Why is slaanesh so cute, anons?
Why is slaanesh so cute, anons?
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Dunno. Embiggen please.
>no dick
That's not Slaanesh. Are you trying to trick me?
Things that are dead seem more innocent after their passing.
Delicious and nutricious elf souls
I'll give you a hint user, only one of those snakes is attached to Slannesh's hand.
Hello citizen. Please report this to my office immediatly. I would appreciate to not send a squad breaking into your house.
Because it encourages us.
>implying the phone doesn't automatically answer the inquisitions call.
>want to get into 40k
>want to play Chaos Marines and focus on based Slaanesh
>not really sure what to buy or where to start
Can anyone help a brother out? I want to rock so hard I melt the face off my enemies
daemonettes of slaanesh make good practice for painting. Plus some of them are metal as hell.
The act of answering acts as acknowledgement of your guilt
>get army of noise marines
>paint them like 80's hair metal bands
>get units of daemonettes
>paint them like groupies
blast the dirge of slaanesh so loud that your opponent's ears bleed and they forfeit every match. Slaanesh just can't be beaten.
Not sure, if the dude who wrote that greentext would be happy, if hios girlfriend know about Slaanesh.
SHE will be a girl for us, HER fans, no matter what, user
She needs more lore desu, besides the whole death of eldar thing.
I feel like she needs a purpose besides eat eldar and fuck everything. Like an agenda.
I enjoy the screencap that doesn't reveal the spoilered text more.
Fug you, she's a butiful womyn
That story is awesome.
Source of that ass?
>Why is slaanesh so cute, anons?
Obviously because he wants you to serve him you dumb heretic.
Slaanesh is the enthusiastic phys therapy chick in the old people's home, getting the lazy old farts (Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch) off their ass and back into shape. Without Slaanesh, the Chaos Gods would be a lot more relaxed versions of themselves.
Slaanesh triggered the destruction of the Eldar, and allowed humanity to expand and conquer the galaxy. In that way, three of the main factions of the game are totally intertwined with her. If you consider the Imperium a result of Slaanesh's whimsy, the entire setting except for orkz, nids, and crons have their backstories intertwined with Slaanesh. Basically, Slaanesh is the original grim dark source that the rest of the setting spirals from, he is the source of 40k's tone.
So, Chaos, Eldar and the Imperium, obviously, or am I missing something here? I'd rather say half the setting is intertwined with Slaanesh.
Yep, those three. Slaanesh is on the road to become the dominant chaos god, is finishing off eating the last of the eldar, and triggered the birth of the Imperium. Other xenos species who have their backstories intertwined with one of those factions can vicariously trace their factions back to Slaanesh.
Really, Slaanesh is the core of the setting. All of Gathering Storm takes place in Slaanesh's birth hole, as has each black crusade prior to it. I fully anticipate 7th edition to conclude with Yvraine being confirmed as croneworlder and Ynead being confirmed as Slaanesh, and then Fulgrim returning and finishing off Gulliman once and for all. It just makes sense, GWs been hinting at Fulgrim for a while now, and how can they keep the Imperium stagnant if Gulliman is back and already protesting the bullshit of the ecclesiary?
>All of Gathering Storm takes place in Slaanesh's birth hole
Slaanesh is getting squatted. Ynnead is gonna kill them and reclaim all the Eldar souls lost. Eldar are going to win.
Ynnead got a long way to go to get on slaanesh's level, he/she/it has been munching on Eldar souls for a long time growing in power.
It's a dude
One sword away! Besides, Ynnead's been feeding on the craftworlds since they've been a thing, not to mention they'll have Cgeorach's help.
Ynnead is Slaanesh you moron. GW cant squat Slaanesh without killing 40k. Slaanesh is 40k.
Clearly they consider themselves female, if the panties are any indication.
>Warp entity that eats eldar souls
>Eldrad died to stop it, Biel-tan was completely destroyed by it
>Main advocate is a croneworld witch
>Avatar has the exact same stats as a keeper of secrets.
Eldar are doomed. Eldar have always been doomed. Gw is pretending they're gonna squat Slaanesh and that eldar are gonna win before they throw it back in your face and say lol you're super doomed, that one bit of hope you had was even worse than the status quo.
Fulgrims coming, they're starting a new slaanesh narrative in AoS, and you have eldar sacrificing themselves to a keeper of secrets in the eye of terror. Sorry, Slaanesh isn't going anywhere.
Slaanesh can be anything you want her to be,
She'll just turn herself into anything she thinks you could ever want her to be,
Be free with your love, be free, be free,
Surrender to your desires, be free, be free to indulge!
why should slaanesh go anywhere?
She is literally the best thing eldar ever did!
>don't fug me I'm scared
Her face looks so ADORABLE!
Bet hugging Slaanesh would feel so good.
It would feel weir
>feeling both warmth and cold
>feeling both joy and anxiety
>feeling both happiness and dark force
>fuck and get fucked at the same time
Sounds like a most stimulating experience.
>Slaanesh will never be your lover
>Slaanesh will never hug you with her cold body
>Slaanesh will never lick you with her spiked fork-tongue
>Slaanesh will never let you lick her pierced boobs
>Slaanesh will never let you do hug her toes
>Slaanesh will never kiss you with her foul mouth with smell of countless eldar souls
>Slaanesh will never let you to cone her hair
>Slaanesh will never gaze you with her blazing eyes
>Slaanesh will never speak with you with her chilling demonic voice
>You will never fuck Slaanesh
>You will never get fucked by Slaanesh
existence is pain
she s a concept
how can you fuck a concept?
>how can you fuck a concept?
memetic masturbation
no, shes very real
at least in that universe
>Dont rape me, am scared
>Ynnead is Slaanesh you moron.
Counterpoint: Cegorach explicitly assisted in the birth of Ynnead. While Cegorach is the master of trolling, he's also pretty much Slaanesh's arch-nemesis. If Ynnead is Slaanesh then Ynnead must also be the death of Slaanesh. Cegorach is smarter than Slaanesh (we know this because he's never lost a single Harlequin soul despite fighting Slaanesh over them in a game of wits every single time one dies).
We also know Ynnead is a new warp entity because the shard was created by Eldrad's failed ritual. This means Ynnead probably isn't Slaanesh, although I guess they could still be under Slaanesh's power.
Do you think Slaanesh has a feminine cock, or a manly vagina?
Well, guess this is my new life now.
I want more artwork like that
>It's a dude
Even more appropriate
what about carnifex waifu?
source is me
Shouldn't be a surprise, really
I for one, welcome our new tyranid overlords.
I bet that even a pervert like slaanesh would be shocked after she went to Veeky Forums and saw these threads.
I mean, imagine all the autists running to her, everyone desiring to get it's own piece. Plus, considering that we were who created her and entire warhammer universe, she would be weaker towards us and couldn't do a thing.
Wow, dominating slaanesh is a new sort of fetish...
delete this
Do you think Fulgrim is allowed to lick her feet?
Or is he too much of small fry for that?
Slaanesh is whatever we want her/him/it to be. It is to give in to the things we take pleasure in and wanting more despite the herd mentality of humanity. The human mind is so complex that even things that would disgust others become a fetish that makes a singular soul susceptible to Slaanesh. Slaanesh delights in you, praise her in all her glory.
>that dumb garbage
>the beautiful golden-haired shota boy described in Codex: Chaos Daemons
That's not the Dark Prince Slaanesh, son.
He looks like this.
Buy the Start Collecting! CSM and get the noise marine kit off amazon or something.
>Slaanesh can be anything you want her to be,
She would had to invent some sort of seal to prevent 4chaners invading her realm and raping her and her daemonittes.
Espeially /b/tards
Her face and facial expression looks cute, CUTE!
He will most likely wont have a pleasure to even see her feet, not talking about kissing them.
Fools, trying to limit the supreme beauty of Slaanesh to fit in your tiny minds.
t. fag
I do slaanesh as I please
Slaaneshbutt a cute, but where the genestealer cult breeders at?
I wonder how her breath would smell and taste
I want a full pic of this
Why would I want something out of date when I can get it's replacement?
sweet, sweet elven souls
Because your god is ant sized.
Because Slaanesh is cute! CUTE!
Did you make an uncensored version, and if you did could you post it on /aco/, please?
>how can you fuck a concept?
By trying hard enough.
>Wow, dominating slaanesh is a new sort of fetish...
And just like that, Slaanesh has another worshipper.
It would be a fun scenario
Imagine a huge Gate sealing destructive forces of 4channers and r/etarddits away from warp. Then one daemonitte accidentally opens the sealed gates, when she mistook a lever with a dildo. While rubbing her whatever she has on the trigger, she accidentally pulled ti down and it sealed off the gate. you could hear Cogging sounds as defense mechanisms were unlocking and you could hear thousands and tens of thousands *autistic screeching* from the other side of the gate. "FOOL, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!", Slaanesh screamed, as Oblivion gate were slowly opening. Finally, defense mechanisms were completely deactivated and numerous lifeless autists burster out, spearing none and nothing on their path.
Chaos was FUCKED!
Slaanesh is literally a he. Read the Daemon Codex. He's the Dark Prince.
You don't do Slaanesh, mortal.
Slaanesh does you.
>Muh Books
>Muh Male title
>Muh Pronouns
fek of
He is also She Who Thirsts.
He is whatever you desire.
Insisting that he is a men just means that you desire men.
Where can i find more darkhaired pale slaanesh?
Is there uncensored version of this?
not yet that im aware of
Would he let a fat balding neckbeard tap that ass? If so then I don't care.
Slaanesh is not cute anons, true Slaanesh worship is depraved as fuck.
depraved can be cute tho
>2 boobs
Not Slaanesh
exactly, thats why i want to know the ass.
Because you're a heretic!
the question still stands and you have yet to address it.
>I am ashamed of you Veeky Forums
Nigger, the post links to the source. It was posted on a 40K general by a tripfag called moap (who's apparantly infamous on /lgbt/).
eating elves does that.