Can she and her army kill your setting's gods?
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I don't know who she is, but my setting 'gods' can't be killed. Killing is not a concept that applies to them. They are not destructible beings of energy occupying a different plane while watching and tugging the strings of reality. They are literally the source of the raw matter than composes the fundamental fields of physics that allow the world to function. If you could delete one, and you can't, it would be like erasing an arbritary chunk of code from a complex computer program. It would simply not compile.
It's not that existence would be destroyed. Because that implies progression over time. It would never have been in the first place.
fuck off back to sufficient velocity
My setting does not feature Gods.
It features Omega Points settled in artificial universes where the laws of physics are designed to encompass the whole of the Omega Point. As in, the reality in which an Omega Point exists, enforces the existence of said Omega Point, regardless of what an outside-universe force tries to inflict on it.
1st level commoner able to are control any humanoid within 15 ft.
I think she's got enough training to at least qualify for a more combat focused class then commoner.
Seems fun.
Gonna kill some bases of existence.
Could you tell us what this is OP?
I don't quite have enough time to read a full source of graphic novels....
1st level warrior able to control etc.
It's Worm, specifically Khepri, a girl with the power to control any human in 15 feet of her.
She took over someone capable of making doors in reality, and thus extended her range globally.
Dimensionally even.
Only globally?
And by the way, that is not powerful at all. You don't even have to target her. If her real power comes from the door reality thingy bajing, kill that dude. Send unmanned robots. Missiles with pre-plotted courses.
Or have one dude sacrifice himself with bombs strapped on him getting close and controlled by her.
In the end, she can only control so many people at once. She can't react that fast to multiple threats. And she can only control humans. If she doesn't even know who it is, she has no chance.
Sorry OP, neat idea, but too easy to defeat.
>In the end, she can only control so many people at once
not actually the case.
I meant in terms of reactions. If multiple threats suddenly appear, she can't humanly think of popping out doors on all of them, having her ability go through, and control them, before any have launched an inhumane threat.
Also, that beats her too. Having a genetically-modified person created in secrecy allows for her to be shut down very quickly. Only humans she can control. If sufficiently modified, it is no longer human.
>In the end, she can only control so many people at once
There's no upper limit to how many people or insects she can control at once.
>She can't react that fast to multiple threats
Nope. Superhuman reaction times thanks to sharing senses with the things under her control.
>And she can only control humans
And bugs. And sea creatures with simplistic nervous systems.
>If she doesn't even know who it is, she has no chance.
Uh, what?
I thought she lost the bug control when she gained human control?
Anyway, that whole story is in need of an editor.
Who the fuck is that?
The web serial is in the order of, say, 18 'normal' novels in length. I think I read 12 or 13 other books while in the process of reading Worm last year.
It's in a dire need of an editor (for reasons that will become obvious to anyone reading it), but the effort required is comparable to the effort required to write it in the first place. I doubt it's ever happening.
Khepri from a superhero web serial called Worm.
Well, the author is a fucking workhorse at the very least.
>abloo bloo bloo muh mary sue so hard she kill all da gods
fuck off.
How does that make her qualify as a threat to gods though?
I imagine if you just sent someone who was immune to her mind control with some kind of stealth technology or invisibility spell towards her she'd be done for.
She has infinite multitasking ability.
Essentially it's body control combined with infinite multitasking, so she can control anyone within her range which is something like 15ft and she suffers no pressure whether she's coordinating and controlling a billion people or one person. It also comes with a couple of secondary powers like innate understanding of the ailities of anyone in her range and being able to use the senses of anyone in her range. If it's got a nervous system her power should work on it, it's had flaws but that's only from the very most powerful beings in her setting, small enough to count on one hand.
The portals are from Doormaker, he can make portals between any two points he can see, Khepri's range extends through these portals so if there is one end a foot from her she'd get a range of 14ft around the other end, he has no restrictions other then he has to be able to see both ends.
The third part is Clairvoyant, her power is basically seeing everything, if it's on Earth she can see it with her power regardless of where it is or even what universes Earth it is. She also has the ability to share her vision with anyone she's touching. The earth only part may not be a strict rule but it would suffer speed of light delay anyway so it's mostly irrelevant.
So the three of them are dangerous because their powers synergize really well, Clairvoyant essentially lets Doormaker make portals anywhere and that essentially gives Khepri multiversal/planetary range. That's why they're so dangerous, because within a matter of seconds after starting any human of decent power is going to be one of khepri's pawn.
she can use layers of portals facing away from her to create a near indestructible suit of Armour, use portals to cut them in half, flee to another universe, open portals at their feet that lead them to a volcano. i really don't see how that is supposed to beat her.
Heck no.
That would be the case for people, but the superhumans in the setting outsource the computational requirements of their various abilities to extra-dimensional abominations. She literally has all the processing power she needs to control every superhuman on the planet.
Still nothing against a non-human, immortal, invulnerable, reality warper.
Gods are so incredibly High Level it is impossible to beat them, because they were never intended to be outside a few cultures.
The only reason she could kill the god of her own setting was because he was basically in the process of dying and otherwise too massively gimped, no way she could have ever taken on an entity at full strength.
How many points would Khepri take to stat in M&M?
And how many points would Doormaker and Clairvoyant individually take?
I'd love to know just how easy I'd be to make such a winning combination.
That actually happened, the stealthed person was on Khepri's side though and only used the stealth power (aura of erasing conscience memories of herself) to plant subliminal messages to keep her from completely losing her shit from controlling most of the superhuman population.
The gods in my setting are all agents of entropy.
Killing them only furthers their own goals. That's why they're gods, because no matter what you do, they win, why worship anything less?
Question, is this character meant to be a hero?
Because overwriting the free will of so many people sounds really Villainous. Its literally Darkseid's primary goal to be able to do this shit.
Not seeing anything to stop her from being removed from fate, being destroyed by attacks originating from within herself, no protection from any sort of high end time manipulation, no protected from counter mind control, and no comprehensive CBRN defense.
She would not do well.
No because she wouldn't have the Plot Railroad nor its Plot Railroad Conductors to ensure she wins without making gormless idiots question if it was an earned win or not.
Khepri's control spree turns out to be entirely justified in context. Literally saving that section of the multiverse.
People have been diffing down into the mire of the edgelord pit for so long, questions like that only lead to excuses.
>How many points would Khepri take to stat in M&M?
Functionally infinite? She has nigh infinite range, nigh infinite perception and no limitations as long as the target is a human.
>And how many points would Doormaker and Clairvoyant individually take?
Again, it's likely to be nigh infinite at least for clairvoyant. Omniscience tends to do that.
Doormaker has a limitation where he can only make portals in line of sight however and is a catotonic wreck.
I'd rather have nothing. I would welcome the end of the universe if the other option was "justified" slavery.
Khepri can control anything with a nervous system. Includes invertebrates, animals, (all the multiverse's) insects etc.
It was a neat battle.
If she doesn't know who's firing the missiles, how can she reality door to them and control them?
Honestly, she seems really weak. And gods are not even defined as humans. She would fail, badly.
Worse than nothing was on the plate. Situation fed into 'with great power comes great insanity' territory. And Lovecraftian horror type threats.
No, All my setting's gods have plot armor, that's why they're in that position.
>Worse than nothing was on the plate
Good, I choose that. Better then slavery.
Take control of anyone she can who can cast spells for a damn, portal them over to her plain of existence and have them all make some magica defences to to protect her from said divine force?
If something so simple a concept as magic can be defense against the will of the divine, then it is not divine.
That's why she mind controlled an oracle
>Functionally infinite? She has nigh infinite range, nigh infinite perception and no limitations as long as the target is a human.
On her own she doesn't and only has a range of 15 feet, that's why I specifically asked for Doormakers and Clairvoyants points on their own.
Also I'm pretty sure Doormaker only is in a Helen Keller like state as a side effect of being constantly hooked up on Clairvoyants power which I guess is something to consider when statting Clairvoyant.
While I'm not that experienced with Mutants&Masterminds myself I saw enough about it to know that it is specifically designed to be able to handle galactic level powers, it won't be cheap at all but I doubt Clairvoyant will take nigh infinite points / won't be able to be statted in M&M.
Well that's news to me.
Now how well can she control robots? Can she even predict a robot's actions?
Thing is, hitpoints are a weird old bunch.
If it can get statted, it can die.
Honestly, she should have never reached a point where she had that many followers.
In a proper world, she would have been dead thanks to the ability being really really shit in practice when ICBMs are a thing.
What if it is specifically statted to be really hard to kill?
Good thing it wasn't a proper world, it was the fucking apocalypse.
It has stats. It is now killable.
Never, goddamn ever, underestimate your players.
Jesus christ, new info is being thrown at me every two seconds to deny what is otherwise a completely legitimate point. Also, she should be shot on sight in an apocalypse if she looks like that.
And sight includes three thousand meters on a sniper rifle.
What if it has stats for attacks and damage and social stuff and supernatural influence over reality and so on, but it saves and defenses say "Yes" and its HP has an infinity symbol next to it?
>It has stats. It is now killable.
The only stats for my gods are "Rip up your character sheet" That's how beings that are omniscient role.
Yes is not a stat.
Thus, it is not statted.
That's a good approach.
Ah, sorry. Didn't know you haven't read it, otherwise I wouldn't post confusing retarded posts.
What you need to know is that nobody was aware of this ability until it was too late, when she had unlimited perception of every inch of every dimension and alternate universe, coupled with the ability to instantly open an unlimited amount of portals and instantly take complete control of anyone there, including superpowered individuals.
Crazy how nature do that.
Anyway, even with this utterly broken powerset she only managed to kill Jesus because he was an autistic retard who let himself be killed after getting bullied.
She can't control robots. Her power controls nervous systems and robots don't have those.
You clearly are not thinking with omniscient, rangeless, multiversal, mind controlling portals.
All right cool.
Suppose luck ends up hitting that field of not being detected, but I get it now. Thanks OP!
Anyway, here's some stats.
12 AC
Medium Humanoid (Mutant?)
12 Strength
14 Constitution
12 Dexterity
20 Intelligence
20 Wisdom
10 Charisma
Skills: None
Abilities: Mind Control-15ft Range, applies to nervous system creature
Hyper Mind Awareness-Any creature controlled by this being has all abilities and knowledge of said abilities under her control.
>omniscient, rangeless, multiversal, mind controlling portals.
A portal is not alive nor able to think, it is a portal, so how is it "all knowing"?
Are you thinking omnipresent? Because a portal or portals can be that.
So do her slaves. Everyone is still conscious while she is controlling them like puppets. She only realizes this when one of the most powerful superheroes has a stroke from the stress of the situation.
Fortunately, she also agrees and once the threat is gone she releases her control over everyone, at which point she gets shot in the back or the head.
>which point she gets shot in the back or the head.
Good, a fitting end to a slave master.
Oh, and incase you're interested in reasoning:
From what I understand, she is not particularly hardy or capable. Her true power lies in total control of anyone in range, from which point she has an unconscious awareness of what to do. Thus, that remains as her defining ability. She can control anything, and from there she can derive additional power.
Don't forget that the mind control is unlimited in its capacity when writing this down as a stat sheet.
she literally just saved the multi-verse with her actions...
Shit, this is hitting moral argument territory.
Good thing I got OP stats before this thread derails.
So what?
A pederast that helps an old lady across the street is still a pederast.
I hardly think they're morally comparable. If a pedo saved the human species from extinction I'd be pretty inclined to forgive his child-molesting.
>This wasn’t comforting at all. Not this. Not at this brutal scale. I could sense the entirety of the world, from atmosphere to ocean floor. I could, if I wanted to listen for it, hear the wind, the patter of rain, see the shimmers of heat on one side of the planet and the frost forming in caves on the other side of the planet, day and night at the same time.
A yes as long as it's near an earth.
She does it knowing someone will try to kill her.
Here's the context since OP, doesn't like to give any info.
Skitter is a teenage girl that can control simple animals i.e. bugs. A multidimensional eldritch horror is systematically killing all of humanity dimension by dimension because it had a really bad day. Skitter tricks a friend who has fleshmolding powers to alter the part of her brain that gives her powers. Instead of it increasing her range like she said, it increases her control level.
This happens while she is in a crowd of superheroes who are arguing over how to prevent the apocalypse. She grabs a guy that creates portals, then uses him to put her in range of all the psychics and dimension hoppers, then links every superhero in every dimension with her mind to create a unified army of slaves to fight the eldritch horror. She leaves two close friend supers uncontrolled to talk her down and/or kill her if she loses control.
When the fight is over and humanity is saved she puts every superhero still alive back in their home dimension then releases her control and is immediately shot in the head.
She thought so herself, she managed to survive (only because the person who shot her decided she could) and lamented not dying when she should have.
She had to go on and life with borderline mentally retardation, because that's what happens to people with 2 bullets in their head, while trying to assume a new identity and coming to terms with the shit she pulled.
Arguements about Worm morality never lead to anything good
Oh hey this actually works.
Forgot the name change.
After this her code name is changed to Khepri, the goddess of bugs, to reflect her actual power level.
>Khepri, the goddess of bugs
More specifically an egyptian goddess who is considered "The weaver of fate" and uses an insect as her symbol.
She doesn't get a new identity, she gets shunted to a different dimension where her parents never hooked up so her mother is alive but she was never born.
Also, the lobe that grants powers was surgically removed.
She wanted to die, the people that saved her over did so as a reward because she played the part of villain in their plan.
For anyone else reading, one of the supers has the ability to always see the correct path to victory. Skitter/Khepri enslaving everyone temporarily was the culmination of that plan and the only way humanity could survive.
>And her army
Which is basically compiled of the most powerful parahumans in all dimensions she is aware of and she controls them and their powers in such a way that any counterattack can be immediately countered by someone with the right power.
You act like this thread was good, it's no better than someone posting an Accelerator wank thread on /co/.
I'm glad it does. Hope it goes well, whatever you needed it for.
I have faith in all threads, user. It's how I survived for so long.
A male god, not a goddess.
Also really just a dude with a bug for his head, I expected more from a "weaver of fate".
"Sir, a rogue force sensitive has managed to take control of an entire planet, and conventional attempts at subduing them have ended in failure."
"The Emperor would not be pleased at this display of subversion. You may fire when ready!"
He's also the bringer of the dawn, which fits for Worm as when kills the god (scion/zion) it's called the Golden Morning
>I hardly think they're morally comparable
A pederast rapes boys, Khepri rapes peoples minds.
>If a pedo saved the human species from extinction I'd be pretty inclined to forgive his child-molesting.
That pedo also saved countless other pedos in doing so. So not only are you forgiving of rape but also the continued propagation of it. You just want to selfishly stay alive because it's a biological imperative.
Dude just reflect the beam with a mirror. That's how lasers work, right?
Also the apocalypse was their version of autistic superpower Cthulhu going on an Omni-dimensional genocide. She only enslaved everyone for about an hour.
Wait what?
>You just want to selfishly stay alive because it's a biological imperative.
I mean...when you put it that way...
Xeno thread?
I have a distinct hatred of the cops and robbers, "I shot you, no you didn't, my bullets can't miss, you have no bullets, za warudo!" mentality in stupid shit like this, so that's the sort of character who's head I'd put on a spike at the start of my campaign, just to make a point.
Life is selfish.
Worm in general has a massive boner for HARD PEOPLE MAKING HARD DECISIONS and DOING THE WRONG THING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS and how conventional ideals of heroism are a sham.
There's a likely chance Khepri could sense the threat of a planet destroying laser using the combined power of all the people with precognitive abilities under her control and then portal everyone over into a parallel dimension earth, but it would still accomplish the goal of removing her from that particular universe so I'd say it counts.
I had a chuckle.
Because god knows Shitbow had to justify his shitty name for his super saiyan taylor SOMEHOW. fucking hackass motherfucker
Life is evil, the Greeks knew this thousands of years ago and those retards believed that ducks were born from trees.
Nuh-uh, she's immune to getting impaled on spikes :^))))
Wtf. At least out some effort into your trolling.
>and how conventional ideals of heroism are a sham.
Which is also why it would be classified as young adult fiction. Because tweens are just about the only ones who should get boners over such things. Nice people are allowed to exist and do nice things. Not every asshole needs to be an asshole to be compelling.
Probably not. Mind control is regarded as a gimmick that will be shrugged off by anybody who is actually dangerous, and those dangerous people are essentially capable of fighting off any number of regular guys.
Might be a significant threat, if she jacks a bunch of slightly above average people who haven't developed their resistance yet, but any of the big players will just cleave through her army and fuck her with a zweihander.
Her mind control has no save DC. It cannot be resisted.