Justify this scenario in your current campaign setting, Veeky Forums.
Justify this scenario in your current campaign setting, Veeky Forums
No joke this is basically exactly how my old Pathfinder GM ran his games.
How the fu-
What? A society of forest bandits can be a thing. Not much different from a society entirely made up of barbarians.
>game is set in China
>problem solved
>There are 10k bandits in a small village...
>Likely a hundred times or more the population of that small village.
>At this point one can only believe that there are actually just a small number of villagers stubbornly living in a bandit settlement.
>The villagers don't feel particulary strong towards you and you can only assume they like the bandits, given they aren't all dead
>So you leave them to their own devices.
Seems pretty clear cut to me.
They aren't bandits, they are actually a petty kingdom, but are called bandits by the so-called "legitimate" royalty because they don't recognize peasant-led secession movements.
It's like that one town in Huckleberry Finn where everybody just mooches chaw off of each other, and nobody remarks on who produces the chaw in the first place.
Just a bunch of bandits all stealing a piddly amount of grain some asshole originally stole from the one little village.
That's nothing. There was a 16.000 strong free company of former knights turned bandits in France during the 100 years war.
This makes the most sense.
All stuck in a single tiny village, though?
I propose a different theory. The Town refused to pay the king their tithe. He declared them outlaws.
Bang. Entirely population converted to bandits.
16,000 armored knights? Egad.
he cheated. if you raise your level to the thousands, the bandit groups scale, and it becomes practically impossible to wipe out their lairs (respawn forever)
How can a single company be 16k strong if most battle of that war didn't had 10k men on the field, counting both sides?
read it again, it says 16 knights and no fractions of knights
Many men who joined proclaimed themselves to be knights whatever they had been knighted or not. You have thousands of soldiers without a job, for a time at least, many living like lords. They rose up as result of the many peace treaties of that war. It was a free for all kind of thing.
>forest bandits
Hey, they aren't sea raiders
Knights are like vampires ore werewolves, they can always knight more knights with a quick ceremony where they lay their sword on a kneeling person's shoulder and dub them "sir knight", and pretty soon you can end up with a population overrun by knights reproducing logarithmically.
If the 100 years war had lasted much longer the entire world would have been populated by knights.
It would have been a real knightmare
love the pun, but its still not the same, as being knighted doesnt mean you've had the training and/or the neccecary gear. armor is expensive, and its not easy to supply a couple of thousand new men with at least mail and spears
The Dutch and a few other European nations use a dot to signify large numbers instead of commas. Instead of 20,000, it's 20.000, or 100,000,000, it's 100.000.000, Make sense?
Sometimes, when someone on the Internet makes a post that doesn't fit within logical parameters, it's actually because the poster is using humor.
Wicker Man harvest festival only the wicker man is stealing all your chickens.
Is the yearly gathering of Forest Bandits, BanditCon
Just a bunch of outlaws, dressing up as their favourite, legendary figures of underworld and doing merry heist and robbery recreations.
No one knows If some of those famous thieves and robbers are actually the real deal or not.
Which greatly frustrates the kingdom's equivalent of police force, completely bewildered by the fact this whole thing even takes place.
One of the undercover knights bought a drug flavored candy once, to blend in. It was actually a candy flavored drug. The Chief Knight still gets mad If you mention that one to him.
The town is made of Forest Bandits. Houses and furniture are built with Forest Bandits rather than lumber and iron.
oh, btw, shulus is in vaegir lands, the russia of m&b. go figure.
>10348 bandits
i don't think i need any fucking justification here buddy fucking run, runrun RUN RUUUUN!
>You arrive at the town to a scene of unimaginable horror
>Buildings made from the broken bones of men
>The walls coated with their flayed skins, stretched faces in an eternal expression of agony, as if crying out for mercy
>The floor of these buildings, carpeted with their hair and discarded clothes
>Fences of contorted corpses
>cobblestones of severed hands
>The townsfolk toil in the fields, as if unaware of the horror that surrounds them
"We used to have a bandit problem. Once."
Bandits are usually locals. Their neighbors would tend to look the other way if they rob some of the rich travelers passing through.
10 thousand of them though ?
by medieval standards that's a rather sizable city
The village is set in Persia and the bandits are led by some dude named Xenophon
They're in a far flung province of Imperial China or some such place where the Emperor's authority is being resisted.
The Marshall
Name of the mod?
sure, sometimes
most of the time it's because they are dumb
never underestimate the stupidity of the average person
I've been in a campaign like that.
How the fuck does a level 1 party from out of town, who hasn't entered a dungeon or interacted with a local evil boss yet, register as such a threat that five different assassins in three days have tried to kill them in their sleep?
You tell me, man.
With Fire & Sword
Having a single level in a class makes you a big fucking deal by virtue of your existence.
not mod, standalone game named
it's shit though. only reason is if you've a hardon for the setting. floris mod mnb:w is way better.
You kniw, there exists a bug in Mount and Blade that changes the textures of buildings with face textures. Really creepy. Especially on nomad tents.
Bad standard for comparison though, getting your ass eaten at the ren fest isn't as fun as floris.
Wfns is still better than the viking conquest mod by virtue of having less bugs.
>Wfns is still better than the viking conquest mod by virtue of having less bugs
that I can sign.
if one MUST have gunplay in MnB, I'd go for Napoleonic Wars rather than Fire&Sword. Love F&S setting (could go for more games in that setting in general as it's not as overused), but horrible gameplay.
Something like this?
Sort of...
I didn't know benedict cumberbatch was in that game!
My first thought after reading that as well
>Enter a city of thieves
>Treachery and degeneracy surround you
>There are no friendships here, only alliances
>A brigand nation, every man is free to do as he pleases, and every other man is free to retaliate
>You have no money and nothing good in your inventory so you are practically a background fixture to everyone.
Imagine a setting where that's the norm
But napoleonic wars lacks a singleplayer.
that's the point, it's more hectic AND more organised than the AI can do... one of the few instances where I like multiplayer games.
not dealing in absolutes here, but for me it's way more fun
Yeah, but I like playing around in the single player of WFaS.
Shit, in a city of thieves would my hobo disguise make me seem like a lesser or greater thief? How would affect my stay?
>Love F&S setting
as I said, but gameplay wise its too far behind.
mods overhauled the UI (BIG point in my book), some of the graphics and added troop trees... some of the AI (at least in floris it feels less stupid than in vanilla, AI's still pretty dumb) and the world map in F&S feels too spaced out. btw, if you can recommend a few good F&S mods, I'd be happy to give the game another go
sorry, didn't I mention I mostly play floris mod; NW was only a point I was trying to make if you desperately need M&B with guns
>This cancerous opinion
You only have to be like level 65.
It really doesn't make sense.
Wow, a whole sixteen knights
Imagine raising a child in that world.
>"That's a cow dear, they say moo"
>"That's the face of god, he's always looking for sinners to smite"
fair enough, don't think I've ever leveled past ~40
have once cheated a char up to level 100 though (shame on me), that's how I know they just keep spawning forever
The way the game's coded, once you get past 64, the game goes crazy.
heres hoping for an actual darn release for that sequel...
'd be happy with just a reworked Warbands, don't even need all that other stuff.
Could be worse
The bandits are forming their own society, their own country.
They're calling it Australia.
>machinearrow spam vs. axeshieldarmor spam.
Is this meant to be comforting?
"You only need to see how stupid the average person is - and then realise half of them are stupider than that."
t. George Carlin (RIP)