Pic, very, related.
Does your setting have half-orc half-elves?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah. Elves and half-orcs actually get along, but there's no distinct hybrid of the two.
Yes, but they're pretty rare and are usually the result of a half-orc and a half-elf having a kid that ends up an an elf/orc rather than a human, instead of the result of a direct elf and direct orc having kids.
But it does happen. And they look like your pic...or like this.
There might be half-orcs touched by fair folk meddling, but I'm not particularly planning on putting D&D elves in the setting.
It doesn't have any half-things at all.
Elves are celestial-touched, orcs are fiend-touched. Ain't gonna work
So did those comics actually conclude with it happening, or is this a fan creation? I must know, for if there have indeed been new releases I need to go read them.
No conclusion.
Though if you're a fan of the artist he's getting an anime about a little girl dictator sometime soon.
I'm really not tbqh and I don't know that I would care for that subject material. The orc just made me laugh.
Yeah, was pretty good stuff when the first issue came out.
He did extend it into one about an older mage woman training a young hero while secretly wanting to jump his shota bones. Eventually tied it into the orc and elf characters and then just dropped it.
Delet dis
Orc-kun is pure! PURE!
We have a bunch of ab-human groups, and their traits tend to get "blended" out if they breed with primary strain humans or primaris
Half-primary strain humans are going to look mostly human
What was the name again? I think I'll go give it another read. It's been a long time and I could use a laugh.
A Friendly Orc's Daily Life by mugenjin
No. Orcs can breed with Humans, Dwarves, Ogres, and Trolls.
In my setting the closest thing to orcs are the wood elves that have turned to foul gods or savage acts. As descendants of fey land-spirits, they are intrinsically physically tied to their behavior, faith, and environment.
Orcs ARE elves, so no, it's redundant.
The only half-anything race in my setting is half-elves and that's due to elves and humans being somewhat related.
No half-orcs but orcs are completely playable and they are very much inspired by Warcraft's orcs.
Are Orcs and Orcus connected?
Why not?
Orcus is a giant bloated goat demon lord thing who rules over undeath.
Orcs are merely violent savages who worship their own violent gods.
Just because the word is similar doesn't mean they are related.
As to the thread, orcs and elves cant breed together because they are too dissimilar while sharing certain similarities towards humans that they can breed with. Its almost like a ring species scenario.
Yes. Humans. That's why you can have half orcs and half-elves. Humans are the midpoint on that scale, elves and orcs the two endpoints.
>half-orc and a half-elf having a kid that ends up an an elf/orc rather than a human
Thats not how that works
10/10 would hold hand with.
Fuck no, this is stupid.
Their name comes from Orcus, why shouldn't they be connected?
It'd be very hard to explain considering the majority of Elves don't know Orcs exist and vice versa is true... And they're on opposite sides of the planet. Said sides being separated by a giant chasm, a massive, stormy archipelago of jagged rocks and an empire of Hobgoblins with guns.
Come to think of it, it's possible that I subconciously designed the map to stop this specific form of faggotry. The only snowball's chance in hell of it happening would be for a Drow to somehow bumble through Duergar territory and manage snatching an orc as a slave but while Drow do have exotic tastes, Orcs probably wouldn't be ugly enough to be novel and not pretty enough to take in the first place.
But OP's pic with a duskier shade of ashen green skin with black and red eyes would make me diamonds though.
Fuck no. Half-races are book filler.
a few generations down the line she's gonna be a pitri dish of every race
But they aren't. Well only tangentially. Orc in D&D is only loosely based off Tolkien's use of it, and he got the inspiration for orc from old english term for monster or devil. Its connection to Orcus is disputed since it may come from Norse and may just be a weird thing where two words with semi similar things from two languages converge together.
In D&D the word is a name for a specific entity which bears no connection to orcs. Roughly based off the term for the bad side of Pluto. He was a human mage who cast a spell so powerful it killed everyone on his plane, immediately sending him to the Abyss where he transformed into a demon lord of undeath and is the originator of the lich ritual.
In D&D worlds orcs worship Gruumsh One-Eye, the orc creator deity who gave rise to them from the blood that was spilled from his cuts inflicted by the elven creator god Corellon Larethian.
You can get half-whatevers of any of the common humanoid races. However they are hybrids so sterile.
Hello, Dark Sun. Still salty about your lack of water and foliage?
Is that how dark sun is? I've never played it.
I just use the hybrid version because it calms my biology autism.
That's an incredibly rigid interpretation that I imagine is using the assumed setting of Forgotten Realms.
Is it so wrong if I wanted to do that? Make Orcs a creation of Orcus. I can even keep Grummsh and just make him a usurper. Maybe like an Orcish Odin or something.
Its pretty much the generic creation story for orcs in D&D since thats how it works in the three different main D&D settings: Greyhawk, FR, and PoL. And you can do whatever you want for your own worlds, I was only giving you the official story.
Dark Sun has a Half-Human Half-Dwarf that are called Mul (after mule's, unoriginally enough). They're sterile and used as slave labor.
Nothing more pure than a proper marriage and raising children dutifully
No, but it has half-half-orc-half-half-elves.
>+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
>Medium size
>Mungrel base land speed is 30 feet.
>Improved Low-Light Vision
>+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Survival, and Swim checks
>+4 racial bonus on all saving rolls versus sleep spells and effects.
>+1 racial bonus on all saving throws versus enchantment magic.
>+1 additional skill point gained every level.
>Human Blood: For all effects related to race, a mungrel is considered a human.
>Trace Blood (Elf ): When it comes to effects related to race, a mungrel has a 50% chance of being considered a member of the elven race. If they fail the percentage roll, they still receive a +4 racial bonus on all future Use Magic Device rolls, when using a magical item with an elven racial requirement. For the purposes of prestige class requirements, these characters are considered a members of their parents’ race.
>Trace Blood (Orc): When it comes to effects related to race, a mungrel has a 50% chance of being considered a member of the orc race. If they fail the percentage roll, they still receive a +4 racial bonus on all future Use Magic Device rolls, when using a magical item with an orc racial requirement. For the purposes of prestige class requirements, these characters are considered members of their parents’ race.
>Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, Orc.
>Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).
>Favored Class: Any.
I'm writing a story with a 3/4 Orc 1/4 Drow (and her 1/2 &1/2 dad as a side character)
also the ruling family of the racial inclusive empire are very blended, looking like bishie humans (with occasional odd traits)
Depends on the setting. In most that have both elves and orcs existing, yes, though not particularly common in any of them.
There are a few exceptions though.
In one setting Orcs are an exclusively male, sort of sub-species thing of Elves. They're essentially a mutation of Elven men. Not all elven men are orcs, but all orcs are elven men. The offspring of an orc and female elf normally results in a male, orc offspring, though it is possible, though less common, to produce a female elven offspring. Now that I think about it, I could probably create another sub-race there, a female race of infertile half-orcs.
In another setting I have, orcs are technically a subset of elves. Elves aren't so much a race as a group of sub races. There's an old magic forest, originally inhabited by fae-kind, that changes and warps all who live there. There were colonies of humans, gnomes, and goblins in those woods, who over time became elven in nature, growing pointed ears, greater attunement with both magic and nature, that sort of thing. The humans are called Greater Elves, the gnomes Lesser Elves, and the goblins are called Orcs. An offspring of an orc and a greater elf is not unheard of, but they're essentially just an elven human-goblin hybrid, which I guess you could count as the same thing. There wouldn't be any difference between them, the offspring of a greater elf and an orc, and say, a colony of human/goblin offspring that lived in the woods for a few generations.
Lesser-elf/Orc hybrids would be possible, but extremely uncommon, their populations being further removed, and the fact that they require having a lesser-elf father, and an orc mother, a lesser-elf mother just being far too small to actually carry and birth a hybrid child (or likely couple with an Orc and survive the ordeal, but there would be ways around that)
That giff-taur is gonna be my new raid boss.
No because I actually understood Tolkien's work and didnt make a confused half-elf race like Gygax. Your either a mix of something or pure, a half-elf in tolkien is either a human or an elf as deigned by the gods themselves, their genes are irrelevant. So whereas gygax poop assumes all half-orcs are half-humans, I have implemented genes. One quarter dwarf, one quarter elf, half an orc? Go ahead my nigger
There's always the possibility that the different species may not be able to produce offspring with each other. It's not like we could make a half-chimpanzee half-orangutan. Elves and Orcs might just not be genetically compatible.
Granted, if both elf/humans and orc/humans are possible, it seems unlikely that elf/orcs are impossible, but I don't think it's entirely out of the question.
Playable humanoids can interbreed just fine. After all they are the same species, just different races ;))))
Already saw it, it would've been actually good if they weren't all dick girls.
I want to fuck that orc
hey, she is cu...
>no tusks
Your shit taste has been noted, and may be used as evidence against you in a court of law.
I feel like the logical conclusion would be the fantasy equivalent of white people who brag about being 1/64 Native American
>My great great grandfather was a Solar
>Well my great grandfather was a high Elf
>Human in feathered hat using Elf slang to fit in with the hip kids
I don't have orcs or anything similar in my setting.
If people of the land think they exist, eventually they will.
What, did tumblr won so that not being gay is now punished by law ?
nice meme
Yes, inspired by a Frederick K. T. Anderson pic. Well, half-orc plus half-elf, mostly ends up like the OP but count as human.
Can't post the pic that i spired either because naked breasts in a nonsexual context and no way to censor except blocking out bits which got me banned before.
Why would a straight man be attracted to a woman with a penis? That's just unnatural.
Half-races are dumb and they stink.
Why would a straight man want a man in his porn when he could replace said man with a woman with a dick?
As a self-insert, it's impossible for a man to self-insert as a futa, and constantly watching futa/lesbian porn has been proven to cause erectile dysfunction and problems with brain chemistry. Regardless, I don't like seeing other men naked myself, tentacles are the superior fetish.
No actual conclusion, but that isn't fan art. It's from the actual artist himself.
>has been proven
I don't believe you.
Dude, in my setting, elves were created from trees, orcs were created from blood, and humans were created from dust. Normal genetics need not apply.
When a half-elf and a half-orc have a kid, there's a 50% chance of something with the racial stats of a human, and a 50% chance of something with the racial stats of an elf-orc.
In either case the offspring will look like an elf-orc-human hybrid, though.
>Still believing sexuality can be placed in self contained box labelled 'gay' 'straight' 'bi' etc.
Nobody is 100% anything. The sooner you free yourself from those labels, the better for you, because they are ridiculous. Things in natura don't tend to fit into neat little boxes of classification, although they do help us understand things as a collective and study stuff by approximation, nature doesn't just work that way.
Many guys who think themselves 100% straight have had homoromantic or homossexual thoughts one time or another, or got a boner watching shemale porn, or fapped to futa. And guys who think themselves 100% gays have often had similar experiences. Sexuality is all blurry lines and this dudebro culture of trying to pretend you are the one 100% straight guy on earth is ridiculous. And harmful. If you could be honest with yourself and us about that percentage inside you, however big it is, that is attracted or curious about other parts of your sexuality that are not just 'penis+vagina', you would be doing the whole world a favor. And the same go for supposed gays and lesbians.
It's okay to have a preference and the rule is most people tend to be attracted to the opposite sex and dont necessarily want to have sex with the same sex. But there's so many variations on that, that it's highly unlike that any single person is just attracted to ever thinking of his own cock inside vaginas and nothing else. Sometimes it's subtle, like enjoying a girl with masculine traits, such as a tomboy, or not so subtle, like a butch dyke. Sometimes it's futa. Sometimes it's stealing a peek of your buddies crotch to see if his dick has volume there. Sometimes it above busting a nut right when the porn camera shows that ballsack from a low angle.
Just...Stop with this pretend. It's ridiculous. Free yourself from it. You'll be happier.
They don't go over futa in particular, but excessive porn in general has been proven to cause erectile dysfunction.
tl;dr version: it looks like stale pasta copied from tumblr and he's thirsty for cock
Sometime i self-insert as a futa slaaneshi horror. The internet has pushed me too far.
I'd bet my ass you have a FetLife account and furry tendencies.
>"Ha ha! that will show this gay guy I'm very straight.. ha ha! I d-don't have a hidden layer...T-that's why I can c-call this tumblr f-fag on it, guys! See! See how s-straight I am!"
You're making yourself look bad bro
You just lost your ass twice on those bets. I have neither. I don't even enjoy futa.
Slaanesh is best Chaos God. That said, it's not natural to self-insert as and fap to futa dickgirls and that can't be good for your brain chemistry.
It isn't natural for a man to want to stick it in another man's pooper, no matter how you try to spin it.
Neither is shit posting but that doesn't seem to stop anyone.
So what are your homosexual tendencies user?
>everyone who disagree's with my hunger for cock must be gay too
We greentext argument now.
Checked. Memes, or easily spread ideas, have been part of human culture ever since humanity has had a culture. Humans naturally group with and communicate with other humans, it's completely natural that, in this day and age, humans would congregate to share their opinions on a Taiwanese Sockmaking Forum.
That said, some humans inherently start shit for no reason, or for the humor of it. That's just human nature. Therefore, it's a logical conclusion, and to be expected that humans will start more shit when there are no negative consequences for their actions. Shitposting is as natural as shitting and as long as this board is anonymous, we'll have to deal with it.
I find androgynous people sexy. Guys or girls. I think it's hot when they have attractive facial features, smooth skin and I just can't tell what they are without seeing genitals.
>good thread
>one person brings up futa
>thread instantly devolves into shitposting about whether liking girl-cock makes you gay and nothing else
If a male animal can be born wanting to put into another male's pooper without outside interference then it's "natural". What you can argue is that it's not "normal" if only a minority of the population is born that way.
If a deviation from standard happens in a regular basis, even if to a small amount of the group, then it's within the 'normal' parameters.
Almost all animal groups will display occasional homossexual behavior every generation.
Quite a few, actually.
So I guess the real question is if an elf dickgirl and an Orc girlboi have sex, which one gets pregnant?
You uh, got that uncensored?
This set:
There was one
Dude was pretty chill and managed to unite the orcish tribes into a single nation.
Also OP pretty sure your pic is a half goblin half human.
>in your setting
>Depends on the setting
you mean Cuntboy?
the Cuntboy unless magical sextoys are involved
if you meant femboi then it depends how far along the newhalf-Futa axis the elf is (and if magical sextoys are involved)
Sort of. An elf and orc having a child is rare but not unheard of, but there are no half races. The kid is either a slightly elfy orc, or a slightly orcy elf.
I have more than one.
No I mean a thick elf motherman and her cute, petite, adopted daughterboy celebrating her entry into adult hood.
This whole in parentheses/spoiler shit needs to stop, it's gayer than just stating "my name is OP and I just cannot stop sucking cocks."
Come out of the closet already and stop trying to dodge it.
Not trying to doge it mate. I'm censoring it so snowflakes don't get triggered by it.
You are gay. Accept it.
Who gives a fuck if snowflakes get triggered? Ignore and move on, your opinion is yours and you shouldn't dilute or modify it's wording to protect another's fee fees.
> Pic related
> Like traps
> But not futa
> Bi
Your meme confuses me.
There is never an absence of outside interference.
Put I want to protect innocent people fee fees. It's why I play a Paladin.
The only time I'm not going to care for someone's feelings is when they're being a total cock.
No, there aren't even half-elves in my setting, much less half-orcs.
Interracial hybrids are generally unexistent, save for mixes between subraces/bloodlines within one race
Only exception though is beastfolk, which is hinted to stem from magically enhanced bestiality. But they're monstrous, always evil, and abhorred and killed on sight by everyone with basic common sense - basically rip off of gloranthan broos and warhammer beastmen, with D&D gnolls thrown atop of the pile