What's the minimum iq required to be a mekboy?

What's the minimum iq required to be a mekboy?

What's the average mekboy iq?

Orks are mushrooms, OP...

A strong 10-15

Mekboyz generally aren't intelligent. They know how to bodge stuff together by instinct and a lot of it only works by faith. Some Big Boss Mekz might be more cunnin' than others, assuming they didn't rise to their position by raw brute strength.

>assuming they didn't rise to their position by raw brute strength.
My mother says not to just assume things. This is why.

Well quite. There will be Big Meks who were simply lucky to get enough salvage to put together a Gargant Mob. And then there will be Big Meks who were simply ded killy enough to bash the Gargant Mek over the head and pinch his Gargants.

>Building things based of instinct

Instinct = iq

Eye cue? Wots dat den?

The average mekboy IQ is the same as any other orkses IQ at his size. It's the hat that does the thinking.


>It's the hat that does the thinking.

You'z a grot! ere ork knows dat meks at da smartes

its from my understanding that ork devices work merely because they believe it will work, thus the more they know about how the device is SUPPOSE to work, the less likely it will work in ork cultures. ergo, mek boy need to be the dumbest of orks in able to fix things using the power of sheer ork ignorance.

Depends on the measuring stick you use. They are essentially mechanical savants. They know how things work, even if they can't really put it in words.

Does not make them necessarily eloquent, cunning or strategically minded. Does not exclude it either, its merely a different matter.

keep in mind "faith" is the imperial excuse.
it "has" to be faith because it has no sanctioned machine spirits in it
it "has" to be faith because there are no purification seals ensuring it will work
it "has" to be faith because we don't understand fuck all.

Ork equipment is the result of literally tens of thousands of years of Red Green Show being put into their genes by a galaxy-spanning empire.

Don't worry about why it works.

Worry about just *how well* it would work if it were built from proper infrastructure instead of taped together half-assedly using blown up scrap from lesser new cultures.

yooz nah aff brite fer ah oomie

Continuing with that thought, the intelligent orks of the beast series were fucking terrifying.

How would you stat the super Orks of The Beast arises and the great crusade?

ere iz a bettah wun: ow many oomies do it tayk tah loot jez wun zoggin buggy tah rokk propah fast? frum wha I seen I rekkun it must be morvan dey az hurr hurr hurr

The minimum iq is potato.

What does this say about hatless orks?

You don't bother stating it. Its too dangerous to be left alive so you kill it as fast as possible.

Mekboyz are genetically engineered savants. They may have a low observed IQ but can be capable of tech far above the Imperium

Min 65
Max >160

EQ overall is around 0.

Sub Saharan African tier (but even with that IQ niggers can't approach orkish power)

Dey dumb as grots.

The same as every other ork; their knowledge of engineering is coded into their DNA so they instinctively know how to build things despite being borderline mentally challenged

Youz a grot, ya grot

60 will do. What you need as a mek is imagination, not intelligence. Anything you cobble together will ultimately work anyway.

A negative 130.

>generally aren't intelligent
>frequently throw together workable deep space vessels from scrap and squig hide
>can make weapons that defy the capabilities of the most technologicallly gifted races

My headcanon is that mekboys actually have to be the dumbest orks in the setting, and that the dumber they are, the more talented. Think of it.

>Ork technology work because they believe it work
>They believe it work because mekboyz tell them it work
>A mekboy would have to be dumb to believe any of his designs can work
>Therefore, the dumber the mekboy, the more ridiculous shit they can pull out

Ork don't give a shit.

>tfw too intelligent to need iq