Why is Veeky Forums an atheist?
Why is Veeky Forums an atheist?
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*muffled screaming of the Emperor, Chaos Gods, God himself, Deus Vult, Amoza, that one PC, and other divine beings which are heard more faintly*
yes but thats just larping religiousity
Considering someone built the simulation we reside in, there must be a god of some sort. Except instead of YHWH he's more like Greg the Programmer.
Because real life God doesn't grant spells.
Because it impossible to say what religion so many anonymous posters ascribe to.
Also, I feel like we're either mostly reasonable theists or reasonable atheists, with a few outliers.
As one of the latter I hope, I'm as fond of the DEUS VULT / Constantinople memes as anyone else.
Also playing religious characters is fun. When I play DnD Clerics and Paladins are my go-to.
In goofier groups it does devolve into DESU VULT memes, but such is their nature.
In more serious groups I do try to be more reasonable.
That is one of the worst shitty religious-political cartoons I have ever seen.
"That guy is wrong because this this book says that it is correct"
Here, watch this...
The Books Of John, Luke, Corinthains, Paul, Ringo, George as well as all not listed here are false. This is true it is written here and these writings are true.
-Posts 1:01-1:02
Now I win, Ham and the rest must support my claim.
It would explain all the Dark Matter programming errors.
Jack Chick at least had style.
>Dark Matter programming errors.
>not realizing they're just placeholders used because the programmer can't figure out how to program gravity correctly
What if the reason you can't go faster than the speed of light is because the universe's engine can't handle anything above a certain size going at those speeds.
naah man what if.... what if like... the simulation built itself
Not without cheat codes anyhow.
I'm a fundamentalist Christian myself but I'm not obnoxious about it. Go back to /pol/.
That'd save us the problem of figuring out where the entity that made the simulation came from.
Yeah, but think about it this way:
Time slows down the faster you go. And when you're at light speed, time stands still.
This is also done in EvE online, for the purpose of preventing server crashes/horrible framerates.
that guy thread
If you think about it, if there IS a creator, but that creator also, like us, lives in a universe that behaves deterministicaly and thus any free will is just an illusion, it technically did.
Not only are we most likely in a simulation, but we are most likely at the bottom of a massive nested set of simulations. Our simulators were simulated by simulated simulations, and so on up the latter a few billion times more.
*inception noises intensify*
>mistaking me for heretical scum
>Why is Veeky Forums an atheist?
Above average intelligence.
I'd love to be religious, it would be an immense comfort, but sadly you have to believe in a god for that, and I just don't. Belief is basically being convinced of something even though there's no evidence, and I don't have it when it comes to religion.
>"Above average intelligence." he quipped, tipping his fedora euphorically.
>11 INT
>1 CHA
Do you have any more of these? I love political cartoons like this.
Typical dumb theist response.
>tfw we finally make a sim, it's likely to have lot's of porn, because let's be honest, that's the major motivator for VR right now
What if it's already true.
Like, what if we're basically a smut simulator compared to a prudish upper layer.
What if THEY'RE a smut simulator compared to THEIR prudish upper layer.
You just keep getting more chaste as you go up.
>doesn't agree with post
>therefore you are [insert group I oppose]
Good kek.
Theists are the ultimate cucks.
Southern Baptist here. I love talking theology and will gladly talk about my faith if it's relevant to the subject at hand, but as a general rule I stick to memes.
Catholics and Orthodox might have holy water, but only Southern Baptists supply holy shotguns.
Jack Chick also gave his blessing to a live action version of Dark Dungeons. I have no idea why he did it, but bless his cold, rotting heart for it.
>Each simulation is more hedonistic than the last.
>When you die, you just pop back up a layer, and after grabbing a bite or two, can pop right back in.
>thus you get to keep fucking around until the sim builds a sim even more smutty
>eventually it'll just be a massive fucking orgy/action game
Fellow brethren! Especially Baptistbro.
Because no religions are really all that convincing to me, and pictures in fat people wearing fedoras doesn't really change that. I also feel like people only give a shit about religion on Veeky Forums to tie it in to nationalist crap more than actually believing any of it
So Deism basically.
Everybody knows heterosexual sex in the missionary position and hand-holding are the most lewd things!
>finally it's just a massive orgy/action sim
>people in that sim get bored and make a super chaste sim so sex feels scandalous and action feels more rare again
>the loop begins anew
Why is atheist even a term?
If you're not a dentist you're not adentist.
If you're not a paedophile you're not apaedophile.
If you're not an astrologer then you're not aastrologer.