>play with my wife
>she starts flirting with another character
Play with my wife
Other urls found in this thread:
OP is literally a cuck
Not trolling. That literally happened with me, though it was girlfriend, not wife. She later cheated on me with the guy playing the character.
Shit, is this how I look when I'm flirting with the DM while her husband plays another character?
This is why I always request all players play naked at the table.
You wouldn't believe how fun naturalist D&D is
Especially with the kids. In all fun Druid Campaigns, or Evil campagins and you bring Pigs blood to soak them in
Not a Pedo, I swear.
It's a warning sign. You've been warned. ______(dump|kill|marry|seduce|cook) her before she _______(cheats|dies|leaves|spoils|explodes)
Can a woman cheat on you with a fictional npc?
>My wife's character's son
>play with my fiancee
>she plays a hardcore slut that flirts with every PC and NPC she can find
>that was, like, 3 years ago or so, I'm long since married with her
>she stil often plays characters that act nothing like her in life, including shit like ascetic monks, crazy sociopaths and slutty courtisans
>she's still mostly a demure puritan in bed, although she asks me to kinky stuff once in a while
There are two different kind of people who play RPGs, user: those who self-insert and those who get in-character.
In your case in particular, it sounds like a problem with a particular person, not something that can be generalized as a rule of thumb.
There was a period of time when I was playing footsies with my DM's wife that's as far as that went
Try to make sure she's not sitting next to or across the player and check under the table, she might be playing another game with them unbeknownst to you
What if cooking her would cause her to explode?
Anyone got that Korean cartoon about the who fucks the guy who fucked his why to assert dominance?
>Try to make sure she's not sitting next to or across the player and check under the table, she might be playing another game with them unbeknownst to you
Don't bring consoles on a gaming table!
I am increasingly worried
>playing game with friends wife
>she keeps flirting with my character
>lines blur
>she just starts flirting with me
That one ended poorly. I'm not even good at flirting, and while I'm more attractive than him by a mile, he is taller than me by 4 inches at 6'2" and "short, dark and handsome" just never had the same ring. Anyway, that's not the point. It ruined their relationship and the game. Keep an eye on that shit, not everyone will be honest.
>letting your marriage be ruined by a manlet
Don't blame yourself, your friend was weak.
She's fucking the other character's player. I've seen this happen so many times with couples in games. I'm so sorry user.
>have a wife
>have a pics of chinese cartoon little girls also saved on your PC
geez, I wonder what that does say about you and why would she cuck you
I keep seeing posts like these more and more recently. What the fuck is happening to Veeky Forums?
Because he isn't weak willed enough to toss aside the things he likes for a female? Great advocacy for women and marriage right there.
Just social inability finally catching up to them.
>implying my wife isn't a hardcore fujoshi that schlicks to bara yaoi
Step it up, fampai.
>It ruined their relationship
It as probably more of a symptom than a cause.
Maybe try talking to her about it, crazy idea I realize but just fucking try.
The cuckposters ruining /pol/ and /tv/ are hitting other boards.
My girlfriend trying to fuck another guy would be a cause in my book.
well the fact he liked it even before still says a lot
>marrying weeb slut masturbating to poorly drawn gay porn and being proud of it
level of "you asked for it" just increased tenfold
Thankfully we weren't married, but this sort of thing happened to me back in my early 20s, with my then-girlfriend of seven years. Her character started flirting with someone else's character, and they got a little too close, and I found out later she was cheating on me.
Seven fucking years, and at the drop of a hat, she goes off and jumps on some other dude's dick. Thankfully I was the one who dumped her, and got to call her a cheating slut to her face.
I've sworn off women since then. It's men for me from now on!
user. I am a very beautiful man. Give me a peach crate to stand on and I am unstoppable.
>I've sworn off women since then. It's men for me from now on!
>Roleplaying: Bringing (homo) people together since 1971!
There seems to be a huge trend lately across several boards of people screaming about how horrible cheating is, or how good cucking is, etc etc.
It's the new futa I guess?
>still sad from breakup with ex-gf
>week-end at my place, gm and his gf are there
>whole group of friends there
>gm's gf notice I'm down (I usually try to keep smiling)
>I explain to her
>we start talking more the following weeks
>we talk about everything, our memories, our hopes, our stories
>basically my self-esteem went down slowly after the breakup and now I'm sad and alone
>she isn't really happy with her couple because her bf plays vidya all the time, doesn't care about her anymore, no sex life anymore
>we flirt a bit when we see each other, nothing much
>I feel fucking bad about it but I can't really stop
>by this time we've talked a lot about our passions, our hopes, our fears, etc
>realize I love her
>she says she loves me too
>one day at a party where we were both invited, I get drunk and kiss her
Needless to say I feel awful.
Many teenagers who started to browse Veeky Forums past decade got a job, married, had the honeymoon, kids....
Calling someone who got cheated on a 'cuck' is falling for SJW bullshit where it's the guys fault he can't 'hold a woman' instead of her fault for being a lying, deceiving cunt. People who are wronged by others have no fault of their own. People who fuck up are to blame.
Ironically, you are a cuck to women when you call betrayed men 'cucks'. Because you are excusing or lessening their lack of character and morals by putting responsibility on the guy.
If she does it to him, she'll do it to you.
1) Bros come before ho's.
2) If she can dump him that easily, she will dump you just as easily.
3) I know you're lovestruck right now, but I've been in the same situation as you are right now, and trust me - she's a complete whore, and she's not worth this mess.
Drop her, user, drop her like a hot rock, and do it before you fuck, not after. There will be another woman, much better than her.
But the term "cuck" literally comes from "cuckold", user.
Not that guy, but you're jumping too fast to the conclusion that the guy is guilty while NOTHING in this thread says who did lie/deceive.
So I recommend moderation because
> FemiNazis are a very undesirable type of SJW
> Both parts are guilty more than 90% of times some issue arises
This guy gets it. Never trust a woman, doubly so when she is leaving her current partner for you.
>Everything I don't like it a SJW
The reason why men are called cucks is because all women are lying deceiving cunts. They're mimics of male emotions and will do whatever is in their best interest no matter how destructive to others.
Back on topic though.
This is why you don't have a mixed sex role playing group. Men and women interacting only leads to temptation. They can't be your friends, you can't be their friend. You're rivals in the mating game and you should understand this at all times. Being able to build a "fictional" personal relationship at the table is only going to lead to real emotions coming out as well.
The TG crowd is becoming widely accepted and so can stop living in basements permanently.
They have girls now, and girl troubles.
>The reason why men are called cucks is because all women are lying deceiving cunts.
Thanks user, I needed a laugh
And thanks for knighting me, also appreciated!
>play with girlfriend
>she starts flirting with NPC
>it's okay because I'm the GM
>be DM
>girlfriend has always wanted to play D&D
>set up campaign, invite some regulars
>she invites her sister
>they have their characters flirt constantly
>dear lord this is weird but super hot
Sometimes good things happen too.
Where's that Pompeii graffiti quote when you need it?
>Got cucked by the DM
The worst thing is that I tried to pretend it was nothing and I was paranoidl
My theory...
Permavirgins from /r9k/ telling lies about being cheated on in order to perpetuate the myth that ALL women are cheaters; a myth which they desperate cling to try to alleviate their butthurt over not having had contact with a vagina since they were born.
>I am a very beautiful man
>This is why you don't have a mixed sex role playing group. Men and women interacting only leads to temptation. They can't be your friends, you can't be their friend. You're rivals in the mating game and you should understand this at all times. Being able to build a "fictional" personal relationship at the table is only going to lead to real emotions coming out as well.
Never encountered this problem, not even once.
Not everyone is constantly looking for new people to fuck, dude. Most women prefer being with one guy. All you have to do to keep her is be moderately attractive and not super duper boring.
This is proven false by any study on female mating practices or a basic study of female psychology or human biology. Do you think human penises evolved to remove rival's semen from a vagina by random chance?
Women are resource seekers, they will always leave a partner for one with more resources if the chance is there to do so.
>TFW she whispers an NPC's name in your ear while you are kissing her neck
I have mixed feelings about bringing roleplaying into the bedroom
Links to sources please.
I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about that before. The good outweighs the bad right user?
do you have an eversor gf and if so where do I get one too?
>Studies of at most, a few thousand individuals, can be generalised across a demographic that currently includes about 3.5 billion individuals with an exceptionally wide range of behaviours.
Either /pol/lack or /r9k/bot to be this blindly dedicated to the idea that """"studies"""" are applicable to everyday life and social interactions.
Doesn't make much of a difference either way. I have friends who've cheated on their partners and friends who haven't despite constant opportunities. You can't apply hard rules to human beings, even if 999 of them do one thing, there's always one that'll do the opposite, if only to be contrary.
>This is proven false by any study on female mating practices or a basic study of female psychology or human biology.
Oh look, a totally unsourced claim.
I can tell you, via the in depth study that is living in the real world, that your insistence that all humans act exactly the same way is retarded.
>Do you think human penises evolved to remove rival's semen from a vagina by random chance?
No. But we evolved that feature long before the concept of consent or fidelity were introduced to our collective understanding of the world. It has no relevance today whatsoever when examining the psychology of anyone.
Not him, but you just applied a general rule yourself.
You can't prove when either concept was introduced to humanity or where on it's evolutionary chain the penis shape became the primary one. You're making insane claims which can't be proven and then claiming other people don't have sources.
>Eversor gf
Aren't they in danger of exploding if they lose concentration? Ever night with her must be an exercise in not making her go full Ahego.
>Be big guy
>Move to new state for long distance relationship turning short
>She likes freeform RP but has never done tabletop
>Make it my mission to introduce her to the hobby without any problems.
>Gather friends over the course of months, carefully selecting them for this task, two of them also big guys from the local gym.
>Finally have a social circle I can trust and at last the day has come
>Set up at the local game store
>Everything is perfect, we all worked out our character sheets before hand
>Suddenly some fucking Melvin from a table over who was painting Warhammer minis asks what we're doing.
"Oh yeah, it's nothing interesting, just playing Savage Worlds."
>My overly polite faggot friend chimes in. "Yeah, did you want to join?"
"Well we kinda already made everyone's character sheet, so making a new one would kinda slow us down. Maybe next time."
>GF weighs in. "Oh, come on hun, let him play."
>Waste half an hour on building this character sheet.
>Literally within ten minutes the dweeb: "I check under her skirt for traps!"
Luckily, my GF in character beat the shit out of him and the session just kinda petered out shortly afterward. Just fucking annoying that her introduction into the hobby was the exact thing I was trying to avoid. Socially awkward nerds drooling on her. We still play with friends nowadays but we've never played at local game store since, she'd need a burka if we did.
She wants the players D user. Quickly get a divorce before it's too late!
I'm pretty sure exploding is either random word or Kira Yoshikage reference
I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
Now why do I know that well enough I could easily find it on Google?
>Women are resource seekers, they will always leave a partner for one with more resources if the chance is there to do so.
Not all the time. Depends on things like where they are in their cycle. How good the guy she is dating genetics are based on her attraction level. Which can be correlated again to her cycle.
It is very possible to go for a mating strategy where one goes for someone who is very intelligent but poor as a long term hedging bet that he'll gain enough wealth in the long term or just in general up her survival chances. There is also social factors like someone rich but in an unstable hated social position vs someone who is middle class and in a very stable social position.
There is also the spite factor. For things like how badly will it hurt people she hates and how much of a gain she can get from doing so for a limited time. Mental stability also is a factor since they need to make a judgement call on who has more value to them in the time frame they need and instability can cloud that.
All in all it's a complex web of fuckery involving far too many chemicals to really pin down exactly what will happen. Aggregate statistics over a large whole is about the only way to get a semi accurate representation and even that likely doesn't consider factors they will hide or other small but significant factors.
>made my character a heartless flirt
>flirt with all the female NPCs
>DM is a girl
>her boyfriend is also a player
It's only as weird as you let it be.
My wife is the one who started it though so your milage will vary.
>one time user made up a story on Veeky Forums and then later a different user saw it and got horny because he pictured nude children playing D&D
>And then they fucked.
Anyone have that screencap of him joking with his GF about her cheating before she dumps him, then she does it?
>made my character a heartless flirt
>flirt with all the female NPCs
>DM is a dude
This is why, if you ever end up making a character with a fairly romantic or sexual side to them, you talk to the DM about it. Hell, no matter what character concept you're going for, talk to the DM about it. Hell, unless you're explicity going for a surprise party composition where you've been given a prompt, the DM should be at least somewhat involved with your character concept, even if it's just to give the OK.
Communication is key in tabletop RPGs. Most of the issues in this thread could have been snubbed early or even prevented outright if there was better communication in the group. Fuck.
On a brighter note, are there any stories of IC romances that turned into OoC ones? Or at least stories where this issue came up, but was solved peacefully?
What do you guys think the new buzzword for [I DON'T LIKE THING] will be in 2022?
>2007: faggot
>2012: autist
>2017: cuck
>2022: ????
>2027: PROFIT
Or maybe people have always cheated on each other and cultural relaxation about casual sex has exacerbated this issue.
The breakdown of the nuclear family and male-female relations in the West has been ongoing for decades now, and there's no indication that things will get better anytime soon.
I think the word will beNigger since it already represents something no one likes.
That's eternal, that's not a buzzword.
If you insist on turning up to the table with a body pillow and demand that it should get it's own character sheet, you might be That Guy.
She's testing to see how you react. If you don't make a big deal out of it, she'll think you're okay with her cheating on you for real as well.
Faggot is still around as well, it's just turned into "-fag" and is used as an honorific.
Yes. Stop it.
That's already a well-used term, you stupid nigger. God, you newfags are so retarded it hurts.
I'm going to put my bet on friend.
That reminds me, retard was before autist, wasn't it?
Exceptional individuals don't disprove the idea that monogamy is a cultural invention that rapidly loses significance once stigma against it is removed and the benefits are available outside it.
Not all people cheat, but a lot do.
Literally had this thread yesterday.
>adverb adj noun
Homu is this you?
>female friend asks to join RPG group
>girlfriend of different player thinks the female friend is trying to steal her man so gets him to lean on me to let her join as well
>now I've two women passive-aggressively sniping at each other from across the table
>not cool
>Do you think human penises evolved to remove rival's semen from a vagina by random chance?
Got a link? Seems an intresting read
This makes me sad. I like monogamy.
Damn son
Me too, but it's a rapidly dying concept. Most people are now only serially monogamous, and those periods of monogamy are often interspersed with periods of hypergamy. Which is a shame for everyone involved, because divorce rates and overall life happiness all rocket upwards as you increase the number of sexual partners.
Free love, welfare, and no-fault divorce have completely shredded relationships, and our generation is fucked right in the middle of the transitional period.
Amusing! You speak like my grandpa - i.e. like the grandgrandparents of most people in this thread!
So stupid. Why is his pants still on? No equality
Shit, nigga, everyone is talking about the death of Western relationships. "Chads" and "Stacey"'s complain about how empty their hookup culture is, professional women get depressed and suicidal as they approach their 30's with no husband or children on the horizon, men have a variety of ideological enclaves like Redpill nonsense and MGTOW and incel and whatever. People have been growing alarmed at rising divorce rates and falling marriage rates.
There's other factors too. Economics play a big part. Young people don't have houses, which are massively important for giving a family some wealth to play with. People can't support a family on a single income, so nobodies around to raise the children.
Considering how widely seen that adaptation is?
It would have to be truly ancient. Much, much older than civilization.