Whoa. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

> Armour save modifiers. This topic comes up almost as often as Sisters of Battle… so we’re going to bring them back.

warhammer-community.com/2017/03/23/warhammer-40000-news-from-adepticon/?utm_source=GamesWorkshop.com&utm_campaign=f45715e238-23rd March AdeptiCon news US&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c6e14e39d2-f45715e238-113326525

fuck off

Thing is, I'm liking the direction games workshop is going at the moment, I actually believe sisters may be coming back with this coming out.

Yay! We're getting plastic Sisters. We only had to wait for 40K to become shit, what a great day, so happy.

>thinks the current 40k ruleset is good
confirmed for lexicanum reading not-playing doesn't own an a painted army shitty 1d4chan memeposter.

What IS an armour save modifier? I mever played 2nd edition

I didn't either, but I'm assuming its somewhat similar to how armor works in age of sigmar, seeing as everything else seems to be making 40k more like sigmar. Basically your armor save never goes away entirely, the other guys modifier just makes it worse. So no more ap x getting rid of your save it would just make is worse by one or two. so a 3 up might become a 4 or a 5 up basically, but you'd still have it.

Where the fuck in that comment did I say the current rules were good you mongoloid?

>the last time sisters of battle got a wide range of new models was 2nd ed
>8th ed of 40k is going back to 2nd ed systems

Just man up and convert sisters of silence like I have been.

>We only had to wait for 40K to become shit
Now fuck off back to 1d4chan and meme on about hypothetical battles you are never going to fight because you are you fanposter that knows shit about the hobby.

Again, where in that am I saying it is currently a good game?

Imagine this.
Your Terminator squad takes a wound. For their saves, they roll 2d6 and PASS on a roll of a 3 or more. Sounds OP until you factor in each and every weapon modifying that save, so instead of passing on a 3+ on 2d6 they might pass on say a 7-10+ on 2d6 instead.

Think about the AP value of a weapon adding to the number they have to make, so the larger AP a weapon has the more armor it penetrates.

I already have a not!Verydian converted from Greyfax. I can wait for official models to collect more. Converting SoB from SoS seems like heresy to me just because of how at-odds the organizations are in the fluff.

Not him, but you said "to become shit", implying that 40k rules weren't already shit before the release of 8th ed and plastic SoB.
>inb4 implying implications
This is baby's first dissection of language, and if this wasn't true your comment would make no sense. Quit being fucking pedantic.

I'm still waiting for somebody to say where I said 40K was a good game.

If I though 40K was shit after 4th edition my statement would still stand.

>I'm still waiting for somebody to say where I said 40K was a good game.
>two people already have
>b-but it doesn't count since I only IMPLIED it and didn't actually say it!
Alright buddy, why don't you take the advice of and "quit being fucking pedantic" or just fuck off

What the fuck has been up with Veeky Forums and trolls lately? I feel like we've been being raided for the past few fucking months. Is this just me fucking up or have other people noticed it too?

I love that conversion. Not gonna lie I really wanna steal that.

Well yeah, they are very different in fluff, but with a knife and enough green stuff you can make it work. Female power armor in plastic is female power armor in plastic. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and complain about it being the wrong kind of sisters I'm just going to make it work for me. Not to say I don't understand where you are coming from but I'm just making the best of it I can.

Well if autistic people are going to chimpout through their inability to read, and then get called out, it's not my fault.

Triple dubs of truth.

>if autistic people are going to chimpout through their inability to read, and then get called out, it's not my fault.
>their inability to read
People are calling you out on your shit. Don't blame them for you being a retard, however ironically you think you're doing it.

>I love that conversion. Not gonna lie I really wanna steal that.
You'd be the second person to to my knowledge. One person's already finished his. Now I feel like I'll be the one who copied him if I finish mine. Oh the woes of being a slow hobbyist.

>but I'm just making the best of it I can.
Best we can all do son. Good luck with your girlies, m8.

>I feel like we've been being raided for the past few fucking months.
see & . It's readily apparent where he's from.

this is why Veeky Forums is shit

i fucking hate you faggots

why do these threads always get fucking illiterate morons who can't read the posts and then become defensive faggots when they're proved wrong?

>It's readily apparent where he's from.
It is, but then again it *always* is. I just wonder why the fuck they're here. Why the fuck would you even bother? Don't they have bigger problems to deal with on the homefront? Fucking newfags need to stick to their own board.

Fucking Jesus Christ /pol/ was such a mistake. Gookmoot make up for the original's sins and delete it once and for all. The quality of posts sitewide would go right through the floor for months as the /pol/tards lose their shit but then skyrocket overnight as they fuck off forever.

No. Your armor save can go away. Lascannons had like a -6 modifier. I'm sure that would get rid of your flak jacket armour save of 6+. What it does though is makes flashlights a little better. They reduce an armour save of 3+ to 4+. It basically gives weapons a certain level of granularity in effect. You can have weapons still have some effect without it totally wrecking armour. This means that they may bring back 2d6 armour saves for certain units like Terminators. Or at least I can hope.

Better yet, Veeky Forums should have a lot of fun.

They actually are bringing them back. Within 8 months they will be on shelves; you'll hear about them in 3-4 months.

>t. Games Workshop employee.

Make lemonade out of lemons instead. I've told dozens of lies to them, knowing they'll believe the dumbest shit I tell them as long as I demonize the Jews or some other group they hate.

>> Armour save modifiers. This topic comes up almost as often as Sisters of Battle… so we’re going to bring them back...unlike Sisters of Battle

It's not their inability to read, it's your inability to communicate.

>walk up to a woman in a dark ally
>push her onto the ground
>start wiggling your eyebrows at her while taking off your pants
>"I'm gonna show you a REAL good time sweety"

so how would power weapons work?

>complaining about /pol
>calls hiro a gook
>can't even use the right ethnic slur

He's nipmoot, bro. I'm sick of these underachieving k-pop gooks claiming all the credit for other asian countries

>This means that they may bring back 2d6 armour saves for certain units like Terminators. Or at least I can hope.

While your terminators might become a little better with a 2d6 save, your marines will get wiped off the table by all the -1 and -2 save shots that they were previously saving on a 3+. Can anyone imagine a Tau or Shuriken weapon that's not -2 save?

>the joke
>your head
gookmoot and hiroshimoot are the only named for him that are half decent

>wooshing someone after getting wooshed

>Can anyone imagine a Tau or Shuriken weapon that's not -2 save?

Yes. Most basic weapons should have no save modifier. It was daft in 2nd ed when a las fun had -1 save mod.


Damn autocorrect.

>not understanding an ironic joke
>trying to smug it out

notmoot and gookmoot are still better

I dont think you ned to tell her youre going to rape her to get in trouble for it.

Leave analogies to the people who can actually wield them.

jesus christ, its like a group of idiotic children arguing in here

Missing context is never a good thing. Bringing armour save modifiers back. Sisters= nu squats = dead

>who can wield them

You mean the guy who insists he said one thing and literally everyone else told him his implication didn't match his intent?

>jesus christ, its like a group of idiotic children arguing in here

Sorry, this is Veeky Forums. You must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. The exits are located north, south, and up.

Fucking hell, I went out for a drink and you've turned on each other.

It's like a playpen of retards in here.

Probably in the same way. An AP3 Power Sword would reduce a save modifier by -4 (Models with a 3+ or higher lose their save, while 2+ models would only succeed on a 6+).

This is not a bad idea SO LONG AS they buff the armor values of things like Terminator Armor to be 2D6 (so that, in the previous example, any roll of 7 or higher automatically passes, while any roll of 6 or lower fails).

That, or I could see weapons that have an Strength value twice the Toughness of the target might get an AP bonus (which they should honestly - it doesn't make sense that a Stormtrooper can take an armor save against being hit by a fully-automatic light field gun such as the Autocannon)

For example, this is how a power weapon works in necromunda.