Got any good cyberpunk random encounters, random locations or weird things?
Got any good cyberpunk random encounters, random locations or weird things?
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I'm a Sniperpunk. If you encounter me randomly you're dead meat.
Does not compute
A group of desperate methheads with clubs and knives jumps the party in a dark alley.
>Corp CEO's pet alpaca got loose. It's the last >alpaca in the world. Go get it, chummer. Before >the hoboes eat it, thank you very much.
nice pic. will you pay for the sex change ?
Or since we are cyberpunk, probably the nanotech will take care of that,
Something more interesting than fetch/kill quests would be nice.
Runaway android, escaping servitude
Two identical guys, both claim the other is an android
Illegal body mods sellers
A small phone/laptop/etc.that talks becuase someone downloaded their mind into it
Corporate goons kidnapping people for drug tests
Berserk augmented junkies, possibly escaped from the same corp
A group of people that have all replaced their bodies with identical faceless ones, form a sort of cult
Caught in the crossfire between the cybercops and some cybergangsters, none of the factions care about the civvies in the middle
Get infected by malware that spams ads in your face/HUD
I can do more
>A small phone/laptop/etc.that talks becuase someone downloaded their mind into it
Heh, that's cute.
>random encounter
I got you dog
Just a concept but I like the idea that the elite forces in cyberpunk society have the same/better augmentation as everybody else but because of their wealth and influence are better able to hide it.
Having the appearance of "traditional humans" is a mark of status in this society where few can do without cybernetics or body tech of some kind and most of the population have to make do with older, bulkier, and less elegant tech. The truly powerful have subdermal implants, nearly undetectable cybernetic limbs, or advanced genetic treatments and can pass as unaugmented when they desire.
Power armored SWAT teams. Maybe not a random encounter but a good punishment for players that get too ballsy and try to raid a building before they're ready.
Collect tissue samples from a CEO of a corp in order to clone him/her
Contaminate a shipment of destined for a rival country/corp
Determine the source of a bug in a recent OS update for household appliances
An ancient ATARI game may hold clues to a string of high profile murders. Now you just need to find an uncorrupted copy of the game and a museum quality ATARI to play it. You've heard the deserts of New Mexico are a good place to start looking.
>I didnt grow up with this, so I dont understand or like it.
You have to go back.
>the deserts of New Mexico are a good place to start looking.
Dohohotrolololo! Not many who will get et.
Mini-boss concept
Genetic improvements have given him the ability to change his body's composition to liquid at will
That's pretty cool but veers into Superheroes & Supervillains territory.
YMMV but I think most RPGs veer into comic book territory when you really consider what the characters are capable of. Especially so with villains.
>Just as a cyberpunk example
>Major Kusanagi
>super strength and agility.
>ability to look through the eyes of other people.
>limited mind control.
Well, anything that can be justified by micro-machinery and cybernetics/bionetics is fair game in the cyberpunk genre, but turning biological matter into controllable liquids is a stretch.
What if it's not biological matter being transformed? Could be an inorganic body with more limited capabilities than a traditional "water superguy"
Okay, please provide a good explanation of how a cyborg can transmute his body into water and back at will.
Doesn't have to be water, just used "water superguy" as an example of the type of power we were talking about. Let's just say liquid instead of water since that leaves more options open.
The point is that you can use your imagination to look at some modern tech developments and extrapolate from there how we might be able to improve upon them in the distant future. Just a casual reading of science articles over the past few years shows that there's a lot of interest in phase transitions. It's one of those basic areas of science that we'll continue to research for a long time and the funding is clearly there.
Could that lead to solids that can transform to liquids and back? Maybe! Could it be clouds of nanbots instead? Maybe! Is it possible it never leads to any sort of consumer/military tech in the next 100 years? Also Maybe!
Use what you're comfortable with and if you don't like it, don't use it.
Now that's good power-armorin'!
That's dieselpunk
A good explanation would probably be a nanobot cloud with the ability to change the state of their sheath from solid to liquid and viceversa, so he's not exactly fully liquid but composed of an ionized water-like metal controlled by nanobot cores
Thread needs more punk...girls.
How's this?
Yeaaaahhhhhhhh...but I prefer mine slimmer.
You have succesfully triggered me, I hope you will get your socks wet you absolute sociopath!
>Posting lesbians
In the dark future of the 21st century there are only dykes
You guys really need to step up your cybergirl posting.
Original 2020. Seen those a million times already.
Something for the girls
oh my, you could crack ICE on those abs
Hey, it's better than post 80s stuff.
Looks like someone cracked a few bullets on them.
Here's something for the other girls.
His abs are...hard-wired.
Augmented breakdance battle.
Duck into a club to hide, encounter black metal gig enhanced by cyberware. Need a gas mask or augmented lungs to breathe the atmosphere thanks to the smoke machines.
Go-gang surrounds you, leader demands to battle pokemon/play a children's card game/battle spinning tops/trade stickers with you.
Minor celebrity surrounded by entourage and cameras, trailed by fangirls.
A cyborg karate master has heard of your exploits and challenges you to a duel
An experimental tank drone has been hacked and is rampaging throughout the city
Robo-pigeons are "dropping" micro explosives on cars all over town
Someone has stolen the body of the ceo of a major company but left his brain, he wants you to go get it back
Syndicate members are "repossessing" cybernetics purchased at their back alley clinics, time to find out why
These are more quest hooks than random encounters but take em anyway
Wire stock abs help bring the sci-fi tech level down.
Roll a D20. If it comes up 14 or below, use the corresponding chapter from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Above? Pick your favorite.
First time DM for Cyberpunk here, I'm running a campaign and the big hook for me is using a soundtrack integrated with what we're doing at the time (Walking around Night City, fighting, hacking, boss battles etc.)
Anybody got favorite music they like to listen to for that Cyberpunk feel that they could recommend? I've got lots of Perturbator, Mega Drive, some Lazer Hawk, and Carpenter Brut.
One of my low-key faves: Alex Davidson-Mainframe.
My favorite album at the moment:
Adjunct to this question, since I'm in a similar boat, though I'm looking for music leaning closer to punk with some cyber than most synthwave I've heard offers, with some ambiance thrown in for good measure.
Stuff like:
with some
and a little
if it were instrumental.
Thanks, that's a good Night City roaming track if I ever heard one
>Scandroid is really a side project for Celldweller
Well, I know a couple songs on there I'll add to my soundtrack, I appreciate it!
I'm a fan of metal myself, so I won't count it out, plus just one genre of music can get a little monotonous.
That first song is definitely going on the soundtrack list for if/when we visit a scumbag biker bar. I can't say I've ever played E.Y.E. Cybermancy, but I feel like I've done myself a disservice not to.
Made some playlists. Just have a look, take what you like and discard the rest. Here's a general one:
The other playlists are more specific. The longest playlist is the sound we used to listen when playing CP2020 like 20 years ago.
Pi OST is also pretty excellent:
Two Companies are promoting their new brand of soft drink in the same area at the same time. Due to the pressures and upcoming performance review, the regional marketing directors of the two companies are pulling out all the stops and favours they have to make sure their brand gains dominance. This has escalated as agents suddenly thinking something big is going down have prompted a full scale gang war with several biker and local gangs as well as more accomplished agents engaged in a blend of ultraviolence and promotion with the regional managers just getting wind of this and screaming silently in their offices. Whether it's up to you to fix this, make one side win, or just go down to the shop with half a dozen bottles of super sweet swill stuck in your basket, depends on you.
There was quite a cool idea in a weapons thread (, , ) about high levels of restriction on weapons and newly produced weapons all having compulsory computers in them leading to a backstreet black market and an area like an urban version of the Khyber pass - where people make guns from scrap and can maintain antique weapons amazingly - plenty of opportunities for shenanigans and adventure in the streets of the 'little Khyber'
Cybergoth fashion is one of the ugliest things that's ever turned me on
I've always wanted to run "Mr. Johnson's Johnson." It's a fetch quest, but enough added on to make it special/hook into more. Runners are tasked with retrieving simple viagra from a pharmacy. The problem is, Johnson's wife has another team tasked with preventing them from doing so. Why? Because if she can claim impotence in the divorce settlement, she avoids a section in the pre-nup preventing her from shacking up with anyone else. Is your party bad enough dudes to save Mr. Johnson's Johnson?
That's actually a dude, isn't it?
You fuckin know it
If anything, it would be the opposite.
The Johnson having a Viagra prescription would prove legally that he has a problem, and his wife would be interested in getting a prescription to be able to exploit that clause.
No matter how impotent the Johnson is, if there's no proof, there's always an alibi - remember, most intercourse without protection doesn't actually result in pregnancy right away, and a couple who only bone once in a while (like a middle-aged or busy couple) wouldn't fuck a lot.
The Johnson might have an old prescription lying around that the runners have to stop the wife from unearthing, or he might have none but the runners need to stop the wife from having her own hired help falsify it.
Also, Viagra isn't a medicine against impotence - it's against erectile dysfunction. The difference is massive, yet almost everyone seems to think that if a man can get a hard-on, he can't be impotent.
That's why I stick with cyber-metal fashion. Like heavy metal fashion, but cyber-er, and a bit gothier.
The stores are just down the road from the cybergoth one, but it's heavier fabrics, spikes and hanging chains instead of neon and rubber and plastic, and metal rings everywhere to make it shiny. Then a patchwork of minor repairs because it's all made in china with shitty stitching that can't take the strain if you catch a chain on something while walking. Which is still preferable to the chain bending out of shape.
Do you mean like pic related?
Not preferring nu-rave to all that goth stuff.
Not quite. That's still goth. I have long metalhead hair, everything's more flowing, and there's much more actual metal involved.
And for most of the year, a leather trenchcoat over the top to keep the wind off and cold at bay.
I learned the hard way not to wear it in summer. Heatstroke is not fun.
That's so 1998.
Jokes aside, I can relate to the not wearing a bigass coat in summer. Had a heat stroke during a punk festival while wearing a heavy duster.
> Nu-anything
> Hip-hop influenced
Ew, no.
I also learned not to wear a long coat to festivals of any kind. My mother insisted I go to one with her, and then put her walking stick down on my coat and punched a hole.
And leather, because my biker/aviator-style leather jacket got completely saturated at one last year, and took a week to dry out after I got it home. My studded leather gloves were beyond repair; all the stitching came out on one side, then they rusted.
This year's festival overwear will be an actual biking jacket. No leather, plenty of insulation, and armour pads at elbows and shoulders in case of moshpit. And the oh-so-stylish tear down one sleeve because I fell off a bike while wearing it and slid to a halt.
>Afro-American culture
No thanks