I want to start collecting and playing warhammer 40k and I am wondering is it work it and if there a good player base or the game is dead ?
Warhammer 40k
It's dead.
which contry?
>Do you guys think I should play this game which contains people with different opinions on it
Make up your own decision yourself faggot.
Buy some models and paints you like, if you enjoy painting then congratulations youll enjoy the game no matter how shitty the rules end up being.
Even if the rules go to shit the lore,models, and *FUN is still going to be there
It all really depends on your local game scene. Go to your LGS and scope out what people are playing.
I wouldn't bother user. It's shit now.
Ignore the grogs. They don't play. They havent played in a long time. They just like being contradictory on the internet.
Game is fine. It's damn popular, at least everywhere I have lived. Check your local game stores I bet even money there is a decent sized warhammer community at at least one if not all of them.
It's growing. Massively. It has become more and more mainstream and accessible recently, and the upcoming 8th edition should completely streamline it to allow for all new players to enter.
Wait for 8th edition to release though.
Ignore the shills user, they get paid small sums to spread textual faeces all over the internet.
40K's player base has been declining for quite a while now.
There are many better 28m sci-fi games out there.
>waaa he likes something I don't like
You're pathetic you know that? If you don't like it that's fine. You can explain your opinions if you want. But flinging insults at anyone who disagrees with you doesn't really get you anywhere.
Holy shit, how insecure is the current 40K fan-base.
I'm in the same boat, I wanna play those sweet ass plague marines.
I'll wait till next ed tho.
See there you go again. I'm just pointing out that baseless insults aren't really an argument. If you'd care to explain your position I would be happy to have a discussion with you, but all you seem to be capable of doing is calling people names like a petulant child.
Why don't you try and tell me why 40K is such a great game instead?
If you really want to. Wait for 8th edition in a few months.
Because you'll literally just call them shills. You already called them shills before they even talked, and now you're asking them to walk into your bait.
> Explain why the game is good.
> This is bait.
I rest my case. If explaining why 40K is a good game is considered a booby trapped question then that tells you everything you need to know.
Ignore the skub/anti-skub posters, OP.
It's by far the most popular 28mm sci fi game. It's not even fucking remotely close. I live in Canada too (Edmonton) and there's a decently large player base here. If you're in a smaller city or a town it's probably not so great. Then again, I used to live in a town of 2000 people and there were 10~ players there. So anything is possible.
As far as the game itself it's been getting steadily shittier for a while. Wait til 8th edition in a few months, it looks promising. In the mean time if you want to start buying and painting shit then stick to the absolute basics so those faggots at GW don't invalidate your choice of army composition. Also don't buy a codex right now, or the rule book, or any shit like that.
>Ignore the shills user, they get paid small sums to spread textual faeces all over the internet.
>literally sets up a booby trap
>doesn't even hide it
Kill yourself. You're literally so fucking stupid that you destroy your own argument, because 40k IS a bad game, but you're so fucking retarded you make it look good by virtue of your mere existence.
As far as I can tell, none of that screeching is selling 40K to me.
>this shitpost will show how much of a not shitposter I am!
Guaranteed response incoming
So, how long till the 8th edition? Who is gonna be in the starter pack? I really liked DA and crimson slaughter but i guess there is no point in buying 7th ed now. Would be sad if it will be some bitch-ass space wolfs.
Excellent game ...
Beautiful high quality models with a huge variety depending on you flavor of choice
Many different armies supporting many different play styles
Solid rich fluff
Passionate diverse community
Well supported, constant updates to rules ... GW are getting more and more involved with the player base ... product range is constantly expanding
Ignore the faggots trolling ... they were likely mouth breathers who tried to engage at a competitive level and got bitchslapped around due to their lack of tactical initiative, and rage quit as a result of constantly losing ... its because crybabies like this don't last why this community is actually in a good place
Hope to welcome you to the game soon user!
There's only speculation as to when 8th will come out aside from the fact that we know it's this year. No current news on who will be in the starter pack.
Get a Kill Team box, you've got the full rules and some models. Try it out with a friend or at the local club/store. Decide wether you like it or not.
If yes, wait some time until 8th drops until go full amry scale.
If not, sell the kill team stuff on ebay.