Kek don't fall for it guys. The beast dies tonight.
Classic bull trap
Actually just converted all my crypto into fiat today. I've been right before.
Last time I was one short peak too early, but better late than sorry.
When crypto drops, it goes so hard. Coinbase down, bloated network.
Same, cashed out fully last night. It's coming. We've been riding too high.
I sold everything. Gonna keep my gainz in my lambo collection until Summer '19 after the great correction is over
Meanwhile total marketcap grew by billions.
Glad to hear sensible anons think the same.
I don't want to experience staring at a 404 coinbase when crypto starts dropping 10% every minute.
Obviously will buy back in whenver I feel comfortable.
I'm curious if there are any Veeky Forums people thinking were making a mistake
>tfw thought about cashing out yesterday evening
>tfw the greed got me
Yes I'm sure there are still opportunities to benefit.
I just see my chances of making a good profit/risk ratio when everything pumped so hard very slim.
Bitcoin didn't break 20k, one of the co-founders sold all his btc. All alts at all time high.
Not good signs.
> he doesn't think it will go back up in 2-5 days' time
Of course there are. The same fags who spout "last chance to buy at x price", "this is a currency so its not a bubble", "buy the dip" etc etc. In other words, people afraid to lose
I'm still holding LTC, am I right to do so? Swapped my BTC for fiat and Verge.
hahaha have you faggs even looked @ the total mc
sell me your bags at a loss please
LTC is prime time right now. HODL to that shit, son.
hold ltc and iota. ez longterm win
I don't have losses. I buy on dip days, sell when we're riding high. I always make profit because I don't get greedy. And every few months when there's a BIG crash, I triple my money at the minimum because I've already cashed out beforehand and can buy at rock bottom prices.
Too big to fail
This has been said everyday for the past year jesus christ. You mother fuckers never give up.
I think LTC and ETH are likely to have fairly large short term gains from now
>I don't have losses.
Sure thing bub
Any faggot who has never lost money on crypto has never been in crypto
Maybe not die, but slowly bleed back to 5k.
I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?
I have HAD losses, but I don't currently have losses and haven't for a while. Go post in other threads now with your damage control. People are selling regardless. And I'll buy the bottom because I was smart enough to cash out beforehand.
the more i find out about trump, the more i really like the guy.
yep, ethereum is going to be the best performer of january
We are far from a bubble. There simply isn't enough people in crypto yet for it to crash. Just now the media is starting the crypto hype, the inflow of normie gold is just starting. Maybe 2019/2020 we see a crash. It will not happen now, basically the crypto market JUST exploded a few months ago, until then everyone thought it was a scam.
We are at the beginning.
Please God let this be true.
Sage all shill threads.
>big if true
Not talking about a bubble. Just a crash. Like when we went from 3k to 1.9k. Or down to 5k when bitcoin cash ran up.
I do hope the bubble is a ways off.
>only president to have owned a lambo
It's almost like the others weren't trying
I cashed out at 14k right before all the exchanges started to have outages. I was so convinced it was going to fall. FOMO is starting to get to me and this could be an easy way to make a quick buck buying in at 17K and selling at 19K
nah bro, you are not a chill guy.
You're spreading FUD to people who are easily influenced and getting them to panic sell. Yes obviously the price will fluctuate, notice how it went from "3k to 1.9k" at one point but we are consistenly getting ATH's on coins every week now. Dips come with moons, that's how it works.
You all realize that crypto JUST became legit, right? Before that 99.9% of people, including me, thought it was bs. I can't claim to know for sure, but I don't think the whole market is gonna crash just a few months after it becomes viable.
But do whatever ya want. Its your life
Are we in the bull trap phase right now?
Bitcoin needs to die so we can have a market. Fuck this price anyway 17000k...
we wouldn't have a market or any of this if it weren't for bitcoin. fucking nocoiners.
You deserve to be poor
Literally missed the rocket fag. Die poor.
salty chinese miner hahaha. it's over for you punk. BTC is dead and you can't control the market anymore you fucking cuck.
I agree. I don't even have any bitcoin, all ETH LTC and some promising shitcoins.
However, we need Bitcoin
It is hard for btc to crash because 1) its the face of crypto and 2) it's on coinbase and thus constantly getting pumped by clueless people
I don't think it'll fail. If it does, that means the face of crypto has failed. That would remove confidence in every crypto, if the flagship coin dies no one has a reason to think this is legit and panic ensues. I hope maybe BTC can somehow update their tech/fees because quite frankly almost every other alt is faster, cheaper, and overall better technology. But the reality is we need BTC to succeed, and I don't realistically see it failing anytime soon.
Tell me why I shouldn't buy right now. I was waiting until it hit 16,500. Seems like the worst is over with.
That's my point exactly you goon. Things have been too high. A correction is coming. And with futures trading, it is even riskier now to hold at the top. Sure you can hold, but selling while you have profit and buying the next big dip is how you make money and never see your holdings go red.
it's going to 1.5k in three days.
You've only been looking at what, the last hour? There's your problem. Look at the trend in the chart. It dips, comes back, dips lower still.
>one of the co-founders sold all his btc
ok bcash drone
coinbase has a limit for cashing out just like they have a limit for getting in, unless maybe your a big high roller most have a 10k once a week limit
t. Someone that got into crypto a few months ago
Not sure what you're trying to say. There's no limit to how much you can deposit and then sell to fiat. Just a limit to how much you can pull completely. Also, you should be using gdax, not coinbase. Also, it's 10k daily. At least for me. But I leave the USD in the wallet.
Fuckin moron. 17000$ eats all altcoins
If you think we are in a bubble then you havnt thought very hard about what is really going on.
so what I got into it a few months ago? Just because I wasn't holding it for years I can't comment on it? I've made over 4x what I started with and I'm happy. Sure some people have made more than me, whatever. It's just my opinion. No one really knows what's going to happen.
Didn't I just clearly say I'm not talking about a bubble
The absolute state of this place
When people are fearful be greedy.
When people are greedy be fearful.
Bears and bulls both eat while the pigs get slaughtered.
>like the only phrase that stuck with me in econ classes
I fucking hated econ, shit was dumb... marketing taught me more about econ then that class could ever have hoped too.
Tldr ? Buy now
People are greedy you blind fuck. Did you dropped out or something?
OK by some of your earlier posts it seemed like you were just another annoying FUD shitposter. But yeah I see what strategy you're talking about. Personally I just like to hold, but yeah the strategy you are describing is pretty legit and I'm sure you've gotten some sweet gains off of it.
based my reply off of this but seeing this I see you're announcing a crash not a bubble. Which I agree with
You mean like it was supposed to go to 1.3k two weeks ago? And a month ago? And two months ago? Stay poor.
>acts like he knows whats going to happen
>then says no one knows whats gonna happen
ok. Good job on the gains though
Every second you shitpost the dip gets smaller.
Bull trap
Draw the line between the floors... and look at the previous trends.
But dont say i told you so
Nice just bought 100k
So how many bull trap calls does this make in the last 3 months alone?
Reminder to always do the opposite of Veeky Forums.
Did you bought at ath or in 2012 but you don't like to see red portfolio?
Coinbase will launch BCH
BCH will rally
Media will explain to normies that BCH is the fixed version of Bitcoin
Normies pump BCH to 20k+
BTC enters bearmarket
Alt exchanges add BCH pairs for everything.
This is your chance to ride the entire Bitcoin wave again. Not even kidding BCH right now is like time travelling 3 months to the past and buying BTC.
This is the golden ticket for all of you to make it
t. just converted 20 BTC to BCH
you're going to hell for this
Sorry were we keeping it a secret while accumulating?
user these neets could use the money
>I'll buy the bottom
sure thing kiddo
obviously t55UZ805 is able to time the market
u're telling them lies.
Screencap it.
>Coinbase launching BCH is already confirmed
>BCH rally already started
>Media is already picking up bitcoin cash
It may take until Q3 2018 but its inevitable at this point. Even normies know bitcoin segwit is unusable for transactions below 500$ at this point.
My ETH is stuck in my wallet cause the blockchain is taking forever to download. How do I get my ETH onto exchange to buy BCC?!