Is it wrong to reject an application because the person has an obnoxious voice?
Is it wrong to reject an application because the person has an obnoxious voice?
Nah. If their voice causes you to cringe it's going to be difficult to take them seriously or not be irritated every time they speak.
That being said, one of my favorite players has one of those voices and it bugged the shit out of me. But eventually I began to realise how much of an awesome dude he was and I got over it.
No, it isn't.
I kicked a player like that once, though not because of how he sounded, but because he was speaking with such a heavy accent that I couldn't understand half of what he was saying.
Meh, it's a minor wrong.
If you play by voice, then no, it's not wrong. Game is supposed to be fun for everyone involved, and if player's voice is a dealbreaker for you the sooner you make it known to him the better.
I gather players from all around the non-anglosphere then we pick a gm who appears not so confident or emotionally stable in his profile and game descriptions. We show up with a ready party, get the gm narrating long-winded boilerplate texts typically during the intro of the first town/dungeon then we mutiny and kick him out.
Ask yourself
>is this person taking away the enjoyment of the rest of the group?
He may speak with an obnoxious voice, he may enjoy different things, he may hold certain opinions.
Whatever the reason, if he is hindering your fun, he should be discarded.
>Meh, it's a minor wrong.
This is correct.
It's wrong, but what are you going do, never be wrong?
There's worse things than being wrong.
Having an annoying voice piped into your ear, ruining your hobby, might just be worse for you.
What if I let loose a foghorn blast on the mic in lieu of autistic screeching when the gm doesn't give me what I want, will you reject me next time OP?
I wouldn't reject or kick an application/player because they have an obnoxious voice, unless they are doing the voice on purpose. If they are talking with an obnoxious voice on purpose I'd call them out in private.
Now, if their voice is simply obnoxious then I can't blame them. A voice being annoying is the last and one of the most weak problems you can have in a player, specially because they can always just change the pitch of their voice or something to make the "obnoxious" part be less problematic.
What if their wallpaper was just bland and middling? Nothing kills imagination faster than shitty tryhard furniture and paint choices.
The dudes probably a Veeky Forums because of his voice, don't need to hurt him any further and might as well let him join if he isn't a sperg.
You are under no obligation to accept anyone to your game who you think will damage your fun for any reason. It's your game, you made it for your enjoyment and you don't have to apologize for what you like and don't like.
It's your work and your entertainment, not a charity. Accept him only if you think it makes the game better, not out of a sense of moral obligation.
What if the player was a dj who plays sick beats all session for free, and even took requests once he got to know the group better, but he did have a mildly obnoxious pitch and diction when he spoke?
No. Especially not if they're pretending to be a woman. Autogynephiles not welcome!
>banning perverts who modify themselves into sexpots to fulfill their degenerate sexual fantasies
I dunno what kind of game you're running but it sounds dull as hell.
Wow this might be the worst thread on Veeky Forums. OP stop being a faggot. Not accepting a player because you find thier voice annoying is a bitch move.
assblasted tranny detected
Do what ya want 'cause a pirate be free,
You are a pirate.
It's a little petty but if you don't enjoy someone's company then you don't enjoy someone's company.
No point gaming with people you can't stand.
What if my voice was a deep, reassuring baritone but i was also a nigger plunging my throbber into a white girl's meatpot? Asking for a friend.
>playing voice
I will never understand you people
If it's not anal it doesn't count.
Then you'd be a talented voice actor.
Then I'd run any game you'd want provided your character has a BBC.
Not everyone is an emotionally-crippled Millennial.
Depending on how severe, it'd be best to cut the loss; Roll20 is filled with all kinds of strange people. Veeky Forums is a saint compared to some of the shit you see on roll20.
Thats just you being a racist bigot. Reported for racism.
aren't there like, voice filter programs?
Would you let Fran Drescher join your game?
>a qt thick amazon will never have her way with you
>even if she does you won't be able to eat cookies and mold playdough while being given a degree in rape survival
feels like XY chromosomes man
>wanting games to take 5,000,000 years
>being bothered by voice
I will never understand you people
>Trump reaction image
Confirmed racist.
In a similar vein, what else has Veeky Forums used as grounds to reject an application or kick someone after a session?
>That guy who wants to play a nonhuman, especially a species that is either anathema to your setting/campaign or just weird and inappropriate.
>being so illiterate that typing takes longer than talking
Wow, your generation really is fucking retarded. You should all kill yourselves.
Caraposter please go back to /LGBT/
Guy asked to be "a Jew" or a least "as heavily PERSECUTED as one"
/Pol/ red flag
I have kicked people or rejected applicants for so much less. So, no, it's not wrong. It's your game mate, you should only invite or accept people you will want to play with.
Probably deus vult fags or people who play the typical human hero. Not because I don't like it but because I've got a friend who fills that niche in every single campaign and he doesn't do well with competition. Deus vult humans only fags aren't welcome though.
I ask all my applicants if they are autistic. If they say anything resembling yes, I just kick them. The I have a little session zero where we all talk and I kick anyone who is obviously autistic.
Had one guy who kept reading greentext stories about the fetish of imagining oneself as a tampon. He kept reading even when everyone asked him to stop, then kept reading when we all where yelling over him to stop.
When he finished he said, "okay, one more" we all said no. He promised he would leave the group if we didn't find it funny. Unsurprisingly no one laughed. Then when we told him he was out he was mad at us for holding him to his word.
That's a really big one, 9/10 times the person end up being an autistic furfaggot who tries to inject his fetish into everything
>but user, humans, elves and dwarves are *boring*
Man, it must be nice not playing D&D
It really is. I run almost entirely supers games these days. Pathfinder totally burnt me out on the whole d&d umbrella
Pathfinder players, you mean. And yes, Shitseeker is utter garbage.
Yeah, the players. The most entitled little shits I've ever seen in tabletop. I often wonder how they got like this. Then I return to my superhero games where builds don't exist, levels aren't as important, and powers are random, making players think about how they can use their powers before deciding there is only one way to do things.
Of coarse not.
If I have the power to remove some shrill nasally voice from ruining my happy fun times I do it.
ITT: petty faggots show why they're reduced to pretending to be elves on the internet (and even then still don't know how to play nicely with others)
Tips on improving voice?
I don't know, I feel like this is at times true, but not quite the way you see it. I've played a lot of humans, elves and dwarves in the last twenty years, and I like to play other things too. Maybe I have a snake fetish, but I've never played a naga or anything, but I do tend to gravitate toward other things these days. I run into a lot of settings where humans have virtually no culture except whatever real world expy you want to throw on them, and that's just disappointing.
Watch youtube tutorials and practice every day. Or get a voice trainer. Like, if you want to train your voice to be able to get higher, hold your fingers to your adam's apple (if you're a man), and try to enunciate, etc... All things you learn.
I know that feel my friend. I know it well.
Cheers to you and a big "fuck you" to them!
It's wrong to demand voice and/or video for a goddamn RPG.
Go back to your safe space, shitty little kid
Now imagine you've posted a game on Roll20. It's a post-apocalypse setting where rifts have opened up all over the world and is now ravaged by elementals that scour the land. These things are killing many through their unthinking or alien motivated actions as they unravel or destroy anything they come into contact with. These creatures are feared and hated to the extreme, with newly specialised groups created to drive them back to their realms of primordial chaos. Your game is about one of these groups.
>Applicant: "I wanna play an elemental!"
If it is I don't want to be right
Not quite the same but I once got an unsolicited message (bear in mind my profile only mentions wanting to play games) .
>'Sorry to bother, but would you be able to GM a game of A Song of Ice and Fire RPG on Saturdays 6pm GMT for about 3-4 hours? i already have 3 other players who would be interested but all we need now is a GM. Any questions just please PM me back. Thanks!'
So many things wrong with that...
>it's wrong to demand you talk to the other players like a goddamn human being.
Let me guess, you still use IRC?
Enterprising lad eventually found a mate who could back up all his expertise talk and gm on the spot instead of alternately whinging and cockcontesting on an anonymous weeb board. You didn't think you were the only player familiar with the system he pm'd right?
I feel like Fran Drescher would be fun to play with. Maybe just adjust the levels on her audio output or something.
Or no one did because that shit is pathetic and a really big red flag.
Not that guy, but if I got a really specific request like that, I'd turn it down. No way in hell - If I don't get to pick the time, the players, or what we're doing, why the hell would I agree?
not everyone is an uptight redflagging autist who treat the internet like a real world downtown sidewalk.
>roleplaying risktaking adventurers while having an anal-retentive personality
there, i just redflagged you in my redflag book i keep in my shirt pocket. people taking chances built america sonnyboy.
itt: Problem player.
or friendmaker. separated by mutable perspectives. all of us roll die at the end of the day.
Poor grammar, too. For some reason, that really irks me more than anything.
The thing is, committing to a game takes a lot of effort. The DM also has to do more than everyone else at the table. That's why he has to be picky: Players are easy to come by, but a good DM is really hard to find.
I can't see why anyone would just randomly run a game without vetting.
for Fun Structure Babby
The question should not be whether it's wrong or right, but what's best for the group as a whole. And generally, if something annoys the GM, it's best for the group if that something is removed or rendered less annoying, because if the GM is constantly annoyed, that will certainly make the game worse for everything involved. Of course, there are exceptions(if everyone else loves the thing, for instance), but those rarely crop up during player selection.
Nah, I just think it's weird to approach strangers and ask them to do 70% of the work on something completely out of the blue and with no prior connection. You've got to question the mindset of someone who thinks that's okay or end up handholding some guy and his buddies through their pre-built themepark if you're into that.
he didn't pm you personally and neither did he ask out of habit. the consistent sentiment im getting from this thread is gming is more a chore than a hobby. i wouldn't want to play with those people too.
It's work, sure, the trick is finding that sweet spot where it doesn't seem like it (be that via a specific system or style of play, a good group who are all invested and comfortable with each other, or whatever). Then it's rewarding as hell.
>claims to be female
>doesn't want to use voicechat
>claims to be female
>uses voicechat
>puts on a fucking horrible "female" voice
I don't get why these "people" can't just use their normal voice. "B-but if I'm not allowed to roleplay my fake female persona while I'm roleplaying my fake elf persona I can't have any fun!"
Fuck off, nitwit. I signed up for D&D not non-consensual tranny roleplay
As everyone else else has said, it's perfectly fine. Just be upfront upfront and honest with them about it.
I've kicked players who obsessively follow, talk about, and want to remake their characters according to flavor of the month anime. Oh, and anyone who thinks JoJo is the best thing ever. They can never take criticism and tend to be young assholes.
The jojo fad was only like a year and it's dead again.
You're getting pretty hostile, buddy. Some of the criticism hitting a nerve? Don't get defensive about it, I can see where they're coming from- GMing is a commitment-
>the consistent sentiment im getting from this thread is gming is more a chore than a hobby
-no one said that-
so setting so many requirements seems rude, presumptious and entitled.
Or maybe he just doesn't want terrible players in his rpg game
GMs are rare, players are common. Deal with it.
Uh, I'm defending the guy who was asked to GM. I'm agreeing with you here.
As someone who has a lisp and doesn't like to even hear themselves talk when gming and does gm for 4 people who when use mics I can barely understand them, I think its fine as long you TELL them why. If anything I would be more upset if you didn't tell me over just saying its just too hard to understand what your saying and you don't want to do text RP.
Maybe its just me but is it really hard to be respectful to each other in this kind of hobby?
People of color me retarded then. :^)
Thank goodness this is an anonymous sand-art zen garden because yes, that was pretty retarded but no hard feelings. We can both just laugh at the cuck crying about people insulting him for defending entitled cuntbags who stipulate
>the group
>the day
>the time AND length
>the system
If you can't handle someone's voice, then you can't handle someone's voice. That's the long and short of it.
Their voice distracting you would give you less focus on the players, thereby lessening the game for everyone involved.
Nope. Everyone has to have fun for a game to succeed. If the voice is a hurdle, it's a perfectly good reason to reject them. Just be honest about it.
It's just that text players are more easily distracted from stuff than voice players, so they can wander off to browse imgur in middle of combat
That's why I suggested using voice for OOC so that I can screetch at person we are waiting for
I don't think it's wrong. It's kind of a shitty thing to do but like many have said, you're playing the game for the enjoyment of everyone at the table. If one person diminishes everyone else's fun then they should be kicked. Better to do it at the start then later on if you know it's going to be a problem. I've never rejected someone for a annoying voice myself but I've rejected and kicked players because they could not meet a minimum requirement of descent audio quality. The important thing is to communicate in your post your expectations of players. I made it clear in the game I was running that I would not accept anyone that had excessive background noise or very poor audio quality. Because I made it clear initially I didn't feel bad when I stopped someone mid game and asked them to leave because they would not solve a background sound problem. I told them several times to mute himself while he wasn't talking he refused to, so I kicked him.
Could be a real Jew and just wanted everyone to know how persecuted he feels.
>ywn run a campaign for Fran Drescher, Katey Sagal, Bobcat Goldthwait, Gilbert Gottfried, and Steven Wright
Nobody likes you, /pol/
Seems to me that nobody likes you, actually.
I like this person
Shit dude I got into a group for Mutant year zero on that site and the dude sounded like mr plinkett and had a hard time saying shit. He would add W's to things. Like Pwease opwen the dwoor. I was flabbergasted by that. Doesn't help that he set his game in a nuked japan and the rest of the party had anime names. Its exactly what you would think it to be. Bad!
I like to think of it as suberogatory
ethical actions might be divided as such
Imperatives: Things that are good to do, and bad not to do (eg get to work on time)
Supererogatory actions; things that are good to do, but not bad not to do (eg give to charity)
Suberogatory actions: things that are good not to do, but not bad to do (eg remove someone from your game for having an annoying voice)
Prohibitions: things that are bad to do and good not to do (eg murder children)
>ethical actions
You could work that into a new alignment system.