How do I fuck up my weekly pathfinder game by scamming all the various kingdoms into donating to me to fight evil and then giving all the donations to the most evil person I can find?
How do I fuck up my weekly pathfinder game by scamming all the various kingdoms into donating to me to fight evil and...
By being persuasive enough and lying your ass off.
I actually saw this pulled off in a game once. Guy went around collecting donations to help relieve a famine stricken area, made freinds with all the goodies, helped them out, adventured, was a swell dude
he used the money to raise a Dracolich
high charisma, good roleplaying and knowing wtf you are talking about.
>bern vic
Save everyone, yourself included, the retarded trolling and just quit the game. You're not funny, you're not clever, you're not doing anyone a favor. You're being an faggot That Guy.
>bern vic
Go back to /pol/ faggot.
Stay in your containment board like a good cuck.
>autogynephile stops by to have a bit of a 'tism spasm
I know that autogynephilia is a symptom of autism but you're taking it to the next level there chris chan
>how do i fuck up my game
Somehow I think you won't be needing our help given your attitude.
>You thought it was Friendly Local Good Guy, but it was me, The Lich King!
So now they just take big words they don't know the meanings of?
You're really going to just throw your own gender identity under the bus like that? Guess you never really were a real tranny after all. It really was just a phase.
Silly user, shitposters always know what their redefined words mean!
The new meaning being related to the original or relevant to the matter at hand is irrelevant.
>maybe if I reply to my own post someone will think I'm clever
I mean yes but this is some weapon-grade stupidity that guy is throwing around.
No, but I think this Screenshot's a little clever.
Nobody else does though
>It's another thinly disguised /pol/ bait thread
That's why I said 'a little', mother fucker. Now shove off.
>It's another assblasted transtrending numale retard who can't stop injecting his shit politics into every single fucking thing he reads
>hey, it's a /pol/ bait thread
>UH-UH your just a /pol/-BUZZWORD /pol/-BUZZWORD /pol/-BUZZWORD /pol/-BUZZWORD /pol/-BUZZWORD /pol/-BUZZWORD /pol/-BUZZWORD
stop it, you are not good at this.
>maybe if I throw an autism tantrum then someone is going to think I'm really really smart
Well, at least you have the art of posting like a woman down even if you'll never actually look like one
It's like I'm actually on reddit. Congratz user, your shitposting really is that bad.
Well, you'd know it when you see it, huh
the only thing worse than a /pol/-shitposting is a bad /pol/-shitposting.
I had to see where all the new /pol/tards are coming from. You guys over at r/TheDonald don't get it, do you?
>mfw ignoring the one assblasted commie who is trying to shit up this thread
Fuck off back to /pol/
First you should promise everyone something you cannot or will not deliver in return for the donations. Like kickstarter.
Jokes on you, /pol/ is a buzzword.
Wanna know how we know this is just a /pol/-baiting thread?
>MFW we're still ignoring him
That would make you the most evil person though
>trying to shit up the thread
Gee what meaningful discussion in this bait thread are we being distracted from
Which is more evil, when a communist government murders millions of their citizens or when survivors of that era try to do it again one generation later?
I'm sure Veeky Forums gets a whole lot from this transparent bait threat.