Back from the dead edition
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People talking Ogre in the last thread raises the question, what's the best pre-boom micro game you've played? What's the best
Back from the dead edition
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People talking Ogre in the last thread raises the question, what's the best pre-boom micro game you've played? What's the best
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Reminder that modern boardgamers are retarded and plastic pushers without the plastic are just shit.
>first for shitposting
>who's got cool stuff from the 1970s?
This is a blast - haven't played it in ages due to time constraints.
Tak is pretty comfy because it feels like a proper tavern game. I put on ambient RPG-style music while I play.
>best pre-boom micro
I own a reprint of Dragon Rage which has enough additional content to no longer classify it as a micro game, I've been wanting to get OGRE but I feel it'll just be too similar to Dragon Rage, and I just missed out on getting the Pocket Edition reprint
I've never played any other pre-boom micros
>old stuff
I own Starship Troopers, it's not too bad for a 70s hex-and-chit game. The Terran unlimited stacking rule is pretty bullshit though
It's funny, people like that only seem to exist online, and, you know, in whatever shitty cities you online people come from. I live in DC and all the plastic fetishists in all our local communities could probably be counted on one hand. So it feels really weird when I get online and see people shilling all these turdbuckets like heavy hitters, as if they're something anyone would ever want to play.
>I own Starship Troopers, it's not too bad for a 70s hex-and-chit game. The Terran unlimited stacking rule is pretty bullshit though
Heavy Nerve Gas for the Win! I've got that game too. And a bunch of the old Micro-Games - Lords of the Under Earth, Death Maze, Intruder, etc. Some were really good, others 'Meh'.
is the Melbanon who asked me (Cave Evil user) about House of War from three threads ago still around? I've seen the event in Meetup for next Saturday, will you be going to that one?
nice! sadly I don't do 2P that often so I've only played a couple games of the first mission of Starship Troopers, I really dig programmable rulebooks like Starship Troopers, Cave Evil: Warcults and Duel of Ages II though
have you played any of the Dwarfstar micros? I like how most of them are available for PnP, I'll need to get around to doing a quick and dirty job for a few of them to see which ones are worth spending more effort on
Any good dinosaur-themed board games besides pic related?
Recently rewatched all four Jurassic Park/World movies and I'm kind of on a dino kick.
Anyone have any experience with Level 99's EXCEED Fighting System card game? There's a Kickstarter out and it looks interesting enough. I've liked other Level 99 stuff lik BattleCON and Pixel Tactics.
Unfortunately nothing from the 70s, but one of my grandfathers owned pic related which I received when he passed away. Never played it and it's probably in a storage unit somewhere. I'm hoping to get at it once I move in a few months.
Sweet cover, doubt the game will be as cool though.
Anyone play fireteam zero?
>when you see theres a rule in BSG to throw people in the brig
This is just gonna be a big fucking meme game fun time
You have 21 hours left.
Not my image but we have this Formula 1 game from 1962. It's actually a really great game, all corners have a speed rating and you choose how fast you wanna go (how many spaces you move during your turn). If you exceed the speed rating of the corners you roll dice and might damage your brakes and/or tires, or wreck your car completely depending on how fast you went. On top of that there are action cards that let you take a few extra steps or take a corner at any speed.
What horribly shitty game mechanics!
Play a real car racing game instead:
looks shit.
Speaking of Kickscammer, the guys who did Mare Nostrum have a new one up:
What does everyone think?
Looks neat
>group has 6 players
>all the great looking game I want to try are 2-4
Does /bgg/ know this feel?
>Sekigahara arrives
>Expecting relatively small board and components cause the box isn't to big.
>So much wood in fact it looks like a generous arboretum was harvested to make them.
huge even
Offtopic, but is anybody else really tired of games with weeb names?
>Game is about the battle of sekigahara
You better be a bait post
Subtle shilling is subtle
IIRC if you throw the Admiral in the brig he loses his title... and the nukes.
Would have to look that up.
The word 'offtopic' should have been a clue that I wasn't complaining about this particular game. Have a nice day.
Then why didnt you post it without straight replying, you contributed nothing.
Keep your 'tism in check, bro.
I think it's quite interesting having a quantifiable example of just how much pretty plastic adds to the score of a game.
Simply epic.
Has anyone played splendor for longer than 15 points? It always feels like it ends too soon
Better than dragging.
>It always feels like it ends too soon
As it should in any good engine builder race.
I think the opposite, I don't have enough "good" weeb games. Atleast BattleCON looks solid. Then there's that one bluffing game STEEV mentioned which I can't remember the name of. What weeb named games do you keep seeing that you're getting tired of them?
Wasn't the problem with the game that the all the Sauron player had to do was to pile Nazguls on Orodruin?
How much complexity do you guys think you could put into a game so it's playable in a finite amount of time (though could be broken into sessions) and be actually fun?
Like a grand strategy game in which had tactics for battles, engine building for economics, logistics for keeping your army supplied would sound awesome in my opinion but would probably bog down the game too much.
Though it might be possible if you wouldn't have to keep track of too much things and the game had an easy "save" feature.
>tactics for battles, engine building for economics, logistics for keeping your army supplied
That's not impossible, but the mechanics themselves should be abstracted and simplified to make learning the rules and in-game book keeping a lot easier. Or, alternatively, they are so interconnected that you can't lose track of them. E.g: strong economy results in easy logistic decision, a well supplied army results in easier execution of tactical decisions, and winning battles lead towards earning resources to fuel the economy. This main cycle should help move the game forward, even ignoring the specific mechanics of each seperate section (though even those should be easy to keep track of, but not oversimplified).
To answer the main question, the easier and more interconnected the mechanics are, the higher the complexity that you can aim for. If the mechanics are too "stand alone", then the game would be harder to play.
Trust me, an engine builder ending too soon is what needs to happen. Nobody ever had fun playing a game where everyone got everything they wanted completed and everything was perfect. Wanting more, and therefore being challenged, is being human.
I chanced upon someone selling TI3 for 70$, brand new game never played before, he just opened the box to sleeve all the cards and put the components in special plastic trays, but never go to play the game.
Now I know for a fact my gaming group will probably never play it seeing as they can barely finish a game of Kemet.
Now I am already over my boardgaming budget, and I have no idea if I will ever get the play the game, yet I really want to buy it.
Would you say its worth it? I am pretty sure I can re-sell the game for at least the same price.
My poorfag self says no, my greedy have all the things self says yes.
Don't know - never played with anyone that tried to do that. We always played it out as a grand strategy game with heroes rather than a 'win at all costs' exercise.
Not if you won't play it. Save that money for genuinely hard to find board games.
No, but there's a really bad one I made the mistake of Kickstarting. Look up Apex Theriopod if you want a laugh - the only deckbuilder designed by spergs for spergs.
It always feels like it ends just at the right moment for me. Anything longer and it'd be a lot more luck-based.
Going to do a first run of Mage Knight with a couple of friends today.
I read the rulebook and watched Ricky Royal's walkthrough, they haven't read the rules or anything.
Should we just start of with playing the tutorial in co-op?
Yeah, the second-in-command becomes the next admiral in that case. Sometimes the second-in-command is also the president. And also a cylon.
It's fun.
Yes. I would have also suggested playing that scenario solo first but the Ricky Royal videos make it easy to understand. I just find that even easy rules might trip me up unless I try them myself.
Good luck, and I hope you set aside 3+ hours for it.
We will play the first scenario with only 2 Mage Knights, split up and play 2 guys on each character.
That's probably a pretty good way of doing it. I'd also recommend no PVP for the first time in case you were thinking of trying it.
Evolution Climate, I guess? Does that count?
Wow that looks really good. Never played Mare Nostrum, is it good? What else did they do?
Can't speak to anything else they've done, but Mare Nostrum is GREAT. Easily the best Civ-lite game I've played.
Probably gonna play MoM 2nd edition for the first time this weekend. Not got everything painted but I think I have enough bad guys for 2 of the scenarios.
Pretty excited.
That is a lot of time to spend painting really bad models for a really bad game.
Wondering about this too. I've yet to play BattleCon, but Exceed looks like a simplified version of it that's more portable.
So the only monsters you face in MoM are
So is Vast the kind of game that is going to dissappear if I don't get it now? I really want the game, looks great, but I just don't really want to spend the money at the moment. I'm going away to a convention in a couple days and I'd rather save any available bit of cash I have for that, but if I'm not gonna have another chance to grab it, I'll shell out for Vast right now.
So bitter.
In that picture alone there are
>cultists + cult leaders
>Hounds of Tindalos
then in 2ed which I also have are
>hunting horrors
>Star spawn
>deep ones
>deep one hybrids
>Child of Dagon
>Priest of Dagon
There are also from current expansions I don't have
>crawling ones
>Child of the Goat
>Dark Druid
>Dark Young
>Dunwich Horror
>Goat Spawn
Shit, I'm actually kinda interested on this. I've been playing a lot of Ascension online lately and really want a new deck builder to bite into.
But I really wish I had more time to think this over, I don't wanna impulse fund.
Sell me on it?
Maybe spilt into 2 groups in the same location. A group of 4 and a group of 2 so you can try 2-4 player games
I could not believe how boring a game about giant carnivorous dinosaurs was.
I think they're best know for the 1812: Invasion of Canada and 1775: Rebellion games, but I'm sure they've done more.
Looking good user, have fun and ignore the jealous haters. Just finished the last scenario from the base game myself, looking forward to the expansions now.
My only complaint here is that your picture isn't quite perfectly focused (thus preventing me from potentially stealing painting techniques). Damn you sir! Damn you I say!
That said, I like the worms, and I'd love to see a better shot of the Mi-go. And I can't remember the name of the tentacle-blobs... Your cultists, zombies, and ghouls look good!
Just bought dragon punch. Did I make a mistake?
While I'd love to get in on Thunderstone, I'm going to have to take a pass on this one. I'm already backing the OGRE miniatures KS, the Exodus 'Event Horizon' KS, and an expansion for the Mutant: Year Zero RPG. And (of course), there's another Space 4x game I don't own...
So it's a moral imperative that I get in on that one too.
What about this one?
Both look very cool but I don't wanna get two viking games.
I'll wait for it to come out. It has plenty of funding. I only kickstart expansions of games I already like. If you need kickstarter exclusives for a game to be non-shit, then the game is shit.
Not shilling. I didn't know that was coming out. I hope it's good, but I'm going to wait and see.
campaign ends in 10 minutes. make sure to cancel your pledge if you backed this pile of garbage.
of all the combat systems to use they use fucking dice rolling
Dice rolling can be great.
Just not how they implemented it.
Honestly can't imagine CitOW without the deice.
Dice rolling as a combat system is just a cop out. Cards are always a better system. Especially in a game with mechs or kaiju. You could easily use card drafting as a way of upgrading or purchasing new powers or equipment
So much this. The current hype for Rising Sun is plain retarded. Minis are great, but no one actually knows if the game itself is a festering turd yet, still everyone and their grandmas are backing it.
>game doesn't come with a rules pdf
It's gonna blow, dude.
>Minis are great
The pics are of resins, the minis in the game will be fucking PVC, there's no reason to buy a game for chunks of PVC.
The only plastic pusher which has ever been justifies in being so is glorious HIPS KD:M.
Yeah, but KDM has been out for 5 years now and proved to be a solid, immersive game with ridiculous production value and unique evocative art and built a fucking cult status around itself.
CMON is just throwing out some conceptual crap and hoping hype drives it through,
Temptation was there, in the end I decided to get those $100 into 3 KDM expansions instead of Rising Sun.
What's your final tally? I skipped out on any new expansions cause I didn't want to have to spend money on something I wasn't going to get for so long.
I ended up with core and gamblers, plus dragonking, sunstalker, gorm, dung beetle, lion knight, slenderman, and flower knight. Think it gives me a good spread.
>I wanna be part of the mini community
>...But I don't wanna spend any money, learn any real rules, or put any effort into assembling them
Boardgamers, everyone!
$420 total
Black Friday Gold Lantern, Pariah, Nightmare Ram and a couple of pinups. Wish I had more expendable income, I would have loved some more stuff.
>what's the best pre-boom micro game you've played?
Revolt on Antares
Also loved One World.
(Sadly the other game that came with it, Annihilator, sucked.)
>who's got cool stuff from the 1970s?
That's reminds me, here's an update from a week ago of stuff a couple friends are getting rid of
You sound like an expect so maybe you can answer. Serious question, why not use tin instead? Tin is great.
No one would buy a $2000 KD:M base game.
Expensive to produce, brittle.
Assuming you're being serious. It's way more expensive to do in a large run.
Another factor is weight. If a game has 50 odd metal 28mm minis it will add a bunch of kilos to the shipping total cost which is usually based on weight.
>spitting flour all over your board game components for a joke in your shitty review
Fucking. Triggered.
It's like Vasel's component drop. They only do it because they know it pisses off fucks like you.
I only tried it a few times, but I really liked it (first edition though). With the right setting (close to midnight, some horror themed music as background tunes and with good friends of course!) I really got in the spirit of the game. You could actually imagine your characters going insane!
Don't let the haters get to you, you have done some great work here user! There is nothing more game lifting than playing this type of game with fully painted models, really helps enhance the spirit of the game!
Why does that cat look so pissed off?
Are they playing an inferior game instead of its favorite game?
They have a full play through up with pretty detailed explanations of what's going on in addition to all the details the updates have talked about. Apparently they will release a rules before the campaign ends too but even at this point we're far from blind as to how the game will play.
Just because it's reimplemented doesn't mean it's the same game. There's quite a bit different and refined between the 2 well beyond models.
On second thought, I figured out the answer. I'm in Russia and it seems like tin miniatures is a thing that doesn't really exist in the West. Too bad.
P.S. Tin isn't really that expensive, I can buy picrelated for $4 retail a piece.
Are you sure it isn't "white metal" rather than straight tin?