>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
>Current Rumors
Old Thread:
Should I play Moonclan Grots or Clan Skryre Skaven?
Moonclan grots all night babe, unless you're a lazybones. Then paint the dozen or so models from skryre.
I wonder if the three Liberators from Shadespire will get their own warscrolls. As is, one of them, the helmetless one, would already make perfect substitute for the stupidly limited Errant-Questor from Warhammer World, and the other two could be used as either Liberator-Primes or, in case of the femcast, as a Knight-Questor with a little conversion work (sword instead of hammer, cloak).
And even if you are lazy, painting moonclan is a breeze. Prime dark grey, heavy wash with nuln oil, drybrush dark grey again, bright green skin. Ta-dah, one moonclan grot.
>Coming Late 2017
Are you sure you want to wait 6 months or more for a Errant-Questor proxy?
Should I start daemons of khorne or stormcast eternals elegan/tg/entlemen?
Sure? I mean, I already have a few Errant-Questor proxies, I'm just looking into how to best utilize that box.
Don't be so bland, pick something more rare and flavourful.
Wait for the Khorne Battletome next month before you decide. It may well be just what the Khornates need.
So do you think she's actually Mclargehuge or is she just a dainty lady in a thick suit of armor?
It's safe to assume she's just as massive as other Stormcast. They are reforged into the shape of larger-than-life ideal heroic figures.
>I wonder if the three Liberators from Shadespire will get their own warscrolls.
That's already been confirmed by GW.
Do you think she was reforged to have a bigger ass and thighs and boobs as well?
She was also a Blacksmith in her former life so we can assume she was a beig girl to begin with.
Where was this confirmed? Haven't seen anything of the sort, but I'd be glad if they did.
If you were one of the Six Smiths, wouldn't you?
Actually since they mentioned Sigmar took the whole royal household of Victria, does that mean that there's loli and shota Stormcasts out there, or did Sigmar just make them all into adults in the prime of their life?
Mentally sure, but physically their souls all got poured into a perfect adult body
Must have been nice for the elderly ones. You suddenly get a basically immortal top-tier pumped body.
Maybe today? Dunno, in lady atia's blog they both said thursday.
I assume she'll be built like a bodybuilder and would grab any regular man, run him to the ground or until the bed broke and left his mandhood dried up and aching from the brutal action.
I guess so, if you consider eternal servitude and ceaseless warfare while you slowly lose bits and pieces of yourself to super-alzheimer to be awesome.
Well, you can recover them (ask Thostos) but... eh it's like getting a lottery. You're right. Now, I DO wonder whether or not Sigmar's trying to correct this. He comments in Pantheon there were things to mend and seemed quite hellbent on achieving peace properly (as in turning swords into plowshares level of peace).
time to understand that this 'hustings" not the real one.
Atia said nothing about aelf.
REEEEEEEEEE they have been blueballing us for almost two weeks now.
The thing is, he explicitly only takes people who are on the verge of death to become Stormcasts, so the question is really whether they would rather be dead or stormforged. I assume the Victria situation was a bit unusual in that the fortress was about to be overrun and everyone slaughtered, but it still seems a bit odd.
Hey tg, i'm looking for a two handed (or long enough sword) without hands on it or within a sheath. Any idea of boxset i could find one ?
Is there any evidence to support the claim that there's more adepticon news than what we've got with Shadespire? Like, were did the idea of elf talk even come from?
No actual evidence, Im just assuming that there isnt any more
Death was still assured, even if not a RIGHT NOW situation.
Well, there was this on War Of Sigmar, where they said:
>answer tomorrow
Given "tomorrow" was the first day of Adepticon it's not a huge jump to think whatever this is will be revealed at Adepticon, just maybe the War Of Sigmar team didn't know which day.
And for what it's worth, atia/war of sigmar definitely do seen to get inside info.
I just mean that it seems a bit unusual for him to start picking non-warriors. The other Stormcasts for whom we know background were great warriors or leaders, so it must be a bit of a pinch of sigmar just goes "YOU'RE A STORMCAST AND YOU'RE A STORMCAST! EVERYONE'S A STORMCAST!" like he's Oprah.
They havent even showed the dwarfs at adepticon let alone revealed any aelves. Pretty lame 2bh, I dont give a shit about shadespire
I get how the industry works, but there is still something that comes off as quite dishonest when a rumor site fucks around with 'being allowed to tell something' or being under NDA.
He's also picked up hunters and philosophers and shit. I'd assume the only real requirement is a solid hateboner for Chaos, a willingness to surrender yourself to a greater cause and a appropriate sense of heroic defiance.
Makes sense. I guess it depends on how many people from the royal household he snagged. Just the royals and their attendants and guards, or the cook, stablehand and seamstress as well?
40k player,
On top of that, in the upcoming day i would like to try a bit of AoS with my local club. Is there any good beginner army in AoS ?
The warblades found in the Dracotian Guard kit are unsheathed bar a small leather strip, if that's any help. Beyond that you're probably easier off to combine a hiltless blade and some plasticard rods.
Would you a stormcast, even knowing she might break you?
I myself would try it. Death by Snu-Snu? Sign me up.
It's either delicious pleasure, exquisite agony or both.
It's a win/win situation.
How will she crush me when I'm taking her from behind?
A quick question: does sylvaneth alleigance make ALL wyldwoods free or just one and you need to pay for the following summoned bushes?
Women that can strangle a snake in their buttholes, user
All of them, BUT you can only take them for summoning, since Wyldwoods don't have the Sylvaneth keyword and would thus break your allegiance when taken straight.
>their souls all got poured into a perfect adult body
This isn't true because there are differences in the bodies of Stormcast, they don't all wind up with the same body. An stormcast who was big when he was mortal will be bigger still when when a reforged.
Are you implying me that the extremely positive and most reliable rumormonger that appeared just after the greatest shitstorm sorrounding the hobby and shortly before the first open interactions between company and community and stopped leaking images of her own when the company started doing it itself may actually be doing this in accordance with the company's will?
color me in two thin coats of surprise.
I never figured out what the deal with Lady Atia is.
Only thing I know for sure is that she's German.
I think it's more that they get a new body which is their old one taken to extremes of physical perfection.
Shes obviously someone that works with GW
Aleves preview happening today right?
Elffags are the worst
Elf-fags and Death-fags, united in faggotry.
play moonclan Skaven or Skryre Grots instead.
She'swearing heavy armour, for Christ's sake! Her legs are much thinner underneath. Deal with it.
>tfw you play both
Still no news other than wednesday's shadespire stuff? Is this all we're going to get?
yfw shadow elves are the best army aesthetically and strongest in the game
Rightfully so
Is that Darkj Eldar from deviant?
well if the rumours are to be believed, its elves next, then slaanesh, then probably some kind of grot (fingers crossed) and then maybe you'll get something. So next year at the earliest.
Lol so gw makes them wait two years for their second release. Watch it be a repackaging like the pestilens release
I'm actually surprising we are getting so many female stormcast fanartwork lately.
why? when has the internet ever needed an accuse to draw cute girls?
AoS newbie here, fresh off the boat from the 40k refugee camps.
Rules are pretty simple, and I like the ease of making lists with different strategic decisions, but something bugs me in the rules that I haven't found clarity for.
If say some skeletons charge a unit of archers, and they both survive the ensuing combat phase. When it's the archer player's turn, does he get to both shoot and attack in melee?
>then slaanesh
The hype
It's unbearable
He shoots in the shooting phase
God this dracoth mounts looks so stupid
First rule of rumors, until the plastic is in your hands, don't believe SHIT!
Slaanesh is getting squatted
Slaanesh is sigmar
>not made from metal
Shit art tbhfam
Not according to Fulgrim
He shoots in the shooting phase and he punches in the mlee phase.
And before you invariably start comlaining about how unbalanced that is, it is actually balanced on account of shooty units being shitawful in melee (bara few exceptions that cost an arm and a leg) plus for every shooting phase you get two player turns of melee.
Like, what, carving the image out of steel or something?
She's cute, but the limbs on the dracoth make it look like she's riding a cow.
>it is actually balanced
It's just stupid and kills simple but useful tactic against stong shooting units.
I was pretty sure she's British.
Yes, because a shooty unit that was caught with its pants down will surely fight its way out of a punch-up with a dedicated melee unit.
Well, she or he at very least speak German and knows a bunch of German 40k trivia.
>will surely fight its way out of a punch-up with a dedicated melee unit.
1) Depends on stats and random (double turns)
2) It will keep shooting, so now instead of some fast and small units you must send proper anti-infantry unit
Play Moonclan Grots and make sure that you properly color their Moonman banners and shields, paint their robes white, and then paint up your squigs onyx black with bright red lips.
Stormcasts are literally made from metal.
Double turns can and do happen either way, and have a bigger impact on shooting than assault
Doesn't change you get an assault phase in that turn either way
That's not what the Shadespire art directly points to though.
>for every shooting phase you get two player turns of melee
Unless you lose the coin flip and your opponent gets two turns in a row.
>charging unit X punches shooty units Y
>Y suffers losses and punches back
>X suffers a few wounds at worst
>Battleshock fucks unit Y further
This goes on.
Incorrect, unless it's a shitty shooting unit.
>Y shoots X at least once from range, dealing loses
>X charges Y
>Yshoots X in reaction to the charge, dealing even more loses
>X punches Y, having taken at least two fully rounds of shooting and thus likely having already been weakened fairly significantly
>Y punches X, just to salt the wound
>Unless X gets two turns in a row, it's now Y's turn to shoot again
Alright, thanks friend.
No they are not.
They're fleshy super-dudes in armour.
Cow-tit stormcast when?
Nah, they have (super)human bodies underneath that armor. Khorne worshippers were pretty happy they could bleed when they first encountered Stormcasts in the AOS novels.
Maybe the breastplates make their boobs look smaller by pushing them down.