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What was the biggest joke you ever pulled?
please be decent in your responses
In Generic Dungeon Builder, can you combine Jumper's Theme with itself? As in, make a dungeon floor that's based on, random example, both Madoka Magica and Eclipse Phase?
Sorry if the immediate repost is annoying.
So, it's either having a free follower or paying for an extra import, right?
Anything living and organic, user.
There's a reason it's called the Killing Curse.
Though, I'm sure it can instakill non-animals.
There's no evidence for or against it.
Yeah, pretty much.
When you become a Devil Tiger, can you change the color of your Anima Banner and make it so it doesn't make people sick and mildew food and clothes anymore?
What happens to the body we leave behind when traveling dimensions with Bio-Emerge? Does it just stay there, or does it dissolve in a reverse of the Bio-Emerging process?
What are some of the best charisma perks? I want to charm everyone to do things for me while I laze upon my cou- I mean Throne.
Alright, thank you.
But both of those are immune to magic.
having Lucius Malfoy and Umbridge found in flagrante delecto in the ministry atrium fountain. Later pulled the same horrific prank again replacing Malfoy with Fudge.
Dissolves pretty much, nothing left behind. You can quickly regain it just by going back though.
No problem.
107. Futurama
Origin: Delivery Boy, Age: 27
Perks: Do The Hustle, No Delta Brainwave, Sweet Sweet Candy
Items: Holophoner, Royal Honey
I have to avoid the protagonists, because they die a fair amount.
So, I'm pretty much just going to roll as a gay Zapp Branigan, a planet-hopping lothario out to toot my own horn. In highly episodic series it's best to just go with the flow and be ready to hop in your warehouse at any time.
Avoiding the plot leaves me without a lot to talk about. I was a tourist, I had my camera, and I traveled the universe. There were fun aliens, and mean aliens, and neutral aliens. I may or may not have eaten a couple of societies. That's just how this setting rolls.
Illusory cake in Kirby. Got the room clean, though. And my house gone.
highly resistant is not immune.
You can change the color, sure. That's tied to your caste, and you're changing your caste. Changing the effects of your anima banner...probably? None of the Devil-Tiger charms give that ability, but making a custom charm for it should be possible. Just remember that anima banners are always going to mess with your nearby environment, that's just how they work. You can change it to a more pleasant messing with the environment, but it should never be subtle.
man how cool would taking the case from fantastic beasts to hogwarts to hang with hagrid be?
>Dissolves pretty much, nothing left behind. You can quickly regain it just by going back though.
Ah, excellent. I don't want to have any lingering mindless bodies. There's way too much weird stuff tied up in my biology to just leave it around for anyone to stumble over. It's not safe.
And just as there are some beings immune or heavily resistant, there are always going to be one or two tools designed to punch through said resistances / immunities. The glorious arms race that is evolution and development.
Even better: Hagrid will be born during your stay in Fantastic Beasts. Go befriend his dad, be cool Uncle Jumper, give him the case as a birthday present.
Do you really want to see a half giant squee like a little girl who has seen a pony?
Set immortal Deviljhos loose on the world.
I totally understand what you mean dude. Not to mention how creepy it is to seemingly die in front of people if you're not doing this in private.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but doesn't Hagrid tank an AK at one point?
I occasionally switch the bodies people who have lives that are similar enough that they can fake it, but different enough that it'll be akward for them. This lasts for all of Friday, then immediately ends.
For All Seasons from Fallen London, By Might Divine from S&S, King of Man from 7DS, and COMBAT OPERANDI: SEPULCHRITUDE come to mind for me.
>The Long Game (Overlord)
>You may die (but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make) (Rainbowsix Siege)
With those two you can convince people to kill themselves for you just by talking. Heck, you could do that with the first one.
You become meme!Ainz, who can turn entire nations into vassals in a day and has legendary monsters prostrating before him constantly.
Can you make a body without going to another reality?
Great idea! Or maybe mail it so it arrives after he gets a bit older so the story doesnt implode
Do things like genetic modification and cybernetics carry over into your new body?
Not really... But it has to be "matched to the character’s personal aptitudes and talents", not necessarily to the Devil Tiger theme (though those are likely to be quite similar).
Yup. Here's the relevant bit of the DT charm for it:
>Her anima banner itself may be radically transformed, having different cosmetic effects on objects exposed to it; it may even shine some color other than green (though it will never identically mimic the anima display of some other variety of Exalted).
The Tempest of Inward Focus actually does allow messing with that. But yeah, still not subtle.
He does not. He survives heavy bombardment with curses, but none of them are stated to be the Killing Curse.
Might be misremembering, although it's been awhile since I read the books myself so he might have. however, I do know it took a SHIT-TON of Stupefies to even daze him in... I want to say book five?
>Not doing it on purpose
>Every single day
>Dissolve inside's someone's bathroom while screaming
>The Tempest of Inward Focus actually does allow messing with that. But yeah, still not subtle.
Oh, so it does. Not sure how I missed that. I saw that it changes anima display, but not anima banner. Well, neat.
He is also only half giant and does not have the full on immunity of one.
and are right.
But also, AK isn't a normal spell.
It's 'unblockable' and punches straight through shield spells like they aren't there.
No. But he did take a few stunners over the period of a couple minutes.
Didn't even slow him.
Wands against fists, he beat a team of wizards solo, then ran off.
Have you seen digimon?
Higher levels are often just shoving robot parts and guns on.
Nah, it's part of a package deal type thing, you traveling is what makes you the new body.
They should, yes.
Bahaha, okay, fair point.
So it can kill Darkseid is what you're saying.
It cant go through a rock though so thats something at least.
The first thing I thought of was AK-47 and I immediately wondered who was using an AK-47 on Hagrid. Come to think of it, how many rounds could Voldemort take from a DSR head on?
So if you travel somewhere else, and then travel back, can you effectively gain a new body in a reality in which your previous one was destroyed?
what's the effective range on an AK?
if you miss, does it just keep going forever?
You know how in some works of fiction, you have women who flaunt their 'assets' over their less 'gifted' counterparts? Well, I once cast a spell that caused those same women to have their voluptuousness transfer to the other girl whenever they tried to taunt them about it. Seeing them go from smugly boasting to panicking was hilarious.
Can Shiki kill a jumper who has Zombie from 7DS? Probably, but I'd like to know for sure.
Zero. Rowling has said that wizards loose to "muggle wands"
she also said things get summoned at light speed, and HP never became an obscur-whatsit.
AK is not that powerful at all. Mostly because Harry Potter's barrier and normal defenses are pretty shitty.
It's trying to make a copy of your current body that can function properly in the new dimension at the time of transporting. If you don't have a body of some kind at the time of use, you'd just be traveling to another dimension there's nothing for it to copy.
If she targets the soul, then yes. If not, the Jumper will just regenerate.
>So it can kill Darkseid is what you're saying.
Nice bait. Keked heartily.
Yeah. It'd be funny to take Ed from FMA and have him just spam giant rocks everywhere.
Then sneak up behind Lord Moldyballs and shank him.
Prove it. Seriously, not once has anyone been able to source this claim.
I need a watery bird, and or a windy bird.
Man it'd be fun to assault Hogwarts with a team of "Navy Seals"
maybe, you could definitely kill superman though(if you manage to hit him) what with not being heavily resistant to magic like he is physical stuff.
"Why are we being attacked by seals, and why are they blue...OH GOD *blegh*"
>"muggle wands"
With a firing range effective up to 1.5km I really wonder how wizards would react when you amputate them from a range.
It's was originally a "farmer with a shotgun". Personally, I don't think such a statement exists.
Will you just stop your dumb limit wanking and accept that wizards are FTL? It goes a long ways towards explaining why these inbred retards are capable of maintaining secrecy in the modern world; they are simply so fast that no one notices them.
What perks are there that let you eat anything?
Watch them be allergic to wifi "microwaves" and cell phones.
You're not half as funny as you think you are.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Well, magic does have some EM static effect, that's why you need an enchanted radio to hear the Wizarding Wireless. So yeah, maybe. Maybe wifi actually would interfere with some magic.
They use cell phones, though.
Then she showed a young untrained wizard beat the NY police force and be immune ot their bullets.
Magic cellphones. They've probably got little tiny floo connections built into them.
Where can I get the best forcefields? I want them to be /literally/ indestructible and freely shapeable.
Well a shotgun generally fires a large spread, so presumably a wizard could probably survive at least a full 9mm clip, or several smg clips if the damage isn't concentrated. Probably could survive a couple direct rocket launcher blasts too.
No, they were literally mundane, muggle cellphones.
Here, on earth. Our real-world forcefields are indestructible and freely shapeable. Granted, they're not all that good at resisting things passing through them, but you can't actually destroy them.
Metavore from the Body Mod makes you able to eat anything without regard for it's nutritional content, as long as it has the calories you need.
So you could live on Doritos and Mountain Dew if you wanted.
I guess they fixed it the other way around, then. Stopped ambient magic from messing with carrier signals instead of modifying their phones to ignore it. That's rather more impressive, then.
You got a source for that?
Almost no one was using cellphones in the early to mid 90s.
I find it hard to believe that the same people who couldn't figure out postage stamps and coins are using 90s era cell phones without a problem.
I don't get this meme.
What meme? I'm just telling you that we have forcefield technology here in the real world. It's not great, but it exists, and the forcefields are functionally indestructible. So long as they're provided power, they will continue to exist. Just don't try to block anything with it, they're pretty permeable fields.
I think Rowling just retconned the whole Wizards can't use Muggle tech thing in favor of Wizards not caring for Muggle tech because the tech was inferior. Would make sense if conventional Muggle armaments have no effect on Wizards anymore. Voldemort no selling guns and explosives is kind of hilarious.
Rowling's timeline is different from the normal world.
Costs irreplacable points, though.
…I guess I'll repeat myself.
Do you have a source for that?
I find it really hard to believe.
Space Station 13 has Matter Eater at 200 CP
Got a link? Only found something about Boeing, but I don't think theirs actually works.
You'll have to watch the Fantastic Beasts movie
Just tell me.
Spoiler it.
Oh, I get it. Sorry, I didn't realize you meant "energy barrier" when you were talking about force fields. No, we don't have those. I thought you just meant like...fields of force. Like we use in a lot of modern science. I mean, technically we've been using them ever since the invention of the electromagnet, but I meant the good stuff that we use today.
>and HP never became an obscur-whatsit.
The NYPD show up in Fantastic Beasts and for some reason, they're all basically using pump action shotguns in 1926 that apparently do zero damage to non Muggles. They all get overpowered and mind wiped by MC Men in Black style.
When wizard kids are treated like shit they become monsters, this has obvious plot issues.
Obscurus. Plot point in Fantastic Beasts. It's what happens when you abuse a magical child and keep them from using their magic, creates an evil spirit. That user is claiming that since it never happened to Harry, it must be a retcon. Though I could see an argument that having a Horcrux in his head prevented it, it fed on the nascent dark energy that could have developed into one.
I meant the thing about the cell phones, user.
Using 90s era cell phones.
Do you have a source?
Iirc she said that people only become Obscurials when they are taught to hate and repress there own magic. The Dudleys simply wanted Harry to think that magic didn't exist.
I don't think it's a retcon at all. Harry just wasn't treated badly enough. It's implied that Obscurials take a massive amount of trauma, enough to make Harry's childhood look like a vacation. I'm guessing it's like daily rape, mental harassment, forced pregnancies, and whatnot. All with the no magic clause.
Do you mean the one that was literally a smoke monster?
Indeed. From Rowling's website:
>An Obscurus is developed under very specific conditions: trauma associated with the use of magic, internalized hatred of one’s own magic and a conscious attempt to suppress it. The Dursleys were too frightened of magic ever to acknowledge its existence to Harry. While Vernon and Petunia had a confused hope that if they were nasty enough to Harry his strange abilities might somehow evaporate, they never taught him to be ashamed or afraid of magic. Even when he was scolded for ‘making things happen’, he didn’t make any attempt to suppress his true nature, nor did he ever imagine that he had the power to do so
I'm not the cell phone user. I was just wondering how many rounds it would take to kill a wizard. The answer is still infinite as of now.
Every so often, I resurrect dead religious figures to see if it starts a new offshoot of the religion.
Does it matter? It's not like the Hex where wizards exude a passive anti-technology effect. It's magic that does that. Wizards watch muggle TV and use the internet.
>I'm guessing it's like daily rape, mental harassment, forced pregnancies, and whatnot. All with the no magic clause.
Oh, is that what happens in the movie? Because I must have missed all of that.
>he didn’t make any attempt to suppress his true nature, nor did he ever imagine that he had the power to do so
I don't buy this, but I can't be arsed to go digging through the books to refute it.
>Wizards watch muggle TV and use the internet.
They do?
Do you have a source for these claims you keep making?
I'm about 99.999% sure they don't.
I've been asking for proof that they use cell phones, Muggle tv, and internet for the last 20 minutes, so far all I've gotten is.
>Just take my word for it bro ;^)