Presumably, the other nations are likewise dead, or they would just capitalize on it by coming and conquering the scraps of the nations that fell.
Exactly. I suppose we're just arguing for the sake of arguing when we already agree.
Absolutely brilliant.
>Implying neckbeards procreate
Too much fantasy, m8.
When they become the court wizards to the post apocalyptic warlords they would. The warlord would probably have enough bitches to toss one at the guy who keeps his shit running you know? I mean yeah the guy who wrote that was on a huge grognard power fantasy trip, they wouldn't be movers an shakers like he was trying to make them, but the idea that neckbeards might get some milage out of having a valuable skill isn't entirely unreasonable.
Because the state functions by controlling and monopolizing the expression of violence in an attempt to curb our base instincts and this causes us frustration and we therefore chomp at the bit?
Sorry forgot part of it. Controls and monopolizes the legitimate expression of violence.
The US and Russian arsenal during the cold war could destroy the earth a few hundred times over or some shit like that. It would not take their combined might to eradicate India and turn the land into a radioactive sheet of glass.
In the dilapidated Wal-Marts of the Georgia and Alabama countryside a sub-culture of super-Obese cannibals appeared. When the food shipments stopped coming into the big box stores they realized the only way to survive was to band together, mounting the scooters that had carried them in better times the megafats chased down other survivors, eating them and pulping their pancreases to produce insulin.
The cannibal fats were finally defeated when a team of desperate survivors destroyed the last insulin production facility in Atlanta, within a week the horde had succumbed to the ravages of type 2 diabetes... still if you hear the whirr of an electric scooter in the ruins of a southern city you'd best pick up your pace.
The pic in the Op reminds me of this.
How is the art direction so good and everything else so bad?
>everything else is bad
It isn't/spoiler]
Because all-mighty Todd lies so sweetly
Anyhow, so LA and NYC are massive, concrete jungles of bandit/gang-raider marauders, and probably infested with some sick-ass animals that escaped the zoos, right?
Most powerful nuke ever made had a radius of about 30km and India has size of 3287 000 square kilometers. That's a really lot of nukes to literally glass everything. Of course it would take far less to kill all the population (assuming no refugees) because of the after effects, but still a lot since even countryside needs to be nuked for genocide to be effectove.
Why don't we transform it to super rabbits?
After the apocalypse, nature preservationists died or were too concerned with keeping themselves alive to do their jobs. Somewhere, some nitwit dumped an aquarium's worth of goldfish into the Mississippi river.
Needless to say, the goldfish outate, outgrew, and outbreed indigenous fish species. Left unchecked, giant goldfish became the dominant fish species in the ruins of north and south america. They taste somewhat creamy and fatty, as far as fish go.
That is a bigass goldfish.
Can goldfish live there?
Who is this guy? Saw something about him in another thread, and all Google gives me is ALL CAPS MEMES.
Hell yeah, goldfish are more tolerant of extreme temperatures than most catfish.
>>not crusaders
>>Dannite Band
>>Mormonism is a religion of peace
Don't fall for polygamist propaganda boys.
Wait, isn't it only a fringe sect that practices polygamy nowadays?
I think so, but I could be mistaken.
Bumping because this thread still has potential.
That's the thing, OP. We're already living in the post-apocalypse.
A few (3? 4?) weeks ago, anti-fascist (antifa) thugs were inciting violence at a Trump rally in California. Based Stick Man cracked a couple antifa skulls while defending his liberty loving brothers. His comrade, kiltbro, had also just been grappled and dragged into the horde to be stomped by ~12 antifa mongrels.
remove pol
Anyway. I never thought it was realistic that a war or disease or whatever would kill off the whole population of a modern nation. You ever been to rural America or eastern Europe? each town is thirty miles from the next.
What would kill most people is starvation. Once regular commerce and order breaks down, the tiny fraction of the world that produces all the food would go to shit, and what's left would rot in the warehouse while everyone raids their local stores and knifes each other over the last bottle mustard.
You ever been to rural America? That's where they grow all of your food.
If by "food" you mean wheatgrass, feed corn, and subsidized dirt. Good luck with that.
a good portion is grown in california actuallay
>California supports a large and diverse economy with the highest economic production among the states. If California were a country, it would rank around tenth in the value of goods and services produced.
>California leads all of the other states in farm income. It's positioned as the agricultural powerhouse of the United States. About 73% of the state's agricultural revenues are derived from crops while the other 27% of revenues are generated by livestock commodities.
>tfw the most liberal state is the best at farming
Twisted/"creative" motherfuckers turn their territories into what can only be described as a "tower defense map" where they funnel and fill to the brim with traps and towers in order to fuck with the infected and outsiders.